Feedback Required EXP 1.8 - New Tutorial: AKUA (Temperate Starter Moon)

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, May 17, 2022.

  1. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Compared to some of MY feedback posts... this was short and to the point. @Taelyn can verify that, lol
    Germanicus and Taelyn like this.
  2. Sicarius

    Sicarius Lieutenant

    May 30, 2022
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    i started another game without the tutorial enabled just to see what sort of different experience i would have. i want to point out that these sort of popups i do like. i just accepted my first mission and i get a handy popup explaining where to find them and so on. i probably received this the first time but i do not remember seeing it as i was getting a bit popup tired. though i did already know the info i found this a nice example.

    just thought i would share since it may have come across i hate all popups :) which i do not.
  3. Sicarius

    Sicarius Lieutenant

    May 30, 2022
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    another start with tutorials on. just landed. have not moved just letting the tutorials flow in. i received a HUD waypoint message for the Scientist camp (with options ignore/accept). and started moving towards the scientist camp since i had a waypoint but never picking up the gear by the escape pod. i didnt seem to get any sort of reminder or anything that i may need the stuff by the escape pod (not a problem im just noting the behavior i observed). i did stop and go back and pick up the stuff though. when the tutorial message for the survival tool tutorial came up i clicked the wait option. it popped up again and i clicked wait again. 2x more times i think. im guessing once for each type of survival gear i picked up(tent, tool,bandages)? once it stopped coming up i went to find to see how easy it was to bring the tutorial back up. i ended up finding the text log but the activate button shows as already complete. i read the log which shows my previous answer as "maybe later". and by reading the last line and noticing it mention video i went and checked the video tab and was able to activate the video tutorial from there. but i can't seem to find a way to actually "maybe layer" reactivate the tutorial at a later time. atleast that specific one. but this jumping around searching for previous tutorials is a bit tedious and i wish there was a way(maybe there is) to just pull up recent tutorials and not have to jump between different tutorial groups(video/text).
    Ravlain, Hummel-o-War, Taelyn and 2 others like this.
  4. Sicarius

    Sicarius Lieutenant

    May 30, 2022
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    Something else i do like are the little Knowledge updates at the bottom of the screen. i honestly can't say if i really noticed them first time. i think a large part of the problem my first try was i was not sure what was a tutorial mission what was a tutorial popup just trying to give me info. and what is just regular information like the popup that showed up when i did NOT have the tutorial on though maybe thats just an EXP thing with that popup idk either way it had good timing and didnt feel distracting and showed up the moment i had a mission.

    hope this is helpful sorry im posting back to back.

    Edit: Noticing I am sometimes getting multiple of these knowledge updates at a time. whenever one shows up it is overwriting the previous. it would be nice if the updates were stored in a queue with a set display time say 10 seconds or so. to give players long enough to read it before it gets overwritten
    Last edited: May 31, 2022
  5. Sicarius

    Sicarius Lieutenant

    May 30, 2022
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    last one for now. i just received the tutorial to fix the hovercraft. problem is i already have a working hovercraft and have been riding around in it for the last 10 minutes or so.
  6. GE-old-Man

    GE-old-Man Ensign

    May 31, 2022
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    i agree,
    A. i also got confused with the current Mission there is no info on HUD.
    B. first new mission on akua it didn't felt a like really survival, not really many dangerous creatures, even not during night

    but positve, the new environmental design looks amazing i like it much
  7. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    The video you get with picking up the Survival Tool should be the same that you can find in the PDA > Video Manuals section.

    The "multistart" of the ST pickup... do you remember if you picked up the items on the ground very quickly after each other? (In case the ST video tried to start up, it got interrupted by the message of the next item you picked up.. but there is hardly something how I can avoid that I am afraid)
    Pach likes this.
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Yep, that's also kind of a problem .. but that's why I added the "Tutorial message group" in the PDA as even when a message is overwritten, it is saved and you can re-read it with the PDA Log button (clicking the headline as described, then pressing the PDA LOG button)
    Pach likes this.
  9. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    With EXP3 the repair-HV is removed and replaced by a full tutorial (similar to the Base building tutorial).
    Pach and Sicarius like this.
  10. Sicarius

    Sicarius Lieutenant

    May 30, 2022
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    yep they are the same video i was able to find it. i just don't like needing to check multiple locations for a 1 page tutorial that popped up earlier. it's probably because of a technical reason so im not harping on it but i think it takes away a bit for new users trying to get back to a tutorial. if they don't realize the tutorial is actually a video. they need to know to hit F1 and look through the groups. find the tutorial they want. click PDA Log, Read said PDA log till it says something at the bottom about there being a video. then find the video. and click activate.

    it would be much easier to navigate if a lot of those steps could be streamlined. a list that shows most recently received tutorials/information. a way of selecting those in the list and pulling back up the tutorial(as it was first presented with both the text and the video linked) preferably something easy(double click on the tutorial or some other simple way).

    I had everything picked up before the first ST tutorial popped up. and it's not a big issue. i don't think most people are going to turn on the tutorials and then skip the first one they see multiple times. was just something i noted while testing the maybe later button. :)
    Pach likes this.
  11. Sicarius

    Sicarius Lieutenant

    May 30, 2022
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    yeah thats true. but it's easy to not notice how many got overwritten. so you just have to check and see if you have any new ones every once in a while. which sorta defeats the purpose of them popping up in the first place.
    Pach likes this.
  12. Sicarius

    Sicarius Lieutenant

    May 30, 2022
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    updated to EXP3.

    turns out even if you click ok and not "maybe later" you still get multiple tutorial popups in a row if you grab all the starting gear before the first one pops.

