Feedback Required [1.9] New Game Start: ASHON

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 20, 2022.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    ASHON is a completely new game start option for EXPERIENCED players and for those that do not mind a little challenge and put their knowledge of the game at a test. ;)

    In terms of feedback, please keep that in mind.

    In addition:
    - Keep your chosen difficulty level in mind. This might influence the strategies you need to use!
    - There are SEVERAL ways, some obious, some not so obvious to survive the first part of the game start,aka "space". ;)

    Main questions for you to possibly answer/note down while playing:
    1. Did you stumble into situations where the game makes it impossible to survive?
    2. What items do you feel are the most limiting/challenging to stock up
    3. Which elements of the game start setup does make it TOO EASY (on your difficulty level) and what do you suggest to improve it back to make it challenging?

    Thanks in advance for your feedback! :)
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2022
    Andreykl and Germanicus like this.
  2. Nazo

    Nazo Ensign

    Jan 28, 2022
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    So I want to say that on Ashon II I feel like the N'Ty are FAR too enthusiastically spawning. As in to such an extent that I clear an area and start mining and suddenly I'm being hit from behind by one that didn't even exist moments ago. If the player has already cleared the area it should be safe in that immediate area. And I mean I cleared all that even could have been in detection range. I've turned around in some areas and seen some that didn't even exist moments ago (I guess it waits until I'm not looking to avoid a visible pop-in.) I get that they're supposed to add some challenge as well as provide materials, but I do think they are getting way too extreme. On that note, their detection range is also a bit insane as I've had some come from extremely far away. Given that they are supposed to be slow both physically and in terms of actual processing performance by the description, it seems like they maybe even should have a lower than usual detection range instead of higher than usual.

    I had a bit of an oddity I couldn't reproduce enough to necessarily determine if it's a bug or what in regards to solar panels. When I landed on Ashon II the suit AI directed me to a nearby engine compartment which it stated that someone else had previously converted into an incomplete base. I fixed it up with air sealing and etc and used it for my own, which I presume is entirely what the scenario intends. One thing I tried to do fairly quickly is replace the small solar panels that were on it with larger ones to hopefully burn a bit less promethium as I built myself up. For some reason the larger panels failed to work at all at first even with the star straight overhead pointed right at them. Presumably if the small panels were producing a trickle of power, large ones should too. Curiously enough, I put small panels down and they weren't producing anything either. All the lights on the panels were empty as if they just were not even functioning. However, when I gave it a day or two they started working. I don't know if that was a bug or what, but since I can't reproduce it I can only mention it. I wasn't sure if it was intended that Ashon II should simply not have good solar reception anyway (there certainly are thick clouds after all.) Since it's working now and I don't have a save from before it stopped, I can't really provide any more details than that and you can just ignore this if it's not useful.

    One bit of feedback I can add though: I don't think the scenario ever once mentioned the "suspicious escape vessel." I played this starter when it previously came out and I'm pretty sure I remember the rather surely character in the main trading area of the station stating clearly that it was there and that I could take it, so I already knew of it to look for it in this one, but I don't think the station manager mentioned it. Or if he did I certainly missed it. Of course, he did mention that there was ice below which could encourage the player to look downward perhaps. I do sort of feel like he should maybe more clearly mention it however so someone new to this starter would be more inclined to know about it.

