tool-turret in singleplayer ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kostriktor, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    X3 was great. Has lot's of automation and great economy. One can build a self-sufficient base that will produce cool things.
    X4 is said to be worse, never tried though.
  2. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    1:eek:k so yeah I noticed that these days thrusters replaced rcs's on proper designs
    2: yeah it isn't factorio it is Empyrion, but not JUST "Empyrion" it is "Empyrion: Galactic survival" a game designed to be survival of a single human who got stranded in the andromeda galaxy trying to determine if any of his crew is still alive and what to do next as he is all alone with aliens all around
    the aliens he discovers frequently use true ai and fully auto turrets and anti-grav drones and don't always start off neutral with him
    so he has to use EVERY TRICK to survive and so that should include sensible design and not arbitrary immersion breaking limits like banning a turret from using the same ai packs that ALL OTHER TURRETS USE
    yet again you are falling into a logical fallacy that lots of people do "the way it works now is good enough and changing it will take effort so we shouldn't change it" but that is fallacious for a reason and the devs said that won't be the case someday
    they said ai flight and walking on ships is planned so full-auto tool-turrets is almost 100% guaranteed and shouldn't be hard to add in a patch for space-only use
    stop saying "you can do it this other way" I don't care how it works NOW and frankly neither do the devs
    I ask for a likely planned or at least not thought of addon to the game and I bet your fallacious arguments are the primary reason they haven't considered it yet
    if you don't like tool turrets you can omit them
    but making tool turrets useless is stupid as they are already in-game and the devs aren't gonna add a thing to instantly remove it and not replace it
    shut up about how another block is better now, that is not relevant to a different block
    we are speaking on TOOL TURRETS not FIXED TOOLS
    nobody cares about a different block that has a totally different purpose
    tool turrets are for auto use just like gun turrets(likely only disabled due to SI being complex and the need to loot drop containers)
    fixed guns are manual and can't be auto by design
    so please explain why tool TURRETS should be the same as non-turret tools without speaking on how you use NON-TURRET tools currently and why it isn't 100% fine in orbit where the only known issue(SI) is irrelevant
  3. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    RCS just requires too much CPU. But you can get the last explorer token reward and put as many RCS as you please in late game. They do advance your vessel but CPU trade in makes it the last item to add.
    There are human NPCs at the trade stations you can grab a beer with.
    Tricks like killing predators at Zirax territory and becoming friends with it. I just imagine a real life situation where one comes to ISIS territory to kill predators and they become less hostile :D
    I think the reason is working on critical bugs rather than introducing some new mechanics. The next patch they are working on — player movement and animation which is also bad at times, like reloading a weapon and hearing the reload sound when animation is off. That's the priority I guess.
    Those are not useless if you play coop. Two persons on tool turrets, one controlling the ship. Salvage done in several minutes.
    Simple reason. Drill lasers appear to be more effective than laser turret. Instead of taking aim on a huge asteroid you can have 7+ drill lasers that will shead an asteroid to pieces.
    If the drill turret was automatic… Well, I could make a coffee, order a pizza, get the delivery, eat it. The tool would still be working.
    You may counter that one should have lots of drill turrets but I bet this will freeze a game to 5 FPS.

    So if I was asked what I prefer, a front-mounted manual tool-laser or an automatic tool turret, I would go for FMMT.

    The only thing I'm missing for a tool turret as of now, is controlling the ship movement while in turret.
  4. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    1: ok so rcs is not as important stop harping on that
    2: yes but in LORE you are the ONLY human from YOUR TRANSPORT prior to story missions so the placement of human-like NPC is irrelevant
    3: who cares point is that they default to hostile not to "feel you out"
    4: ok yes they are focusing on cosmetic-only stuff right now but the point is turret ai is already max optmized and configurable so just set the targeting to target ANY block that has no faction(popped core)
    5: not everyone has a friend who can game with them so irrelevant to SP gaming or non-coop multiplayer
    6: again different block that has a different niche so irrelevant to tool turret usage and tweaks stop repeating that
    And that is EXACTLY what some players want, park next to a target, log-off server/walk to nearby store to grab snacks/watch some netflix and come back MUCH later to a fully harvested thing with ZERO manual input
    you can still place a FMMT on YOUR ship and I can place a Free-Mount Auto-Tool and we can BOTH be happy
    why are you arguing against the happiness of OTHERS? why won't you just tell us WHY YOU THINK IT IS BAD?
    all I have seen is "currently this is better so trying to make another thing just as good is stupid"
    that is a stupid thing to say without supporting arguments
    so from now on I will IGNORE all but well supported arguments as you keep harping on points that I have adressed as "silly" or at best "unsupported" and you keep copy-pasting them rather then explain to me why I should change my mind

