Needs attention Roadmap 2023!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Taelyn, May 3, 2023.

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  1. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Well there are different gradations of a permadeath or "real death" approach, ranging from "relatively unrestrictive" to "highly restrictive."

    At the least restrictive side, a player (or GM / Admin) might deem that only deaths that have occurred when there is no "legitimate" respawn mechanism ready result in permanent death. What is a "legitimate" respawn mechanism? Well, that too could vary. Presently, the vanilla game has a tent made of plant fiber as a "respawn mechanism," a not uncommon mechanic (Conan Exiles, 7Days and many other games allow you to create a respawn spot using a fiber mat or bed).

    At the most restrictive side, it might be deemed that: the consciousness-transfer clone technology represented in the game is illegitimate, and there is no option to respawn at all. A mod, or a vanilla game mode could lie anywhere between those two points.

    My personal inclination, were I to pursue creating a mod or plugin would be to aim somewhere in the middle, but probably a bit more toward the "less restrictive." I would also note that: I would never suggest that the current game mechanics should be scrapped and the game should only offer some sort of permanent death play mode whereas the current Unrestricted respawns mode was deprecated. Much like the addition of CPU, Volume and Mass, the option to play the game in the simpler, original version should ALWAYS remain an option, and as long as that is maintained then ostensibly any player can get the experience they might want at any given time.

    The basic design I had in mind was that: (a) respawns can only take place at clone chambers, die without either , a personal clone chamber or a clone chamber in an allied (and maybe even "Honored NPC") relationship = Game Over Man. Ideally the mod would soft enforce this, by which I mean. When the player died without such respawn mechanisms available, a unique exit screen would load offering the player a few options to click to proceed: "Yep I died, Game Over Man" being the most obvious one, but the mod could just as easily have a "Nope, that wasn't fair let me respawn anyway" then taking the player right back to the normal "where do you want to respawn screen." The point is to add that layer of interaction so that there is some external mechanism making it "easier" for the end-user to stick to their personal rule. The mod/plugin could even offer multiple scales of strictness: strict/ not so strict to either disable the "Not fair . . ." option or not.
    (b) Instead of simply two versions of clone chambers, there are at least three and potentially as many as five. Five would be preferable. The point is for the highest tier clone chambers to provide respawn with the least negative consequences, whereas the lower tiers impose a range of impediments, costs and handicaps as a result of dying.
    (c) Clone chambers could require "charging" in order to "have a clone ready" (e.g., must add a certain amount of meat, plant protein, elemental pentaxid, advanced electronics, water, oxygen, etc. to get a clone chamber to be "Ready" to provide respawn). This would be an optional aspect of the whole thing, but if it could be done, it might add to game play.
    (d) Clone chambers might require higher degrees of maintenance than they do. This is more of an after-thought, but it is a possibility.
    (e) consequences of dying and respawning with a lower (or lowest) tier clone device? Based on the current game configuration, could be a range of temporary decrements to stats or capabilities (max hp, max stamina, rate of XP gain, XP total, hunger levels, and potentially others). The point being: there is an incentive to both not die in the first place, and also to progress to the higher tier clone chambers, with the highest tier perhaps offering such a modest degree of post-respawn handicap that it is trivial.
  2. lolodu099

    lolodu099 Ensign

    Dec 12, 2016
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    [QUOTE=" Ten Commandments..[/QUOTE]
    15 :p
  3. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Interesting, there is still much to polish, the recoil of a weapon seen from the drone only affects the view of the drone. I would like round hatches, tinted glass for windows, sleep as many hours as you want, change the initial weapons for black or skin, solve the problem of cutting planets in half where you can build the edition of characters with human faces.
  4. Wayson

    Wayson Commander

    Aug 3, 2016
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    "Spock...Does it...have...wheels?"
  5. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    S.E. will always be Wheeled, Empyrion will never be anything but Hover. Without Mods. and even then.....
    stanley bourdon and Myrmidon like this.
  6. Wayson

    Wayson Commander

    Aug 3, 2016
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    Just and FYI, and no ego intended, I am known as the OG "wheeled" guy in this forum going back 7 years now, "wow 7 years", and "it" was a JOKE! Have a nice day!!!
  7. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I could hardly imagine a stronger invocation against wheels in Empyrion than to bring up the performance of wheels on SE's voxel terrain. Don't get me wrong. I have seen some pretty cool designs come out of that game. But, they were all Pickle Ricks, attempts to solve problems they shouldn't have been thinking about in the first place. In SE, they design wheeled rovers to last as long as possible before being destroyed by bugs and limitations in the physics engine. In Empyrion, we design HVs to overcome challenges built into and emerging from game content.

    Not doing wheels was the right choice when it was made, and it's the right choice now.
    Insopor and Myrmidon like this.
  8. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    ... OK we had the summer release (and pretty much everything on the road map) , when do you start dropping teasers for the game changer... :)

    A Mueller and michaelhartman89 like this.
  9. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Soon (TM) :D
    A Mueller and SacredGlade like this.
  10. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
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    This would certainly reignite interest in our community. We used to do large group assaults on Zirax bases and it was fun, but the inability to move about and re-arm, repair etc was quite an impediment to large group play - we dropped I don't know how many people through the floors of ships to their deaths :) Certainly it is not an easy ask, but in all fairness we Have been asking for this for many years. It would really change the landscape of this game if they can get it done. Heck I would throw money at this game Again, in a heartbeat, if it helped finance that.
    michaelhartman89 and Haakon XIII like this.
  11. Haakon XIII

    Haakon XIII Ensign

    Jul 7, 2023
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    Yes, please. Centuries in the future and there is still no autopilot to keep the ship going straight while I go to the in game bathroom or cook something for my crew.
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  12. quyxkh

    quyxkh Ensign

    Jun 20, 2020
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    I like the whole-group-only nature of that custom column, you don't have to worry about anything weirdly specific with that, a glance, some quick checks, you know what's up, it restores the configured power-on state.
    Slam Jones likes this.
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