Feedback Required Which additions would make the game world more vivid and lively

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. Murthy Bhavaraju

    Murthy Bhavaraju Ensign

    Aug 22, 2019
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    In addition to what Vermillion said, it would make a huge difference to add rivers, and waterfalls. Birds in the sky would be good, but Mother F**king dragon would be insane
    xtended2l likes this.
  2. Lucidlook

    Lucidlook Ensign

    Aug 18, 2022
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    A. For planetary playfields I would like to see:
    1. Volumetric clouds. The ones currently available in Unity will do just fine.
    2. More variety of resource blocks. The same rocks of iron/copper/etc look too boring.
    3. Dust clouds during windy/stormy weather. It should affect visibility too.

    B. For space playfields I would like to see:
    1. Planets and moons to look more realistic in terms of their size and relief when looked at from space.
    2. Replace the crystal ball atmosphere of planets and moons with something more realistic.
    3. Replace blue blob kind of asteroid fields with something more realistic and less round/predictable.
    4. Atmospheres of gas giants to be dynamic with storms slowly rotating and moving.

    C. For ship playfields I would like to see:
    1. Walking and interacting inside the moving ship!
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2022
    Miu_serp likes this.
  3. Lucidlook

    Lucidlook Ensign

    Aug 18, 2022
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    Add sounds of devices charging/cooling/etc before they become ready to engage. Similar to the jump drive but for canons as well (especially, plasma cannons).
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2022
    cmacleod42 likes this.
  4. Wolverines527

    Wolverines527 Ensign

    Nov 14, 2022
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    i think the avatars need to be updated with a lot more customization options the current look looks like it belongs in an early 2000s game
  5. Bbautista

    Bbautista Ensign

    Mar 31, 2022
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    For the love of god.. let us have sounds .. I mean I know this game is made out of unity and its very very limited on what it can do.. but surely you can place a sound bar for alerts, sounds for ships, sounds for when an alarm is triggered ... sounds when a switch is enabled. I mean if you dont know how to code it .. Ill code it for you! lol :D
  6. DeadZombie14

    DeadZombie14 Ensign

    Jan 11, 2023
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    Let us choose a background music for our bases! From a prefab ingame list.
    Currently only NPCs bases can have them. What if you want to make a Disco, or just to remove the eerie background music?

    And allow us to chat with NPCs in player base structures.
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  7. Necroz

    Necroz Lieutenant

    May 21, 2020
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    i know its a lot but here it goes

    I must suggest a several kind of “interactions/actions/ to the other suggestion can properly work and have sense and also a couple of devices that could fit well and also add more immersion .

    Stats / Debuffs: This can be applied to enemies, aliens, and also Ships

    Stats (resistances, strength, etc.): deeper than the game already offers with several more things to consider

    “Moral” system / Titles: given by completing some missions or doing specific things.

    Professions: tasks / works / whatever you can make a “profit” of, or simply dedicating yourself to the “usual” gathering system but with different rewards. Professions such as:

    Bounty Hunter , “Police / Space Defender” , Thief , Dealer , Ship Scraper , Ship Seller , Weapon / amour Dealer , Medic , Diplomat , Smuggler , Rare items / resources seller , Pirate , Farmer , Mercenary , Explorer , Bio-Scientific , Gambler , Mechanic , Slave trader , Archeologist

    Blocks / devices: going through pistons, communications devices, satellites LED signs, etc.

    Workbenches: to modify/craft bullets, armor, weapons, all by parts. Robots and more

    Recruit system: Crew / “unique” units: having a distinct name, personalities, and some background stories and gaining them either through missions or random encounters, along with the possibility of having a real useful crew with several tasks.

    Mission Types / Radiant Quests: extending the ones that we already have but including things like: hacking, kidnaping, rescue, escort missions, salvage, repairing, among other stuff (check on professions

    SVs , CVs : adding to the “class” type another “status” , a range between common, uncommon , rare , epic and “legendary” Vessels , focusing more on the Scavenging , repairing ( restore for own use or sell it for profit ) plus adding some lore to them

    Sounds and effects: from “cracking ice” to “interference “ sounds “ or footprints , details matters and adds immersion , bottons sound variations , Entering atmosphere visual and sound effects ( flaming )

    Power Sources: From wind, from solar radiation (other system besides the solar power) , from water , Volcanic Activity ( geo thermal )

    Events/Seasons / climatic Change: summer, winter, autumn , etc . Seasons which comes with changes on the temperature and effects on the grounds, example: on winter the lakes or body waters can get frozen, or evaporated if it’s too hot.

