Showcase - WiP [Mod] Tidy

Discussion in 'Empyrion API' started by Thokoloshi, Mar 30, 2023.


Do you btw. even sort your stuff in Empyrion?

  1. No. I hate knowing where my stuff is. (don't sort)

  2. I know where the food is, so i dont starve, thats it. (sort important stuff only)

  3. Only when i feel like it, so not on weekends. (stuff usually sorted)

  4. I am so organized, i break in other bases only to sort their stuff (always sort everything)

  5. I own a zirax slave only for that. (what)

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  1. Thokoloshi

    Thokoloshi Ensign

    Mar 30, 2023
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    Empyrion Tidy Base/Ships
    This mod offers a way to sort items in ships and bases based on their type.


    Download from:
    Extract zip and put the mod folder in [...]\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Mods\
    DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for anything regarding to this mod. Use at own risk.

    How to use
    1. Get a BA / CV / SV that is powered
    2. Create a new signal named 'Tidy' and turn it on
    3. Put items in the designated input container (e.g. 'Sort Input')
    4. Rename container to reflect their contents (e.g. 'Tools' / 'Ores' / 'Fuel')
    5. ...
    6. profit?

    Additional stuff
    If your stuff doesn't fit in a single container, don't worry. The mod searches for every container that start with the keyword. That means you can have a Fridge, Fridge II and Fridge III. Fridge I gets filled first, then 2 then 3.

    If you want any target container to be named differently, you can change that in the file Featury.config which is located in the mod folder.

    ConstructorInput = "Constructor Input"
    Steel            = "Steel"
    Ores             = "Ores"
    Fridge           = "Fridge"
    Farming          = "Farming"
    Medicine         = "Medicine"
    Tools            = "Tools"
    Fuel             = "Fuel"
    Weapons          = "Weapons"
    Ammo             = "Ammo"
    Devices          = "Device"
    BuildingBlocks   = "Build"
    DecorationBlocks = "Deco"
    Blocks           = "Blocks"
    Remainder        = "Z"

    For debug purposes you can test the mod in the in game console with /tidy

    The 'Constructor Input' is used for crafting items. The 'Remainder' is for everything that doesn't have a place elsewhere. I just named the container Z initially, so that it's always at the bottom in the device list.

    The sorting implements a next best rule. For example, if there isn't a container for building blocks but one for blocks they go there too. If there's no ammo container it goes into weapons etc...

    Future stuff
    The mod has an item library that is currently static. I have something prepared that automatically scans a custom config.ecf file and makes educated guesses about the type of the items. This could be useful while using the mod in a custom scenario with custom items.

    Maybe add an option that in order to use the feature, a structure must have a certain CPU Tier (but configurable, so it would be optional).

    I am currently using this mod with friends on a server and client actively. However there probably are still bugs that we missed. When i get feedback i will fix them.

    Also please forgive any newbie mistakes, i do them because i am in fact, a newbie.

    Any more ideas or feedback?

    (signal 'Tidy' should look like this)

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2023
  2. Sir_Lutter

    Sir_Lutter Ensign

    Mar 30, 2023
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    Very cool mod i hope its work, because the inventory system makes me realy angry. I hate it.
    Thokoloshi likes this.
  3. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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  4. Thokoloshi

    Thokoloshi Ensign

    Mar 30, 2023
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    That would be an option. But that might not make much sense, because the mod could almost be scripted inside EmpyrionScripting using commands like: {{move item structure names [maxLimit]}} already. which is what we tried to do initially when attempted to use EmpyrionScripting for this.

    But then it also could be better to work on that command, so that is completely covers the functionality.
    Sir_Lutter likes this.
  5. Sir_Lutter

    Sir_Lutter Ensign

    Mar 30, 2023
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    So I play with this mod a bit. I scrpit nothing, and i cant script anything. So it work well to this point.
    It looks to me as if you have not read the instructions properly. No scripting is required to use the mod on the user's side.
    This mod is basically a no-brainer.

