Returning Player: Are These Problems Still In The Game?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ZaCloud, Sep 17, 2024.

  1. ZaCloud

    ZaCloud Ensign

    Nov 19, 2019
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    Yoski broskis! :D I haven't played in a few years (Me & my bro kept... stopping in dismay due to so many bugs & issues that continued to not be fixed for longer & longer, plus NEW problems that have been added over time). Maybe last attempt to play was around 2021 or 2022?

    So before we start up a base, put in work, & build a massive cap vessel, only to get disappointed & quit yet again, I'd like to find out if some of our main concerns are still issues, or if they've FINALLY been fixed.

    Off the top of my head:

    1. Is the lighting still screwed?

    Spotlights on vessels used to work like car headlights, illuminating far away objects... but then at some point, it became like having high-beams on in heavy fog, even if there's barely any or no fog in the game. So instead we just got our faces blasted by a bright white blob!

    So, can we actually see what's ahead while flying at night with spotlights on again? Or will it just be a white blob again & we can only fly at daytime (or struggle with also-problematic night vision goggles)?

    2. Do solar capacitors still eat up fuel in base fuel tanks?

    Instead of the power going out if the capacitors were empty, at some point (during alpha, IIRC) they suddenly made it so fuel would get eaten by capacitors, even if the generator was OFF. Or something like that (my brother usually managed the base power & I don't quite get his explanation). Sometimes we just plain would rather let the power go out, & just save the generator for emergencies like turning on defenses. Solar batteries should NOT consume fuel. Do they still, or was that fixed?

    3. Do enemy POIs still have random enemies appearing in your face or behind you after you think you've cleared a room? And, can we, or can we not destroy enemy warp pads that they (more fairly) teleport in on?

    It used to be we could look for warp pads & destroy them, helping secure each room at a time, advancing carefully & methodically through a base. But then at some point, they made those indestructible, so enemies just keep coming & coming in a stream, so a room can never be cleared.

    Then they also started having enemies just... appear out of thin air! In our faces, or even right behind us! (I guess it's from second invisible warp pads they specifically added for such an awful, immersion-breaking, cheap-challenge purpose?)

    And they'd aim-bot us with zero hesitation & full accuracy. We'd just die & die & die, with no chance to do anything. Body runs would just leave piles & piles of our corpses everywhere as enemies kept repopulating more & more. Totally unfair & took away our absolute FAVORITE aspect of the game (strategic infiltration).

    PLEASE tell me they did away with that crap & enemies just come around corners or warp in on visible pads, which we CAN destroy? Or... is it still ruined? :(

    4. Is there directional sound yet, so we can finally hear where enemies are?
    Stereo sound exists, & I'm sure 90% or more of players have stereo speakers. So... can we use them yet? ^^;;

    5. Are there better damage indicators yet? So we know we're being hurt, & which side it's on?

    Red screen flash, red arrows or highlighted areas of the screen, POV jolt, controller rumble, character vocalization (my bro said his male character has that, but my female one sure didn't)? All of the above? Some? None?

    6. Do chainsaws still use so much fuel & still cut wood so slowly that they're not even worth the amount of wood they require just to run, LOL?

    7. Does aiming down a gun's sights/scope still make the camera move faster instead of a slower precision mode? Making it absolutely useless for precise aiming (which is its entire purpose)?

    8. Do certain devices (water extractors, furnaces, portable crafters, etc) still de-render at certain angles/distances? Even with the highest settings?
    This is more minor, but sometimes really annoying when we use them as casual landmarks around our base.

    ((EDIT Sep 19: Now I remember why I worried about this; it's not just the textures that unloaded, but the WHOLE OBJECTS (I thought "culling" is supposed to happen to textures, not actual stationary/collision objects, LOL)! Me & my bro were able to walk backwards THROUGH the devices as if they weren't there, even sideways as long as they were out of view. And judging by a tracked issue on this forum, enemies/NPCs could (at some point) get stuck in those objects if the player turns away then back again.

    So if it only visually happens now, no big deal, but if it still PHYSICALLY happens, that can be a major problem.))

    9. Are there any other major new issues or problematic changes that have been added in the last couple years that might cause hindrance to players who enjoy difficult (but fair) challenges, in co-op on the game's built-in server?


    There are several other concerns, but I either can't think of them right now, or they're minor enough that we'd still play & just try to bear it.

    And I tried just enough the other day to see that controllers are STILL not fully supported (heck, even their "partial support" isn't finished yet; despite the on-screen text prompts, I still can't pick up portable devices or the new hoverbike, & pressing/holding the button to run just makes the screen jerk for a moment with no other change, so I can only walk)...

    So I'll either have to keep struggling between it & the keyboard (I'm disabled & the controller's my accessibility tool), or I'll have to go through the headache of setting up an alternative mapper. Already a big obstacle... but I guess I'll see by answers here if it might be worth all the hassle or not.

    Thanks in advance. :thumpUp:
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2024
  2. Fezder

    Fezder Ensign

    Nov 17, 2022
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    I think there's still issues with fog & lighting; Masperon at least.
    Chainsaw still sucks, but you can edit it thankfully.
    Spawn pods can be destroyed just fine.
    Damage indicators are still quite bad. Some small red flashing but otherwise very minor indicators. And can't see HP during scoping either.

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