    I like the new Hovercraft tutorial. it took some significant effort though finding all the required carbon. not sure if I was just unlucky but I ended up having to craft most of it from crushed stone. which is perfectly fine but i didnt remember carbon being that hard to find in exp2? i do like having to craft and add the functional parts to the hovercraft. much better at showing what all is needed. i wish the tutorial could display a list of things left to build instead of having to check the F1 screen. or if there was a way of pinning or otherwise queueing up crafting without having the resources to actually make it(maybe i haven't found it yet). but having everything numbered was good and made it pretty easy.
    Shadowpheonix, Foofaspoon and Pach like this.
  13. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Coincidentally I managed to trigger various tutorial prompts one after another. I was prompted to do the base tutorial which I intended to do at which point I collected a plant that got me to level 3 which triggered HV vessel and then almost immediately triggered 'Farm' event since I had been instructed to head to Scientist Camp.

    I personally feel that this could be overwhelming to new players as it feels like you are being rushed. I understand it was coincidental and can vary from player to player but I think that kind of randomness in a tutorial could lead to ruining a first impression.

    I know the F1 is mentioned which feels more like a necessary evil than a helpful "backup" resource.
    With voice now added I hope there was consideration into hiring high quality voice actor as a guide and tailor the flow of the guides to be more ordered.

    I do think the overall design of the new tutorials are a big improvement over previous version and very excited to see these new features come to life. My favorite will always the old space tutorial where we were sent to fetch pentaxid and an alien gets loose at the base. (How many tutorials ago was that? Alpha 8?)
    Hummel-o-War likes this.
  14. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Something that would be even more confusing is that if the Base tutorial is active at the same time as the HV tutorial, equipping the core defaults to mentioning the base and it will not trigger again for the second core you build for the HV.

    I also think the design of the frame used in the tutorial needs some kind of adjustment. Even without docking pads on it, it's getting stuck on a lot of stuff. Either that or there's somehow more plants to get stuck on than before.
    Shadowpheonix likes this.
  15. der Hausmeister

    der Hausmeister Ensign

    Jul 7, 2017
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    The very first Video i got when i started on Akua was partially interrupted.
    The Story of Tash is a bit strange at the moment its not clear (to me) what to do and what to find. I also did not find any gold to get some EVA Modules to walk in space on the starting moons and i don't know where i can find some.

    So i got stuck relative early. The Quests did not count the Items i should get for them.
    It seems to be nearly impossible to navigate akua with an HV. Every tiny itsy bitsy thing is blocking the HV.
    Hector G likes this.
  16. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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  17. tigrean

    tigrean Ensign

    Jan 24, 2022
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    Just a thought here, I just got done playing in Akua on seed 3900 and almost all the mineral deposits are in Talon Territory so you can't mine them without tanking your rep with them. might need to consider changing the territories and making them smaller or make only the the farm and plantation POIs set to Talon faction. That way a player can mine to get the materials to make their SV in its current form it forces the player to do the side quests to get to friendly so they can mine. Unfortunately the faction rep reward the quests give are way too low. A player would have to spend all day grinding the faction and not do anything else to advance the main story or get off the moon. Especially since you get to friendly once you talk to the chief on Omicron in one step.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2022
  18. Shagz

    Shagz Ensign

    May 31, 2022
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    Last week I was going to ask if you guys had any intentions on making this tutorial work in Multiplayer Co-Op.
    But then I saw that with this Exp-4 update, says that it now does. So I logged in, Create a new one "Multiplayer Co-Op / Akua / Easy" .. Hit the planet, got the tutorial from the start..... and nope, still no files.
    Also, When picking up the first PDA for the new quest, ya get this:
    Page failed to load.
    URL: file:///D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Empyrion%20-%20Galactic%20Survival/Saves/Cache/Test%20co-op%201.8%20Exp4_24.27.53.156_303732785/SharedData/Content/Log1-DE.webm
    Error: ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (-6)

    Is this a bug? or is this still not intended to work on Multiplayer?

    ~ Shagz
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2022
  19. thatpixguy

    thatpixguy Ensign

    Dec 22, 2021
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    This time around (exp 4) I decided to do the easy start on Akua. I was getting some CoQ's (logs emailed) but I thought I'd verify local files and delete the game cache just to see if it helped (it didn't, more logs emailed).

    But, I did start yet another game just to be sure. I decided to skip the hoverbike tutorial initially. But then after spawning the frame I realised I'd forgotten which way around the cockpit went, so I wanted to start the tutorial. I found the HV building tutorial in F1-Tutorial-Guided Tutorial: Hover Vessel (BP) and activated the mission.

    The problem is, I've already spawned the frame, so there is no way (without salvaging and re-producing the frame) to advance the tutorial because it is waiting for me to equip and place the frame. I thought I'd be able to manually advance the mission, but there doesn't seem to be a checkbox for that.

    A minor thing, but it does undermine the supposed ability to come back to a tutorial later.
    Germanicus and Shadowpheonix like this.
  20. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    The videos currently do not work in MP. Known issue, I am afraid (but possibly solvable) ;)
    Pach likes this.

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