Help needed Tutorial ending early

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by kittyspam, Apr 16, 2023.

  1. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Not sure if I should put this here or in the bug forum so if needs to be in different area please let me know for future. Got to the zritz island area before tutorial bugged out first day it was implemented. Not a big deal I could stand to go through again - started it twice again now and both times when you get to the "prepare here" prompt that takes you back to the beach you swam up on after teleporting it doesn't give me anything else to do. I drove my bike around that area for five minutes, used the sensor, nothing. No more tutorial prompts picked up. I then went to the offworld farm area to see if that would trigger the rest of the tutorial it did not.

    Was hoping it would as wanted to go through the aspects of the tutorial about space flight and such. Thankfully it does not seem anymore to be telling me to use the transporter before the ship blows up.

    Any help appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Hi kittyspam!

    Thanks for playing the tutorial!!

    That could be a bug, I guess. :D

    - If you don't mind, can you post your log file of your latest tutorial session here?
    Located at: ((Steam directory))\steamapps\common\Empyrion-Galactic Survival\Logs\((Highest number folder))\((Newest file)).log
    With that your play steps can be retraced.

    The 'prepare here' should be a catchall variant path for people that go on to explore early - before finishing the portable constructor tasks.
    If you haven't yet, please visit the copper mine tower at starting island.
    It possibly could trigger all the follow-ups.

    (Not sure if this might be the case: There is currently an issue that when restarting the tutorial _in the same EGS session_ , it can trigger things too early - E.g. the teleporter message.
    For beginning the tutorial anew, start it from a freshly loaded EGS.)


    The bug from the Zirax island, did it get adressed? What was it about?
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    (If you already have done the copper tower, there is still a way:
    - Get a shotgun (Container at the starting beach, steel salvage junk POI next to the two stranded boxes, more ammo in the copper tower or by crafting.)
    - Move towards the settlement on second island, to the Farm.
    - Break down the Farm's backside door (where the explosives are) with the shotgun, enter it.
    It should trigger the chapters from the Farm on (Control panel, Biofuel, etc...).
    If you are out of ammo, there is another shotgun in the cabinet right before the room with the TurretRobot.)

    There are also debug chapters available, to skip some parts.
    (When you teleported to the beach, still in the box, don't move. Open game console (see options for key, it varies) - type 'gm' for godmode. Clip through the box straight down, into the water, into the terrain. There is a core with a switch. Flip it. It will put playtest and debug chapters in the PDA [F1]. Some of them might work directly on the beach. For others you would need to fly/teleport to the location. Toggle godmode with [G].)
  4. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    log attached

    Attached Files:

    Needleship likes this.
  5. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Thanks alot for the log!!
    You did all your tasks, (finding is also good)- - by that there was nothing to default back to., when it directed you back to the beach.
    ... That is the reason I think it is a Tutorial bug. :D
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2023
  6. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    ... There should have been a notification after the weather station, that tells you to go north.
    That one will set the fork for the main path, to continue after the mining tower.
    But it seems this chapter never triggered...? I cannot find it in the log.

    - Can you still remember how you left the weather station?
    (the one that explodes on you, with the heat and radiation)?
    Log says, you found the 'secret' loot container. What happened then? Did you leave through the elevator, or the ceiling hole?
    (Also, if you did so very fast?
    Or, did you salvage a lot of the station?)

    Will replay that section tomorrow. Let's see if I can break it :D - - Thanks for reporting!!

    - You can still continue your run with the steps described above.
    Using the debug chapters will spam your PDA a bit, but will work in that case. Use the chapter 'playtest: Subspace antenna', it will trigger once you are on the second island, close to the Farm building.
    Otherwise, you could still break into that Farm. That will skip the PDA useage info, though.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2023
  7. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Hmm went through the elevator I believe. Don't think I did so very fast but I may have - played through it a couple times by that point. The mining tower did trigger after that I believe.
    Needleship likes this.
  8. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Thanks!! -- That helps a lot to narrow it down. :D


    You mentioned at the beginning that you would like to see some information about spaceflight again.
    May I ask -
    - Which info was that? (Or, did you have a specific goal you wanted to achieve?)

