How do you get into the core room of the Zirax base on Sienna?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shortName, Oct 28, 2023.

  1. shortName

    shortName Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2023
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    How do you get into the core room of the Zirax base on Sienna?

    There was a marker at first but it went away, like these mission markers always do. I remember where the marker was more or less, but there's no way to get there. I took out the defense turrets because it seemed you have to go outside and they were preventing that, but there's no other entrance. Inside the base, you can only go in circles through the rooms.
  2. shortName

    shortName Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2023
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    So I had to use godmode to find the entrance. It's not hidden at all but right there, but you have to go into every corner to find it.

    I keep getting killed in almost every encounter in that base. Is there something wrong with the heavy armor and am I supposed to have a shield or something? There's no way that anyone would survive this. I fired two full magazines of the epic shotgun into a sentinel turret and it only kept shooting at me before suddenly a Zirax showed up in the open door I was shooting through and killed me with a laser ...

    I'll go back to base again and bring a rocket launcher and maybe a plasma cannon if I can.
  3. ChiefSgtBradley

    ChiefSgtBradley Ensign

    Dec 13, 2021
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    Laser Rifle works pretty good against those sentries. Or if you fast enough give the turret an explosive charge.
    Change your enemy dificulty to easy, because everything above that makes them more bullet spongy.
    Regarding your armor: Check the durability and your boosters. Less durability means less protection. EVA Boost tanks your defense by -80.
    Get at least medium armor with 1 armor and 2 multi boosts.

    For the record: I play only Reforged Eden.
  4. shortName

    shortName Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2023
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    The sentry was pretty close and the epic shotgun is good with close targets. I couldn't shoot the turret from a cover, so I used the shotgun and expected it to destroy the turret much quicker than the laser rifle could have. But it was as if the turret was impossible to hit despite I was looking and shooting right at it.

    I was wearing heavy armor with enough durability left, but with an EVA booster. I didn't think about it reducing the defense; I'll take it off when I go back. It took a while to get a plasma cannon, and I found I'll have to bring at least two because they wear out so quickly. Maybe I'll make it back today; I want to know how the story goes on ...

    Sooner or later I'll go with RE.
  5. shortName

    shortName Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2023
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    Ah I'm in the base now. The problem is that enemies are hiding behind invisible things so you either shoot either yourself like with a missile launcher, or you don't hit them with no indication of the fact until they eventually move out of their invisible cover and kill you.

    That's like what Scoob reported and something that really needs to get fixed.

    I'd add a picture but that never works with this forum.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2023
  6. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Yep, hostile foot soldiers spawning inside blocks, under the floor, and inside devices is a common bug. Encountered it many times myself when raiding POIs.

    It's the main reason I only raid POIs in single-player now -- so I can turn on god mode to clip into the blocks and kill them, instead of standing there getting shot by a wall repeatedly :)

    Here's an example: both of the Zirax you see here are inside the floor. The only way to kill them was to turn on godmode, clip into the floor, and then shoot them.


    Edit: And as others pointed out, laser weapons are pretty good for anti-material tasks like taking out sentry turrets and grates.
  7. shortName

    shortName Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2023
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    I see ... It's not what I was referring to, though. I can see enemies through an open door or through a plant and sometimes just standing there. When I shoot them, I clearly hit them, yet I can fire a whole magazin into them and nothing happens.

    Also, sometimes I go through a corridor and I know there's noone there because I just came through --- usually multiple times because I always get killed and have to go back after respawning --- and suddenly there's an enemy behind me that came out of nothing.

    Yesterday I sent the drone ahead through some corridors, and they were empty. When I opened the door myself and went in since it was obviously safe to enter, they were suddenly crowded with enemies which must have come out of nothing.

    I've killed enemies through closed doors when they were clipping through.

    I've found an epic plasma rifle yesterday and it's the only weapon that starts coming close to kinda working. That's only because its magazine doesn't get empty right away and because it doesn't have delays, like the missile launcher, that get you killed before you can start shooting. Still its totally insufficient. The plasma rifle needs a magazine with at least 300 shots.

    All the weapons are much worse. For example, the empic shotgun is also a nice weapon in theory. But it takes only 2.5 seconds before the magazin is empty, and that is barely enough to kill one abomination, if you can hit it. When there's more than one and they're close, you're dead. More than two, and you're dead bcause you run out of room to go backwards while waiting to reload.

    The epic plasma rifle basically isn't any better; the only difference is that it has a bigger magazin, so can kill two abominations instead of two, if you can hit them. The third one kills you because you have run out of room to go backwards while waiting to reload after you had to go backwards while shooting the first two.

    The rocket launcher sucks because the missiles don't home. Their homing ability is almost non-existent and it only works when using the scope, which usually isn't feasible.

    The minigun is kinda nice since it has a bigger magazine, but the recoil and the low amount of damage make it useless. The only thing you can shoot with it is Telluropods. The recoil seems totally wrong. From what I've been reading about miniguns, one of their tremendous advantages is that they don't really have any recoil at all and are extremely steady because they're firing a steady stream of bullets. That makes sense, they're probably more like thrusters, pushing into one direction. Being so steady, and putting out a lot of bullets, is what makes them so deadly and precise. But no, the minigun in the game jerks around like crazy like a real one would never do, and I stopped carrying one quite a while ago. (I love miniguns. Apparently they improvised during the Vietnam (or was it Korea?) war by putting some on airplanes and found that they could easily cover large areas for many hours, flying around in circles and keeping the guns pointed at the same point, holding the enemies down for good, despite the amount of ammunition they could carry was somewhat limited because lots of bullets end up weighing a lot while the planes could carry only so much weight. So yeah, a minigun is a very devastating weapon and in Empyrion it just sucks badly. It shouldn't be called minigun, it's not what it is.)

    We just don't have the weapons we would need to have any chance to survive, and not the armor and no shields. If we had an actual minigun, we could cut down all the abominations and other enemies coming at us like we should be able to.

    The miniguns they use on aircraft carriers for missile defense put out 6000 rounds per minute each. That's 100 rounds per second! We have so-called minigun turets on our vehicles and they don't even react to incoming missiles at all. With all that technology which is so far ahead of what's available now, we should have way better miniguns at least.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023

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