What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I think we are in a bit of a lull.
    Nothing to worry about, things will pick back up eventually.
    Fractalite likes this.
  2. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Yeah... holidays... i kinda tend to forget about those. Anyway, how did you mentiin me in the post? I couldn't find the way to do it....
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    That was just me using the "Reply" button and doing a little pruning before posting the reply.
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Holidays AND intense Heat - at least in Europe - keeps many away from those hot gaming engines:NewGrinning::NewWink:
  5. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I have experienced "death by gravity" and "death by Fractalite being a dumbass and flying to close to a turret with an intro SV on a planet with little resources" but I have yet to have death by Destroyer until now:


    Sweet magic beans of Nehander, that was crazy! It vaporized my poor little beginner CV in no time.

    It was a shame that the light show was so excellent because now I have sworn a blood vendetta and I will have my retribution!
    Na_Palm, Demonic, Wellingtoon and 2 others like this.
  6. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    Yeah, it will, though I'm re integrating myself in minecraft at the moment (along with 200 odd mods and many of them being block manipulators and mobs) I'm sure I'll get the need for a more 'real feel' resurfacing soon.

    As for posts on what others are doing, well, I'm always popping by to enjoy these posts... so @Demonic (and everyone else) don't stop, you ain't spammin, keep doing :thumpUp:
    Na_Palm, Siege Inc. and Robot Shark like this.
  7. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Since the surival game I'm playing is nearing the point where I'll be able to afford a larger CV I went in creative and made some updates to my carrier / base CV (Njord), to adjust it to my newer SV and HV builds and adapt it for the current survival situation I'm in. That mostly consisted of enlarging the hangar entrances, since my latest SVs (Einheri and Valkyrie) and HV tank (Mjölnir) are larger than what I had when originally building the carrier. Luckily, the hangars itself were large enough just the entrances needed to be bigger. I made use of blast doors / force field combo, instead of the hangar doors, since it allowed me to better fit the SV hangar propotions. After that, I took a look at the ship and realised it actually lacks in some regards to my starter CV (Leif Eriksson).

    Well, truth be told Leif in it's blueprint state is all around worse then Njord, but I made some not so minor retrofits to it in survival, bringing it from T2 to T3 with drill turret, shield and rocket turrets. That being the case, I decided to bump Njord from T3 to T4, since optronics are not an issue in the current survival game (tons of cash) and Leif is more than capable of mining / salvaging all the resources I need. So, Njord got significant weaponry upgrade - from canons to rockets and plasma cannons with increased number of them. I also increased the number of constructors, from 2 Small 1 Advanced to 2 Small 4 Advanced and added drill and multitool turret. Njord now sits at around 1/4 of the max CPU usage (weird how it only uses 1/4 of the max vanilla CPU but is already T4, right? The game imho needs to split up the 10 Mil CPU to more tiers) and is an overall upgrade even over the retrofitted Leif.

    And since I don't remember posting Njord's pictures here, like, ever, here are some beauty shots.




    I also realised I should probably make a new, slightly larger version of Leif with better space for upgrades, since retrofitting it with was a game of tetris and compromise. But that's a project for another time.
    Na_Palm, Peter Conway and Robot Shark like this.
  8. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Since I found out some systems in PE are not accessible by CV I decided to build a dedicated long range mining SV. I (again) failed to build it in T3 range (which either means I suck at building optimally, the CPU ranges are weird or I have seriously skewed expectation of what T3 ships should be able to do). I had a vision of a container like cargo space, and "truss like" architecture of the SV. The result is... not that far away from what I hoped to achieve. What mostly restricted me was the size, cause I wanted the ship to be able to fit in Njord together with Valkyrie. If I made the ship a bit longer and maybe wider, I would probably be able to fine tune the looks a bit more. I'll probably let it sit for a few days to see if I won't come up with anything better... and if not I'll make some finishing touches and call it done.


    P.S. Now that I look at it... I think If I made it CV, enlarged the back section and added more container sections with thruster pods, it could actually be a realy nice freighter ship. Huh...
    Na_Palm, Germanicus and Robot Shark like this.
  9. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    Yup that question is being asked for the first time by me (prolly the millionth by all interested, but who's countin)
    Anyway, are we gonna get a more dynamic, visual and deeper trade and commerce system than... say, Elite Dangerous.

    What I mean is, all these ships that we can build with all of their features and foibles, will the devs introduce a full trade and commerse model where a trade craft can go to a port and literally fill up that cargo hold with containers filled with whatever? and haul it outta' there off to elsewhere and sell it for a profit or deliver it for a wage?

    Empyrion differs from ED in that it's more than a inch deep, yet as we know all too well isn't finished and the future is there to be written, so while ED seems to have made decisions that wall off additional features like visible NPC crew (for the masses) with animations and is just resting before making another half hearted attempt to fire up some more sales with another bug-riddled and ill thought out feature (cashing-in-on perceived public desire/fad) Will, Could, Would, Might Eleon create a full working 'Trade and Commerce' model for us to pretend we're actually successful futuristic businessmen/women as well as political kingpins?

