What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Was trying to have the columns similar to whats in bo'katans mandalorain castle - if youve seen the episode
  2. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    ...yeah ok I admit it: I was unable to resist and I clicked the link... damn you're tricky ;) in the good way I mean ;)

    Oh by the way: cool hallway... but that link damn you're tricky ;)
    jadefalcon likes this.
  3. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    The link snares many :)
  4. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Starstrider... well do you know what I like the most of it? What this name represents, what this name defines, it's not just a label.

    I mean, I find it fascinating: it's fascinating the fact that somewhere in this world there is someone who thinks to build a more destructive missile than the ones of the USA, there is someone who is so greedy that could even sell his family to have more money, there is someone who can seriously think to bring the whole world to a war just to demonstrate his useless thing is longer than others, there is... and then there is someone like you who liked to call a starship Starstrider, who wants to travel from one star to another just to reach those, just because humanity is this: to go beyond known bounds over and over again.

    But as it happens fascinating sometimes hides also a face of frustration because most probably when space travel will become the new reality I will already be several feet underground.

    Yes, we love Reforged Eden not just because it populated the galaxy but also because it let us figure out the deserved future of humanity: maybe just looking through one of the windows of the Starstrider.

    Safe and long travel to your capital ship.
    Sephrajin and Slam Jones like this.
  5. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Absolutely! I was born too late to explore the Earth, and too early to explore the Galaxy, but at just the right to do so in video games :)

    I've long wanted to see humans become a galactic civilization, and not just a planetary one. To see humans living amongst the stars is one thing I hope to see before I die. Not just visiting: but living there, freed from the loving shackles of earth. But we know this will only happen if we can all work together, if we can all put aside our differences and our petty border disputes, if we can put aside warmongering and hatred, if we can learn to uplift those lower than us, rather than standing on them, then we, as a species, can achieve truly incredible things.

    So, to me, to go out and explore the stars, to see what wonderful and terrible things there are to behold in a universe that cares not of, nor perhaps even notices, our existence is the highest level of achievement. To blaze a trail for the future of humanity to follow in, in order to secure our place in the universe and truly become a multi-planetary species, is something to strive for.

    RE does definitely give some of that to us. The vast number of star systems, and the different types and size of star systems, make for an interesting environment to explore. And now that I found out about the scanning missions, it feels even better. Gives even more reason to continue to look ever outward and pushing our boundaries.

    While others may seek to subjugate or exploit their fellow humans, I aim to look outward towards the stars and towards the infinite promising universe. I look to improving life for all humans, whatever nationality they may claim, by moving outward and becoming a greater species than we were before. All we can hope for is constant improvement, day by day, however slow the process may be.
    spacegal and Wellingtoon like this.
  6. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Recently, I've gotten triggered as I had been.... forced... to watch a very (kind of) old screenshot of mine, back from 2019....
    So I had started something, and kept working on that yesterday...
    EDIT: Yes, thats all dynamic!

  7. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Hey looks great! Which blocks do you use for the borderless windows? I might need to try that on some of my ships.

    AS for my game, I've finally completed the Starstrider! Feels good to be back at the bridge. The view is a little more narrow than in the Cortes, but the defences are much better. Less likely to get the windows shot through if the shield goes down.




    Size comparison, old CV (size 1) vs new CV (size 10). New one is just a bit bigger. Decided to dock the old CV to the new one so I could bring it along with me, though I'm not entirely sure what to do with it now.


    It has lots of cargo space, but is pretty fuel hungry, so a lot of the time in this ship is gonna be spent harvesting pentaxid, promethium, and ice.
    If I find some good trade routes, then hopefully I can make enough credits to buy fuel and ease some of the mining burden.

    Robot Shark and Germanicus like this.
  8. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Those that are available via the ingame 'char symbol' menu.

    Your ship has nice angles too, love the roundish rear!
    Slam Jones likes this.
  9. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Awesome, will give that a try.