    Fire Storm: on certain planets like lava ones or ones with high temperatures possibilities or with a unstable star (like a orange sun or other one) that produces massive hot temperatures on the surface even able to break weak structures (less than a steel block) and scorch the surface or even wipe out the living things (this can be like an event or something)

    Solar Storm: on certain planets like temperate , jungle , ocean etc ones with moderate weather with a star (like a orange sun or other one) that produces massive shuts downs on the electronic devices on the surface even able to shutdown vessels on movement and leaving the surface devices useless for a period of time ( and even or during the storm )

    Freezing Storm: on certain planets like ice, death or other ones with low temperatures possibilities or with a unstable star (like a Black Hole, White Dwarf or other one) that produces massive low temperatures on the surface even able to break weak structures or rusting them slowly (less than a steel block) and freeze the surface or even freeze out the living things, including living things crop’s etc. (This can be like an event or something)

    Earthquakes: on all planets, a chance that can happen and cause damage to structures and more (can avoid that with a anti-seismic device)

    Planetary Death: planets which cores are “unstable “and are about to collapse ( let’s say 1 month in game since the first arrival ) or due effects caused by the players or npc , could be by exhausting all the resources of the planet or enough damage to the planet itself due constant fights , bombardment etc.

    Invasions: reaching a certain point of defending your base ( let’s say after the 20 time you did it ) the will launch a invasion which start to range from 1 ( small vessels and troops ) to 10 ( capital cvs , drones , small sv etc ) . Or due a certain reputation with a faction (enemy or “hated” by pirates could/will trigger the invasion event

    End Game / high reward, risk system: this one is pretty explanatory itself, with a proper system, the end game more like just grinding can become the next step to get game changer stuff , things ranging from : change the weather , terraforming , eradicate live , destroy fleets , destroy moons-planets

    Planetary Destruction: with enough resources and the proper weapon/s , we should be able to destroy planets / moons etc, let’s say with a special kind of turret or weapon attached to the CV which with enough damage to the planet core will start a countdown for the planet to be destroy ( lets say 20 mins real time , since you see the planet starting the crack by little ending with an explosion )

    Blueprints: ones that you can only get by a difficult mission or as a reward, or cleaning a high difficult / level POI , example : unique type of ammos , structures , implants or mods for weapons or armor.

    Unique Name Weapons: npc / buying / finding them, weapons with names of let’s call them “legendary pirates or explorers “, with an ad of a little lore to the weapon itself to make it even more unique. And with his own set of stats or effect/s

    Unique Deco: could be a painting, statue, weapons, masks, devices, videos. Something to display with his own characteristics colors, etc

    Faction: we already know we can create our own but a deeper inspection and expand of the possibilities adding stuff like:

    Rank Perks: from a soldier, engineer, medic, captain, recon team, sniper. Something that can gives us a path to follow and make cooperation more valuable

    Rank Missions: from 1 to 10 or from D to S , numbers indicating the difficult of the mission , how far is it and which kind of mission it is ( rescue , salvaging , escort , hacking ) of course with rewards according to the level of the mission . Those rewards could range from unique weapons, deco, info, locations, vessels etc.

    Diplomacy System: allowing us to work for a faction or represent them (or our own ) , being a soldier , ambassador , mechanic etc . This gives us more options and interactions with other factions that can change how they are related

    Example: work with the talon , you are his ambassador and you can improve their relationship with the zyrax or by repairing their ships

    Titles: this given by the actions of the player and how he decides to approach to a faction or quest. ranging from soldier , commander , leader , destroyer , builder , colonizer , pirate , smuggler , etc. this could be displayed on the top of the player or the players name , and could be mention during conversations with and npc or by ear dropping another nps talking about you.

    Example: you have the title of “commander “ , npcs on a station could be mention stuff like “ here goes the commander “ , or “ is he the commander ? “ .

