CPU Usage incredibly high

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scimarad, Aug 2, 2023.

  1. Scimarad

    Scimarad Ensign

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Is anyone else finding that since the V1.10 update the GPU (sorry not CPU as in title) usage on this game has got incredibly high? Previously I used to play on 2560 x 1440 in fullscreen with no problems but since the last main update I've found that the fans on my PC get really loud and it puts out massive amounts of heat. I've tried putting the settings right down and have turned off the new terrain features and the global illumination but to now avail. Even if I play at 1080p the PC still gets really hot and the fans get louder after a while. This is using a 3080 BTW.

    It's definitely not my PC because it will happily play anything else including Cyberpunk, Elite Dangerous , Conan Exiles or Dyson Sphere Program without any particular increase in noise or heat.

    I've posted this in general because it's not exactly a bug and I was wondering if anyone else had the same issue lately. I can't really play the game in it's current state.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2023
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Performance is generally solid for me, but I have noticed more frame hitches seemingly at random moment. I.e. I'm just walking in a POI - great performance (I vSync at 60) - then laaaagg and I'm facing a different direction having moved several metres. That's in a single-player vanilla game, so can't blame network.
  3. Scimarad

    Scimarad Ensign

    Oct 31, 2015
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    I put the settings to around the mid settings and put the resolution to 1080p and all the time I'm on Skillon or Ningues then it's perfectly fine but if I go to Akua or sometimes even Masperon then the fans really, really get loud. That makes me conclude that it's something to do with the deco items on those worlds. The start temperate world on Reforfged Eden doesn't make my fans get loud.

    The framerate always seems to stay smooth-ish so I don't really have that problem it's just loud fan noise and temperature. POIs don't seem to have an effect and I've even found that the fans get quiter if I'm in an area on Akua with the tall pine trees rather than normal forests or swamps.

    It's very weird as Akua and Masperon don't look any different in this update that I can see. If they start to use these deco items on other worlds than I'm not really going to be able continue playing.
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Could just be you've tipped over whatever load threshold that turns your fans on. For me the GPU, when it was air-cooled at least, it defaulted to being silent (0% fan) until it hit 60c, then the fans would cut it quite noticeably. I changed that, as I do for any air-cooled cards, so the fan is always spinning at at least 30% - barely audible - ramping up with temperature. So, at 70c the fans would be at 70% (quite loud) but, as the fans were always moving at least some air, temperature overall was lower, so peak fan speed is lower and overall volume is lower.

    30 series runs pretty hot, hence why I water cooled my 3070. Wasn't going to, but rest of system is water-cooled, so it made sense. Plus hobby, tinkering etc. lol.

    Obviously ambient temps are a major factor too. Summer here currently, so room will hit 27c+ quite easily when gaming (even in the evening, when it's a lot cooler outside). Fitted aircon so temps stay around 22c - my preferred comfort level.
  5. Scimarad

    Scimarad Ensign

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Yeah, probably. I just think it's weird that most games don't do this. I mean Baldur's Gate 3 will make them spin up over time (and the frame rate goes to crap lol) but most other games don't make them do anything. I mean I think Dyson Sphere Program seems to have a lot more going on and that's perfectly quiet unless I tried to play it at native 4k. Also , it's only since the last update that it's become a problem and it's not been hot in the room the whole time. And this is only at 1080p.
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    It does seem a bit odd. Obviously I don't get the audio cue that my GPU is loaded that you do, but I've not noticed Empyrion be particularly demanding on the GPU - not enough to see performance degradation at least. When there are lots of POI's in the area, that could cause an fps drop, but since I went from a 3900X to a 5800X3d I don't get that any more.

    I'm running 1440p on a 3070 with most settings up as high as they'll go... I'll check how busy my 3070 is when doing that, though I've not noticed any issues - other than the odd bit of lag. I wonder if one particular effect is causing problems?

    As an aside, I was running Empyrion in exclusive full screen - traditionally running better in this mode. However, as the game doesn't support HDR in this mode (crazy!) except the odd time (like 5% of the time) it decides it will, I switched it to Windowed mode and now it does support HDR. However, now I'm Windowed, I do appear to get more random fps drops, which I didn't before.
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