    And thanks! It's the first CV I built after my many-years hiatus so I know it looks a bit plain from some angles, which I why I tried to spruce it up with the ribbing and alternating colors and whatnot. I'm still rather proud of how it turned out: much better than my usual mostly-greebled boxes or cylinders :D
    Sephrajin likes this.
  10. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    No worries there man.
    I tried to rebuilt a ship from Star Citizen.. obviously its not really possible, so my angles are a bit... plain as well... :rolleyes:

  11. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Good old 600i! Back when I was playing SC I bought one with funds used from mining with the Prospector. Was pretty cool but the interior felt like it was 80% wasted space. I get the Origin is the "luxury" brand, and luxury is often defined by light and space, but still. I think I read they plan to do a new interior for it? I can only hope. I started saving up for an 890j but never got around to it. I did use the 315p for a while as my daily driver, though the bugged cargo bay annoyed the heck out of me.

    I definitely agreed that with the complex curves of most Origin ships, translating them to Empyrion would be quite a task! Still considering making a Constellation Phoenix copy in Empyrion: I think that one might translate nicely!

    I took the idea of the Hull series and tried to build one or two SVs based on it. Obviously I couldn't do the expanding/telescoping middle bit, and I made it one big container instead of several, but the concept seems to translate decently: minimal middle area, exposed cargo, designed to carry a bunch of cargo with minimal defenses, typically only operated in safe areas, with minimal amenities otherwise.


    Kinda hard to see since I never painted this version, but it worked quite well in non-RE Empyrion.

    SC is a great source of inspiration for ships, even if a lot of them won't translate well to this game :)
    Sephrajin and Germanicus like this.
  12. Catnap

    Catnap Ensign

    Sep 13, 2022
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    Today in Empyrion - I was again in creative, but on R.E. U.S.G. for completing 'goals' to spawn in game there.

    For some reason when looking at the map of that system - I realized that the Galaxy Tab was there.
    I had up until now had not given that tab a second thought.

    So, there is a whole 'unpopulated' Galaxy I was totally clueless about. Fantastic.
    You'd think with all the forums I have read, this would have come up.

    I can now create across the Galaxy, and it is all mine. There's no one else there.

    Does my personal Solo creative do this with R.E.? P.E. kept me so busy - I built in game - so did not notice then.

    Anyway, Broken Crown Customs sounds nice.

    All the Best to all of You.
    Slam Jones likes this.
  13. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Spent a fair bit of time mining Promethium, Ice, and Pentaxid to stockpile fuel for the ship. Salvaged a few orbital wrecks and ended up with many stacks of Iron Plates, Electronics, and other such components, most of which I ended up selling to a Robotics factory that I found for a decent profit. Also did a few quests for some planetside bases, and learned that doing quests for certain locations, you could 'unlock' their stores, which often have good stuff to buy or sell. One notable one was a Waste Processing plant or something that actually buys Toxic Waste. Finally, a place to sell the one trade good that appears everywhere! The profit per unit isn't great (100 - 180 per unit) but since they can buy over 700 at a time, it makes up for it with bulk trading.




    Been hitting the green triangle exploration sites and building up a good stock of data, which finally explains the existence of Information Traders and such. Also found some Data Caches but decided I'd try those later. I assume they are a puzzle of some sort and yield valuable data.

    I've also been padding my bank account by going to various Polaris Mining Sites and helping them with Ilmenite. 200k for about 20 minutes of work seems a decent deal to me!

    Worked on the Starstrider a bit, filling out some unused areas with crew quarters and the like. While working on defenses, I figured out what I could do with some of the big empty areas: shield modifiers. Added three of the big 2x4x2 Shield Capacitors for higher shield charge, but realized that this forced my shield recharge rate below 0, so it would never charge. Added the maximum of 4 small Shield Chargers (or whatever they're called) to help with that, at a slight loss of total shield capacity.



