New Starting Planets - Not a Fan

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alendi Istari, Aug 1, 2022.

  1. playlessNamer

    playlessNamer Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2019
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    i have seen 2 nightraptors on my starterplanet, no crashed capital, no zirax, no interesting poi at all. No quests at all, was the worst experience ever in this game while the average experience isnt that good anyways.
    I read since 5 patches qests are remade, quests are fixed, quests are cool now, i started some days a go a try, there are no quests at all anymore.

    I have really give the game another try but this time the starterplanet allready killed it completely.
  2. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    You must get away from the starter planet.
  3. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    I've gone back and tried to go straight to Omicron to use that as a starter planet but, honestly, for my taste, Omicron is terrible as a starter planet. Most of the place is so hilly (gross understatement) that an HV is next to useless. Mine got stuck in a tight valley in less than 30 minutes of getting there. This really sucks how awful these new starter planets are. I can't enjoy playing it anymore. I'm going to miss this game... at least the game it used to be.
  4. Stampy

    Stampy Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2020
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    Yes, the starter planets are terrible. Give Project Eden a try, as there are many different starter planets and much better missions. This random, no mission log pointers "find tablets and read them" is boring and stupid. And the 4 moons are poorly designed.
  5. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    I have tried Project Eden. There are a LOT of things I like about it but my biggest gripe is that it's Soooooo grindy compared to vanilla. Building anything takes 5-10 times the work. I will have to concede that right now, Project Eden is probably the lesser evil with these really bad starter planets.

  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Project Eden does not change anything with the building except that you won't find as many types of ores on each planet so you'll have to explore a bit more.
  7. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Starter planets have never presented a meaningful survival challenge. Any starter sector is going to have to provide enough iron, copper, silicon, cobalt, and carbon substrate to make a warp-capable SV and escape. This means you will always have access to more than enough resources to make a low level HV that negates most survival challenges. Access to a reliable biofuel source means your HV can power a constructor and be used in lieu of a base. This is as true at the Akua crash site, where you can't walk ten feet without tripping on a food plant, as it is on a barren chunk of deep space rock, living and building off golems, boulders, and wrecks. Even before you assemble such a vessel, there's no test of skill. You're just at the mercy of RNG for whether or not you'll find enough resources to progress and stay alive.

    I'll say this for the Crown sector. It made me go design a new SV. I have miners, fighters, and utility HVs I can use to get around a planet. I also have warp-capable utility SVs I used to use for gathering materials for an initial CV. What I didn't have was an SV made entirely of basic materials, could carry a miner around a sector to mine, and could then carry back a big load of ore. So that's what I made. She's slow and unarmed, but that's not a problem in Crown. This new start meant I had to come up with a new solution. I can think of no higher compliment to pay.
    krosbonez likes this.
  8. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    I have not done any specific "tests" to determine the difference, but there is no way you can convince me that something you changed in Project Eden hasn't effected how long it takes to build something. Maybe it's greater materials requirements or slower harvesting but something makes it take at least twice as long to build something. I KNOW building anything with concrete takes WAYYYY more stone than vanilla - probably as much as 4 times more.

    Kudos on developing Project Eden. It's a huge mod (tons of work) and very popular. But it isn't for everyone. I do like the greater difficulty and the more diverse POIs and story. But the grindi-ness kills it for me.

  9. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    It's Reforged Galaxy that does that or most of it, not Project Eden
  10. krosbonez

    krosbonez Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I have played through the beginnings of several starts with the new moons. I think for first timers it is a good start, with low threat to get your feet wet. As a veteran player, it is way to easy and a little boring. One play through I was able to build an armed CV before even leaving the starter area (Crown). I had no problem finding all the ores needed, some just took more time to scavenge. Using the teleporter to travel between moons and gather resources was a neat approach I have not seen in the game before.
    You can get to Omicron fairly quickly by fixing the small SV, fly to the space station, and teleport with only what you have on you can start your harder survival.
    I would like an option for experience players to by-pass the starter moons, and just start on Omicron.
    If you are wanting a more challenging start or playthrough.....STOP USING THE BLUEPRINT FACTORY and build your own ships in game. I personally wish they would put a level requirement on the factory or even have it only available at specific POIs/Planets. The Star Salvage scenario does a good job on that as several planets do not allow BPs to be spawned and CV only spawned at a Space Shipyard in a certain sector.

