Needs attention Important Announcement about EAC

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Taelyn, Nov 10, 2022.

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  1. drog007

    drog007 Lieutenant

    Sep 8, 2016
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    Believe me when I say I've been watching too, and just find the lack of enablement exceptionally frustrating. The one's I've seen have to worry about fixes are largely having issues with anti-cheat integration in general, OS choice aside.

    Look, I've supported Empyrion the best I can over many years, and would love to feel comfortable supporting them again. I've gifted copies to friends in the past. I have ~2000 hours into Empyrion utilizing combinations of dual boot and virtual machines. I've also run servers to play with friends without EAC under Linux. All that said, at this time Empyrion is the ONLY game in my library that doesn't run entirely in Linux, so the ability to justify the extra hardware for one game just isn't there anymore. But the reality is that this is a game that really needs a minimum number of other players to keep any long term interest, and that gets into the realm of needing EAC.

    At first blush the argument that enablment would require support would seem to make sense, but really at this point what does enabling it and saying "whether it works or crashes is up to the EAC devs, we're not supporting it" lose? I mean, the vast majority of Linux users only expect actual support on native games. But being what appears to any casual observer to be being arbitrarily blocked from functionality raises hackles , and quickly. I know for a fact there's a not insignificant number of would-be players who feel similarly as I've talked to more than a handful in discord channels and the like. I know that anecdotal evidence isn't the most reliable, but a double digit percentage of the people I know who have played Empyrion in the past run Linux main and no longer dual boot, or are looking to go that way in the near future.... Add to that that back in the early alpha days a native linux version was promised, and it would seem that there's at least some case to be made that acquiesing on this point could range somewhere between pragmatic damage control, and proactive community revitalisation.

    As is, whether intentional or not, Eleon's current outlook and statements on the matter come across to at least some of us as a bit of an antagonistic slap in the face.
  2. Dagobert

    Dagobert Ensign

    Dec 4, 2022
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    Two months before I got problem with Empyrion launching on linux. It stuck every time on splash screen because of EAC. I thought it wasn't unique problem, but I didn't found an issue report or somethnig. So it looks like linux gamers won't overload eleon's support.
    Now this problem fixed. Looks like it was done during EAC update, and I happy to play this game on linux.
    Enabling EAC support for proton isn't that bad as you may think. In return, it will be a big step towards a Linux audience. I think devs shouldn't be afraid of this step.
    drog007 likes this.
  3. drog007

    drog007 Lieutenant

    Sep 8, 2016
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    It may have also been a unique problem. I haven't seen an issue with an EAC loading page stick since like... Alpha 4? I agree with your sentiment though. Linux users tend to be used to having to support things themselves, or find kindred spirits on other channels. While many of us would like to see more devs support us directly, most are more concerned with whether things are at least accessible enough to grow our numbers first.
  4. Lord Kronus

    Lord Kronus Ensign

    Jan 2, 2024
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    I don't understand what to do? How to enter the game? For 7 Days to Die, EAC is enabled, for EGS it is not enabled.
    Error 30007
    (I have 1600 hours of experience)
  5. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    You enable EAC in the options

    Options > Misc > Start with EAC. Set it to Yes
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. Lord Kronus

    Lord Kronus Ensign

    Jan 2, 2024
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    These are game launch options. EGS doesn't have this setting on Steam. 7 Days to Die has it. Otherwise I wouldn't be writing here.
  7. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    The settings of Empyrion are inside the game

    Lord Kronus and Germanicus like this.
  8. Lord Kronus

    Lord Kronus Ensign

    Jan 2, 2024
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    I can't get into the game menu. I will have to edit the game config manually in the file.
  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    You need to go into the register, thats where the settings are saved
    Changing this and doing it wrong can break your whole computer

    Why cant you get in the menu?
  10. Lord Kronus

    Lord Kronus Ensign

    Jan 2, 2024
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    I managed to get into the game menu after turning off the Internet. In offline mode, I turned off EAC.
    The problem is solved. Thanks for the tips.
    The problem was in the game client itself, not in my PC. This is a setting in the core of the client, and not from the outside like everyone else.
    Taelyn likes this.
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