    Anyway, here is my procedure so far (still haven't left the area, but starting to build my capital vessel now) in case any of this tells you anything one way or the other about the scenario and if I've done anything players aren't supposed to or whatever (spoilered for obvious reasons.) I know I've done a few things I'm not supposed to, but I don't know if it's anything you'd want to design around or not:
    01. Grabbed the stuff in the locker.
    02. Put on the temperature, radiation, and multiboost modules.
    03. Used the survival tool to salvage a few things, then flew to the nearby station.
    04. Sold the armor modules I wasn't using then bought just a few basics including hot drinks.
    05. Cored the suspicious escape vessel, flew it out then shut it off so it would force a stop. (Sorry, but the first rule of an engineer is if it works, use it.)
    06. Very very slowly turned the escape vessel towards the old wreckage and flew it out there (force stopping when close.) This was so I could use it to warm up and use fewer hot drinks. Don't worry too much about this though as it is almost physically painful making that thing turn and not very efficient trying to rush back and forth to and from it, so I still used all the hot drinks pretty fast.
    07. Salvaged as much as I reasonably could, then turned back to the station.
    08. Made as much as I could using the station constructor. A cargo box, fuel tank, power generator, constructor, and a handful of steel blocks in particular (I didn't know about the engine compartment.)
    09. Floated towards the planet with auto-braking turned off and slowly turned it away from the planet.
    10. Coasted down slowly using the autobrake with the one thruster pointed down to make it stop rather than crash-landing.
    11. Turned towards the crashed engine compartment when the suit AI mentioned it and crash landed as near to it as I could (pretty close.)
    12. Fixed up the engine compartment to be a suitable base with air tightness and etc.
    13. Dug a lot of stone nearby while using the atmosphere condensers to produce at least a bit of water and oxygen.
    14. Salvaged the escape module and built a proper SV with RCS and plenty of thrusters.
    15. Flew to the moon and landed near neodymium sites out of range of the bases, then dug down underground toward the deposits so the bases wouldn't shoot at me. (I don't know if this is intended or not, but I don't think it would be reasonable at all to try to attack the bases with an unshielded SV and it didn't seem reasonably possible to make a shield without extracting neodymium. Several of the base weapons have a tendency to utterly destroy some of the SV blocks with one to two hits at the most, so loss of functionality would happen far too fast without a shield.)
    16. Escaped with neodymium and began work on my CV.

    I did also grab a few seeds for fiber plants along the way to plant, but between stuff I'd salvaged or found in boxes I haven't really used all that much of it.
    This is currently where I am in my current playthrough since the 1.9 update. I've taken my time (far longer than most probably) but for all intents and purposes I suppose it's basically done -- just a matter of putting the CV together, gathering a bit more pentaxid, and getting out of here at this point.

    As a side note, it might be interesting if there were some sort of incentive and mechanism through which you could take out that local warlord that's giving the trade station so much trouble and then some sort of reward for doing so. (Well, assuming there isn't already, but nothing in the scenario so far seemed to imply to me that there was.) In such a case it would be nice if the station manager said something like a specific location to find him (because it just isn't reasonable to take out all of the bases... If nothing else just due to the sheer amount of time this would take simply not being worth any reasonable reward they could provide.) I think such an addition would potentially be a lot of fun and fit extremely well with this scenario.

    EDIT: As predicted, it was indeed a foregone conclusion at the time I wrote that. It took me a while to finish my CV as I wanted to try out a slightly different design, but I finished it and hopped out, then got lucky and got a system with insane resources super easy for me to collect at that point since by then I had a harvest laser on my SV. I did run across one other thing though: I could not, for the life of me, remember the name of the system I was supposed to go to. I actually had to jump back and go back to the trade station to talk to the station manager again to get the name of the system I was supposed to go to. It would be nice if there was a PDA note or something that we could refer to. The whole scenario completely lacks any PDA notes, which I know is largely on purpose, but a few basics could really be helpful. Namely just basic reiteration of the details on the console in the destroyed ship at the start (which planet is which, trade station exists, etc) and just a few other basics like what system you need to escape to (perhaps added after talking to the station manager.) Basically keep it simple, but at least have something to make it easier to remember for those of us with goldfish memories.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2022
    Andreykl, DarkMaid and Hummel-o-War like this.
  3. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Agree with the too-prolific N'Ty spawning. They are 1.5 to 2x longer to take down than Golems and typically you have to "kill" several to land anywhere. Even at mountain peaks one or two will show up before you can do even low-yield surface mining.

    For example, I'd planned to mine a copper node and crafted a single gatling gun for my bare-bones SV along with 300 rounds of 15mm ammo but used all of it "killing" maybe four or five N'Ty but in the end had to return to space with nada and my tail between my legs because I couldn't "kill" all of them to even land. Well, it would have went smoother if my SV had more front thrusters so as to be able to point straight down to shoot the mob of N'Ty that had formed. Lesson learned there (not to mention minimum of 2 gatlings and more ammo). Given the almost total lack of resources you have even the amount of ammo to manufacture has to be considered vs. other things you need (like more thrusters for your SV).

