Added to game Talon Airforce (2x Airships, 2x Air Guardians/Creatures)

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by sulusdacor, Jul 1, 2022.

  1. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    not sure if these fit into the game lore/theme wise, but they were a ton of fun to build and brainstorm. with the talon and (primitive) farr having ballons i would imagine an airship would be possiblity. if not the version3+4 are just "big monsters" that the talon have tamed, so these might fit maybe. otherwise feel free to stick them in your scenario.

    (build for the talon, but could fit other native/tribal/primitive factions too)

    Have you ever wondered why you never noticed the talon having an air presence?^^
    well, your defensive gatling firing just now was actually not a bug, but a high velocity projectile ripping through flimsy wood of an airship.
    the howling of the wind just now was not a new sound effect, but a talon pilot falling to his death.
    the death screen for you and your ship getting deleted was not a bug, but a talon air guardian ripping you apart :p

    airship 1 hull is very much copied from this build in terms of shapes:
    (+ the harpy pretty much got me started on this talon patrol vessel idea/route)

    airship 1

    airship 2

    airship 3/airguardian (wasp/insectthingy)

    airship 4/airguardian (lazy scifi creature)

    bp name:

    spawn name:
    Airship (for airship1+2)
    Air Guardian (for airship 3+4)

    all have some of the tribal loot boxes, but most valuable are probably the thrusters.
    the airship4 has 2x very rare alien loot containers near generators and a rare at the core (has t2 shield+multiple alien turrets).

    -airship3+4 have alien turrets (airship3 just 1). all airships have ballistas.
    -airship3's foreward thruster has a black lcd covering it for aesthetics. it is between the two green half round glowing blocks at the belly behind the shutter there. i felt the thruster was taking to much attention away from the visials there. the thruster is next to the back thruster, so probably will chain react anyway.
    -airship1+2 are mostly wood (=very weak), reasons are visual/aesthetics and gameplay reasons (see paragraph below)
    -airship3 is steel, no shield, 1 alien turret
    -airship4 is steel+xeno (essential stuff is inside xeno blocks), it has a t2 shield and multiple alien turrets
    -airship4: you can in theory shoot the shield gen through the round holes form the side (middle puprle lcd's). but with the "ship" moving in practice basically impossible.

    basic gameplay strategy/implementation thoughts:
    my thinking was that airship1+2 are flying around by default. the player thinks "yes these are easy to take down and get the loot(thrusters)". the player gets lost in the easy fighting and does not notice the talon calling more reinforcements until they are facing airship 3 or/and 4 and getting ripped apart :D
    i would probably only spawn these on worlds where talon have very high presence or on their capital world to make it unique.

    lore ideas (+ suggestions for different spawnnames airship3+4):
    airship1+2 i would just leave as "airship" spawnname. they both are very similar (same amount of ballistas, very much same layout etc.)
    airship3 i could imagine some sort of insect/mosquito theme as name. "waspor" works and is unique* or "giant wasp/mosquito" if more generic. the thing is just a mutated big insect. how this came to be could tie into some lore. maybe a radiated area is responsible. maybe the talon fed something (alien/sicfi substance) to some already large insect and it did not die but mutated. not 100% set on the lore on this one, a wasp/insect was somewhat easier to build so i went with it. with a giant space eel i would think a giant wasp is not far off.
    airship4 is basically an insect/alien monster lying on a hot airballon/giant ballon plant(the pink ball). these ballons could be part of the creature or the other idea is that you have some sort of seperate ballon plant. these are large balls filled with some chemical gas that can float(basically giant the pink ball plants). just imagine something like the lava deco plant block in terms of looks, but much much larger. the creatures could climb on these and are either in some sort of symbiosis or are simply lazy. maybe they heat the ballon gas and create uplift this way. no matter how this works excatly the result is a giant monster flying through the sky like a sloth(if sloths could fly and would looks like that XD). the creatures are mostly peacefull, but big and therefor by default dangerous if disturbed. they have some organic based energy shield to protect against attacks. not sure how the talon tamed these either, but hey they are the "nature guys", so they did it.^^ (taming process could be some weird scifi story or some nice quest prompt too)
    as name themes for airship4 i was thinking it would be something with sloth/lazy etc. as a direction to emphazie it mostly peaceful nature. unique* name ideas could be "slothor", "slothful gulgash" (not typos) or for a more default name "giant sluggard" (Riesenfaulenzer).

    *unique = i am meaning trully not taken names here. these got me no hits on my SearchMachineOfChoice for the excact name and are to my knowledge not taken by scifi/fantasy brands. these are not names where i made a typo, but intionally "weird".

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    Last edited: Jul 1, 2022
    Don2k7, Fractalite, MatCz and 3 others like this.
  2. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Damn, you already beat me to it! Neat builds. Could give the Talon a "planetary patrol vessel" too.

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