Ability to remove corpses (shoot them)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Scoob, Sep 18, 2024.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    Corpses. Sure, they disappear after a couple of minutes but sometimes I really need them gone now. Why? Well, I'll describe a scenario where a corpse is causing me issues...

    I'm rounding a corner in long corridor. At the far end is a turret that's going to hurt if it sees me. But first, I have to deal with the Overseer rushing me. Done. Now the two Zirax troopers. Done. Now the assassin dude. Done. Right, now I can take out the Turret, right? Well, no, the corpse of the Overseer is in just the wrong place. I cannot line up a shot on the Turret without exposing myself to fire, and the corpse its self does not offer reliable cover. Even then, enemy turrets seem to be able to fire through corpses at times, meaning I have to be fully exposed to the turrets LoS to take it out.

    Currently, I'm just waiting for the Overseer's corpse to despawn. It says a minute, but it's been at least two...now it's finally showing less than a minute. What I'd like to be able to do, is force that corpse to despawn, maybe via shooting it a few times. Then I can crack on and take out that turret from cover.

    I'm sure this is a rare issue for many, but I do find corpses getting in the way from time to time. Harder POIs where there can be a bit of a rush of enemies, make this worse. Tall enemies, where the one in front that you're actually hitting fall down are fine. They fall and your shots hit the next one in line. Enemies that don't do this, or only slump a little on death (scorpions) can block shots from hitting those behind. Also, clumps of dead enemies in elevator blocks can be a real problem too.

    If shooting an corpse caused it to vanish (say corpses have 20% of the hit points) in a little gory explosion, that'd be nice. Well, not nice but useful lol.

    Thought: Having a corpse explosion do a little AoE might be fun - helpful for taking out clumps of corpses.

    What do people think?
  2. ZaCloud

    ZaCloud Ensign

    Nov 19, 2019
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    It might be too easy to accidentally destroy a corpse I want to loot like that though, especially if there's explosions... I would instead suggest the simpler alternative: Having it so players can shoot through corpses as well. They just plain can be made to not obstruct bullets or explosions, but otherwise remain the same.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Good point, though I think having a destroyed corpse perhaps leave a little loot container behind would prevent loss of goodies. The little boxes from destroyed cargo boxes can be shot through IIRC, so would not obstruct fire. Sometimes though, loot is secondary to survival lol.

    Currently corpses are a mixed bag. They can be walked through by the player, and anything else, so don't obstruct movement at all. However, they do block weapons fire. I'd personally like them to be fully physical objects, obstructing both fire and movement. It sounds a bit grim as I type it, but being able to limit a critter rush with the bodies of their kin would be sorta cool. Seeing some able to clamber over their fallen comrades to get to you would also be cool. As would using them as temporary cover...

    I think it's a case of "Pick one". Either corpses can be walked through and shot through, or they're a physical barrier to BOTH. Needing to be climbed over or destroyed to clear the way.
    ZaCloud and stanley bourdon like this.
  4. ZaCloud

    ZaCloud Ensign

    Nov 19, 2019
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    I agree; I'd be fine with either solution. And a solution is definitely needed. :thumpUp:

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