    Stuff that make us feel that we are recognized as “unique “in a way

    in order to make it all “coherent” to the theme on the game itself we have to consider the possibility of “more actions” or devices that allow us to use all that we have at our disposal, the game it’s about survival and we should be able to “extend” the variety of objects and tools available, a few examples could be:

    1) Actions:

    a) Crouch / take cover: being able to use your surroundings for your advantage, being that case: taking cover from enemy fire on a box or tree and being able to counter at the same time “reducing” the damage, or also if you want to take a more “silent” approach to them.

    b) Send Messages : being able to send messages for various proposes , for example : establish negotiations , send threats , request resources or help , call for reinforcements either for attack or defend ( will be useful with the other suggestions )

    c) Hack : being able to gather valuable information for personal use or sell it

    d) Kidnap / take Prisoners / hostages: being able to take and “important “person/alien and use it for advantage or for trading / threating or making work for you.

    e) Take Samples: with a scanner able to “scan” for: biological, atmosphere, plants, ground either for selling, researching or making recipes.

    f) Dismantle armors / weapons : in order to be able to construct them by parts

    g) Recruit / Hire : the possibility to acquire some “help” or company for hours , days , few missions , objectives , temporal and permanent time

    2) Devices

    a) Bio / atmosphere / dirt analyzer or scanner: being able to analyze the planet itself more than we are currently able (more than scanning ores or POIs), the information display could be useful rather to gather Intel, knowledge, or personal use. This can include of course the alien life (wild or not)

    b) “Scalpel” / collector: a little blade or an added function for the multitool , allowing us to take more of the corpses besides the loot itself , we also could be able to gather maybe innards , nails to say some examples , either for selling them , cooking , recipes or to add more Dna samples for personal modification / augmentation

    b) Carbonize / freezer gun / promethium gun: this one for capturing enemies / aliens / Creatures, being able to transform them into a “block version of themselves “make them able to transport and then put wherever you like or for selling them or delivering them as criminals or prisoners or put them like in a “personal collection” a name could be maybe something like: “Promethium stasis

    For Blocks:

    Pistons: so you can set up traps, move things and gives the possibility of getting into a moving block elevator

    Force Field / shield: an actual field which displays in form of “sphere “around the base/vessels/generator, the distance of the shield can be modify by in-game configuration and by devices

    Functional/interactive Holograms: which can show us locations, specific npcs , vessels , players etc . Can be an additional device or a function for one already done.

    AI Assistance: a voice by a speaker or a messages displayed on the screen or a lcd . This AI can give you information about: location headed, planet approach, enemies nearby, allies, an action course or suggestions:

    Example : you are approaching a heavy G planet , the AI could advise you about the dangers of the world ( T , gravity , enemies ) and suggest an upgrade of the thrusters or another action ( retreating )

    Research Tanks: place where you can put alien samples (gathering some amount will allow you to build a “full” scale replica for display) or to capture some and put them on tanks, floating on fluid

    Trophy display: where you can put medals or weird objects that you found or even weapon to put them on display

    Functional Screen / interactive: might be hard while “moving” on a ship for example ,that can be fixed by letting the machine to display or “calibrate” only after a few seconds/mins of staying on the same place , also capable of showing:

    a) Temperature : both inside and outside

    b) Position : relative to your objective or in general

    c) Fuel / o2 / Pentax : numbers display , reflecting your real “amount”

    d) Planet / moon / asteroids stats : with a more precise “scanner “ that can display the resources available , o2 of the atmosphere , Temperature , among others

    e) Show an hologram of yourself / weapon / Amor : to add more in-depth looking

    Interactive LCD : putting letters or certain symbols that actually work as signals/levers like a button that said “ off “ and turn to “on” with the proper color change and function.

    Functional Radar: capable of establishing some communications with other factions or a kind of “call “for other players (letting you able to use your microphone to communicate on a “safe “channel , plus it will add more immersion to the gameplay ) also the radar could/should be able to:

    a) Send Threats : to a hostile faction kind of a “ surrender or fight “ message

    b) Ask for reinforcements : I’ll get into more deep later , but is like calling for other CVs or SVs of friendly factions so they can help you

    c) Ask permission to get into the atmosphere or landing on some places , then again for more immersion

    Functional TV : with a device called “ recorder “ or something that can do that job , to record at any time some raid that you make , or certain travel , take photos , etc , all with the goal to make a “ tape “ and then being able to play it on the TV or another display device/deco

    Cell Blocks: to put criminals/hostages Etc.

    Laser Walls: that can damage and activate by lever / signals / switches, making another option for defense / deco and containment of an Alien or other entities.