    - Would it be helpful to display that info at another place, too?
    (And if so, at which place would you look for it?)
  9. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Oh I hadn't gotten to the spaceship on the zirsk island yet. I had just built the first base on the island ... aka the cloning vat and the little bit of base I built there. So I hadn't gotten to the spaceship portion yet. Wanted to get through that before moving to much off the first planet. As complicated as building a hover vehicle was I expect building a spaceship of any type will be much more complicated.

    Since I have you here ... how to people usually ensure they are building on flat land? I was attempting to free build in between the two lakes on Asura and it looked flat but some blocks though attached were off the ground so fell and disappeared. (I was trying to make a large 10x10 bottom floor) I assume they disappeared because the ground wasn't level.
    Needleship likes this.
  10. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Two possible reasons:
    A) (More likely?)
    Bases have 'structural integrity'. You can check for that with the [N] building menu, "[[Debug]]" tab.
    If you build long stretches without support to the ground (the block touching or clipping into the ground), it risks that part of your base collapses.
    That information isn't in the tutorial (yet?).
    B) There was a rock, food plant or similar decoration in the way. But in that case the blocks won't fall of, they just won't get placed.

    Sadly, for the tutorial to work, it is a standalone. Some 'world rules' had to be bent to make it safe enough for new players.
    By that, you cannot enter maingame from it. :oops:

    But if you are building on 'Akua' (Not 'Robinson'), selected as 'Single player > Start game >Survival' (Or 'Scenario')- - Then this is the maingame. It will allow to explore the galaxy.

    Actually, if you have built an HV, an SV might be similar or easier. Just remember to have the 'small vessel' / SV display filter in your constructors selected, to pick the right blocks. SV just needs thrusters, in all directions, no hover engines.

    For trying out building, maybe also check out Creative Mode.
    In that, you have free blocks, no mass/volume limit, an undo function, and you also can delete blocks easily.
  11. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Yeah I think it didn't have ground support - so was asking how people check if ground is level before they place stuff...I was trying to build a big base in Akua between the two lakes. (running a tutorial and a normal game at the same time). Looked to me like the area was flat but wasn't...couldn't place a block to provide support disconnected from rest of base I think..

    No issues with tutorial not leading into main game - wouldn't expect it to. Just wanted to reach ship and learn about flying building them before advance to that portion in main game.

    Yeah built HV in creative mode rather than in main game so I could learn what I was doing. Felt like cheating but community on steam informed me it was not. For base want to build with land. Going away for a week to visit parents so will be away from game but will attempt to advance on tutorial tonight if not will restart it to see if bug fixed when I return!
    Needleship likes this.
  12. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Most recent log attached. Your method worked fine for moving things along. The base however needs to be made a little easier I think. Part of the issue here is I attempted to go into the harder base the spaceport but when I played before I think things moved from there to the hanger not sure. So was trying to take that out first, but it quickly became obvious that was a much harder location.

    At one point though after I had taken spawns out - a commando spawned right on top of me far away from any spawner.

    BUT on the second floor of the main area where you are supposed to pick up the ship something kept shooting me and I have no idea what it was. Didn't seem to be on that floor at all. I looked on the top of the base and couldn't find anything. Eventually found another way into the area I think the ship was (never actually found it) but it became clear pretty quickly that when I died things didn't stay the same - aka things I killed came back and things actually got harder as more advanced robots seemed to be on the bottom floor right before I stopped - see above commando spawning right no me away from spawner.

    Part of it may be that I have to play at lowest settings due to computer needing to be updated not sure. Anyway I am away until Thursday of next week but after that will play through it at a slower pace actually build up a base at the foothold see if that helps. Couldn't seem to unlock the ammo crate even when I was at the right level so couldn't add guns to the base on foothold was worried it would get attacked but that doesn't seem to happen as of yet.

    Note on what happens when you die - (things disappearing in inventory and backpack) would be nice.

    Hats off to who ever did the writing - I love the interplay between your survival tool and it having its memory/personality erased. Good stuff.
    Needleship likes this.
  13. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Thanks for that info!
    To be honest, I had not played through that other Zirax POI.
    It is one of our stock enemy bases, albeit a very old one.
    In the upcoming version the POI will be at reduced difficulty, with a crew that fits a bit better to this tiny base. And that 'invisible' spawn will be visible.
    I also removed an invisible repeating spawner in the Dronebase that I missed at the first go.

