Questions about the file Sectors.yaml

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by japp_02, Jul 15, 2024.

  1. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    In my scenario creations I've come to the point where I need more information about these entries inside the Sectors.yaml file:

    - ['0,0,0', Evuoese, SnowStarter,'Human:1', '', '', '3']

    I understand that the 'Human1' entry is mandatory if you want to make the player start on the playfield as an option for game start in a scenario, but what do the entries after this mean, the '', '', '3' ?

    From what I understand (please confirm or correct me if wrong), the Sectors.yaml file will define a FIXED sun system to start the player, all other systems will be random. However:
    Is it possible to add random gas giants / planets / moons to such a fixed system and what entries would you need to add in the Sectors.yaml?

    IIRC, before version 1.8, the starter planets were fixed in their type but their names, their placement in the Ellyon system were random as well as other added planets and asteroid fields, however I cannot access such an old Sectors.yaml file anymore, is it still somewhere in one of the game folders? I have some old savegames that include the Sectors.yaml but I suspect that their content were generated differently each time you started a new Survival game, therefore I cannot entirely base myself upon that.

    Last edited: Jul 15, 2024

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