Filed / Tracking HV/SV Cockpit 2 (Open) cannot target through distant glass [00781]

Discussion in 'Tracking / Filed' started by Garaman, Mar 3, 2023.

  1. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Build: 1.9.2 4019
    Mode: Creative / Survival
    Mode: Single Player / Multi-player

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Minor

    Type: HV/SV fixed weapon targeting

    Summary: If you place window blocks more than one or two spaces in front of Cockpit 2 (Open) you cannot correctly fire fixed weapons

    There seems to be a targeting issue when windows are placed in front of cockpit 2 (open). If a window is placed in the space just in front of the cockpit seat you can fire fixed weapons normally. If you move the window any further out the crosshair seems to target the window itself, causing the fixed weapons to malfunction and consume ammo while not actually firing any projectiles. Cockpit 1 (open) does not manifest this issue.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Start a creative scenario
    2. Load the attached epb "SV Open Cockpit Gat Bug" and add 15mm ammo to the controller
    3. Sit in the green cockpit seat and fire the gats. It will function correctly.
    4. Sit in the red cockpit seat and fire the gats. You will see the ammo being consumed, but no rounds will visibly fire.
    5. Remove the red window and fire again from the red seat. The weapon will fire correctly.
    Screenshots / Videos:

    Test rig. Green cockpit fires correctly. Red does not.

    Attached Files:

    RexXxuS likes this.
  2. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    I can confirm this is still an issue with Build 1.10.4 4243.

    Another indication that I have found is that the aiming reticle will flash with a yellow square indicator and the "Currently Occupied" message will flash on the screen. Sometimes restarting the game will solve the issue, sometimes it does not...
  3. Clanfear

    Clanfear Ensign

    Jul 6, 2018
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    sill bugged as of 1.11.10 4545
    how many years it take to fix single bug?
    Fezder likes this.

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