    PS to Thokoloshi: But can you add a seperate container for plants please?
    Thokoloshi likes this.
  6. Thokoloshi

    Thokoloshi Ensign

    Mar 30, 2023
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    I added a seperate container for plants, currently named "Farming" (also configurable), and also did the todo: "The interval of execution is currently 1800 ticks. This should be configurable.".

    Download link is already updated! c:

    SPECNECK Ensign

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Is this one also work on MP? Or does it need to be set on both server side and client side?

    Also curious on how to enable it , or does it just auto enable when you start the game?
  8. Thokoloshi

    Thokoloshi Ensign

    Mar 30, 2023
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    This works in MP too without the need to install it on clients! Its already enabled in the config that comes in the zip file! Also please be aware that it doesn't respect custom items so far (will be working on that)

    If it doesn't please let me know.
  9. jessicest

    jessicest Ensign

    Jan 5, 2023
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    Hi! This seems really great -- thanks!! I'm going to try this out soon -- it'll be excellent for multiplayer.

    But I can be pretty fussy about which specific items go into which categories. Is there source code available online, maybe on github, for those of us who like to tweak it further?
  10. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I always sort, but not by hand ;P (what poll answer is that?)

    I automated my sorting with a ES savegame script and have ingame lcds that tell the scrip what to move where.
    (also i'm a hoarder, i have max size cargo controllers for each ingot type, most of those are full. and i already trash or deconstruct a lot of stuff)
  11. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    I always at least partly sort my inventories but I often have to make do with only a few container. Things like blocks and devices tend to end up in the same container for me, especially early game. A way to combine specific categories would probably be useful. Maybe treat a "," as an AND? It would be more flexible then having a static set of "next best" rules.
  12. Thokoloshi

    Thokoloshi Ensign

    Mar 30, 2023
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    First of all, a sincere thank you for the comments.

    Jessicest i have not yet released the source code, because i don't have a GitHub account, the code is not yet presentable, (eg. hard coded stuff, which is bad) and honestly i thought Empyrion would have added the sorting functionality by now (still hope they do). If its urgent i can send the code over though, also if you wanted to maintain the mod you could.

    me777 i used to do that too, this can't and won't replace EmyprionScripting, i just wanted to have an option without using LCDs or any in game config. (Im actually so lazy, i was testing to let the mod rename some containers to try to fit all stuff the best way possible).

    Inappropriate I 100% agree, everything should be configurable anyway, I just didn't know how to do that in a smart way. You do know though, that's a really exquisite idea!!

    I didn't develop much here because i was working on other concepts. Automatic passenger without the need to register. Conquer a planet fully and build automatic quarries that harvest resources based on the planet type. Autopilot that lets you call your personal ship if in range and auto park it in another ship or on a base. (sadly only works when someone is near :/ )
  13. ObsceneOracle

    ObsceneOracle Ensign

    Jun 14, 2023
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    I love the idea of this mod! as i have always used the same kind of thing in Space Engineers but via ingame scripting, this seemed quite convenient.
    Right now i am playing the Reforged Eden scenario and i read the "it doesn't respect custom items so far (will be working on that)" bit in a reply so it probably has to do with that.
    My constructors seem to stop working when this mod is active and on Reforged Eden.
    Objects get queued like they should but when they complete they just sit there in the queue indefinitely.
    I only tested this on singleplayer because i am too lazy to setup a server.

    Let me know if i can provide you with more info =)
  14. jessicest

    jessicest Ensign

    Jan 5, 2023
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    I'm (finally) testing this out and so far I haven't seen any sorting activity for it -- I created a signal called "Tidy", changed all the config strings to match my vessel's storage names, and..... nothing. Hm.

    Any ideas how I can debug it?

    Source code does sound nice please! I would be interested in maintaining it if I can get it running, yup!
  15. meigrafd

    meigrafd Ensign

    Jan 23, 2024
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    Do you have a github where you post updates or your other projects? :)

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