    Excuses... the above should really have a re-write, but it is what it is... the Builder arrived early and I've not had a good night's sleep for a week, and I'm sure most readers will get what I mean... and, no disrespect to David Braben, his vision was good but his employees musta' mislead and distracted him.
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I don't think so. It will be far away from the actual Story Line - as far as we know it yet - and therefore most unlikely to happen. A Scenario eventually may cover that but the Vanilla Game?:NewRollingEyes:
  11. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    If iam not mistaken in Reforged Eden are the beginnings of a somewhat trading system with a few trade only goods in Tradingports.

    Got almost finished at the frontside, of the Nemesis. Interior takes a lot of time but i make progress there, too.
    The back landinggear got rearanged futher to the back and outside. Weapons mounts are for now 12 fixed and 15 turret mounts.
    On the back will be a gunnery cockpit with access to a few mininglasers and as an escape option.
    Experimenting with hulllights at nighttime:

  12. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Today I brought Njord to survival. The only reason why I still have it is an uncharacteristic moment of foresight in which I saved the template before warping into what I expected to be a dangerous system. In that system I saw something called Phoenix and decided to check it out and test me new shiny CV on it.

    Long story short, Phoenix was a warlord ship, duking it out with Zirax destroyer. Needles to say, I got caught in the crossfire and saw first hand what happens to a ship from steel and carbot, when it's shields go down. Lucklily, there was a trade station in the system so I managed to limp there and have Njord repaired.

    Later in the sesion I was mining some asteroids in a different system when a Periat Frigate belonging to Zirax tried to jump me. Turnes out, Njord CAN handle frigates. One hell of a salvaging operation later (stars bless the tool turret) I now have more than 3K of reinsforced steel blocks. The question is, what the hell am I going to do with them? None of my builds need as much titanium in it and the planned combat CV will be out of combat / xeno steel.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    It's been a while since I have build my last SV in Survival but today I did it...again:NewStuckoutTongue:

    I named the SV Anthophila which means Bee. Meant as sort of Starter SV with a bit of Cargo Space (7.5k).
    It sports to Gattlings but has also Space to take two Turrets on Top too. The Rear has space for the Warp Drive(not yet placed).
    The Bottom has plenty of space for adding additional Trusters and also a Pentaxid Tank. Unlock level 12/CPU T2.



  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    In addition to my previous post... I changed or rather increased the Number of Trusters on the Sides and Front. I added the Warp Drive and the Pentaxid Tank plus two Minigun Turrets on Top. Staying 300 Pts. under 15.000 CPU. The rear Trusters push really hard:NewStuckoutTongue:.

    So. After salvaging half of Skillon's Wrecks I managed to spawn in my CV Transport and was a bit worried that the 'Bee' would not fit through the Hangar Doors... but it worked:NewGrinning:.
  15. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Played around in survival mostly. Choosing a planet to settle took me longer then I expected... then again, Project Eden has a lot of systems and I'm kinda picky. In the end, decided on G3 star with a desert oasis planet just within 4AU of the star (btw, is it just my luck or is Eden / Empyrion actively trying to avoid putting habitable planets with 4 AU of the star, even if the said star is type G ?). I chose it mainly because it looks realy nice from orbit, but when exploring the planet itself, I realised it looks great even close up. Kinda makes me want to make a base in one of the oasies instead of space as is my habit.

    At first, it looks like your standard issue Tatooine....
    but then you stumble apon a beautiful oasis...
    with a stunning planetrise of this green gas giant.
    Wellingtoon, Na_Palm and Germanicus like this.
  16. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    building for a while now...some rooms still left to cmoplete and some texturing to be done hear and there. Pretty pleased though..

    Attached Files:

  17. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    If anyone wants an interesting build project, this is the Lance: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=716336944&searchtext=Lance and it is an old design. In addition to being old, it also has a peculiar under slung thruster design along its central axis that allows it to have the very narrow appearance. I want to bring it forward with more current thrusters, weapons, CPU, etc. This is the second time I have tried, and I just cannot quite find the right fit.



    This is as far as I got:


    It is probably not possible but Mr. IceCat's designs inspire me, so I think I will build my own version.
    Siege Inc. and Germanicus like this.
  18. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    So here is my inspired by/Interpretation of it:


    It is not quite finished - still have some exterior detailing to do. Also not sure I like the minigun turrets; I tend to like cleaner lines and geometric shapes, but drone protection whilst raiding a POI is nice.
    Robot Shark and Germanicus like this.
  19. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Tested out my newly outfitted cobat CV in survival. It works, and even though there are probably ways to improve it still, it works good enough for the place in the game I'm at. And I absolutely LOVE the visuals, I feel like I'm in The Expanse.

    Sorry about the silent sound, the game itslef is at wery low audio for me, since windows tend to ramp up the volume on it's own (haven't figured out yet why so far).
    Germanicus and Robot Shark like this.
  20. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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