Help needed own spaceship disappears - SQliteExeption (0x800027AF)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by, Jun 26, 2024.

  1. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    I have found a weird problem ...

    I have my own server with universe, playfields etc.

    I can build everything on my starting planet and it stays there as desired even if I close the server overnight and then continue playing later.

    Now I've warped from my starting planet into space and then into my solar system and then flown to another one - so to another playfield ...

    I landed there and built a small base and then closed the server, as I had done several times before.

    But when I wanted to play again the next day, I realised that everything I had built had disappeared - including my spaceship - but the "hole" in the ground where my base used to be was still there.

    I didn't have an update or anything else during the night ...

    But I found the information in the LOG file that there was probably an SQlite error.
    There were several lines with "System.Data.SQliteException (0x800027AF) constraint failed" and a reference to (m)a "PlayerPosHistory.pfid" - but I couldn't find such a file ...

    I'll have Steam check the game files first and hope, but if that doesn't help either, well then I'm at the end of my ideas

    So if anyone knows something like this ... I'm open for information and ideas ^-^
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I can tell you that missing ships is a common problem on servers, but it usually involves ships that are docked to a carrier and never bases.
  3. TwitchyJ

    TwitchyJ Commander

    Mar 4, 2022
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    This is a longshot.
    When you say you built a "small base", how small exactly?
    Did it have a core?
    Was it larger than 10 blocks?

    If it had no core and/or was smaller than 10 blocks then you need to check your servers "DecayTime" setting.
    That setting automatically has the game delete any structures that have less than 10 blocks and/or no core, in whatever time is set.

    Other than that also check your servers "WipeTime" setting.
    That setting dictates how long until an unvisited player structure gets deleted regardless of size.
  4. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    So I landed with my ship ... It wasn't docked anywhere or anything like that.

    I then built my mobile constructors - as the game intended - then a base start block - and then a base around it - with a generator gate, tank for fuel and oxygen, storage crates, kitchen, fridge, etc. - basically everything you need on a new planet if you haven't already installed it in your own spaceship ...

    And then I just left the server as usual, closed the game on one PC and closed the server via putty with saveandexit 1 on the other PC and then switched off my PCs for the night.

    So actually nothing wrong ...

    On the contrary, I'm usually rather overcautious when it comes to settings and setting up servers.

    For example, in addition to my own dedicated.yaml and a start batch, I copied my own playfields for each planet type and various blueprints/prefabs from the original scenarios and edited/adapted some of them. (See pictures)

    So at the moment I can't really figure out what the problem is - but I'm going to test the creative mode and the spawning of bases, spaceships etc. to see if it only affects these two playfields around this one planet (space sector and planet sector at "0,0,0" or if this problem also occurs in other playfields.

    In my Sectors.yaml for the server I can't really find an error that would explain this problem
  5. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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  6. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    Attache Files : Sectors.yaml & gameoptions.yaml ^-^

    Attached Files:

  7. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    SQLite exceptions are usually coming from a corrupted game
    It ends up corrupted when you change / delete files on an active save game
    This is not possible

    Only file you can change on an active save game is the GameOptions.yaml
  8. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    Hmmm ...

    So does this mean that if I want to add more planets or change existing ones in a game, for example, I may be forced to delete the entire savegame ...

    I mean so far I have assumed that I can, for example, constantly change or expand the sectors.yaml and the associated playfields. In the existing savegame - at least that's what I thought - this is only possible by either "updating" the files I have changed there - for example when I add new planets - or by deleting the folders Content, Playfields, Sectors and Templates in the savegame and forcing the server to recreate these "changed planets".

    Unfortunately, this is probably not really the case ...

    So I've now deleted the whole savegame and started all over again and now the building and persistence of bases, ships etc. seems to be working again so far ^-^

    Well, what can I say ... this must be how the developers of new games feel every now and then when fixing these strange "BUGGS" XD

    And I'm actually just trying to build my own exciting scenario ^-^
  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Cant be done on a existing game

    Cant delete anything from the SaveGame
  10. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    Funnily enough, I've done exactly that several times and it worked.