    Edit: After a few more sessions I noted down a few lessons learned and put them under spoiler tags. As always, it takes trial and error to get through these tougher scenarios and what often seems nearly impossible at first becomes "possible". The question becomes whether the player has enough leeway to make those first few false leads and still have enough time and resources left over to recover on the very first time playing the scenario (I didn't; but I'm not pissed off or anything. Just humbled a bit that I didn't do it on the first blind run :) )
    Once I got a hold of some rock I crafted a whole bunch of carbon fibre SV blocks and made a rear compartment on my SV large enough to deploy the F5 drone from (shutter door in the ceiling). Your character stays cool and safe from the heat, radiation, rain, etc. while you mine with the drone. There's enough range to allow hovering above the N'Ty and still get down to the resource. Just make sure you have enough down thrust as you take on ore and not sink down into the horde of N'Ty (which is what I'm assuming might happen if you overload the SV while mining).
    I also had fixed up the Engine Compartment POI per the messages but eventually gave up on it due to the meager solar output despite installing 5 large + 2 small panels. It's best to just set up the panels and then go back to space immediately to let some battery power accumulate before trying to make use of the base. But by then I'd already decided there are better strategies anyway so a lot of resources got wasted on what eventually turned out to be a futile endeavor (or improperly executed, whatever).

    The other big draw-back (N'Ty hordes being the first) for the lava planet is the radiation and heat. Even with the radiation suit buff and another +2 rad protection from the armor buff and I think the multi buff one you CAN get to 13 rad protection but depending on where you're walking the radiation can still end up a bit higher than 13. Probably advisable to buy a few anti-radiation pills from the medic trader just in case the radiation does catch up with you. Heat's the bigger issue as there's not much you can do about it other than jumping back into the SV to cool off.
    Once I had my "F5 deployer SV" in operation the radiation and heat wasn't much of a factor. There are still things that require you to get out and do on foot though (like plucking Pentaxid crystals, looting those closets found in a lot of POI's just to name two).
    The planet is also 2.5x gravity so you need more down and rear thrusters to escape the gravity well if weighed down with cargo. Lol at my first SLOOOW ascent back into space that took about 15 mins. real time. Despite the drone presence the smaller moon has far more possibilities.
    There are small water bodies on the moon so finding a relatively safe beach location and then plunking down a water collector solves the oxygen and water problem. While waiting for the first few water containers to generate there are plenty of plants, thorns and various mineral rocks to grab/mine.

    I found that the energy and water collectors on the lava planet were only useful when I was desperate because good luck trying to collect from them due to all the N'Ty milling around. The energy ones have a couple of higher tanks you can carefully collect from while hovering just out of reach of the mobs but the water ones only have a single ground level container so you have to find one where the N'Ty are far enough away for you to run in and grab the water (or first lure them away and then dash in to collect). But frequent maneuvering was out of the question with my underpowered, barebones SV and also I was having graphics performance issues (described in a later paragraph) that made any kind of SV maneuvering an exercise in frustration. As far as I can tell those structures are single use -- I've gone back to the ones near the base and they were always empty (didn't generate replacement Promethian pellets or water). But if they do barely allow you to keep going then I suppose they've done their job.
    To solve the energy problem I ended up building a plant fibre farm in a solar space station near the wrecked CV. It took quite awhile to build up to four 3x3 plots (36 plots total) because it takes water & fiber to make the grow pots as well as the fibre seedlings. One 3x3 set was for food/medicinal plants and the other three for plant fibre production. So I'm now getting enough fibre to keep my SV fueled plus extra biofuel for the water generator on the moon.

    I really like the initial start situation: going around fixing the air leaks, turning off equipment to save power, selective salvaging and grabbing the scattered cargo all while at the back of your mind you know you're running out of oxygen, fuel and food. One thing that could be improved is it's hard to know which of those scattered containers you've already looted because the location label persists even if you salvage the container with your multitool afterwards. I think the labels only go away after you exit the game and reload. Otherwise next time I'll be pausing the game to take notes as to which containers I've looted.

    Love the trading station: free oxygen for your suit, healing and a good balance of merchants to buy crucial early game supplies (plus a few freebies like the tiny SV and other supplies). Really like the self-serve constructor with the trader guy right in front of it so you can conveniently buy crafting ingredients if you have the credits (in my case I'd sold the rocket launcher you get at the start).