    From what I am seeing, this (new starters) is a response from the Devs for all of the post and internet threads from people complaining about "It's too hard for a new player", "I don't know what to do in this game", "Why is there no tutorial", "How do I _______?", from years past. It might not be the best, but I think they are moving in the right direction. Following the "story line" and doing the little fetch quest for the Talon will teach a new player : how to make bandages, how to make food and medication, how to harvest ores and resources, how to build a simple base, how to repair a SV, where to find certain types of resources, how to unlock devices in the Tech Tree, how to use the WiFi and connect to storage, how to navigate the F1 menu, how to use the map and galaxy map, how to core and take control of a POI....and more. All of which were some of the most asked questions by new players just a year ago.

    I understand your frustration. This new start is not for experienced players and might not even be good for returning players, but I think it is good for new people to the least better than what we had as a tutorial.
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Project Eden does not change the vanilla configs (except to add the warp range skill to the warp drives and the extra loot to the loot containers).
    You can look at the configs yourself and use a compare tool like Notepad++. They will be the same as the vanilla configs.
    Sounds like you had crafting time set to "low" in your game options which is entirely your choice and you can change it at will in an existing save game.
  12. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    The old blueprints you find in the workshop don't fit for the new starter moons because they don't deal with the lots of new Carbon materials that are in the game now. As said you better build your own SVs/CVs or you have to adapt the old blueprints which few players can do in a short time using the console commands to downgrade the blocks, most players don't even know about these commands, but using the Search here or on Steam forum quickly gets you this knowledge.
  13. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I thought about swearing off the blueprint factory for a while, but I soon realized I'd just end up making blueprints from memory and paper instead. I'd write up some block lists, propulsion and machinery layouts, and CPU calculations, and just end up making the same ship anyway. The only things that would really change are greebling and the amount of work involved. I guess that's what happens when you stick to your own designs.

  14. krosbonez

    krosbonez Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I was unaware of this. I too thought PE was highly modded like RE, which feels a little grindy to me. I will start a new playthrough of Project Eden and give it a shot.
  15. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    Sorry Raven, I know you're the Dev so I really started scratching my head wondering where the disconnect was. Reforged Eden is what I played and didn't like the longer builds.

    I will give Project Eden a try! :)

  16. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    At one time, I was a new player on the old starting planets. I did just fine. Learning how to NOT get your ass kicked is half the fun of starting a new game!!!

    akimzav likes this.
  17. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    I've so many things to say... and not easy to write down... let's try :)

    First things first: my general attitude when writing in a forum is to be polite not just for other people but for yourself. I'll begin with a quick list:

    - Akua and multitool: Alendi already received an answer on the supposed missing promethium ore: it's not that the planet 'sucks' (your own word) on this one it's the player who completely missed it ;)

    - Edible resources on Akua: too many so farming is useless. Not true at all: food has an expiration time and without your own farming you cannot even dream to cook enough food (or you must spend triple time in gathering) with long expiration time. Without food with long expiration time it's almost impossible to survive in long space exploration travel or huge POI missions: of course you can put your food in the fridge but you must then wifi for it (and the range is not reachable 100% of times) or return to your vehicle. So there is indeed at least a point in doing your farm: having long expiration time food in your inventory.

    - HV useless on Omicron because of the mountains: I've learned to use HV in the icy planets where you may find mountains almost impossible to climb with an HV. Now I can climb with HV even mountains at 'V' so with no space to move in between. Of course it's not easy but for sure not a defect of the game: also for this one it's the player the root cause not the game.

    Apart from what reported above in general I agree with what Alendi reported in a productive way: I play games to get drown in their story and in rare occasion such as Horizon ZD and Mass Effect living an emotion, but huge but I can totally understand your point... I can even see it by being an EGS fan since alpha versions.

    Starter planet changed a lot: there was in the past a version with creature nests too like on Omicron and now for a sandbox experience I can understand that the thrill is lower than in the past. From my point of view it shouldn't be a matter of story or not: it's not important if the story have to build game depth or a wonderful plot, all the game modes should be independent and the things you do in some should not ruin other ones... I guess that's an ideal world :)

    One of the possible solution could be the second Alendi message: to give to sandbox players the choice to start not just in one of the four moons but in any planet of the starter system.

    An even better solution - but I guess it's huge - could be to follow what 7 days to die has done: a random map generator when you play in sandbox mode... unfortunately in EGS we should have a random galaxy generator but I guess it can be bound to some parameter I... guess?

    So on the EGS WIP list I think we should add: more thrill on sandbox mode like in the past; finishing the main plot after the wonderful Tale of Tash addition (for plot lovers it was a great addition :) )
  18. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    It turns out Project Eden is the solution! Thanks Raven!!

  19. rtracy

    rtracy Ensign

    Mar 8, 2021
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    I suggested this also as a scenario or start in the forum. Just a random spot any where in the galaxy it would start you on. It could be a earth like planet all the way to a lava planet with 4g of gravity and you have to survive and get off the planet. That would be awesome.

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