    Most of the time I will flee from a fight, but in a few cases I've had to smack down a Pirate Corvette or two. I can output decent damage, but when it comes to a turning fight I don't do quite so well, due to the mass and sluggishness of the Starstrider. Attacking small Zirax POIs is definitely possible, but it takes loads of ammo and ends up being quite expensive.
  14. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Decided to do what I've been putting off and tried some story missions.

    Start with the Project Eden Main Story quest, assuming there would be several chapters with increasing difficulty and rewards.

    Well, the first parts of the quest were pretty cool, going through the orbital and surface stations, finding the logs. The Derelict Trade Station was cool, but seems a bit ridiculous for a single player. I got through about 95% of it without major issues, often having to retreat and make more health packs and such, but making steady progress. Then I got to the final areas, with the infinitely respawning spiders, and had to wonder if this was ever intended to be done by one person, because the number of spiders that continuously respawn, the range they can attack at, and other factors, made it near impossible. If this is Chapter 1, how impossible will the other chapters be?? After dying twice, I cheesed it and godmoded to get my backpack and kill the boss. Which, again, no spoilers but, how is a single player supposed to kill it? Honestly doesn't seem possible. Oh, and a side note... why is the note about the final boss located in the first rooms? I spent the entire POI not using my jetpack due to it, though the advice apparently only applied to the final rooms. That should definitely be moved to outside the boss room entrance. It would make 100% more sense.

    So I completed the quest, eager to see what Chapter 2 had in store... and there was no Chapter 2. So what I just completed was supposed to be an end-game final boss battle. Kinda wish that was mentioned anywhere. If I had known this was the single and only boss battle for PE, I wouldn't have cheesed it. Oh well. So that left kinda a bad taste in my mouth. The quest was great up until those final rooms. Infinite respawns do not a good dungeon make.

    So I decided to try to original main story quests. Flew back to Omicron and did the Antenna thing, and was directed to the UCH Wreckage across the lake. Only problem was, I already salvaged 99% of it several inigame weeks ago. I was able to complete a few objectives by digging into the terrain at certain spots, but when it asked me to go to the main console, I was stuck. There was no longer a main console, or any console, or anything besides a few forlorn blocks. So I cannot progress the main story quest.

    So in conclusion, I might start a new game and actually do the main story quests at the right time so they can be finished. Or I might abandon the main storyline and just keep exploring.
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  15. Paranoid Loyd

    Paranoid Loyd Ensign

    Mar 14, 2023
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    Fairly certain you can go to another starter planet, where there will also be the wreck to continue the mission.
    Slam Jones likes this.
  16. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    For such an obvious answer, I feel dumb for not having thought of that!

    Thanks for the advice, gonna give that a try this afternoon :D
    Paranoid Loyd likes this.
  17. Wellingtoon

    Wellingtoon Commander

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Couldn't agree more about the boss room. I thought the rest of the derelict station was a great, well paced challenge. The last part sucked all the fun out of it. I take the 'survival' part of the title seriously, and each impossible to avoid death makes me lose a bit more interest
    Slam Jones and Germanicus like this.
  18. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Gotta agree there. I also try to die as little as possible, which is usually very achievable if I just avoid going into POIs on foot. The previous rooms in that particular POI had enough of a challenge to keep it interesting. I don't mind a ramp up in difficulty -- it's to be expected. But this was more of a sudden cliff of a challenge increase. I mean, if they (spoiler alert)
    left the nests and removed the constantly spawning spiders, then I could handle. But as it stood, I could only get into the first room to start shooting at one of several dozen nests for a second or two before being mobbed by several spiders. Not sure what they expect people to do there. Even the Advanced Flamethrower was mediocre since most of the time I got hit by the splash damage. Maybe I'm supposed to stand further back and shoot into the room with a Plasma Cannon or Rocket Launcher or something else with splash damage?