    Something that's probably only personal due to an older computer but I noticed VERY poor performance while trying to fly around both worlds while in exterior view (V + Alt). Any sudden camera movement was impossible for me as it resulted in a frozen display for a couple of seconds. Especially after a radar ping as all the POI labels appear, any kind of weather, dense hilly terrain, lava fields, possibly the N'Ty presence, the sun/planet/asteroid ring rising on the horizon, whatever, it was almost unplayable flying a SV on these worlds. The smaller moon especially because I had to constantly ping my radar to keep track of drones and avoid getting too close to enemy bases. Not good. I set the graphics to Fast but it did little improvement. I've got a few more settings I can try adjusting yet but if I can't rectify the slideshow experience I currently have then I'll sadly have to give up on this scenario, at least with my current hardware. I loaded my last Akua save game, got in a SV and noticed some stuttering there too but nowhere near as bad as on the two ASHON worlds.

    Generally I really like the scenario: due to all the mistakes I made it was clear I was going to run out of oxygen, fuel or food so I ended up evoking god mode to get out of a couple of impossible jams rather than starting over. I wanted to at least visit the moon once to see what was there so that I could formulate a bit of a strategy for next time because I'd wasted a lot of time and resources trying to make my initial strategy (Engine Compartment base) work to no avail.

    For possible improvement besides the container ID persistence and N'ty hordes reduction maybe have two or three mine-able rock asteroids distributed in the "asteroid" belt? Seems odd to be flying through all those asteroids but not be able to make any use of them (can't mine them and they don't count as "terrain" to deploy collectors or create a base on). They'd require some travel to utilize and yield only basic rock but it would add another strategy option. As far as I know only the two worlds count as "terrain" to use those portable collectors (unless I didn't explore enough but the info panel says there are no "real" asteroids).

    Anyway, hopefully some useful feedback in there somewhere. Graphics performance aside I'll be giving the scenario another go sometime soon: I have a couple different ideas I'd like to try :)

    Edit: In ASHON Orbit there is a Supply Station with a Damaged Freighter parked beside it. I was able to core the Supply Station but for the life of me I can't find any core associated with the Damaged Freighter. It won't let me salvage anything or place my own core. In godmode I methodically clipped through the whole vessel but couldn't find a core. Registry says it belongs to the warlord. Wondering if this is by design (a kind of Admin structure?) or am I just blind and simply missed finding the core? There were also a bunch of mesh errors that might also have something to do with it.

    Edit 2: There's another Supply Station and Freighter elsewhere in Ashon orbit. Both have similar designs as the first station/freighter POI except this freighter is intact. I was able to core the 2nd station and the freighter. With a hint as to where the core was likely to be (the ships are almost identical aside from the damage) I went back to the damaged freighter but still couldn't find its core. Even blew up a few blocks using explosive charges but didn't find anything. The freighter seems to be borked somehow almost as it's an Admin-type structure. If I'd found the undamaged one first I wouldn't have cared as much but as it is there are two small CV thrusters that I couldn't salvage (and a blast door). Not a big deal -- it's just annoying not to know if it was by design or if it's indeed bugged somehow.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2023
    Andreykl likes this.
  4. Andreykl

    Andreykl Commander

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Interesting experience, thanks.

    I checked it out (and landed onto the planet) to see if it's any good to try it out with a friend. Got killed by the swarm, decided that I did some mistakes and chose to 'start over'. I got spawned on the same CV, but without the suit or modules, thus impossible to continue. Either 'start over' option should not be available in SP or should actually start over (will try again later with a new save).

    I tried the same on MP and there is a teleporter in the room with lockers, I tried to use it, but it never loaded.

    P.S. Instead of disabling Blueprint Factory game really needs a proper blueprint builder that doesn't tie an infinite resource inventory to player.
    DarkMaid likes this.
  5. DeadZombie14

    DeadZombie14 Ensign

    Jan 11, 2023
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    Hi there, I succesfully escaped this scenario as well.
    EDIT: My difficulty settings were the highest possible. Only construction speed was normal.

    WARNING spoilers ahead. Best to experience it yourself first :)
    My first steps were:
    1. Quickly loot everything in the near vicinity of the Scout, specially the med cargo box and the one that contains a CV captain seat. (Note that you will loose your first life no matter what since the coldness will stack up until you can no longer remove its side effects.)
    2. Make your CV private instead of public (this will cause fuel to start depleting).
    3. Reposition your only thruster to go forwards so you are able to use pilot mode to turn your ship.
    4. Reach the near trading station and search for the free supplies.
    5. Make a crap ton of Ore scanners and sell them using iron recycled from your CV. (This will give you at least 50k credits)
    6. Buy EVERYTHING they offer. Specially food, weapons & ammo.
    Now that I was able to leave safely, it was time to choose a starting planet.
    I gave a try to Ashon II itself, oh what a mistake. High gravity suck my ship into lava and I died instantly.
    Not to mention you cannot move it since you only have one thruster. The enviroment outside is also crazily hot so you cannot spend even a few seconds mining.

