EXP 1.8 - QUEST system v1

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 8, 2022.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Global Info
    There are 2x5 quests available on Akua.
    You can get 5 quests from the foreman of the FARM and 5 others from the foreman of the PLANTATION.
    Each of the quest sets are specific (or somehow related) to each location you can get them.
    All of the specific locations have all their specific quests, e.g. there is no Plantation or Farm where you can only get quest A or B for this location. Means: Any Farm or Plantations can give you any of "their" 5 quests.

    Active Quests and their goals can be re-read in two locations
    1. When having accepted a quest, go to PDA (f1) > expand the TALON group > active quests are displayed there. Click on it and read the info in the description box (Pictures not yet added)
    2. When having accepted a quest, open the PDA (F1) > expand the TALON group > select "Quest log" > click on 'Activate Tutorial' button and follow the orders. You can also cancel a quest from there remotely.

    The 2nd. possibility is also given when talking to a Quest NPC > "Check open assignments". But there, only the quests of the local Quest NPC can be checked.

    Quest setup:
    - For testing, you can have all 10 quests.
    - For the released version you might only have up to 2 quests from each quest giver active (max of 4)
    - Quests are given randomly.
    - There IS a chance that the quest NPC does not give you another quest, even if you have "free slots".
    - The Quests do not have a "progression" or order.
    - You can do each quest infinite times at the moment (given you do not destroy the POI related to it)

    Testing focus points:
    1. Does the PDA group "Talon" show the matching quest state compared to your progress in this quest?
    (eg. when you picked up 2 Butterfly Secretion in "Butterfly Catcher" does only the state "2 of 2" found display or is any other state still visible?)


    2. Does any non-related quest stage show in the PDA grouop?. eg. Buttlerfly stage "found 1 of 2" pops up when finding the Pump Spare parts of the Salvaging quest.

    3. Does any non-related HUD message pop up for an action that is not related to your current quest, eg. "you have found 1-2 Butterfly secretion" pops up as a message on-screen although you picked up a spare part for the Scavanging quest.

    4. Do the active states in the PDA group "Talon" get hidden when
    a) leaving the playfield (quest auto-cancel > ANY open quest state should be hidden)
    b) canceling a quest (only the quest-related state gets hidden)
    c) completing a quest (only the quest-related state gets hidden)

    5. Are all quest items removed on
    a) leaving the playfield (quest auto-cancel)
    b) canceling a quest
    c) completing a quest

    6. Can you play the same quest again (when given to you by the quest npc) after you
    a) completed it once
    b) canceled it
    c) left the planet (auto-cancel)

    7. General feedback questions
    a) Does the quest give enough information (at the quest give, in the log and the quest entries in the PDA) so you know where to go, what to do and what you should bring back?
    b) Are the creatures to kill or the items to be found easy or hard to find (are there not enough creatures to be found in one area? What means: You need to search too long, although it is not intended that you simply stumble into a targeted creature instantly.
    c) What do you think about the rewards given for each quest related to how "difficult" the quest was (and taken into account that you can repeat each quest infinitely in theory)
    Pach and BushiNeko like this.
  2. Shadowpheonix

    Shadowpheonix Lieutenant

    May 19, 2022
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    The quest to collect 2 butterfly secretions gives a butterfly secretion as part of its reward, which seems rather silly to me since there are no other uses (that I am aware of) for the secretions.

    Also, I think it would be EXTREMELY helpful if the quests/tutorials/etcetera would put something up on the HUD (like they do in the non-EXP version) to track what is needed. (IE: Show "1/2 Butterfly Secretions" or "Place HV Core", etcetera on the right side of the screen.)
  3. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Confirming same about the butterfly quest ( I forget what it's named ).

    The same issue is also present in Festival Lighting. Instead of the proper reward, another lichen is given.

    Wild Grains will complete as expected, gives the reward, but the journal still shows it as 3 out of 4 collected and picking up grain triggers another quest update each time, forever, and can't be stopped.

