Help needed can not play game

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gendac games, Oct 22, 2022.

  1. gendac games

    gendac games Ensign

    Oct 21, 2022
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    i have tried everything in the book to try to fix it even cleared my cache trust me i tried several different things i had the server admin also try a hundred different things to help me i log in and a minute later i get a message saying canot send to dedicated server anymore it happens over and over and i can't play the game it makes it unplayable i just started after your last update and im the only person on my server having the issue i dont know if you got a email similar to this but i payed for this game to play it and have a fun time if the game becomes unplayable i want my money back the game has been working fine for years please fix it or give at least me a patch update i really just want to play the game
  2. Westworld

    Westworld Commander

    Sep 21, 2015
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    I have a similar issue with my Co-op games with my wife. I start or load a game and about 20 seconds later I get a message that says:
    Connection problem withs server
    Cannot send to dedicated server any more.

    This makes it so I can't play.
    I haven't played for a few months, but before that it worked fine for years.
  3. Insopor

    Insopor Commander

    Oct 17, 2021
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    Best chance to get this corrected would be to make a big report about it and include the log files from when you get disconnected.

    Even better if you can get the server admin to provide logs from his end.

    Otherwise it's going to be about impossible for the devs to diagnose what's causing it without those files.
  4. Westworld

    Westworld Commander

    Sep 21, 2015
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    Yeah, I know you are right... I'm just lazy LOL.
    I'll make a bug report later today.

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