Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. corpowat

    corpowat Ensign

    May 14, 2017
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    tractor beam.
    nineing drone
    repair dtone
  2. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    - player bp trade in the player market for credits
    - game bp trade from npc
    - a parachute maybe ? sometimes, you need other thing than the jetpack ....
    - real RESPAWN of ore deposit.... if the poi can respawn, why not the deposit, they have never respawned.
    JluKBuD likes this.
  3. meowbeast

    meowbeast Ensign

    Aug 3, 2023
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    1. Hydroponics (behind blueprints) to grow your food in. different shapes and sizes, not just a dirtblock on the ground.
    2. Skill-tree instead of crafting-tree. Find blueprints for different parts and weapons in POI's. Complex and difficult POIs have better and more advanced blueprings i.e. XL-engines or Plasma weapons.
    3. no slippery boots. If you have armor on, you can walk steep surfaces or stand on without sliding off from block. Grippier boots or even magnetic for walking on the hull of larger vessels without gravity.
    cmguardia and Slam Jones like this.
  4. rtracy

    rtracy Ensign

    Mar 8, 2021
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    1. Spanj did an episode where he started on some random world in the galaxy. I would like a way of doing a random start, where it just starts me anywhere in the galaxy and I have to survive (or not survive, LOL). I would be given some minimal stuff to survive initially. Then it is on me to get to space and explore or just quit right there and try a new random start.
    2. I like the worlds you have, but I wish there was more variety of worlds like there is in Reforged and Lost Mia.
    3. Better mod creation tools that simplify the process of POI and scenario creation.
    Last edited: May 21, 2024
    cmguardia, zaphodikus and ZipSnipe like this.
  5. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    1) more npc development
    2) npc colony development would be kool
    3) more developer modular stuff that can improve game performance. Such as small vessels and hv's that are static items
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  6. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Boo !!!!!
  7. Mikibits

    Mikibits Ensign

    Oct 19, 2023
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    1. Seriously, why are the NPC women so much prettier than our own avatars can ever be? Why is this a thing? PLEASE GIVE US LESS UGLY (female) AVATARS! Do you really hate female players that much? Come on. So ugly! lol
    2. Please, please, please fix the Fuel Bug. I know you keep saying it's fixed, but every time any of us login and access any function of our planet bases, or CVs . . . BAM! Fuel drops from 100% to Zero, all our O2 is lost and we have to refuel. We've been removing fuel tanks so we don't lose as much. How hard is it to fix the calculation of what happened while we were logged out or not in range of a thing? Space bases and SVs seem fine.
    3. Give us prettier avatars! Haha, I repeated myself, cuz it really pisses me off every time I see a female avatar in a trader base. Grrrr. I'm embarrassed to take my helmet off around my own friends. You gave it to the NPCs--give it to us! Dorks. lol
  8. Mikibits

    Mikibits Ensign

    Oct 19, 2023
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    Okay, an actual #3 . . .

    3. Allowing us to dock (land) a ship on another, while there are ships landed on ours. My carrier has to be unloaded every time I dock to our faction space station. It's kinda annoying, because I keep forgetting my SVs when I go off on missions. XD
  9. Vordrak

    Vordrak Ensign

    Aug 22, 2015
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    1. Actual force shields that wrap ships.
    2. Bring back the ground motorbike, at least as an option.
    zaphodikus likes this.
  10. [420] OneHitta [57th]

    [420] OneHitta [57th] Ensign

    Apr 15, 2017
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    1) Allow multiple repair bays per structure (and allow them to link to a container for resources).

    2) Allow fuel and oxygen tanks to resupply from container (like constructor & food processor).

    3) Alphabetical sorting & ctrl/shift (to allow selection of multiple items simultaneously) in the device list.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2023
    cmguardia likes this.
  11. [420] OneHitta [57th]

    [420] OneHitta [57th] Ensign

    Apr 15, 2017
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    If it has wheels it’s a ground vehicle, not a hover vessel.
  12. Saint_Hallow

    Saint_Hallow Ensign

    May 7, 2023
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    Here's some simple suggestions

    1. Docking block variation where its reversed you use piloted ship to attach an unpiloted vehicle essentially towing it off to then be able to drop it down

    2. more energy/oxygen related blocks more generators and ability to transfer between structures or vehicles

    3. some kind of ability to travel around on a moving vehicle even if it is at slow speed or in no gravity keeping ship inertia
  13. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    i want glass blocks. Windows shapes are too limited.

    plants should produce oxygen for base and cv, reduce o2 consumption and ultimately making structure o2 self sufficient.

    why are water blocks not available for blueprint ?

    And, i would like to remove that fake idea that we freeze in space.
    Yubogolfer likes this.
  14. Jack Oatt

    Jack Oatt Ensign

    Dec 3, 2023
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    I would love to see more functional blocks. Drawing inspiration from Space Engineers, rotors and pistons would make for some interesting builds.
  15. Yubogolfer

    Yubogolfer Ensign

    Dec 8, 2023
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    1.) Waypoints - it would be great to be able toggle the visibility on the HUD by levels of Galaxy, System, Sector, Playfield, non-player and totally off (like with F6 now). Maybe also integrate the different status of a label ('real' waypoints vs. info-labels only like "POI to raid later" etc.) to the HUD visibility.
    According Thread:

    2.) Please remove (or at least expand) the solar-panel limitation and raise the (currently poor) output on planets.
    The performance of the panels feels like in 2020, but ingame we are several hundred years of technical development ahead.
    - Also why not windpower, too ?

