Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Chainsaw: Should show hit-points of the item it is pointed at in the same way that the survival multuitool shows hitpoints of a tree when harvesting
    Chainsaw: default fuel running time for a chainsaw is half that of the Drill, can we address this imbalance. 1 biofuel needs to run for twice as long as it currently does.
    Chainsaw: Increase the default damage when "harvesting"? can someone just double the default damage versus trees/wood.

    Hope these are all simple 5 minute tweaks. Happy 2024.
  2. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    1: Better Modding (control over the existing stuff like constructors and adding stuff like custom turrets maybe all the way to modding the AI)
    2: nested Docking
    3: short warp (warp either to a friendly ship, a bookmark or a number of km ahead in the same playfield)
    ChiefSgtBradley likes this.
  3. GE-old-Man

    GE-old-Man Ensign

    May 31, 2022
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    Handheld Tools and Weapon DLC-Changes need adjustments, here proposal:

    1. The DLC chainsaw has been nerfed (damage 85), now some trees in the DLC require more than a full load of biofuel to cut down, please set the damage back as in the base game (damage 105) .

    2. SMG, change the unlock level to level 3 and make the SMG available in survival constructor and change unlock level of assault rifle T1 to 5 or 7. it make more sence to get the SMG befor the assault rifle T1, because the new AR T1 in DLC has now 100 damage (befor 70) and is much better than the SMG, to use the SMG does not make sence because there no advantage. therefor nobody plays the SMG
  4. Mikibits

    Mikibits Ensign

    Oct 19, 2023
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    1. Round Corner (and its 10 variants) for Heavy Windows. It has all the other curved edges, but fails at the corner.
    2. An incoming Signal for Detector L, so it can be turned off on landing, for example. It pulls a lot of power when a CV is sitting idle.
    3. A Destructor place-able on CVs.
    ChiefSgtBradley likes this.
  5. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Dark Faction Progression

    i wonder if dark faction progression speed could be tied to player total research points (standard)
    earned -- this would allow slower players not to have to contend with the fast dark faction speed
    until they have unlocked a long way up the tech tree first --- im not saying stop progression, just
    have it start slow and build up with the players ability.

    To avoid issue with the given ship maybe also parrallel the progression with symellite research points
  6. Zebron

    Zebron Lieutenant

    Feb 12, 2024
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    I much rather have it on a game option setting slow, medium, Fast or off.
    Pembroke likes this.
  7. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    Yes, the corruption spread speed definitely should be a difficulty option.

    Maybe it's just me that I think the current speed equals "fast", or even "ridiculously fast"... I mean, I readily admit I'm not very good at fighting and to compensate for that I really prefer to prep well before hitting a POI. Not really possible with the DLC scenario as it is now. It feels like a "speed run" where you have to execute a 100% play-through with no mistakes and no slowing down. But yes, could be just my bias. Which is why I think it really should be a difficulty option. Set it as you prefer.

    ...and, if I may ask, when you do add it as a difficulty option, if you think of putting the current spread speed as the "normal" choice instead of it being the choice "insane" as it now feels like, then, please, in that case I would like to have there in the option combo box the choice "very-very-very slow", thank you! :)
    ChiefSgtBradley likes this.
  8. Zebron

    Zebron Lieutenant

    Feb 12, 2024
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    Just curious what happens if 100% of the galaxy is taken over? I mean the planet reverts back to normal once you destroys a pillar but does it do a you lost if you let it take over the whole galaxy?

    Also does it reinfect a planet with another pillar once you destroy one? It be nice if the Dark Faction had like a hive mind or something that gave you more resistance to try and stop you from stopping them. Right now it just acts like some fungal infection that just spreads mindlessly. It be cool if the Dark Faction has a bit more intellect then just mindless infection.
  9. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    When it happened to me, the only thing I noticed was that groups of corrupted enemies would spawn to attack you occasionally.
  10. Shipwreck

    Shipwreck Ensign

    Apr 2, 2024
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    Add a search bar to the registry. It would save loads of time looking for a specific POI.

    Ability to steal territory from other factions. War on/eradication of Zirax/Legacy/Kreel. Maybe they react to the threat.

    F1 should be searchable as well. There is a huge amount of information stored there.

    Love the game, and looking forward to the future improvements.
  11. Et3rnalPho3nix

    Et3rnalPho3nix Ensign

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Big time agree with Ability to claim territories. Like have different sized planets have different amounts of claimable territories, once you claimed all territories on the planet then you now also get the space around the planet as your factions territory now. As you claim and hold more territory, other factions may get more aggressive towards you and start to attack your claimed territories.
  12. Et3rnalPho3nix

    Et3rnalPho3nix Ensign

    Jan 18, 2021
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    1. More strategic ship weapons and cost. Have weapons tailored for certain roles, so that it is not just the ship with the biggest weapons that will always win.

    2. Nerf weapon AI, and build in upgrade paths. For example advanced sensor block for increased targeting range, targeting computer block(various tiers) for increase AI function, Weapons seat block to enable players to have a targeting UI, and multi crew option.

    3. Ability to claim territories, planets, solar systems for your faction. Have it so you will have to start defending these territories in some fashion to create more organic opportunities for players to interact with other factions.
  13. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    Fix that damned camera on tall CV.
    Some of you certainly already know that if we build a tall ship and put the cockpit at the top. The third view is way way above the ship. We simply don't see the ship.
  14. AlterDraconis

    AlterDraconis Lieutenant

    Sep 2, 2019
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    Switch the camera to free mode (ALT) and adjust the required zoom using the mouse wheel.
  15. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    You are wasting your time trying to explain something most of us already know.
    You should make a prototype in game to understand the problem.
    You can just make a big pillar, put the cockpit at the top and see what happen in third view camera.
  16. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    You're basically describing how I make combat HVs now. The controls for adjusting the viewpoint work fine.

    I would suggest having shift+pageup/down move the camera a greater distance to speed up the process.
  17. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    I did try it again in case of something new. Same as ever. Pointless...
    Of course, the controls for adjusting the viewpoint work fine. I never said they don't work, but there is actually a limit on how much we can adjust the camera. I doubt hv and sv are big enough for the problem to be noticeable.
    You can check the video here to have a better understanding of the problem.
    The higher you put the cockpit, the higher the camera will go.
    Last edited: May 21, 2024
  18. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    Absolutely, and as the DLC has hit the shelves it seems that the base game is as 'where it should be' as far as the devs are concerned, so fire out a mod tool set, hell, even put a couple of quid price tag on it and allow the talented unwashed free reign on upping the sales of the game, just look at the Bethesda longevity.
    modders make games fresh the next time round
  19. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    1: A jet pack that allows the player to glide faster underwater and in atmo's, kinda Peter Quill (starlord) like but perhaps with the restrictions of no tool/weapon use at the same time, perhaps equipable on the toolbar.

    2: a better selection (more choice) of models of NPC's to recruit and even just to have walk round to make the place more homely and busy.

    3: Farming on the land instead of boxes with a grow lamp when the planet already has successful natural plant life.

    3: Soil and Grass Blocks, or even Grass and dirt texture on the paint gun.
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
  20. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    After starting more new games recently, my biggest wish is to have the Drill craftable in the SMALL CONSTRUCTOR, as opposed to need a large one. The drill is only useful early in the game, not later.
    cmguardia likes this.

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