    Is already in there! :D (Will check why / if it did not display.)

    In best case this was the sentry at the lowest floor hallway... In worst case, a bug.
    - Thanks for reporting!

    Glad ythat you liked it!
    (Was a bit worried there, how/ if it would be accepted. But I thought, Player could need some extra motivation to fight through to the end. Making it more personal. - - And, it also 'closes the arc'/ gives closure, that the 'teaching character' gets humbled and learns a new thing or two. :))
  14. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Glad to see you working so hard on this aspect as I do think it is really important and something many games don't show now. I love the story aspects - hope they can be incorporated somewhat into main game.

    I may have simply missed the note about dieing as I died A LOT.

    If it was the sentry in the lowest hallway how could he shoot through the floor?

    Invisible spawners ... well that is one way to increase difficulty heh. Hmm ... if those are a large part of the main game maybe keep one but have the teaching technology recognize it comment on it and teach you how to deal with it? (not sure how they work so if there is a way to deal with it or not).

    I am back and can mess with the tutorial again - continue on this thread as I go through it. Wait until new version or mess with the current version some more?
    Needleship likes this.
  15. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Hi kittyspam!

    Sorry, I did not yet have time to include the latest changes. Maybe this weekend, and then it will slowly get pushed out to public.

    Any feedback for any version is very welcome.
    By being new to the game, your experience is very rare and precious - Usually people don't tell in detail what they encountered and think about it - (Except for reviews, which mostly don't allow to ask back.)
    Veterans have very cool ideas, but they tend to not see the rough edges anymore.

    Ok. Sorry. - Then it is a bug. An evil one. ('Hard to find the cause, but creating lots of pain')

    - Possibly another aspect of the game - When your armor is worn out, then it instantly drops all protection to zero.
    It is mentioned at the armor locker in the Nest POI (Red/orange building on third island), but it probably can get easily overlooked / forgotten, due to the mass of other info. (There is currently no check for that to warn players.)
    E.g. getting hit by a turret can wreck that durability quite a lot. Also, constant healing against smaller attacks.

    - Invisible spawners _are_ occasionally in the main game, but it seems that they are a source of confusion / frustration, at least to some players.
    That topic is still in discussion.
    E.g. certain POI don't seem to use a visible spawn plate for aestetic / lore / difficulty reasons, but then it still ends up problematic, IMO.
    It might also be another place of 'what new players see vs. what the veterans see'.
  16. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Sounds good will keep playing and will post here as I do so. Had great fun with the vehicles in the tutorial - the nonwarp capable ship was especially great. Tank was fun buy incredibly hard to see out of.

    (1) - Having a coop choice and a mp choice on the main menu is somewhat confusing at least at first. I assume the coop menu is if you are on a network and the only way to get internet mp is through the mp menu?
    (2) - Is it possible and if so how do you save an mp server take it down for a bit and then bring it back up? Learning game with a friend we can't seem to do this reliably.
    (3) - Spent way to long (like ten hours straight) messing with base building in non creative game last night learned a good bit - will post some basic building rules I learned in building thread. Please look over let me know if ridiculous not how things supposed to work UPDATE: have since learned you can use the f5 drone in building (which I should have realized from the tutorial moving the artillery around) so not doing this does that make building SO much easier.
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
    Needleship likes this.
  17. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    CooP is for a small group of friends with nearly no setup needed. You shut the server down when you are done and boot it back up when you play again with the group.

    MP is full Multiplayer for allot of players. It requires some understanding like port forwarding and to manage the server is your players run into issues. Server runs 24.7. Needs a high end machine to host it.

    You do not need to shut anything down to save it. The game saves automaticly
  18. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Ohhh so the two person game I am playing I should be doing through coop interesting I can still invite people to play that way then ok. Interesting. Thanks!
  19. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    For just two people yes use CooP, CooP can be played with a total of 8 players at the same time
  20. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Thanks! Opened up the obelisk now so game just opened up incredibly and instantly got much cooler as soon as the A word was used. Can't wait to look at the rest of the logs I found check out the dig site and then move to another planet. Going to the ice planet by accident and then freezing almost immediately was quite interesting.

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