The tiles i initially created, were to create quick and easy bases that could be stand-alone structures and make a village. got inspiration from brotherhood of farr villages, but they seemed to lack variation. they are all class 1, i worked hard to make sure hey are all that size. but it took on a life of its own and i now have a 90 tile player set and a 81 poi alien structures for variety. i hope to make a damaged ba poi set which i think would actually work out better for ruins. the theme is a generic industrial look, so that it can be easily changed via coloring and texturing to suit whatever needs. the alien cores for the poi ba have no faction set. but all the poi ba have all gone through the checklist and prefabinfo ba_tilehere -clearpivot ran on everyone and saved. all et to 000 as needed all input-output set and all civilian structures had their hardened materials removed. i removed all of the solar towers that i used on the player version of the tiles or bases. these can be used by anyone for whatever. I apologize for no up-to-date videos right now. but the best way to see the building are to spawn them in-game, and i have two save games in creative so you do not have to do this all zipped up. Steam Screenshots: Demo of a small poi clusters Steam collection of BA tiles using alien core for poi Google Drive link to creative save game to see the alien core poi tiles on display steam collection ofplayer tiles using player core. Google Drive link to creative save game to see the player tiles on display
Set of docks or piers for players. was fun to watch em line up and snap together. i will be personally making lot of use of these on next ocean planet, have clear cut edor i'm afraid... edit: i went ahead and converted them,is a BA_Tile versions with a npccore in them uploaded. but links below are for the player version. edit: i had to create some half size version of the docks below. seems the tall ones onlly work on very large, large or medium planets. need half the size for small worlds or moons. discovered can onlly go so deep on a small world or moon. half size versions are up now in work shop. T-shape one sided line shape corner or L shape square shape centered line shape
Finally got my Ruins finished. Ruined version of the poi of same name. still has poi item set to 0000 and follows military and civilian structure rulesets all generators, tanks, solar capacitors, wifi, ammo box and core and such have been removed from the foundation inside is is just token deco for ruins look, all tools, majority of boxes and refrigeration have been removed and all npcs. all major weapons have also been removed. after damage was done, blue print renamed, spawn names given ie ruined tower etc. clear pivot rand and saved. a youtube tour steam link to the collection and a few screenies.
This was an unexpected and welcome surprise. seems my tiles sank into a single layer of concrete nicely, and aligned much much easier. so experimented in space, and it made for a nice look. all buildings are already sealed but 02 for the sidewalks might be a real trick... thought i post this as a potential. edit to add tried some oxygenated connector pieces and built on an asteroid. connector pieces come with varying degrees of success...
update to my docks and pier sets here hey are in one collection. will slowly keep adding to them more simulations or decoration and player usable houses. 15 items or tiles atm. --------- link to my primary collection of all player tiles which includes the above. for toal of 153 items or tiles atm
set of tiles for creation of highways, train tracks and depot and engines also Maglev train and rail system also Collection of desert themed buildings, felt the desert deserved more than tanks, tanks, tanks and more tanks... i'm still adding to my primary collection for more and more variety and variations. link to my primary collection of all player tiles which includes the above. for toal of 200 items or tiles atm
experimenting with merging my tiles together into new things, such as something more worthy as a true poi. This is a player version atm, did remove all tiles solar panels, generators, capacitors and tanks and cpu into the powerstation tile. OFC, a corenpc i wouldn't need the power station, can use another tile to make the poi by merging with copy and past. thanks ravien_ff for helping me with that.
created some more farm buildings and farm themes for greater variation in the current farm poi these are player sets.
system to speed up making space based poi with my tiles. Ended up being fast and easy. made a basic blank foundation and a armed and solar setup foundations. for placing either 1 tile or 4 tiles, or just use as a foundation for other bases or poi. foundations ofc hold your generators, solar capacitors,wi-fi oxygen and fuel/pentax tanks and cpu extenders sitting on the generators surrounded by fuel tanks. :O space poi and foundations list prototype i made from one of the foundations and 4 tiles copy and pasted on it . had to do some minor detailing and add a teleporter with logic, was very fast to do i was bit surprised. link to main collection of player tiles first space poi with new system, science station
my first "city" for space. is size class 16 and is very large and a lot to see. i hope to make several more of these. This is either a Space city or Floating City, made from 25 of my tile sets. has a runway on one side for your sv's or cv's. uses t4 cpu but is not compliant, not compliant to weapon turrets either. more of a poi than a true player base. video shows all the poi included into the city. takes a lot of oxygen to fill the bubble Size Class 16 65 turrets 26 320k container controllers 269 containers 198 grow plots 43 fridges 1 teleporter 1 t2 reparibay 14 food processors 10 enhanced constructors 10 deconstructors 1 t2 shield 8 furnaces 1 gravity gen 14 solar panels all medical devices. spawning it in creative is a good idea so can crawl all around it, inside the building and into the bowels. space tiles poi or bases collection on steam.
Part of a set of shops for various merchant archetypes, set up in Western or Midwest downtown Motif. Facade is just that. the rest of store is modern inside and each building is uniquely shaped behind the facade. No merchants added all buildings are between .5 and .7 size class. Video tour of the western themed stores. Tiles-Shops Various Themes steam collection
Companion airships for my Tile collection to match my industrial revolution or steampunk theme. Link to the collection of 10 airships
A collection of my high rises or sky scrapers. collection of my various collection of my own tile poi 516, in various themes.
Sample screenshot of my space cities and stations using my tile sets. full collection is here cities are on a 120x120 meter grid and are of various themes. Then is all the Space stations i have created in same collection listed above. but are 1/5th size of the cities.
screenshot tour of my 19 airships in steampunk or retro-futurism style to go with my industrial revolution style tiles video is currently processing.... video tour collection of airships
These space and land bases are designed in jetson style. with legs or stilts that comply to structural integrity. the space bases have a engineering section attached to replace the stilts or legs. here is link to collection.