Vanilla Story Feedback - Chapter 8 - Unexpected Allies

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by The Android, Mar 9, 2023.

  1. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    I initially posted this in another thread, then realized that thread is 3 years old and on an experimental branch. DOH. So here I am doing a re-post into the Feedback forum.

    I just finished Chapter 8 and found it somewhat frustrating. Not because of the instant spawn and one shot kills that the AI does (that is NOT a feature winning your game any supporters), but how the level progresses.

    Spoiler alert (sort of) for those who haven't played this chapter.
    (If you're stuck as I was this might be of help.)

    Near the end of the level there is a set of shutter doors with a key code on it. If you come up to it it will prompt for the key code and unless you are 1/1000 lucky it won't open. "So now what?"
    1. I wandered around the level re-reading all of the LCD "message app" pads on the ground. No code.
    2. I checked the walls to see if there were any dots/markings/letters. No code.
    3. On the override LCD panel that unlocks the outer door there was a mention that the archive was only open from 8:00 to 22:00 daily and that the clock had been reset to 00:00. Ok, I have to wait 8 in game hours. I wandered off to the planet to find a POI to salvage and came back after 8 in game hours. Nope.
    4. Off to Google! Found this post: Someone had mentioned in it that the seal that you receive to activate the archive must be in your active task bar. Ok, tried it and when I walked *into* the door, it opened! YAY.
    After finishing up this part of the quest I then tried with the seal just in my inventory and well, that worked, I just didn't move close enough to the door to trigger it. Ugh.

    I wasted a lot of effort and time wandering around searching for something I already had. Why? That's a good question...
    • Why does the key code prompt come up if the pass token is in the inventory? (Bug? Motion sensor activation field needs to be widened? Priority of tokens over key code prompt?)
    • There should be an indication that shows that this token is what opens the outer door. Maybe in the Ambassador's dialog? Maybe in the LCDs in the outer chamber? The whole time thing in #3 above is just nonsense that should be removed.
    • Why is there even a key code on this door? Yes, it might have stopped the looters as far as the "story", but seriously why does this matter? Maybe something for MP/co-op, but that's an edge case that I struggle to understand. Just remove the key code totally. You can't progress in the quest unless you have the staff and the token in your inventory anyway, having *2* gate checks is just, well, silly.
    I'm sorry to end this on a bad tone, I generally enjoy playing the game, but the number one issue in almost every review is that this game is "a bit janky".

    This is the kind of "janky" that makes me want to go play something else.
  2. Terenil

    Terenil Ensign

    Jul 1, 2023
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    I still can't get the door to open. I've activated both switches and can send the drone in and see the LCDs lit up. There appears to be no way to get the door open though. The panel says to touch it to open all doors, but the drone can't "touch" anything.

    This is hella frustrating guys. grr
  3. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    If you are not able to stand in front of the shutter doors in the room, you are in the wrong place. Try following the cave around to the front (it's been a while since I've played this level) until you find the opening that allows you access to the shutter doors. Spanj has a playthough of this mission under version 1.8 found here:

    starting around the 8 minute mark. He hits the door I'm talking about at the 15:50 mark.
  4. Terenil

    Terenil Ensign

    Jul 1, 2023
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    I am in the right room with my drone, as per the video. But running through the screen does nothing. It's like the trigger is disabled. :(

    The screens are lit up properly and I followed the way things were done in the videos.

    This is also the second time I have hit a blocker bug so I get the feeling that the questlines have not been tested since some most recent changes. If I feel up to it I may start over but that was a lot of work / effort to put in and keep hitting these types of bugs. Makes me feel like just dropping the game until it's more polished.
  5. Terenil

    Terenil Ensign

    Jul 1, 2023
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    ok, never mind. Looks like it's fixed now in a recent update. Just loaded up the save to validate it again and the door opened this time when I ran the drone through. :)

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