    this is a future-tech space game with functions that allow for multiple styles of play all balanced with pros and cons
    fixed guns have some use but tool turrets won't threaten your fast-paced fully-manual playstyle if full-auto slow-harvest tools exist also
    I actually hate how easy it is for people who enjoy mindless grinding and how hard it is for the casual gamer to be just as good
    why not both?
    please explain why you think all games you own now should be arbitrarily forced into fully-manual actions and not just allow both types of gamers
    there are so many unclaimed stars that you could have millions of different factions with hundreds or thousands of goals

    my goal is to salvage/mine everything nearby using AI-flight drones that redevous with a mothership to warp back to the homefront

    then set up a shipyard that can ai-flight to various locations
    effectively I will become a transportation-only faction who picks up cargo pods and moves them around with a 100% delivery guarantee
    upon next pickup if last trip was unpaid the ship just doesn't grab the next pod making me a transpo millionaire in the new galaxy

    is this an invalid goal for a sandbox survival game? if so why?
  5. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Well, that's already the X3 game concept and it has it's virtue in it. I strongly suggest you try it. The game is meant for automation and economy and you'll face different challenges and scenarios on building your transpo millionaire system. Afterwards, if you become one, you'll once again face challenges and great rewards.

    Empyrion is a different game. It's more like an FPS shooter with building different types of vessels for the needs, exploration and a bit of horror. It is supposed to be manual. As you mentioned, you are found alone in some quacked up galaxy, that's it. The automation you describe does not face any challenges at all. Build a turret, gain free resource, nobody is even going to attack you lol. You may just type "im" in console, press H and grant yourself the resources you want.

    Otherwise you don't need that automation really. Just grab some asteroids and you're free to go and build a menacing ship.
  6. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Or turn off autominer depletion and setup autominers everywhere, if you want to harvest resources passively.
  7. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    I would not call it 100% passive, you still have to revisit the sites.
  8. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Well, passive in the Ron Popeil sense.
  9. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    hmm so "buy another game" rather than hope for likely planned features? do you realize how entiled that makes you sound?

    already a thing but we are talking about SPACE TOOL TURRET AUTO FIRE
    autominers ONLY work PLANETSIDE so your post is off-topic

    people please STAY ON TOPIC
    the device we are speaking of are TOOL TURRETS

    this means alternatives that do not involve block id 321(as of 1.8.15) are something you should avoid posting

    all I ask is that the SAME code that runs the OTHER turrets be enabled on tool turrets in space

    please address THAT and NOTHING ELSE

    why do you people fail to see the post topic line and start speaking of OTHER blocks?

    off-topic discussions should be (and likely are) against the rules

    future posts that do not follow the core topic will be flagged
    "tool-turret in singleplayer ?"
  10. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    You're the one who said you wanted a more "chill" way of harvesting resources.

    Autominers are the existing method by which you can gain resources away from your attention. Fixed salvaging tools would reduce the time and attention needed to salvage wrecks, and are something that could at least be tested with some config file edits to laser drills. I would further bring up an old solution of adding more basic material rewards to loot tables to make combat POIs more lucrative and mitigate the need to salvage entire wrecks.

    What you're asking for is to sit in a stationary ship and have turrets do all the work with no input from you. You can't leave the playfield or even the immediate area without stopping the process. At least when we use autofiring turrets in battle, we still have to fly the ship to maintain range and avoid incoming fire. This is the worst conceivable solution to the problem of salvaging taking a lot of time and attention, assuming one even recognizes there is a problem to solve.

