tool-turret in singleplayer ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kostriktor, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    and I gave great reasons why that is NOT actually true
    you guys keep arguing for "this chore should have no options and we should ignore derelict pois because it is too much of a chore"
    I am simply pointing out if empyrion was a real thing in andromeda in our future(as the lore claims) it would NOT make sense to only mine and to have no such thing as auto-salvage
    my compliant is not about the "chore" aspect(I do sometimes jetpack out and strip a dead CV) it is about the immersion breaking arbitrary limits with no real justifications
    you could just sit and wait, but most of us would use the time to do other tiny tasks ESPECIALLY when we can send out ai-flight ships(gonna happen by dev admission) to salvage for us
    your complaints are about a very small fraction of players who want to be lazy and saying that they shouldn't be able to be lazy(let alone lots of people play games but don't have hours to burn)
    I see no reason given that doesn't rely on follocies
    you don't have to use the feature and can even disable it on your servers
    the lack of the OPTION is what I am complaining about
    hardcoded arbitrary lore-breaking limits are a problem
    lots of games die out because of stupid arbitrary choices like this
    I love this game specifically because the devs set up a primary style but let us easily tweak values for our own style
    you are basically saying they should remove that and force people to do things a single way
    and if you think that, you have thousands of fans to debunk in order to be accepted as correct

    but again I await a valid related reason as to why I should be FORCED to manually gather scrap or to never use scrap in a way that is definitely arbitrary and unrealistic in a game that is supposed to be a potential real possibility in our universe by lore

    and don't speak on warp we already have many theoretical ways that are so close to reality for FTL drives in real life
    same with teleporters as we already have great success in quantum data transport
    and PHS is literally just a type of interlocking armor that tends to have a stable shape and resist changes like a lot of cool metal alloys IRL
  2. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Yet another better alternative. Expand the functions of the repair pad. Make T2 CV pads work on BAs as well. Add a Deconstruct feature for dismantling owned structures. Have CV repair pads use assigned cargo controllers instead of internal inventory so parts can be recovered.

    This way, players could at least make portable structure dismantling CVs that you carry around and leave in a playfield to break down wrecks, as well as a transport CV for moving them around. They wouldn't be stuck waiting stuck waiting around for it to finish. It would be no different from putting a crippled ship on a pad to be repaired while you go off in different ship in search of revenge. It reuses and existing solution.
  3. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    oh my god while off topic I agree
    the "repair bay" could be mounted on the roof of a cv or the floor facing the ground
    if it interacted with bases it could rip them apart and store the bits in a cargo box that could then be the basis of the "factory"
    this would be very good but we still have that odd quirk of the tool turret being only really useful in MP or as something the more controlling players like to rcon"
    but if the repair bay block wasn't like the BP factory with a "quantum storage controller" it would be a tad more useful (unless the "quantum storage controller" becomes a real thing with infinite storage but a power load every time parts get put in or pulled out
  4. Skeliliz

    Skeliliz Ensign

    Nov 14, 2022
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    i found a pirate asteroid base in some random system near the starter system. to my delight i discovered that i could mine the asteroid without having to kill the core. doing so gave ridiculous amounts of rep because you're "killing" pirate blocks while you do that. after mining out one asteroid base i was honored with everyone that cares about pirates. traders, polaris, zirax... not colonists though :eek:
  5. Skeliliz

    Skeliliz Ensign

    Nov 14, 2022
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    I am playing my first game still. I have autominer depletion on. I have not placed an autominer yet. I have pulled most of the resources needed to spawn in the ships I wanted from the factory by salvaging. I do sport a drill turret on my CV as well as the tool turret.

