Help needed How to get theLarge planets option for Dedicated Server?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Milarwen, May 21, 2021.

  1. Milarwen

    Milarwen Lieutenant

    Jul 3, 2020
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    A few days ago I finally got a dedicated server up and running. I had 3 settings I really wanted to change and two of them are now solved and implemented on my server.

    But nobody have had any input on how to start a server with large planet option enabled. Is it possible and how do I do it if so. I would also like to know if this isn't possible.

    PS: I know how to change the size of each planet individually but I would prefer the actual generated seed so everything is identical to a single player / coop game.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You want random size or fixed size for starter planet ? Not sure what you're asking for, because there is no "big planet option" when starting a game, there's only "planet type" (as for difficulty) but they can vary in size.

    If what you want is to make sure that the starter planet is of one definite size and no other, then you can edit the default starter templates (or your custom scenario's default starter planet) like following :

    If you look in the +ExamplePlanet\Playfield_Dynamic.yaml, you can see this :

    SizeRange: [2,3,4,5] # size classes of planet

    SizeProbs: [0.05,0.40,0.50,0.05] # probability for the different size classes. Range [0, 1] - SizeProbs must sum up to 1

    Just leave the SizeRange as it is, but change the SizeProbs to reflect what you want. If you want that playfield to "always" be class 5, then write the SizeProbs like this :

    SizeProbs: [0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]
  3. Milarwen

    Milarwen Lieutenant

    Jul 3, 2020
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    I mean this, but somehow the whole system is affected and POI's are placed differently as well as the starter planet size. However, when choosing the same seed and same planet size, then everything is identical every time.This is an option you find for single player and for coop, which is the one in the screen shot. Is it possible to somehow start a dedicated server with this option, for us to get the same seed? And if so, how?
    Last edited: May 21, 2021
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I don't know much about dedi setup, unfortunately. I think most server owners either use the Empyrion Admin Helper (lite version) or configure their servers by hand following what can be found here for the most part :

    You can see there is a line that can be added in the dedicated.yaml to specify the "seed" so I guess it's just a question to find the right one for what you want. I have no clue regarding how to set up planet size apart from the trick I gave you previously.

    If you simply want the starter planet to be a fixed size and be the same on each new start, you could have much better control on things by using a custom scenario and having your 1st playfield as a fixed playfield (instead of random/ dynamic) whereas you can even place ships and POIs by hand, use decals, make terrain as you like, etc. This way you will avoid having to start a hundred games searching for the "ultimate seed" and decide of things by yourself. It would also allow you to mod weapons and lots of things without fear of getting all overwritten with future updates (using a custom scenario). Just set one or some planets in the starter sector, and have the rest of the galaxy randomly generated.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You do this by editing the playfield_dynamic.yaml file for the starter planets under the scenario's playfields folder.

    I am not home at the moment to give you the exact syntax yet.

    In that file near the top are the sizes and probabilities. If you want those planets to always be the same size, you can simply set the probability to [1] and the size to the exact size that you want like [4].

    That will set that planet to always a size 4 when you start a new game. Valid sizes are 2-5.
    You can either just edit the default scenario, or make a copy of the scenario you're using, name it something different, then use that to make your edits and start a new game.
    If the scenario you're using didn't have the playfields inside the scenario, then it's using the playfields under the server's base content folder so you can edit them there instead.

    Note that it you edit a default scenario, a game update may undo your changes but this won't affect your starter planets in an existing save.
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I'm just curious as to why you repeat exactly all what I just wrote above...
  7. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    challenge time ...

    i am trying and trying and it seems nothing will work ...

    I want to build the entire Saturn-Region with some Moons in SIZE 1 ... but everytime i use the SIZE 1 it will not work ... all sizes from 2 to 5 works fine - but only size 1 will end up in an unplayable scenario ...

    Whats wrong with that ... Eleon tells in first there will be Planets in Size 1 to 5 ... so why i cant use SIZE 1

    So i think i need some help ^-^
  8. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Size 1 isn't something that will work, size 2 is the smallest you'll get.
  9. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    First - thanks for the fast answer ^-^

    Second - hmmm ... that's kind of stupid and also incomprehensible, since it is stated that there are "accessible" planets in sizes 1 to 5 (or 6) and suns and gas giants probably from 6 to 10 ... see below ^-^

    Here we are talking about type 1 (4096 × 2048) "Tiny(?)", type 2 (8192 × 4096) "Small", type 3 (16384 × 8192) "Medium", type 4 (32768 × 16384) "Large", type 5 (65536 × 32768) "Very Large" and then type 6 "Huge(?)"

    So why do they make these specifications if you don't be able to use them?

    In the end, this probably means for my "setup" that I have to move all the planets up by one size number in order to save the optics.

    Or is there a "playfield" of size 1 that I have not yet discovered?
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The wiki is out of date and anyone can edit it so don't trust it especially when it comes to scenarios.
    You already received the answer on your other post, but planets and moons can go from size 2 to size 5. Gas giants and stars can be bigger than that.

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