Logoff and back into game inside faction's CV

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Smoked, Feb 8, 2019.

  1. Smoked

    Smoked Ensign

    Feb 8, 2019
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    Posted this suggestion on the 9.x suggestions, but guess it was the wrong place...

    So, my suggestion is pretty simple but could be a game-changer in the way human factions play together

    So, the suggestion is that we could logoff the game inside our faction's CV and be able to log back into the game still inside it, no matter where it has traveled to.

    -> Maybe some kind of clone-chamber that you select before logging out, and, when you login, spawn right there on the clone chamber you've selected?
    -> Or, to avoid 'passing through walls' issues, maybe we could log out the game while seated on a passanger's seat? And then login back to the game still seated on the same passager's seat? Like we've never actually logged out

    The objective is that factions could actually play together inside a common CV, carrying all players SV's, HV's, and (most important) the players themselves

    The point is that nowadays if you logoff inside your faction's CV, and then login after the CV warps somewhere else, or even simply move, you will just appear in space. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong but if not mistaken that's how it's working at the game's current state

    I believe such a change would make factions something much more enjoyable and fun.

    Thanks for reading! And congratulations for this awesome game thats stealing my real life :D
    Marc von Geldern likes this.
  2. Marc von Geldern

    Marc von Geldern Lieutenant

    Jan 31, 2019
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    It’s not an aspect of play I’ve experienced, but this seems like kind of a no brainer. Lol I think the best and most dynamic way to do this would be a kind of logout bed or maybe cryo chamber that actually displays your character sleeping (or frozen). Cryo chambers could be used by anyone, but beds would be assigned, then each “crew member” would have their own quarters. The bigger the guild, the bigger the fleet, each with enough living quarters for all of the crew. Lol, that would be a real kick!
    Smoked likes this.
  3. Smoked

    Smoked Ensign

    Feb 8, 2019
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    Sure thing, I get what you're saying, but the way I proposed things had in mind the current state of the game. Like something that could be changed immediately, without major changes to game engine or envolving the creation of new stuff... In fact, that's why I posted it firstly at the suggestions for 9.x version...

    Still, you're right about beds. There's no use for them nowadays, that would be great to be able to sleep. But a problem that may happen is if you login back while your faction's CV is moving, and end up passing through walls... so there's the passenger's seat possible solution
    Marc von Geldern likes this.
  4. Marc von Geldern

    Marc von Geldern Lieutenant

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Well the engine would have to change in order to incorporate the idea in any capacity, anyway. :p Might as well change it with an eye towards future operations instead of just changing the way existing items function, no? I see what you’re saying about the clone chambers acting as a moving spawn point, but it’s a mistake to think that it would be easier to change their behavior over making a new item. Just from my VERY VERY VERY F***ING limited game development experience. Lol
    Smoked likes this.
  5. Jeshuran

    Jeshuran Ensign

    Aug 19, 2020
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    @Pantera i have seen a few posts about this and am "on the bandwagon" so I am bumping this post with the hope that you are working on it or have an idea for it? Being able to log off and log back on in your ship, even if you have to tell the current captain to find a spot to stop for a minute so you can run to a chair or SV, would be a MASSIVE improvement for server play. Thank you guys for your hard work!

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