    The only two things I wish for is a secondary fire mode for the turret that allows me to harvest more blocks at once, and I wish it had a secondary fire mode that you had to switch into in order to salvage a core. Cores are cheap, but having to get out of the captain's chair and put a suit on to fly back over and re-core the ship I was salvaging because I accidentally hit the core... sadness.
  6. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I'd happy if we could control turrets with the mouse while still flying the ship with the keyboard. Salvage turrets would be just one advantage. Imagine what it would do for HV tanks.
  7. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Consider the progression of salvaging in vanilla:
    • Survival tool: painfully slow, low salvage return rate
    • T1 multitool: faster, can retrieve whole blocks
    • T2 multitool: does more damage to blocks per hit, so slightly faster
    • HV multi turret (planet) / CV multi turret (space): even faster, no ammo required, protects you from elements and danger
    • ???
    • Check control panel for material list, use item menu to spawn in mats, destroy structure
    There's a big gap where that ??? is for what is next. In the Reforged scenario you have two changes that tweak this progression:
    • Multi turrets are a shotgun spread, so the retrieval rate is a touch faster than vanilla (helps a little bit)
    • SVs can get salvage lasers, which are manual fire weapons that only salvage (can't retrieve). They trade off speed in breaking down a structure for the fact that you don't get whole parts. They also require mid-game components to craft. This takes some of the tedium out of salvaging because you're flying a ship vs just mindlessly moving a turret.
    Those two changes slot pretty comfortably into the progression system without being too OP. But where would automated salvage turrets or a salvage bay fit in? It's a pretty big jump to go from manually collecting materials for a ship to flipping a switch and waiting for a ship to enter your cargo boxes. A ship hull has a lot of raw material in it. POI hulls even more potentially. Last night I worked on disassembling a Xenu Fortress. That earned me enough steel and sathium plates to fill my factory for a late-game dreadnought. Where is the game balance if I could have flipped a switch, then spammed a bed or walked off to make dinner and came back to that much loot sitting in my cargo boxes?

    I want to say that salvaging needs to be made more fun and more interesting, not passive and with less player involvement. OPV hunting is already incredibly profitable once you have a capable ship. If salvaging becomes too easy then the game balance is going to be completely destroyed.
  8. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    I would put here the structural integrity hack. Removing the floor and than collecting the whole POI with "F" instantly grants lots of plates.
  9. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    glitch obviously
    the main quest polaris station doesn't let you mine it out like that

    agreed there is an odd gap between cheating and full-auto salvage

    however I disagree that players who want unsupervised salvage should simply be ignored

    hence the request having diverged into "repair bay" acting more like a nanobot drone spawner that will salvage/repair anything sitting on the pad

    any size, any type, if it collides with the upper block above the emitter it becomes the target(upon activation)

    this would allow salvaging any unpowered structure by basically linking(like docking a base to a cv) basically keeping the file referenced and only dropping the salvage target if the core of the parent breaks(or even a cheeky way to move a base using the bay) and then the drop occurs within 500m to the nearest block but no less than 100m to avoid a cv inside a base(I had it happen and breaking my cv free was torture without commands)
    yeah it is not perfect and yeah it makes those "micromanager" players angry
    but as the bay is a power hog and is too fast already in my opinion it can just be roughly 2x the speed of the tool turrets(skipping the SI and AI issues) and then basically become the factory as it creates a force field above the bay that is a large rectangle as close to centered as it can be but auto shifts off the edge of the parent if it is just too big

    this allows me to salvage dead stuff automatically and lore compatible by just flying a cv "harvester" to the target and triggering the bay
    then the harvester carries the harvest target(like a docked thing) then simply docks to my mothership
    then the MS shares power to the bay and adds a "vpn" to my MS cargo when docked
    it salavages the target over many hours (close enough to a turret kinda like a structure decon) and while I fly back to my home system it keeps ticking
    then I dock to the home base(currently sad that my cv can't lock to the base :( ) and it shares power so when the tanks go dry the O2+grow+fridges stay active
    it avoids fueling remote repair bays/warp/thrusters on solar(no point obviously) so it just lets you log off(someday background bay+defenses will work) or at the very least go shower while the bay works and come back to refill the tanks
  10. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Only the Omicron one is indestructible.
  11. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    wow really? so the devs set that one specifically due to o2 seals and stuff?
  12. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    I thinks it's due to not destroying a quest POI :p
  13. GodOfGuns

    GodOfGuns Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2015
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    but it also refuses to be reset by commands(likely due to the non-block components) perhaps this is a currently intended limit for MP?
    either way they obviously custom flagged that poi to be "undigable" so why is it not possible to reset it like any other poi?"the reset would allow multiple players to simply play the quest after one another
    sure each player would have to wait for the reset but if there was a simple admin command that could be run once each day to reset the quest pois (a day so each player can do that specific poi then whatever damage they did gets reset but also uses some type of force field to prevent re-looting?)

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