    Security Cams: devices that can be seen by a LCD screen or other device ( like a watch or an option for the helmet ) , this allows you to see the view of another base , vessel , location etc , on wich the camera its set, this can allow the player to also record that and put it on a “disc” wich can be seen on a screen or again other device ( like the TV )

    Intercom: the kind you see on apartments, capable of establish com with other players / bases / ships, via voice possible.


    Keeping the same bases of a game of exploring and crafting, something that should be added along with the mechanics of “parts”, you should be able to modify your equipment a little bit further, being able to apply either some kind of stats damage or resistance to them (like toxic) or alter the gravity of your “enemies” (some kind of gravity gun) to set some examples.

    Armor / Weapons Workbench: Meaning that both armor and weapons should be by Parts, that’s make possible more customable and unique, maybe include the possibility to paint it to give a personal touch. For weapons some modifications could be: silencers, stock, Magazine, Sights.. Among other stuff.

    For Armor : could be like set pieces ( shoulders , lower part , upper , Shoulders , gloves , boots ) , parts like Flamethrowers , Plasma Cannon on Shoulders , Darts , Nets … among other stuff.

    Modification / self-improvement chamber: with the capacity of gather DNA from creatures, npc , etc ( or even bacteria we analyze ) being able to use it to improve ourselves , adding some special skill or improving our resistances , aim among other stuff . For example after gathering certain amount of DNA from creatures of dark planets, being able to use it to gain the ability of night vision

    Weapons and more:

    Guided Missiles: launched by setting coordinates to them (like a continental missile) and launching activated with a remote control / switch / signal

    Nuclear / Fission / Hydrogen option: more weapons option, ranging from missiles, hand weapons, turrets , radar missiles , etc. more destructive power with the options to destroy the npcs only ( leaving the structure untouched ) or with a “nuclear bomb” just erase the all base/structure . This allow us to select our approach when facing enemies or when we encounter a new faction

    Timing/Remote Bombs: a bomb that can be set to explode with a remote control or setting a timer

    EMP Pulse: capable of damaging the shields or set off the electric devices of a Base / Sv / Hv / Cv for a period of time

    Melee Weapons: Blades, Spears, Holo Shields, Claws, offering you options to engage on combat

    Multi Hilt: able to transform in several kind of melee weapons, like a sword, sickle, axe, and spear among others.

    Sonic Weapons: capable of stunning or paralyzing enemies

    Deployable Holo Shield: makes a barrier to take cover on open field or narrow paths, it’s give you a chance to trade shoots in a “safe” way on corridors or other buildings


    Personal Things: to put your name or “sign” on the stuff that you create or modify, make them unique in a way, this could be also added to weapons, armor, etc.

    Clothes options: from pants, belts etc., something ranging from casual to “formal” or ceremonial

    Skills: aim , repairing , mechanics , medics , negotiations , speech , sneak , piloting etc. . This allow us to take a certain path or aim for a specific kind of character, this could lead to classes also. all these skills can be improve but you can specialize on a certain amount ( let’s say 4 of 10 ) , that means that you can master 4 (these ones upon reaching mastery can give you an option of 2 skills to pick ) , and the rest just reach a certain amount or max but without more benefits.

    Example: let’s say that your character reached the max level of aim, then you can choose to master it and allows you to pick between 2 perks: - more damage per round or - more range. Also could be an specific kind of damage , let’s say “ voltage damage “

    Tattoos/patches for clothes : a “printer machine “ device that let you create your own “symbol” or picture and apply it to your body or clothe to make it more personal . This could be also applied to the members of your crew

    Personal Functional NPCs:

    Guard, patrol, Gather, hang around, and defend in certain position or pattern. This options can be set by a device, in game option or a “recorder “which can give them indication to move or stay on certain points

    Example: I choose an npc to patrol an specific way, I use the “recorder tool / device “to pre select the way that specific npc will move, or stay.

    CVs / SVs / Bases:

    Drone Patrols: again setting a certain pattern previous releasing them, or with a device that let you decide which area or extension of it you want them to cover, protecting or informing you about location. Drones like the ones that the factions has to defend their bases.

