Add the possibility to hide the chat... simple but needed as an option. Also you should rework the fps combat to make it more modern like simple STUN when you shoot at mobs. Mobs run like crazy and skate on the floor. It's time to make a combat up to date !
Agreed on the combat mechanics needing updates, some suggestions: Enemies should not "pop" in right next to players. Enemies should have a reasonable "warm up" time when encountered. They should make some noise then begin to position / aim as opposed to immediately insta-firing at you with 100% accuracy. Enemies should miss, a lot more. No one wants to fight a perfect accuracy AI. Scale this based on easier / harder enemy types and ranks. Snipers....seem to hit for too much damage. Possibly looks to tone it down a bit, also maybe add more delay before they fire and or some laser sight so you can see them targeting you. General movement animation could use some polish to smooth out and make them more realistic and less janky. Just some thoughts.