    By deleting certain files in the savegame, I force the server to regenerate these deleted files every time it is restarted.

    For example, I have already found out that the parts of a playfield are apparently saved in three different locations.

    In the folder Saves/Cache/*GameName*/Playfields only the terrain data of the respective planets or playfields are saved. This means that if you delete something here, your base may no longer be on a mountain, for example, but floating in the air above an ocean, depending on how the new planet was generated when the server was started.

    The same applies to the files in the Saves/Games/*GameName*/Playfields folder

    In the folder Saves/Games/*GameName*/Shared only the objects that have a core are saved. In addition to your own base and so on, this also includes various POIs.

    There are also five files in the Saves/Games/*GameName* folder, one of which is gameoptions.yaml, for example - I'm not sure what is saved in which of the other four, only that they are probably also important when it comes to the bases and spaceships you have built. For example, I now know that the file global.db is this SQLite database which then probably causes this SQliteException.

    In my opinion, the Saves/Games/*GameName*/Templates folder can be safely deleted and regenerated when the server is restarted, as can the Sectors and Content folders - these two only contain copies of the Sectors.yaml and GalaxyConfig.ecf that are used by the game and must be deleted if something changes in the "universe".

    For my part, I therefore assume that this error may have something to do with the version of the game.

    In other words, with every new version, something changes in the structure of the data and this means that a planet with a new version no longer fits the database in the old version, which is why these errors occur.
  11. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Nothing can be deleted from a save game, it will cause a corrupted database.
    We explained this in Alpha 12 when the Database got added.

    Allot of things will break, Missing Vessels, Teleports will fail, Galaxy Generation will run again so you get duplicated playfields

    Its simply cant be done anymore, doesnt mean you straight away notice it, it will build up over time and spread. Till it hits a critical point and nothing works anymore

    We added a couple of wipe commands to reset a planet full / ground / deposit those you can safely use

    Ofcours its up to you what you do with your save game. But we warned and if you will report a bug and we see the database corrupted then it will be closed as this is outside our support
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    If you're wanting to add new planet types to your game and assuming you're using a galaxy, you can edit the solar system configs as star systems are generated when they're first visited. Then your new planets will start to show up as people explore the galaxy.

    Same thing with POIs on planets, they'll show up in newly generated star systems.

    You can't safely edit anything that's already been generated. This includes touching the sector file or galaxy config.

    As you discovered, that will break your save game.
  13. Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
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    Basically, this means that I can add new solar systems and planets via Sectors.yaml, but not replace existing ones with others or even delete them - at most I can move the existing ones slightly via the coordinates - but nothing more.

    In this case, I can and must also add the new playfields to the new and not yet generated planets as provided for by the structure of the game.

    The real problem, as I understand it, is that with every (forced) new generation of a playfield, POIs are also generated which then end up in the Saves/Games/*GameName*/Shared folder - which can then lead to duplicate and interwoven POIs - which in turn can lead to problems and ultimately to a faulty SQLite database.

    I say "can" because the game basically only does what I trigger as admin. So it doesn't really make mistakes, but rather builds my mistakes into the savegame.

    At the moment there is only one really safe option if you want to change your scenario - you have to delete the savegame completely and let all players start again.

    What I would like to see here would be the possibility to see in the folder Saves/Games/*GameName*/Shared which POIs belong to which planet - because if you know that you can then also delete individual planets or the POIs for them and thus perhaps counteract a faulty database.

    At the very least, I would like the server admins to be given a little more information about the data structure so that the admin understands what is what and how this so-called database works together with the game.

    At least I - like many others - had to build up my knowledge through "learning by doing" and the informations from many forums like here
  14. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    As i already said No. You cant modify the sectors.yaml

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