    Example : the drone comes back after the patrol , a message will appear telling you “ all clear “ or telling you of animals / npc going around

    Working Taxi System / Autopilot : this one could work by adding a “timer” system , which you can start you if want or not , and this Device/system will start “recording” your travel from point A to point B and as soon as you reach your destination and “ docking “ you stop your recording . Now if you want to seat in your on ship and starting traveling in a proper autopilot, you can start the System/Device that will guide your ship to the “recorded route” and go from point A to B and the other way around.

    Satellites: working as the “security Cams “ , satellites devices or buildings can be used to espionage or to keep an eye on a point of interest . this footage can be recorded and put on a “disc” wich can be later be watch on the TV or LCD screen , for info or deco use.

    Changing color blocks: this can be set with a device ( a lever or a “camouflage generator “ ) , this allow us to save a “preset” of the ship colors , then activating the lever or device this colors can be changed for combat or other uses .

    Example: you build a white vessel or base that’s your preset 1 , then activating the lever or device allows you to choose another paint for your vessels ( lets say green ) or another previous configuration that you could made on creative , then that green color becomes your preset 2 , now you can change the color of the blocks for the use that you want.

    Mech Suits / Drone: works like a Sv or Hv , but with extensions like arms , mechanic legs , drills , weapons etc. this kind of “suit “ or “vessel” can be used for small things or big things ( depends ofc of the use you want ) ranging from mining , to attack a base , espionage , fast movement , repairing , etc.

    Example: let’s say that you want to enter a base, you make a hole on it but it’s not enough for a small vessel, in that case you could create a suit that allows you to go into the base and aid you on combat when you are overwhelmed by numbers, . Or you want to make a mine / tunnel , you can create a mechanic suit for that propose .

    Wheels: to add to the Hv , Mech suits , etc. . This allow us a different way of moving on the terrain and more options to consider when building. This wheels can range from small ones for motorbikes or another vehicle you want to create, and larger ones for tanks or other vessel.

    Robot Companion / AI : like the Ship AI , a voice or a companion that can give you advice , help you on combat or remind you of certain task . This can be adjusted by in game config or a device ( “ control Box “ ) , that allow us to preset or config the actions of the companion/AI in advance.

    Example : you config your “drone” or “robot” to remind you that you’re looking for erestrum , fuel or your looking for an specific building or type of them . This will remind you after a certain amount of time or if certain condition are meet (upon reaching 50 % of the fuel, it will remind you to fill it, same with the weapons.)

    Remote Control Droid / Clone: you can be almost at 2 places at once, leaving your droid / clon inactive until you activate it by a device / a seat / remote control. Leaving you being able to do stuff on other planets / systems, while you remain on the same safe place.

    Of course it only can work for a period of time until needs charge / promethium again

    Cages for Research / Deco: a glass box which can contain tarpoods or other creatures, either for deco or an actual skill, example; take dna to improve your character (more hit points, better aim, night vision, etc etc

    Player Floating Bases: This can sustain on air by a repulses or anti-gravity generator of some kind of ground device.

    Underwater Vessels / Bases: sustainable by another engine / devices, like an O2 recycler.

    Orbital Laser / Cannon: to shoot from space to a certain location on a planet / moon

    Special Npcs : which a certain insignia vessel or fleet and unique names , which can be allies or enemies

    Actual fluid: the liquid with a proper mass and being able to use it and gather it or interact with it at some extend ( applied to water , lava or futures liquids ) and use it for deco or filling something , also new options for power or Fuel

    Remain sited on a SV / HV docked on a CV flying : enabling us to react as soon as the CV stop moving , for faster troop or space combat deploying ( still with the same restriction “ unable to stand up until the ship stops”

    Capture Criminals / Nps : with a “ cell Block “ block , letting us able to carry it to sell them ,deliver to “authorities “ or as deco for yourself.

    love the game so far and i hope that you support other suggestions !
    cmguardia likes this.
  8. Wanev

    Wanev Lieutenant

    May 19, 2021
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    One more: once you have been to all of the planet types, aside from assaulting the Legacy homeworld, there isn't much else to do or any reason to explore the rest of the galaxy. Maybe have more side quest exploration missions or have a "notice board" for bounty hunting. The more difficult the bounty, the better the reward. Low level bounties = modest amount of credits, high level bounties = credits + epic weapons/armor/boosts. I am sure I said this somewhere else but exploration missions could include artifact/lore hunting. Maybe some library/museum/relic hunter found a codex with information about some ancient civilization(s) and you have to go find the missing pieces (perhaps an old, dead, galactic empire that has been lost to time).
    cmguardia, SacredGlade and Slam Jones like this.
  9. Santjaho

