Building for Reforged Eden

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Paganizer, Oct 6, 2023.

  1. Paganizer

    Paganizer Commander

    Jul 5, 2018
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    I like to build, and have done so exclusively for Vanilla. If I were to build something for RE (which I haven't tried yet), does anyone have a list of things I should consider making room for in my builds? Or is the list too comprehensive?
  2. Paganizer

    Paganizer Commander

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Kinda dead here I guess :).
    What about CPU limits. How do they compare to Vanilla? I have a CV for Vanilla that hits 10M CPU. I tried adding some RE extenders (in RE2 creative), but couldnt get it anywhere close to 10M cpu. Surely Im missing something.. RE doesnt limit builds more than Vanilla, right?
  3. ChiefSgtBradley

    ChiefSgtBradley Ensign

    Dec 13, 2021
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    In RE you have 2.1 Million CPU for a CV, but blocks for example cost no CPU and you can place 2 T3 and 5 T4 extenders. RE2 Creative is a whole other system. To get proper results you have to start a normal RE singleplayer then open the commandconsole and type 'cm' for change mode. Then you have a proper RE creative.
    I suggest to get a couple of RE builds from the workshop to see what is possible.
  4. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    RE makes everything a little bit harder. It is intended for experienced players. As such, they expect us to build specialized ships, not just a single massive does-everything carrier-battleship-miner-explorer-trader ship.

    RE CPU Extenders max out at around 2.1mil cpu. However they are not the end of the CPU upgrade.

    You can add Crew. They look like people (and aliens) but really they're just animated deco blocks that reduce cpu usage by 2500 each. You can have a total of 50 Human and 50 Alien Crew, for a total cpu usage reduction of 250k. Crew add a TON of lag, so I recommend not using many of them -- just use a handful here and there to fill in the gaps as needed.

    You can add up to 10 AUX cores, which reduce cpu usage by 330k each, for a total of an extra 3.3mil cpu. To get these, you must build them from a bunch of rare materials, such as Drone Swarm Processors, which you gather from defeated Drone Swarm ships, and Silver, which is super rare and hard to find in large quantities.

    Then you get onto Quantum Processors. I think you can have up to 10 of these, at 200k CPU each, for another 2 mil. These require materials that are even rarer than the ones needed in AUX cores. You have to be near or at end-game to build these usually (personally I've never gotten far enough to build them lol).

    So total that's like 7.6mil CPU all accounted for, or 7.4mil if you forgo crew to prevent lag.

    Of course, this being a sandbox game, you can just turn off all the requirements and build whatever you want. But for me at least, the rules help me build specialized, focused ships for specific uses.

    "does anyone have a list of things I should consider making room for in my builds? Or is the list too comprehensive?"

    Depends on what you want to do with it. Again, think specialized ships.
    But standard equipment, for me, is like
    a shield (and often a few shield boosters),
    warp drive & pentax tank,
    wi-fi connector,
    ventilated interior (ventilators able to fill every room),
    fridge (sometimes food processor),
    a large ammo container (at LEAST 16kL, usually a lot more),
    several other large containers for loot and storage (at least one full 640kL can't go wrong),
    one or more oxygen stations,
    a detector (and for most ships a long-range radar as well),
    a few turrets for defense (at minimum),
    gravity generator (always forget that one),
    a few RP 'crew' rooms (even if there is no crew),
    accessible engineering room where I can get to most components to upgrade/swap/repair as needed,
    and probably a number of other things I'm forgetting.

    This doesn't get into mission-specific items either, like drills or tool turrets or pilot-controlled weapons which you will want on some specific ships.

    "To get proper results you have to start a normal RE singleplayer then open the commandconsole and type 'cm' for change mode. Then you have a proper RE creative."
    I would NOT recommend doing this. I've heard that the 'cm' command can really screw up a savegame.
    Just start a new RE Creative game.
    Go to Single Player > Start Game > Scenario > Reforged Eden 1.10, then on the right, click where it says "Game Mode" so it says Creative, then hit Start.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2023
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There's no RE2 creative yet.
    Reforged Galaxy 2 is a whole different thing that's still in a creative only alpha.

    Like mentioned you'll want to start a new save game using Reforged Eden and select creative for your game mode. That will put you into a RE1 creative save game.

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