    I don't discuss moderation in open threads.
  11. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Well, an auto-turret might have a range of 20m, so that the player would have to constantly move the vessel for a turret to work :D

    Nope, I just don't see a reason to make GTA out of Operation Flashpoint or JRPG out of Half-Life. Your demand is pretty well covered in the other game.
    And if we discuss Empyrion. Economy is unbalanced in the current state. One can produce and sell sniper rifles and become a millionaire. This game is not about economy in the first place.
  12. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    I said I wanted an AUTOMATIC way of SALVAGE
    autominers by definition don't do salvage
    fixed guns are not automatic

    and ok sure no log-off but I could at least part next to a wreck and being the range of the tool turret is 120m I part my main tool roughtly in the center point and then I start crafting the bits as I selvage and even pick some crops and refuel my fighters and stuff
    it being slow is like the anti-dishwasher argument
    the dishwasher is faster than you BECAUSE it ISN'T you doing it
    the effort is offloaded so it basically becomes infinity faster as you can then multitask
    you still manage the resources(plates once clean or dirty before the dishwasher runs) but the time and effort is slashed
    so again you speak of ORE when I speak of SCRAP
    so autominers are NOT the solution they should be
    if salvage of a huge base or ship won't be done by turrets then maybe it is time to add the "self recycle" where the place with a new player core gets "unfactory'ed" by the push of a button into raw bits
    the destruction and decay of derlicts is so wasteful it hurts
    we NEED a way to make it worthwhile to not abuse the "magic" of respawning ore deposits or selective admin resets
    sure overall we still will need energy and a few bits that are "magically respawned" but a well designed game could run infinitely long on a single save without lore-breaking resets or magical spawns

    the tool turret is ignored by players directly because it is useless in singleplayer for salvage
    and there is currently not good way to salvage
    ores are magically infinite but require planetside collection trips so it is decent for raw ores

    but all those dead wrecks that are poi's with no protection show that the devs intend on us using salvage in late-game play
    so why is it 100% manual when we even have an npc that seems to be an incomplete salvage drone on the barren starter moon?
    the devs clearly intend on someday having full auto salvage
    they also admitted they want to have walking on moving ships to make combat management and ai flight a thing
    your arguments are about how it works now
    my arguments are about future plans
    so why do you keep ignoring my questions:
    why should the devs not add AUTO SALVAGE in the FUTURE?
    I have yet to get a single player/fan to actually speak on the question I actually asked
    I keep seeing "do this for now because right now this is the only way" but that neglects the "future" part of the question and is therefore not a valid answer
    I also see references to the OTHER tool that is mounted but as it is not block 321(tool TURRETS) it again is like saying "non-organic milk lasts 1 week in a fridge door slot and so we shouldn't figure out how to prolong that shelf life
    but I myself discovered that the door is just too thermally unstable and organic milk tends to have 2-5x the shelf life for less than 50% extra cost
    the facts of the matter demanded I adapt to make a more sensible situation
    but arbitrary limits on the functionality of a game object are the least fixed things in the universe
    it is childsplay(relatively) to edit a piece of fiction vs edit reality
    now yeah you gotta match the lore and balance of the game but as the game already has established "land of abundance and effortlessness" the lore supports automatic salvage and in fact demands it
    sure greed is a factor in the lore too as alien factions claim more than they would ever need and defend it with violence despite it being a small fraction used to let a stranded person escape
    so your avoidance of the question as to why specifically automatic salvage turrets should be non-existent in space if frankly baffling
    if you have a reason you think it shouldn't be added please state it
    if you have no reason then you can accept my request
    but the non-answers and topic shifting just baffles me
  13. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    wow as I typed the 120m (not 20m buddy) you posted that
    and yet agian "buy another game"
    but buddy this game promised some these types of features "someday" so that is why I bought THIS game
    I am simply expecting the devs to do what they promised
    so speaking of other games is like asking why I use an intel laptop but an amd desktop when the obvious answer was that at the time I had the funds the intel one was better for less oddly
    but when I state that you ignore price-performance and ask "don't you support one cpu type?"
    I support market competition and so I was happy that intel was forced to stop asking 10x what a chip was worth because amd got better

    the entire point is the tool turret as it is now is a useless block for singleplayer or casual gamers who can't organize a massive faction of players to be online at the same time
    the fire rate can be 50% like all other auto types but still be more useful in multiplayer
    but the current state is obviously unfinished and all these posts that say "play another game" or "do it the only other way" neglect the OBVIOUS "alpha" nature of the game
    do they keep adding new stuff? does some stuff seem unfinished? if yes then maybe discuss way tto best finish the unfinished so the devs can make as many happy as possible
    the lack of discussion over the primary topic is nonsensical
  14. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    The fastest way to salvage a planet POI so far is breaking structural integrity by removing the bottom layer, than picking up all the broken pieces with "F".

