Help needed We are stuck

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mansaylon, Mar 15, 2024.

  1. Mansaylon

    Mansaylon Ensign

    Mar 11, 2024
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    Is there a way to change the faction values in the game save?
    We are simply stuck because we cannot improve the values in the Talons.
  2. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Multiple Ways. For instance, You can kill Raptors and other predators within Talon Territory to increase Faction Rank.

    Yes, there are also console Commands, but I don't remember them off-hand.
  3. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    As mentioned, console commands will let you end run the grinding on this. Many/most of these commands require some level of elevate permission. If this is happening in a game you host, you can give yourself permissions by adding entries to a file. In the folder /Saves you will find a file called adminconfig.yaml that will let you use privileged commands...

    - Id: <yourSteamId>
      Name: <yourSteamName>
      Permission: 9
    ...where a "9" is the highest value and gives you the broadest access. Since this is a yaml file it is very critical that you retain the indents that the example has .. use cut/paste if you want to add any of the other players to the role. You can find <yourSteamId> as a folder name under the Saves/Games/<yourGame>/Players folder ... it's a very long integer.

    Once you make that change you can enter the game and reach the console via the tilde "~" key. Type "help faction" for an overview of the command that lets you change your faction's reputation...

    faction rep local Tal 20000

    ...would put you on friendly terms.

    There is a serious amount of magical mischief that you can invoke from the console, but frequently it may make sense to get past glitchy behaviors in the game. All the typical "with great power ___" sorts of considerations apply- but it's your game, so feel free to own it. 8^)
  4. Mansaylon

    Mansaylon Ensign

    Mar 11, 2024
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    Many thanks.... I will try it out today.


    That is really excellent.
    Is there a manual or list somewhere of what each console command does, or how to use it?
    It's a bit confusing using 'help'.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2024
  5. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Bunches .. use Google-fu on "empyrion galactic survival console commands" for a wiki, a thread in the steam discussion, youtube vids etc.

    None of these is actually an official thing with the "wait- this isn't text I can copy!!?!" rendered screens you see when you type help being the only official documentation. Many of the console commands are tools used by the developers and what they do and how to enable them isn't always obvious.

    To retain your sanity my suggestion is to treat figuring this stuff out like the meta-game you didn't know you paid for ... it's a challenging puzzle. If you like this one, editing the ecf files is the next challenge ... next thing you know your time in game is in the thousands of hours (run- now- while you still can!!!)

    These are a few of the most useful IMO-
    item menu (im) .. this enables an creative game key command "h" which lets you add items to your inventory with a click.
    spawn blueprint (sbp) .. let's you use the F2 factory without needing to load it up with raw materials.
    god mode (gm / gm iv) .. turns on god mode (or god mode invisible) that lets you fly about without taking damage- you wasd keys move you through the playfield's x/y/z in an absolute way that ignores gravity. The invisible mode also let's you open the control panel for the various POIs and has the advantage of being "invisible" as in the various enemies won't try to attack you.
    debug mode (dm) .. brings up a text box that gives you detail data about things you look at. You'll need this if you start getting into the things like "replace blocks" and similar.
    map .. puts all entities on the map even if you haven't found them yet.
    regenerate .. if you have a POI that you accidentally broke somehow (ie blowing away a switch you needed to switch or some weird edge case the signal logic didn't account for) will let you refresh the whole thing- and you need to fight your way through again but at least you can try again.
    sector & teleport .. commands to teleport you (and your ship if you are piloting) to another sector by name or teleport within the current sector to a specific x/y/z ... different commands but some overlap in function.

    Best way to learn them is to create a game you don't really care about and play with them. Use the "level" command to make yourself level 25 and then the im/h to give yourself a ton of great stuff, and then sbp a ship in ... futz around with command console and most of them will make more sense. Remember that many of these exist for server admins to moderate and administer a server with commands like ban/unban kick, etc.

    Hope that helps!
  6. Mansaylon

    Mansaylon Ensign

    Mar 11, 2024
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    Thank you. Believe me... I had really searched a lot in Google... but obviously with the wrong search terms.

    Wrecks that I dismantled should actually come back if RegeneratePOIs = true. Unfortunately, they don't come up.
    I'm still looking for the console command to restore them.
  7. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Wrecks dismantled before the command will need regenerated. You will need to regenerate the entire playfield (Planet).
  8. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Yeah- that's a console "wipe" ... it's a pretty big hammer so be sure to save a copy of the game before you swing it.

    When you salvaged the POI did you remove every block? Structures and vehicles in the game are a subset of the basic object called an entity. You can see the list of entities in the console with the "ents" command. As long as at least one block of an entity exists the object exists, but when the last one is removed the entity is removed as well.

    If you had left a few blocks, it may be that the RegeneratePOI process is actually managed by EAH (the empyrion admin helper) which is a utility for managing servers.

    If there are a few blocks and you were using EAH I am not sure what's going on but you may be able to fix it with the console by using debug info (di) to point at one to determine the <entityId> of the wreck. The regenerate command uses that as a parameter.
  9. Mansaylon

    Mansaylon Ensign

    Mar 11, 2024
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    EAH is unfortunately not possible on the Nitrado server.
  10. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Ouch. If you do decide to wipe to reset the quests, this is the basic approach. Others may have simpler options, but this is what I've done in the past. Wipe will destroy every entity/asset that you have in the playfield & reset to initial state. Use ctrl-o to blueprint anything you can't take to orbit. The resources, fuel, etc. are not part of the BP so move them. This includes the plants in a garden which you need to multi-tool collect before you do the ctrl-o BP ... you can't spawn plots with plants.

    You can move stuff using a CV and fuel you bring in via sbp/f2& im/h for this purpose and use "destroy" to dispose of it after using di to get the <entityId>.

    Inventory players carry will still be on them but otherwise they will appear where they were so be someplace safe- off playfield in the CV is one way to make sure of that. If you plan to respawn a base(s) make sure to use di to record the position and rotation. Once you spawn something in there are console commands setposition/rotation to move them into position again.

    Any terraforming you've done with the drill will be gone as well and if your base is underground it will be filled with dirt- an epic drill (im/h) helps with that. If you want to rehearse before the actual wipe just start a single player game with the same seed values before you pull the trigger to get a feel for the steps.

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