Added to game Pirate Arena (Desert)

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by sulusdacor, Jun 8, 2022.

  1. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    a fighting pit basically.

    this has currently NO admin core. you can do the arena when friendly/neutral with pirates(and gain rep). i think it works fine, but i am open to change it. i would like some feedback on that issue specifically (admin core or not).


    name: BA_PiratesArena
    group: PiratesMain
    spawnname: Arena
    offset: -36
    x blueprint flattens ground
    x terrain removal
    x keep topsoil
    x SAVE DMG STATS ON (for the arena prizes)
    sizeclass 8.49

    arena is set up so it can be done if friendly with the pirates.
    pull any arena lever and get droped in to fight to the death.
    skulls indicate the difficult level estimation.
    arena difficulties are not condidional, meaning you can start at arena difficulty 4 and fight arena difficulty 2 after and skip the arena difficulty 1. Or pull all arena levers and do all at once, all up to you.
    each arena difficulty has a public prize box at the end (large brown box behind alien loot in the end rooms).
    -enemies are set to predator, so you should in theory gain reputation with it.
    -the poi is NO admin core one and NO shield, meaning you can still destroy blocks! (should be unlikely, but kepp in mind)
    -added a credibility seal trader in case you want to be save against reputation loss before trying it.
    (rambling+maybe some minor spoiler not sure, but want to be save)
    The most problems i had when testing with the arena and reputation was NPC's "wandering/falling" into the arena + me shooting them by accident and after that blocks being destoryed.
    I changed the sides of the arena after that so it should be highly unlikely in the current version that any NPC wanders in. At least i could not find any NPC falling/wandering in after that. The Arena inside is combat steel and armored concrete. I tried to pick some more sturdier blocks for cover variants, so chances of you destroying something in the inside ring/arena area should be very low. The lowest HP is the truss block on the floor with 200+, then 400+500 some of the destoryed blocks, rest is combat steel or armored concrete.
    The end rooms have some deco, so if you fire a rocket in these or something like that then you might destroy stuff and lose reputation. i put in windows/shutters, so that hopefully prevents that. + Usally the enemys run out, so i do not think this should be an issue.
    The Trapdoors are on a 2 seconds timer, so NPC's do not drop/fall in there after you. At this point i have done all that i can think of to prevent reputation loss when you do this. (other then making it an admin POI, which i am a bit reluctant to do when it works otherwise + it is more additional work) on my last run i managed to get from neutral to friendly with the faction and did not have problems with reputation.
    in the current state i think this is good to go and can be played without problems. But probably one POI where i see the merit of having to switch this to an admin core. would like some feedback for that what others think here.

    -Credibility Seal (upper story restaurant balkon)
    -Food (upper story restaurant)
    -PaxPurgatory (outside openair Cafe/lounge)
    -InterWeapon (Tower 3)
    -MilitaryT3 (Tower 4)
    -Dealer (VIP lounge)
    -o2 stations
    -armor lockers
    LOOT: (hard spoilers)
    -normal:kitchen in tower one, between foodprocessor in ceiling behind light
    -normal: bar VIP suit
    -normal: pool maintenance VIP suit
    -normal: highest tower, outside lower pipe level, behind pipes
    -ultra rare: left of core
    -rare:below core level, behind tech deco, needs crouch over blue box next to console
    -rare:core tower, pipe room, inside large red pipe
    -very rare: in water tower
    -rare:dungeon, fishing section, in the middle water pond outside wall, behind grate trapdoor
    -normal: fishing section ceiling
    -normal:generator room
    -normal:dungeon, behind sentry in airvent at destroyed cloth in middle, might need jetpack boost at start
    -very rare:dungeon, airvent at destroyed cloth in middle, behind tribal chest, needs crouch and need to destroy the chest, might need jetpack boost at start
    -normal:dungeon, side room turret
    -ultra rare:dungoen labyrinth, needs crouch at start
    -rare: container storage under tower 2, hole in floor
    -rare: in arena 3 exit, broken blocks near ceiling
    -rare: floor near tower 3, side with turrets
    -very rare: dungeon, next to core
    -normal:arena 1 difficulty endroom
    -rare::arena 2 difficulty endroom
    -very rare:arena 3 difficulty endroom
    -ultra:arena 4 difficulty endroom
    9 normal
    7 rare
    4 very rare
    3 ultra rare
    +CPU T2
    +arena rewards(see below)
    ARENA-REWARDS(public boxes content) (harder spoilers)
    arena 1 difficulty(talon)------
    1 small optronic bridge
    8 gold coins
    9 credits(money card)
    arena 2 difficulty(monsters/legacy)------
    1 small optronic matrix
    23 gold coins
    914 credits(money card)
    arena 3 difficulty(zirax)------
    1 large optronic bridge
    25 gold coins
    1521 credits(money card)
    arena 4 difficulty(robots)------
    1 large optronic matrix
    169 gold coins
    18205 credits(money card)
    let's call these "other mechanics/secrets" (the hardest spoilers ;) )
    it has 2 cores.
    to get into it you have to crouch over the corner of the broken blocks.
    for loot drop to lowest level,hug a wall. one way up is multiple block high, compared to the usual 2 blocks. on top is an ultra rare, might need some jetpack boosts to reach.
    option one is the lever in the direction of the fishing/water stuff(turns it on/off). option 2 is to shoot out the blocks so the turret falls down due to structural integrity(plastic+truss).
    Dungeon-CORE (1st core):
    4 levers, all behind the statues, 3 should be obvious, 4th statue is broken and in the first room to the left with the generators.
    Tower-CORE (2nd core):
    to get to the core level you have to go through the airvent. shutter has a lever or use a jetpack and crouch through the railings to get to the next level, works too.
    Door codes:
    1234 = standard pirate code ;)
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Blueprint file missing. ;)
  3. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Because players have no need for multiple cores.
  4. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    yeah sry.

    Attached Files:

    Fractalite likes this.
  5. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I have been wanting to do something like this for ages as an orbital something or other. Never did get a design I felt comfortable with. Really nice to see this.

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