    Santjaho Ensign

    Mar 29, 2023
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    Hello dear developers.
    I would like to suggest that you add to the gameplay of space locations (perhaps not only) such a thing as communication with the nearest ships and stations.
    It is rather strange that with the level of technology shown in the game, there is no such option as communication with neighboring vehicles from the cockpit. And this could add a lot of interesting game mechanics: getting quests, trading, the ability to start and stop the fight, and much more.
    How could this be implemented?
    When approaching an object, a link icon would appear (trigger for distance). By pressing the hot key, we could get in touch with the station or ship (the standard dialogue with answer options would turn on). If relations with the faction are bad, communication might be unavailable (depending on the relations of the faction to the player). It is possible that another ship could itself contact the player nearby to request support in battle (if our ship has a certain size class), escort to the point, or request repairs (raise the ship's block integrity level to a certain level). Pirate ships, before attacking, could demand money, for which they would not attack the player's ship (until the player himself attacks them. That is, the ship or shield does not receive damage from the player). There are probably many more ideas to add to this.
    I really hope that you will listen to my idea, because at the moment the space ship captain gameplay is a bit boring.
  10. cmacleod42

    cmacleod42 Ensign

    Apr 7, 2023
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    A few small things

    - additional customisation for your player avatar, including fixing the ring around the eyes for female avatars

    - more variation in the models for ores, trees, animals especially between different planets but also on the same on

    - if you are in a SV/HV on the ground and someone/thing attacks hand to hand, say a raptor or infected on Masperason AND you are piloting, they sometimes enter the cockpit sort of, as in the approach from the from and overlay and are visible inside. They do not attack you but it is not a great effect

    - some more variation of POI builds, for instance I have seen on the one world several crashed shuttles, all the same layout, or old farms etc. Also the same between worlds, so the same crashed shuttle on different worlds.

    - when mining or salvaging POI's you can get blocks or lumps of ore floating in mid-air.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
  11. Saint_Hallow

    Saint_Hallow Ensign

    May 7, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Planetary Playfields:

    Random events NPC SV/CV landings or HV / NPC, ground roaming or Scouting behavior for factions with mini quests, communication signal

    Land vehicles attacks as part of base attacks with NPC HVs tanks artillery.

    Random creature base attacks not faction related that happen in very wild worlds that can destroy base or vehicle blocks

    New class of flying creature enemies both ranged and melee and peaceful, Swimming creatures hostile/peaceful, subterranean creatures

    Randomization of foliage colors so more variety of terrain formations, caves underworlds, overhangs waterfalls voxel objects you can build on

    Expanding on the color of foliage randomness perhaps seasons that can affect the look of foliage and weather

    New Environmental hazards, a weather condition that spawns tornadoes or lightning that can damage player EMP storms that kill shields

    Urban or major cities or structure covered planets similar to the Legacy homeworld where terrain looks more artificial with more POI NPCs

    Small drones that can fly around and repair your ships damaged blocks near friendly faction Pois

    Poisonous Flora, Volcanic eruptions or geothermal deco blocks like geysers black smokers that can be used by player or damaged by

    Creatures that attack each other predator/prey creatures that destroy plants creatures with ability to target certain blocks

    Sneaky creatures or NPCs That can Infest your BAs or your CVs by placing a spawner in your air vents that can spawn later unexpected.

    Oxygen Level changes based on altitude that can vary depending on planet atmosphere type?

    Space Playfields:

    Random events like NPC warping in out boarding stations, mini quests like rescuing stranded NPCs or being able to summon them

    Base attacks in space?

    Oxygen decompression more dramatic in the vacuum of space

    Space Weather, EMP storms that can knock out shields, micro meteors that can occasionally hit depending on Playfield type.

