Feedback on 1.10.1

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sillls, Jul 4, 2023.

  1. Sillls

    Sillls Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I tried playing today and at first things were great. But ran into a bunch of problems in the evening.
    I had just setup mytent when.
    The moment the sun went down I get jumped by 3 Raptors that can soak up damage like a boss.
    Sadly my avatar is built like a rag doll and passes out with only one hit.
    O no! Im bleeding. Dead.
    Then I can only sleep though half the night because of Enemys nearby crap.
    Then the handheld flashlight won't work.
    Then the hover bike won't hover over water. Trying to find that in the water without a helmet in the dark and without a working flashlight is a pain.
    I was hovering over the thing and still could not see the hover bike. Screen turns red which blinds you of everything.

    I had to go to Godmode to fix it.

    I tried with the water near the shore and there is no way I can get the bike out of the water. Once it goes below, it dies and you can't get back on it or move it at all.

    Two things that I do like is that you no longer need an armor locker to put on a suit and you can make one in the field.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
  2. Grimwar

    Grimwar Ensign

    Dec 18, 2018
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    "- Replaced player bike with a player hover bike: Note that the Hoverbike cannot go over water"

    From the patch notes.
    GoldDragon likes this.
  3. Sillls

    Sillls Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    That wasn't there before... Not the water part.
    They really should change that. Whoever heard of a hovercraft not being able to go over water?
    Also it is still impossible to retrieve once it gets into the water.
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I had a number of issues myself in a fresh, vanilla start. Was quite interested to try the new starts, but things didn't go so well.

    First start, desert planet, had random issues right away, with the SV's physics failing and it not falling properly. As things were overloading, I quickly turned EVERYTHING off to preserve what was there, but it defied physics again and wouldn't fall *sigh* Jumped to the ground, dashed around, quickly collecting what I needed - I'm pretty good at getting started quickly in this environment usually. Just about to build a small base and I start taking fire from..somewhere. I can see where the tracers are coming from, but nothing there. Eventually a Drone pops in - it wasn't rendered, but was shooting me - I have nothing to fight him with having only just placed a constructor an O2 generator. Respawn, carry on for a bit and three Drones are making bee-line for me, not fun.

    Additionally, Drones behave differently now. They are able to back-pedal far faster than I can sprint forwards, meaning you cannot get underneath them. Also, they hover at a height that's out of range of the Survival Tool's weapon - not that I'm use if that can even damage a drone.

    I did another fresh start, this time on the Alien planet of Masperon - a favourite of mine - and was falling into a hole. This is new. Started off ok, but the Flamethrower wasn't working - couldn't damage the scorpion things. Died. Tried again. This time the scorpion things were all stuck in place, but at least they took damage now. Not ideal though. Then, when climbing up out of the hole, I kept falling through solid blocks in certain places - not the ones scripted to blow up - actual solid blocks. It's like their collision mesh didn't quite match their shape, I seemed to slide / be pushed off them, clipping through. That was annoying. I emerged from the hole to face no less than FOUR Drones moments later. No more than five minutes playing.

    I tried again, got a Hover Bike (which doesn't go on water! ;) ) - hadn't realised how silly-cheap this thing is - and managed to zoom away. Found a "safe" location to settle down. While exploring, climbing a steep hill, the radar showed a Drone suddenly right next to me - literally on top of me. However, this actually appeared to be below me, clipped into the hill, so it suddenly popped out, right on top of me. Unlike the seemingly physic Drones I'd faced earlier - all making a bee-line to me, despite no LoS - this one didn't see me, so I got away.

    Some thoughts:

    Drones heading towards the players exact location, in force, five minutes in seems a little unfair / not fun. Traditionally the starting area is, well, the starting area, not the "evacuate immediately" area lol.

    Drones are near impossible to get underneath, as they can move far far faster than a sprinting player. I literally dash to get underneath them, and they reverse increasing that gap further, even as I continue to sprint. Sorta good, in general, but hard to face in the first five minutes. They also, and I do quite like this, appear to not "lose" you when you take cover. Previously, if you got out of LoS, a Drone might wander away after a moment or two. Not this time... unless large surface rocks no longer block their LoS?

    Hover Bike is GREAT, but it has it's own special take on physics! I'd bump into things that didn't appear to be an obstruction and randomly be flung HIGH up into the air to somersault over and over repeatedly totally out of control. I'd randomly flip 180 degrees while travelling over seemingly flat ground. All a bit scary when there are hostiles around.

    Starting fresh in vanilla 1.10.1 has been really quite a jarring experience for me. Those player-homing drones 5 minutes in seem to be intended to make the player FLEE the starting area ASAP. I can only assume the Hover Bike is so cheap - something like 5 Carbon Substrate? - to facilitate this.

    I usually thrive on harder difficulties, but this was a bit nuts. Perhaps playing so late was a bad idea, we'll see how I get on less tired.
    Slam Jones likes this.
  5. TwitchyJ

    TwitchyJ Commander

    Mar 4, 2022
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    That absolutely was in the patch notes before.
    I read the patch notes less than 5 minutes after they were originally posted, it was 100% in there.

    It was also in the experimental branch patch notes.
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yeah, it was there. I read it and still got thrown of the Hover Bike when going through a puddle. Fun times lol. While fun, the Hoverbike is excessively glitchy at the moment. When entering even shallow water, it seems to stop dead, sticking to the spot.

    However, what's also been documented in the game for years at this point is how those starter ground repulser engines - you know, the basic HV ones that mean you don't need thrusters - DON'T work over water, but they often do. To be fair, I've not check if that comment is still in the game lately...
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Oh, another thing, while I remember. On Masperon, there's a critter called "Alien Worm" that has an annoying ability, and I don't know if its by design or not. Basically, you kill it (not hard) and, during it's death animation, it always (happened every time to me so far) spits out a perfectly-aim blob of green stuff that one-shots me. I mean, the thing is dead and then it spits at me? Unexpected lol.
  8. Sillls

    Sillls Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Could someone please help me with these issues?
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I'll try....

    Some of the more dangerous critters spawn when the sun goes down. Bad luck. However, Raptors can be seen during the day too, so perhaps you just didn't notice them?

    I'm guessing you started without a suit? Most things can likely one-hit you sadly, you're very squishy.

    I think you need to camp in a different location. Learn which biomes contain which critters to find a safer area to camp. Also, using the Survival Tool to dig yourself a hidey-hole isn't a bad idea. It's what I did, and prevented me being jumped by critters and drones so easily.

    Flashlight works for me (doesn't help you, I know) so that sounds like a genuine bug. Can you reproduce it from a save for the Devs to look at?

    Yeah, the hoverbike is documented not to work over water. It does fling you off quite aggressively though if you hit a puddle, which seems extreme. Also, it can sink and either be obscured by plants or clip partially into the landscape.

    For me, currently on Masperon, the Hover bike is near unusable due to constant juddering - it literally make my view blurry, it judders so much. Also, a first person view on the bike would be MOST welcome. Though, that said, I'd likely get quite nauseous in that view due the judder and random bike flips.
    Sillls and stanley bourdon like this.

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