    So, the only viable choice left was Ashon II moon.
    Here are all the reamining steps I did in order to survive:
    1. Pray so you dont crash into a "trigger-happy" area.
    2. After crashing, you will have to kill a few drones here and there that will try to destroy your CV. Piece of cake using ammo you bought from the trading station.
    3. Harvest tons of stone using your drone, then make yourself a tiny base to store all your stuff safely.
    4. Make a SV and keep buying resources everyday by visiting the trading station.
    5. Try to harvest a wide variety of resources so you get explorer tokens. (Yes, even titanium from Ashon II)
    6. Get the epic drill reward.
    7. Get some promethium pellets from those energy condensers in Ashon II. Watch out for N'Tys.
    8. Mine like crazy and fix your CV. You will only be missing a warp drive and some thrusters for it.
    Finally, in order to get some neodymium, erestrum and zascosium this is what I did:
    1. Make a combat SV with only rockets and auto 15mm turrets.
    2. Go raid the nearby wrecks and bases. AVOID any that has anti air rocket turrets.
    3. By now you should have neodymium and loot from rare loot boxes.
    4. Fix your ship and leave.

    As you noticed, I didnt pay a visit to any refuel stations or harder structures.
    Drones and N'Tys gave me more than enough promethium to survive.

    This is what I think could be improved to the scenario:
    1. Give the player an eva boost in an extra box near the scout CV. It will allow for a no-dying run.
    2. Add a docking pad to that one free SV suspicious pod we get. How do you expect us to crash & survive in Ashon II (lava planet) without using it?
    3. Make drones heavily attack your base when in the moon. I placed some turrets expecting to be attacked but that never happened, what a boomer tbh.
    4. Remove the "breathable" feature to Ashon II moon. Not having to care about oxygen felt like I wasnt playing in the hardest difficulty.
    That's all! Overall a challenging but nice scenario :).


    Last edited: Jan 12, 2023
  6. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Giving an Eva boost would make it far too easy, and isn't required to help prevent you from dying.

    Why do you need a docking pad, that one I don't get?
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  7. DeadZombie14

    DeadZombie14 Ensign

    Jan 11, 2023
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    1. In order to get the CV's cockpit you have to travel far without cold protection, which will stack up bad effects until you die. An eva boost would prevent it and I dont think it would ruin anything since the moon is almost a temperate planet and there arent any interesting resources in space.

    2. When you get the suspicious looking SV, you cant carry it along with your CV. You need to dock it, but your level is way too low to unlock it. And no I dont want to die to get back to my CV lol.
    To put you in context, when you crash in the lava planet, there is one POI available to use as a base, but you wont be able to reach it cuz your CV is way too heavy. Plus that base is not even sealed.
    You wont be able to walk to it at 200 Celsius lol.
    You need your SV, but you couldnt carry it with you cuz you are missing that one single docking pad.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2023
  8. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    You can get to the cv cockpit and back without dying, it's close and pretty much takes up most of your meds but survivable.

    It's nicely balanced I think on hard difficulty settings.

    I like the idea of either one or the other not both (sv or cv)
    Wellingtoon and DeadZombie14 like this.
  9. Andreykl

    Andreykl Commander

    Apr 9, 2017
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    I managed to loot everything and even salvage containers around without dying, just had to get back to CV often.

    I think there were 3 coffee pots (or whatever it's called that is 'hot'), I used those to get to trading station without dying.
    Wellingtoon and DeadZombie14 like this.
  10. DeadZombie14

    DeadZombie14 Ensign

    Jan 11, 2023
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    OMG you traveled that far without a ship?! XD
    This is what I like about hard scenarios, people do anything to survive.