    Asteroid caves, space dwelling creatures

    New kinds of shipwrecks, space stations, asteroid stations

    Space drones that can fly around and repair your ships damaged blocks near friendly faction Pois

    Both Playfields:

    NPCs to not just only trade items but sell entire player owned CVs SVs HVs BAs to NPC or buy them from NPCs with credits

    More minigames mini quests, like gladiator style fighting tournaments, or ability to be sentenced to jail or ejected into an escape pod into hostile worlds by special Police NPCs for stealing

    The ability to hitch rides on NPC vehicles by sitting down before they take off like a ferry system

    On topic of planet Cities
    the legacy home world comes the closest to being a city and one of the most Iconic yet hard to reach places in game with this kind of design and a stretch of creative/technical block POI placements

    Can this ---------------->

    Be made into something like this ? ----------->


    Concrete or metal plated textured Megastructure terrain Covering landscapes terraced with a bounty of POIs like markets living areas and business centers government political influence buildings on multiple levels dotting the playfield drones and NPCs policing and flying vehicles going flying by Landing and leaving that would be a very lively playfield that would be great perhaps mission wise with bounties gang wars to full scale urban wars corporate espionage or sabotage on Polaris or Zirax that quickly change reputation making the political aspect of the game more immersive storywise
    Last edited: May 8, 2023
    Slam Jones and michaelhartman89 like this.
  12. nikolkasyx

    nikolkasyx Ensign

    Aug 31, 2019
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    A. For planetary playfields I would like so see...
    B. For space playfields I would like to see..

    Please do something about spaceship flight physics...
  13. AlterDraconis

    AlterDraconis Lieutenant

    Sep 2, 2019
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    A. For planetary playfields I would like to see:

    The ability to create and develop human colonies, because we are colonizing Andromeda, aren’t we? I want to help develop new cities, strengthen their defenses and repel Zirax invasions.

    I want a global super task.

    B. For space playfields I would like to see:

    The same as for planets. Human space stations, the ability to build ships (or spare parts for them) for human factions, faction space battles.
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  14. Zebron

    Zebron Lieutenant

    Feb 12, 2024
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    These suggestions are pretty neat. Except for planets blowing up though planets dying could go with if you damage it too much destroying too much of its ecosystem. Like cutting down too many trees which can throw off the life support. Though as much as you can kill a planet you should be able to resurrect a dead planet with terraforming.

    Nuclear weapons will be way too over powered. Unless it is mini nukes like in fallout I could bend a bit with.
    Peter Conway likes this.
  15. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    In general:
    - A more dynamic way to handle pve/pvp settings would help a lot for mixed servers

    - More detailed setup options for npc cv (something like freighter escorts, freighters visiting/landing at pois along a route or with certain marker blocks, npc mining ships that visit asteroids, planetary cv launching troup transports, cv fleeing when shields are gone,...)

    In space:
    - Collision avoidance of patrol ships (probably enough if they get teleported to a certain distance when not rendered)

    - A dynamic system to open/close routes between systems for story based progression

    On planet:
    - Road textures connecting pois

    - Poi reinforcements system like for orbital pois

    Not really/entirely playfield related:
    - Easy switch of structure owner via quest system

    - NPC sv (hv would be cool too, but i doubt the path finding would be easy to realize. Though inventing medium-high altitude engines could bypass that)

    - Reliable detection of npc (and player controlled) ships with sensors
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  16. GE-old-Man

    GE-old-Man Ensign

    May 31, 2022
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    my suggestions:
    1. better looking models for assault-rifle T1 and the pulse rifle --> look at RE2 this models look much more cooler with red-dot iron sign instead of a scope like, this would make snipers with scope more usable
    2. possibility to modify handheld weapons, like Armor-suits, that can improve Rof, recoil spread or accuracy or ammo-qty of magazine, reload time or durability
    3. Shield boosters for Bases CV and SV and EV that can improve charging rate or shield strength
    4. Medic-Stations for SV
    5 . device that can reduce the energy consumption of a CV late game
    6 . make the use of aluminium more advantageous, there is almost no need for aluminium.
    7. make available the Windows block, which can only be used for Bases and CV, for SV as well, so that we have more options for SV designs
  17. ZaCloud

    ZaCloud Ensign

    Nov 19, 2019
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    Having enemies at POIs not just appear out of thin air in POIs would definitely help. At least have them use the visible teleporter pads. And have sound effects for it so we know they've used them (& they can be destroyed so we can actually "clear" a room before proceeding).

    But if you refuse to get rid of the invisible, indestructible secondary warp pads, then at very least have there be a visual warping animation with lighting effects & directional sounds when they spawn, & a couple seconds of them getting their bearings before attacking the player. Instead of them aim-botting us instantly without a chance to evade or defend ourselves.

    Random appearing enemies just popping in right in front of us or behind us in a previously cleared room absolutely RUINS immersion.


