Feedback Required v1.11.8: Dark Faction (DLC) Disruptor & Translocator Turrets

Discussion in 'Feature Discussion' started by Taelyn, Aug 24, 2024.

  1. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    - Added Dark Faction Disruptor & Translocator turrets:
    The Disruptor turret will aim at CV, SV, HV vessels.
    • When a vessel gets hit by the beam:
    1. The targeted vessel will be less and less mobile in a gradual way.
    2. The UI immobilization bar will grow indicating the level of mobility. When full the targeted vehicle will be totally immobile.
    3. When hit by the Freeze beam the UI Freeze Icon will blink indicating that the targeted vehicle is actually hit by the Freeze beam.
    4. When the targeted vehicle escape the beam or the beam stops then the UI immobilization bar will diminish with time => recovery of mobility
    5. When UI immobilization bar is full then the ship is totally frozen and the next frozen phase will start
    • When ship is totally frozen:
    1. The ship will not be able to move anymore.
    2. The ship will rotate to the horizontal plane (only for CV).
    3. The UI Freeze icon will turn to red color (not blinking anymore).
    4. A timer countdown will start with a duration of FreezeDuration second.
    5. The UI Immobilization bar will change its color to red and become hence now the UI Freeze countdown bar. The UI Freeze countdown bar will start full and will decrease with time.
    6. When the UI Freeze countdown bar is empty the targeted vehicle will be able to move fully at once (no progressive mobility recovery).
    7. The translator Turret will fire at the stopped vessel as long as it has a line of sight to the player vessel & teleport some NPC's over. They will despawn after all of them get killed or their boarding timer runs down.
    • When the target vehicle is unfrozen after being totally frozen then a cooldown timer will be applied. It will prevent the target vehicle from being hit again during this time period.
    • A potential target will not be considered as a target and will not be fired on if by any other Freeze turrets if:
    1. It is already frozen or it is in its cool down phase.
    2. It is currently on a boarding or a boarding cool down process.
    The translator Turret will activate after the freeze has stopped the vessel completely as long as it has a line of sight to the player vessel & teleport some NPC's over. They will despawn after all of them get killed or their boarding timer runs down.
    All other considerations of target selection and firing rules are the same as regular turrets.
    Germanicus likes this.

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