    Yeah you CAN survive because at one point the game will simply stop stacking cold damage. But that sounds unrealistic like if it was a glitch.
    Like... you froze to death so much that your skin became a rock so you no longer feel coldness? lol
  11. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    If deadzombie is playing on highest possible settings then my guess is its essentially hard difficulty, in which case its very very different than medium difficulty.
    DeadZombie14 likes this.
  12. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    @DeadZombie14 did you not find any water on your travels? I managed to get to the base on the planet with not too much hassle.
  13. DeadZombie14

    DeadZombie14 Ensign

    Jan 11, 2023
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    Like you said before, my difficulty settings might have changed everything.
    In my case, surviving a 200C with a heat stroke level 3 was not posible.
    Water didnt help me at all. The first 5 seconds you stepped outside you were already loosing 20% of your HP. with a 3rd degree burnt.
  14. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Difficulty has nothing to do with the items that spawn.

    I used the meds to go to the station pick as much stuff that I could before grabbing the sv and making my way down to the planet.

    Water can help but with the sv you can easily cool down by just hopping in. If you have the cv down then same thing.

    From there its a simple thing to make a very basic hover and head over to the base.

    The above is only one of the methods I've used but can be done without a death.
  15. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Not in the way of asteroids but there are those refueling stations that the trading post commander mentions. I don't want to spoil too much but if you can knock out a few already-damaged space drones (and a few guards/robots in the space stations/freighters themselves) then there's a crap ton of loot to be had -- so much that I think the reward far outweighs the effort required. Lemme put it this way, between farming N'Ty drops and the loot from the space POI's I didn't need to mine an ounce of Neodymium to escape the system (aside from a handful of Neodymium surface rocks).

    My vote would also be to hold off on having a suit EV upgrade available at the start. The fun is in the challenge of how not to freeze and an EV upgrade very early would ruin that. If it's because the hard setting is too brutal vis a vis cold effects then perhaps have a few more hot drinks available or maybe a couple of insulation upgrades so the effects take longer to happen. Or position the containers closer to the scout CV.

    The EV upgrade would also make the space POI's too easy to exploit. I didn't get to the space POI's until I already had a fairly capable SV and an EV upgrade for my suit (fyi there are gold rocks laying around in the mountain rift biomes of the moon) but next time I might try my luck against them much earlier :)

    Scenario improvement-wise so far I'd say:

    1) Decrease the N'Ty spawn rate (and numbers in general) on the lava planet. It's already a high gravity heat & radiation hellhole and furthermore the fact that there are so many N'Ty means that once you have a SV turret or two then farming N'Ty for heaps of loot becomes too easy.

    2) Increase solar panel efficiency on the lava planet by about 30% otherwise a base here is unviable. Whatever fuel you get from those collection towers is desperately required for fuel for vehicles and O2/Water generators with none left over to run a base. If you can't get a solar base powerful enough to be able to run a ventilator, a fridge, a couple of grow lamps and careful use of constructors then it's not worth it, at least not on the small amounts of pellets you get once only per tower you visit.

    3) Make those oxygen and energy converter towers actually "work". As far as I can tell they are only good for one-time looting. Similar to plants on a planet, after a period of time they should produce a product again. Seems a pity that such cool structures are only worth visiting once. If making them renewable is too hard to code in then double the loot you get from them.

    Points 1-3 are for making the lava planet a more viable option to land on at the start. As it is the moon is a far, far more viable option imo despite the roving drones (and may still be even after these changes because the moon has food, water, fibre plants, etc. all things you have to MAKE on the lava planet). All without being continuously fried either by heat or radiation. And solars actually work on the moon, too :)

    4) Agree that drones should attack your base on the moon if you build one (based on the usual parameters of how close the next enemy base is, how much of an energy signature you have, etc).

    5) I like the idea of making the moon airless as well. Compared to the lava planet it does seem too environmentally easy.

    6) Close any easy money trader exploits like the ore scanner one that was mentioned.

    7) The id tags for the containers floating in space behind the scout CV need to go away during the game session if you salvage the containers after looting them. Otherwise it gets confusing as to which ones you've already visited (without making hand notes, that is).

    8) In my earlier post I mentioned issues finding cores in a couple of the space POI's. Tbh this is a pet-peeve of mine anyway in Empyreon (finding cores).

    9) Add a couple of "placeable terrain" asteroids somewhere in the asteroid belt. Maybe with a small wreck on it to justify a damaged space drone defending the site. Far away from anything else, well out of SV scanner range (so you have to explore to find 'em). Perhaps switch out a couple of those promethium fueling space station POI's with one or two of these terrain asteroids instead (because the stations/freighters look rather too much like copypastes anyway aside from different damage levels).