    Anyways, I've come to the conclusion that the Starstrider, now up to size 11 after a bit more interior design, is a bit too much for RE. It would never work if I enabled CPU requirements. Mass/Volume was no problem. But CPU... yeah no. It also puts a heavy toll on my frames per second.

    So as a result I've been trying to build a new series of vessels that follow the CPU requirements as much as possible. So far the only valid one I've done is a new Size 1 CV, meant as a light explorer, which I call the De Gama. Instead of the usual Hardened Steel, I've gone with regular Steel and some of those Composite blocks for lightweight filler, which should ease the burden of finding tens of thousands of Titanium Plates. It just needs a Basic CPU Extender to function, which, hopefully, is easy enough for an early game build.


    I've started a few other designs but ended up hating most of them. I still need a good Size 3 - 6 CV for mid- to end-game stuff. The size 11 Starstrider just ended up being too sluggish, too expensive to fuel, and too heavy on my frame rate. And I think with it's size and weaponry loadout, it falls more into the Battleship class, which is a bit much for a single player and rather destroys any sense of ship-to-ship fight balance.



    Also started reworking some SVs to follow the CPU requirements rules, but haven't finished any of them yet.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2023
    Robot Shark and Wellingtoon like this.
  19. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Continued working at a new mid-size CV for an upcoming CPU-enabled (and Mass/Volume-enabled of course) savegame. The main thing I've cut back on from my usual building method, was thrusters. Turns out have a hundred medium thrusters takes up, like, a LOT of CPU. So I've instead gone for a meager amount of Small Thrusters, and two Advanced Thrusters for forward momentum. I've also been making use of the Solar Panels to decrease idle fuel consumption. Currently, if I turn the thrusters off while stationary, it can idle indefinitely.

    Currently using regular Steel blocks for the exterior and Composite for some inner walls (around non-important areas like crew quarters and such), though I might change that to Hardened Steel exterior, Steel interior. Since it's intended to be a mid-game CV, one should be hopefully able to salvage wrecks and come up with the large amounts of Titanium needed.

    So far I've ended up with more interior space than I anticipated, which is actually good, since I invariably end up forgetting important components and need to find ways to fit them in later. I've also been trying to make the interiors look less polished and more spaceship-y, aiming for the lived-in Star Wars feel. It's still a bit too clean for that aesthetic, but I'm slowly getting there I think.

    Current exterior for the so-far unnamed CV... it still needs some work I think. Not sure what to put in the side-pods yet: I'm thinking either redundant fuel tanks (so if/when they explode they don't take out anything important) or extra cargo containers, or just some RP-looking deco stuff.

    Main Hall/Medical Bay, also probably needs a bit of a rework. The center glass area didn't turn out like I hoped it would.

    Two of the empty floors. Not sure what to put here yet, will probably be RP stuff like consoles or crew quarters or something. Or maybe more constructors, depending on how much CPU they take up. I have a farm area marked out (not pictured) and an entire floor dedicated to cargo (also not pictured).

    Last edited: Mar 16, 2023
    Robot Shark likes this.
  20. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Forgot to take screenshots, but continued working on a new CV for a CPU-enabled save. It adds a new layer of thought, since I can't just slap on thrusters and turrets without an extra thought.

    Started the new save on Uai, and after 10 minutes of playing "run away from spiders," I changed it up and remade a new save on Omicron. Got established with a small base camp quickly, and built an HV for ferrying around resources. Started the story quests, and am up to the one with the Talon Ancient Temple. Still camped out in front, waiting for weather to be conducive to exploration, as I'm pretty sure I'll get trapped inside and would likely die if it were too cold or radioactive. But so far it's either been night, which is too cold to explore for any amount of time, or during the day it's been Toxic Fog, which would also likely kill me before I can make my way back out of the POI.

    Will use the tent to wait a few more days to see if the weather clears up. I hate forced deaths, and this looks like its intended to be one so far.

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