    3.) Better repair possibilities. A CV rep-platform T2 should be able to repair (and replace blocks) of other CVs.
    It makes no sense, why big carriers (like Helios MSC) are not able to repair smaller CVs, that are parked on it.
    - Additionally, the suggestion a self-repair options for bases (with block replacement based on saved templates like for ships) is highly needed.
    It's pain in the a** to manually look out for missing/shot blocks and to solve riddles which blockshape it may have been ... for hours !
    Especially, if you are not the person who designed it (complex workshop creations).

    Bonus: Please add a category in the workshop filter for blueprints that are designed for scenarios like RE (or fully vanilla compatible).
    Those players that stick to vanilla for different reasons (like me), would certainly appreaciate it to be able to filter out RE content with one click.
    It's annoying to see so many great blueprints in the list (which are not maked with RE or similar in the name), only to find out the limitation to RE somewhere deep in the description text (or if there is no description at all ... in the factory by seeing the forbidden blocks warning).
  16. Joostin

    Joostin Ensign

    Dec 17, 2023
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    Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?
    1 I want them to change what they are working on next month and add the feature of being able to run with their controller scheme. It just not right to leave an issue like that unresolved for so long.
    2 I also would like the additional feature of remapping a controller scheme.
    3 I do not have a 3rd at this time.

    I like the game however not being able to run with a controller with their native support is very silly bug or no bug I can run if I remap in big picture on steam just fine.

    A couple more months and it wont be silly just plain gross negligence.
    zaphodikus likes this.
  17. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    It is too late to change that. but now, and more and more, I realize that setting up 4 build categories (Base, CV, SV, HV) just ends up bringing nonsenses in our builds.
    Shackles artificially added to vehicules so other type still has a role. (no solar panel on CV, can't have a "flying car")

    Why not simply go with big build and small build? After all, a base is basically just a CV that can't move, and a HV is just a SV that can't fly.
    could it be that applying structure integrity to a CV that has landed on a planet was to hard to implement?

    I don't know for you, but i use hv and base only in early game. After "mid game", i never touch HV, and going back again and again to base is annoying, so once i have a CV with big enough container, i pratically never return base.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
    Peter Conway likes this.
  18. Rafe Zetter

    Rafe Zetter Ensign

    May 6, 2018
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    #3 PLEASE.

    I'm back at the game after a LONG haitus and have started messing about with sensors and signal logic - spent hours learning about sensors and signal logic and set up a whole thing whereby the majority of the capital ship runs on "standby" until I sit int eh chair then.... it all comes on.

    except it didn't.

    How you managed to overlook such a simple thing when the cockpits of the other vehicles activate motion sensors is a little ..baffling.

    My HUGE *flying base" CV has a large landing pad on it so my "sub orbital" CV can land on it, get repaired etc etc - so I put landing lights on it, in 3 blinking decreasing rings just for eye candy really.

    Except they don't work when sitting in the CV cockpit of my smaller CV.

    Also - Why can't I interact with LCD displays attached to glass? I have to godmode and sort of "wiggle" the mouse until I find a point that says "press F to interact".


    Oh and WHY OH WHY OH WHY do we still only get 1 passenger seat per block? there's easily room for 2x and 4x variants for a better visual aesthetic, at the very least 2x and situated at the BACK of the block.

    text editing LCD's and adding script code - WHAT A SERIOUS PITA.

    I now do it in notepad and just copypasta it.

    I really like the game and have almost 600 hours in it (a lot for my limited gameplay time) and bought the game in alpha many years ago (5 or 6?) but I'm STILL seeing the same BUGS.
    ChiefSgtBradley and cmguardia like this.
  19. Vasili (half-life)

    Vasili (half-life) Ensign

    Dec 31, 2023
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    1. a bit more culture/backstory/intersction among npc's. make it feel less "dead".
    2. companions. max three followers at the time. can be simple: like an npc that has three commands: follow/stop following, go to there and attack/stop attack. Also able to fit them with a weapon.
    3. useable toilet + drinking: extra bar like the food bar but for drinking (water). also a "waste" bar that urges you to go to the toilet (or you can get sick). the toilet is an auto composter and can only be used when timely emptied. produces fertalizer..
    zaphodikus likes this.
  20. Roteck

    Roteck Ensign

    Dec 31, 2023
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    Please allow us to change the controller configurations. That would help the gameplay so much for those of us who'd rather use controllers than keyboard and mouse. You don't have to come up with your own mapping just allow us to change what's mapped. Trying to use steam's controller setup was successful until Empyrion's normal trigger functions weren't being ignored. I'd change the trigger function on Steam's mapping software and it would do both Steam's and Empyrion's controller maps for the triggers. It would be nice if I could just go in there and clear out the controller mapping in the game to where the triggers do nothing but it's locked up tight to what maps you have on it already. I can't find any files or other options to modify Empyrion's controller mapping. If I disable controller support then my joysticks don't work so what else is there to do?
    zaphodikus likes this.

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