    I like all the strategies and tips mentioned so far: a good sign that the scenario can be tried using different approaches for enhanced re-playability. I'd love to play more of these types of survival starts. My favorite part of this game is from the very start up to reaching some milestone like getting to space in a SV, etc. anyway.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2023
  16. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Played that gamestart with Slow Food, CPU on, otherwise default.

    Flying with only 2 symetrical thrusters on the suspicious vessel worked very well in terms of turning for me, I often had to use the O key to stablize but overall I was able to first turn and only then use the thrusters to get in the direction I wanted, that worked surprisingly well, so you can head to the moon instead of the planet as soon as you depart the station. What I did was:
    First I have crafted a Multitool to salvage the thruster from the wreckage near my initial CV (the presence of a MT in a container is random so don't rely on it, you need to craft one if absent and get charges for it on the station in a second step); on the suspicious vessel, I took away the thruster and grid on the right, I add the core instead of the grid, but I then add 2 thrusters below so they show symetrical and equidistant to the wings, add 3 cargo boxes to fill the spaces and that's it, Biofuel to replenish and you can go; or to the planet or to the moon.

    Next time I will try to make minimum repairs of the initial CV and see if I can get to crush it on one of the bodies with the help of 2 thrusters, seems to be difficult but possible IMHO, the cockpit gift in the container near the wreckage seems strongly to make it possible (and gives away this solution too easily...why else granting a CV cockpit to the player...)

    All outdoor operations in the cold can be far easier if you warm up near your generator which raises the temp to 180°, just stay near up to reaching a level-2 heat stroke (not more!), you more than triple the time you can stay outside, you easily reach the station unharmed - and for sure also this far away last container near the wreckage vessel. Thanks a lot to The Big Berezenski in the Steam forum for this awesome trick. On your return from the station towards the CV, these hot beverages will do to delay blood loss or frostbites (can be bought at the station when you run out of them). Oh and, going out of render range of the station will reset all trader's stock, so take profit of that too to get plenty of Biofuel, MT charges, ammo and all the medecines until you run out of money - and should you really run out then craft and trade chainsaws and ore scanners for big money :)
    You can easily stock everything up and take it with you by adding up to 3 cargo boxes to the suspicious vessel, as said it doesn't hamper minimally its flying capacity.
    At gamestart it's your O2 that will slowly run out and pretty nothing you can do against it, so don't fool around too long in space when starting, get your feet planetside or moonside quickly.

    What I didn't like so much: The moon is desperatly void and tedious to play, mainly due to the lack of easier POIs, most of them are occupied by lots of enemies with tremendous turrets and long range weapons that will spot you magically at the right 1/10 of a second after you put your nose out, giving you certainly a no-go to those buildings soon after coming from space. That's ok but problem is there's pretty nothing else to help you, except good mining ressources, but these won't fill your stomac... There are far too many drones that spawn eternally, I can stand these ever-incoming N'Tys, but this overkill with so many drones detracts my attention too much, more than being a real threat when using my sniper gun. For sure players can develop from there and will get the crucial Level 5 quickly, you need then to hurry up to build a better SV or HV to explore the system for food ingredients and mining ressources or your journey will end soon, lootable vegetation for food is rare to non-existant (if everything fails for you, return to the station). After having gathered basic survival stuff, make a provisory base digged into some mountain, improve your equipments and weapons and then you have a lot of options, or attack the weaker POIs to get more interesting loot to help your journey, or simply leave, you know where to go, the game has told you (you have talked to the station manager, haven't you?).
    Overall I have hoped to find more help on the moon which didn't offer very much, this moon was more a sprint rather than a marathon in order to survive, and surprisingly I found the solutions on the lava planet and elsewhere far easier for my ongoing (but I won't expand on that).

    It's surely the most puzzling game start from all available in the vanilla game. Nice work! But beginners would get utterly lost, it's good that you said 'For Experienced Players'.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2023
    Hummel-o-War likes this.
  17. Migdalin

    Migdalin Ensign

    May 12, 2023
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    I made it as far as the quest to take out the command center on the moon. One of the two AI helper ships had already been shot down before I could land at the base. It was crawling with guards, etc. My ship was already getting shredded when I went into a death loop. "Hurry up and get in there" doesn't feel all that viable as an approach. And without a shield, with only a couple of Gatling guns and minigun turrets, I can't see duking it out with a base that has strong AA emplacements. Any hints on how to tackle that mission?

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