    If you want the auto-tool turret, ok, let it be. I don't see much gameplay behind that.
  15. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    ok abuse SI or take hours manually aiming of jetpacking in space? maybe we need an intermediary? something that doesn't just abuse the flaws?
    so you see no value in "go salvage our derelict and bring back the data core" type RNG missions?
  16. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    I see a value in building up economy update first. Than adjusting game mechs and introducing new features like auto-turret that won't be regarded as an Ace in the hole but something that will look seamless with pros, cons and challenges.
  17. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    it isn't perfect and making millions by doing one task that would ruin supply+demand won't be perfect
    but the lack is also silly for the hermit solo player who chooses a star system(I chose a BH out by the wastelanders sector)
    the ideal solution is one that is balanced to the lore and makes those perilous trips to nearby derelict-filled hostile orbits worth the risk
  18. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Indeed. There are different ways to break the game, like sniper rifles bulk production, non-depleting auto-miners and etc. To make the game challenging, one has to escape all that. Auto-tool turret feels like another thing to escape.

    For me Empyrion is about getting enough resources to build some basic CV, go for asteroids and upgrade it a bit, go for Promethium and Pentaxid to get enough for space travels, opt for Lagacy homeworld to get your butt slapped hundred times, learn something and build the end-game vessel. Grinding has no real sense as of now.

    I suggested you play X3 series as it has more limitation and basically you find yourself a galactic hobo for half of the game where your actions don't make you happier. At some point you start buying the equipment needed to build the automated trading haven and there you suffer even more :D
  19. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    GG, the very first post I added to this thread was about how automatic salvaging was a bad solution because it means sitting around and waiting for the game to perform a task. I then backed this up with thought experiments and comparative examples. All I've gotten in reply reads like "I don't care, I shouldn't have to do this chore to get what I want, it should be given to me". Again, I question if this is the game you even want to play. Maybe Avorion is more for you if you want AI pilots to salvage wrecks for you and your friends. You won't have survival gameplay, but at least you'll still be able to make your own ships.

    Spending time and effort to make a multiturret that automatically salvages uncored wrecks will not result in a commensurate improvement in Empyrion gameplay for its players. There are better alternatives for improving the salvage experience.

    I'm sad for you that you don't seem to want to understand and master more aspects of the game. A lot them can be frustrating until you're proficient in them. Eventually you can find the ways of succeeding at them you enjoy the most. But first, you must be open to the experience laid before you.
  20. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    1:how would it break the game? all I see it doing is adding in a slow but useful way to survive entirely in space for a while
    2: umm you think grinding is not a thing? buddy the full-manual logistics maes crafting a pain, you need to manually trigger every crafting request and decide when to slip in extra fuel recipes, plus non-ship combat is so grindy it sucks
    if I were to balance the game I would make crafting bots a thing that can carry the full inventory and be eitehr rconned (at likely around 250m as 100m is a tad small for a base) or can be given a "walk halls and kill+loot all hostiles and guns"
    the simple ai will overlay hollow zones and determine if they cleared all zones by exploring each hollow zone
    they won't pop cores or anything just the turrets and spawners
    3:again I see "buy another game" as a solution to THIS game that has the devs basically promise what I am asking for here
    "x-3" is not a solution to the developments of THIS game
    I am simply asking the devs order their priorities to be less among cosmetic and final tweaks and more bugfixes and addons because each addon will need new tweaks to old stuff and so they are just delaying the addons by tweaking stuff in assumption they won't tweak it again
    maybe if x-3 was free(nobody told me either way) I would try it but i still wouldn't call it a solution to another game

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