    Also, the AI needs VAST improvements. Herbivores should realistically be spooked by loud noises & sudden movements, scampering away from falling trees, or running & screeching if you use jump-jets right next to them. And predators & humanoid enemies should be attracted to those things, at very least as long as they're originating from the player. This would make us have to sneak & be careful about noise levels when there are predators around, or while sneaking into POIs. (Even if it might not possible to program for actual noise levels, it can just be done by just assigning certain actions as "quiet", "medium", or "loud", then giving "medium" & "loud" their own detection or signal ranges.)

    (And optionally: Maybe the enemies could also acknowledge the presence of moving lights if that's possible [like flashlights, or vehicle headlights - but only while it's in motion, so they're not just always attacking stationary ships or bases], though I realize that might be challenging to program. Though it would give incentive to sometimes turn off your flashlight at night when you're badly hurt & trying to get home while creatures lurk around, only using it sparingly to get your bearings. Or in an enemy base, waiting until a patrol goes by before briefly using your light in a dark hallway. It would create the possibility for additional survival challenge & an element of fear in the dark.)
    And most importantly, when a creature is getting hurt, it should react by flinching & trying to escape the pain (whether via defense or offense). Far too often, creatures will just stand there letting me shoot or hit them a bunch without any change in behavior, other than eventually moving away as part of their random movement patterns (like herbivorous dinos moving around with their herd periodically).

    It may not be as much of an issue with predators/enemies, since their offense can count as defense. But if they aren't reacting at all to being hit (maybe a long-lingering bug), that's an issue for both game quality AND vividness/liveliness.
    The cool thing is: adding injury reactions might actually snap them out of it & alert them that a target is around, thus triggering the aggression/evasion they're supposed to be displaying, by prompting them to actively seek out the player (or retreating).

    If creatures don't act like living things (in terms of trying to preserve their lives), there's nothing lively about them. And that, in turn, deadens their world.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2024
    Peter Conway and stanley bourdon like this.
  18. ZaCloud

    ZaCloud Ensign

    Nov 19, 2019
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    Huh, while playing I noticed that the Telluropod actually DOES have realistic behavior & attack-hit detection range! :eek:
    It actually has to get close to bite me, & most of the time it does try to either run away or attack in reaction to being hurt! Even often fleeing into the water to avoid being shot.

    I actually enjoyed dodging around the Telluropods by the beach now that they felt alive. I regretted shooting them further inland since they were slow & often shy, even ended up sparing them sometimes out of sympathy. And when trying to shoot them near water, their skittering into the shallow waves kept my weapons from effectively hitting them which made them challenging, even without them being too dangerous. I had to either wait patiently to see if they'd emerge, or go into the water with my Survival Tool on Attack mode & take my chances. Even this one creature's adjustments definitely increased my immersion & sense of stakes (risk vs reward, morals vs necessity, etc). Those moments actually felt real to me!

    That's so awesome. It looks like someone is actually trying to fine-tune at least one AI, hopefully to carry over to other ones in the future.
    Whoever you are, thanks! This shows it CAN be done! :D

    (In my opinion, they could actually use just a tiiiiny bit more range, just a wee little smidgeon; it would still be fair. Because they're so slow, they could use a little bit of an edge. Though either way, I'm just so happy to see that someone went in & made such fine adjustments. ^_^)

    Now if their getting stuck bug can also be fixed, & this kind of fine-tuning is applied to other creatures too, it'll be a HUGE step in the right direction. :)
    Peter Conway likes this.
  19. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    Yeah, it looks like some of the lifeforce is getting a slow rework, I'd like to see creatures perhaps, burrow into/out of the sand/dirt sometimes instead of just being there on an empty beach/plain.
    I often shoot a rock that a herbivore gets stuck in!

    I'd like the models of the Aliens to get reworked and soon... their plasticky appearance looks just so wrong in such a detailed world, I'd also like them to stop jumping over all the furniture too... perhaps refine the grid pathing.
    A few different models of Humans and Aliens that can just walk around looking busy when we let them go (the slaves we can buy, loot or find in a box)
    I'd like to be able to plant things that already grow on the planet without the aid of special boxes and lights, just a shovel and a seedling.

    And grass, stone, sand and dirt texture to be added to the colour gun
    And Grass, Stone, Sand and Dirt blocks, this would enable us to create the effect of planetlife while in space

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