    Super Fertilizer doesn't update when you kill a Teluropod and remains active in the log with no progress.
    Pach likes this.
  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Did both of you start a NEW game with EXP4?
    Pach likes this.
  5. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Actually you should not have MORE of the Secretion than you need. If so, something does not work as expected...

    That's not possible with how the quest system is set up. BUT there are messages coming up and showing how much x of y you already picked up AND in the PDA > Talon there is the info as well.
    Pach likes this.
  6. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I did, yes.
  7. barefootnhilbily

    barefootnhilbily Ensign

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Question, will there ever be a bed/sleeping cove and a small food processor implemented on SV's?? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask.
  8. megs

    megs Lieutenant

    Mar 14, 2019
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    - It is difficult to retrieve who is needing mission give on when multiple mission starts together. may it was helpfull to add automaticaly a yellow map indicator to localize NPC requester until mission is completed. thanks in advance.

    - [Col] megacorp root beer recipes quest / pirate exchange /give a platinium bar to keep root recipes is infinitely loopable, until you have platinium into your inventory. maybe adding a step quest test to dialogue or inventory test prevent having a quest loop.
    - It is possible to do pirate exchange for recipe before starting rootbeer mission... and having recipes in iventory do not end the mission. needing to redo the platinium exchange to go ahead.
    - In this config It is possible to skip pirate, if leaving polaris brew station and coming back, but objectiv to find pirate qtation is not completed.

    - POLARIS : finding ore on planet / target on already discovered ore / Quest locked there, nothing else occure when you approach it... need to mine it ?
    -POLARIS : activating destroy drone quest show you a find location objective, but never finding drones positions...
    -POLARIS: finding lost ship.. station near barren planet??? BARREN does not exist.

    DERELICT SHIP: "Fix the Problem" ( stage) dont end when fixing problem.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2022
  9. Shadowpheonix

    Shadowpheonix Lieutenant

    May 19, 2022
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    I often wind up missing those scrolling messages, because I am too focused on doing other things (fighting, or trying to spot the next resource/destination/whatever). I also have a tendency to get sidetracked with building/exploring/resource gathering/whatever for extended periods, during which time I completely forget which quest I was trying to get done.

    IMHO, if the quest system in EXP does not have support for tracking functionality similar to (or better) than what is in the released version (see screenshot below) and does not have a better way to identify active quests & review progress on them than hoping to remember what quest you are on & which category it is under in the PDA, then the new quest system is not ready to be released.

    To be quite honest, if the PDA quest log in Empyrion when I bought it had been like the one in EXP right now, I would have refunded the game before I ever even managed to craft a protein bar. If there is no longer going to be a quest tracker in the HUD, then some form of search & filter functionality in the PDA is vital (IE: Hide/show completed quests, find quests needing item X, etcetera).
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2022
    Pach likes this.
  10. Shadowpheonix

    Shadowpheonix Lieutenant

    May 19, 2022
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    FYI, according to Steam, I currently have just over 497 hours played in Empyrion. Less than 6 of those have been since the release of 1.8. I have stopped playing Empyrion at this point due entirely to the quest system/PDA changes implemented in 1.8.
  11. Cmdr_Ripster

    Cmdr_Ripster Ensign

    Aug 18, 2022
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    I am having issues understanding "how" to complete a quest. I return to the NPC (farmer or plantation TAL) and they don't see or understand I have their quest items. I "drop" them at their feet which doesn't work. The farmer, I put the quest items in the container and nothing. I try "trading" but that appears to be a one-way street (i.e. only trading option is buying from NPC not to "give" something to NPC). Any advice? I have one of the easier quests in particular completed and can't figure out how to complete it.
  12. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    First: are you sure you actually have the quest completed? When you open the PDA, does the Quest show the 4/4 state? (For example?)
  13. JuStX2

    JuStX2 Captain

    Aug 2, 2015
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    To be perfectly, and completely fair, 10 quests doesn't cut it when you yoinked out the majority of the quests that were ALREADY IN THE SYSTEM. I don't like the new quest UI either...it just all feels wrong. Also may I remind you: Without the Polaris Quests we'll be unable to get "real" trading opportunities, 1.8 should not have gone to main branch in this state :/

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