Hydroponics bay wish

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by tahaan, Jan 13, 2022.

  1. tahaan

    tahaan Lieutenant

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I wish Hydroponics bays would have a banefit other than just saving a few clicks. Eg one of more of the following:

    1. Improved production.
    2. Built-in lamp and plot (get rid of the requirement to place it on top of a plot and having a grow light above.
    3. Allow stacking them (produce more crops per square meter)
    4. Crops mature more rapidly.
    5. Protection against power loss / loss of air pressure.

    Particularly Nr 3 - I'd like to have a wall of Hydroponics bays!!!
  2. mgaag

    mgaag Ensign

    May 5, 2020
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    117 hydrphonic bays on penta just died on me letting me loose over 1k penta seedlings . I di remove a together with 38 x 9 plants on the old pods.

    I did opened up the expansion on the safe side where i extended it. All the pentas were in other rooms not directly touched. Planet was not to cold and i was inside mountain. No air breach what so ever, no out of air (33% left) and topped up fuel just recently. The penta bays (the new RE thing) did survive an earlier outage but now everything just mysteriously died all at once.

    Admin wont refund me for this bug. Have been farming without accidents for years. Already had the bays stop growing. These things are full of bugs like the rest of the game.

    I like bays without these stupid bugs. Lost a lot of work to get the stuff together.

    Really dont like to be Eleon's test guinea pig much longer. Frequently i would get into a infinite laoding screen while teleporting and land somewhere 30 to 40 km out of my destiny and sometimes straight on an enemy POI that would kill me floating in my jet suit
  3. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    6 months? Wow this is huge...or is it really that huge, at least you can eat them.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I have no idea why this was not posted in the dedicated Reforged Eden thread. I never saw it here.

    2, 3, and 5 aren't even possible, and I have no plans to change 1 and 4 as they already server their intended function quite well.

    @tahaan @mgaag In the future you need to post feedback on the scenario in the dedicated places for the scenario. I won't see it here (as obvious by the fact it's been 8 months).

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