-you have a system that scans a container and attempts recipes automatically from a source box(furnace logic) -you have a system that manages energy like a battery(solar capacitor) -you have a deco block begging for a purpose like this(deco capacitor, even small versions) -you have a recipe system that can tolerate tweaking and a method to edit placement and count and even targeting of what type of ammo a turret uses(config files) -you have docking perfectly sorted and stable -you have ways to link vessels and interact with a non-vessel source(wireless logistics and station services) this is LITERALLY ALL the parts you need to add battery power to mobile ships, all it takes is someone with access to source code to mix them up with some basic placeholder threshold values(wouldn't want chargers to run when power is 0% or attempt to discharge at 100%, wasting excess) may I ask for a response from the devs why they are avoiding this logical and nearly universally requested feature still? I would like a good reason why we SHOUDLN'T add batteries to ships, we have fridges, we have grow lights, those things would be STUPID to run off generators when solar and battery blocks ALREADY exist(and no, living in a fixed base is more a placeholder to nomad lovers until logistics can auto-pick and auto-load crops into your mothership, which is literally what the config calls it and it can't be without better renewables) actually it might be as easy as linking the capacitor blocks(and maybe fuel tanks and O2) when docking the power levels will equalize(and can even be actively "pumped" based on a simple percentage interface) and then you can simply fly to a mining device(should be added as wireless and so auto-refuel and auto collect) then fly to your base(drop off ore cargo and restock fuel packs) then wait until the station fills a box with charged batteries and recharges your ship would be a boon for when you add basic combat AI controllers for fighters(not everyone has enough friends to be fair in PVP space fights) as the ships will dock and refuel+restock tell me why you fight adding batteries to ships in a manner that doesn't cause mass deletion of parts of the ship because it isn't designed to be on a ship
The better question would have been: 'Do you want solar panels and capacitators to be used with ships?' Batteries alone are useless otherwise. Provided that these devices would work the same way like in bases - which they even do not in a modded game, the argument is: No, solar panels do not provide enough energy to run a ship with the many devices that could be used at the same time, the advantage would be neglectable because batteries - like those in bases - take a considerable amount of time to charge, and that's not practicable for a vessel flying around. But yes, it would be useful to charge batteries while the vessel stands still, not using any power. So I will re-visit my 'no' answer in your poll. Besides, using solar power on ships would be an argument for never having to use a base, and that's not what this game should be about, I guess in the dev's point of view. Probably that's the main reason for why it's not in the game.
I have never experienced the mass deletion thing. I guess i should try it to see how it happen. I did mod the config file for myself in the past to put solar energy on hv and sv and i didn't notice anything wrong. it was working fine. At this point, i suspect it to be "voluntary" caused by the meaningless build limitation. I don't see any reason for it to cause deletion, it just doesn't make any sense. The game should just have big build and small build. But what i want the most right now, is for them to fix the 3rd camera view for tall cv. They seems to completely ignore that issue. Don't waste your time telling me to move the camera with i don't remember the key names. You should just build a tall big pillar taking all the height of the build matrix and sit on a pilot chair at the top of it to see the problem if you don't know about it.
yeah I tried adding solar to my CV(MS) it just didn't work right if it recalculated when you stopped it would be ok but the ONLY way to force it to recalculate solar efficiency is to stop the game(not possible on a server) I didn't experience deletion(just some agony over airtightness) but if my solar output is 0PU when facing dead at the sun in orbit above a planet I can get 1KPU from on a base it is still BROKEN I get why it is buggy, the devs never expected it to be modded onto a mobile vessel the problem is that in a world where you have AI,drones, wireless logistics, sheilds, laser weapons, ect the omission of a fully effortless method to keep my fridges cold FOREVER is just UNACCEPTABLE(especially on servers as they don't go through the effort to manually reduce all consumption to make fuel last more than a few real hours) solar or some form of power transfer is literally REQUIRED to balance out the power demand for MOBILE ships and MANUAL growth+harvesting+crafting of fuel is literally the dumbest alternative you could suggest for a CV that has a base power draw of fridges and oxygen alone of >1kpu and yes, I turn off my thrusters and RCS by carefully configured groups, and even have a "safe zone" lever to kill my shield draw outside of combat without CP access, and even reduce my power by a few more PU using sensor lights that use a tiny bit less when turned off but with 75% of all my "engine room" filled with fuel(and a secondary hold I wanted for other things) filled with t3 tanks, I can never crack 72 hours of fuel, minimum for a game that processes in real time is 7 DAYS so if fuel can't be balanced to last 7 days, we need a secondary energy source that is 0% manual and can do enough to fuel fridges in perpetuity solar was a decent idea but if the code that does calculations on solar output can't be called when a player leaves the cockpit(as only one player can be in a cockpit at a time and a moving ship is the time solar should cut off, the perfect time to trigger a solar recount) then we need real battery power it could eat through batteries if we try to use it for flight, but if it was possible then you could use it with a massive cargo bay full of them and the "energy extractor" could suck the power out of items that could be logistically transferred basically the last addition that the devs have been illogically and stubbornly refusing to add, the one thing that would actually fill a massive hole in game balance is automatic cargo transfer 1: add actual logistics, a number of items to request for a specific storage, and if it should dump any extra(take it from factorio logistics, perfect solution, even the drones to an external logistics port would be cool) 2: set a certain number of charged batteries to request(real logistics), and dump all discharged to owned base station 3: charger/discharger block(using percentage and "if there is room" logic to determine if it should charge/discharge or just pause 4: capacitor block, adds extra storage for power on mobile vessels, can be disabled via signal(if enter cockpit to save power for later?) and can be seen as a new entry in power systems or 1: force solar recalculation upon cockpit exit 2: increase space solar efficiency by at least 10x(it is unrealistic to have it so close to planetary power with atmosphere blockage) 3: add a "set to 0%" on cockpit enter either one solves the undeniable problem of not having power that can actually last when you go offline, though I prefer option 1 as it could also add the ability to pick up crops and "auto-buy" and "auto-sell" whenever you park near a station and hit a lever to activate wireless commerce as long as it also uses a form of "crop manager" to auto-harvest any fully grown crop(the most annoying aspect of the game so far, as the hitboxes are terrible for mass harvesting) my post has always been about there being NO PRACTICAL SOLUTION to power on servers no normal person is even gaming as long as I am, definitely not on the same game every 24-48 hours just to refuel and start crafting a few thousand extra fuel packs so when power stalls when I log back in I have spares
The practical solution would be a world option to make fridges preserve perishables even when unpowered. Then all you have to do it retrieve your plants and power down the ship entirely. This is a much simpler solution than inventing a whole new system for powering CVs.
a WORKAROUND NOT a SOLUTION we are talking about a game with goddam warp drives, nuclear fission fuel mined from rocks is like 10 decades older than the game is set real fusion with water-only would be more realistic if we MUST make it MANUAL what really needs to happen is 1 of 3 possible outcomes 1: batteries(95% completed, just a block that can "charge" and "discharge" depending on a signal state/IO direction,furnaces already have a "craftable" detection already, just add power into that, a new item for a battery pack is EASY to add) 2: power sharing from base->ship, charging solar caps when docked(allows for you to make a solar array without a real base just for power, BP it and plop down in each sector(half assed compared to fixing ship solar, but better than what we have now, literally nothing reliable) 3: other power sources, either self-harvesting biofuel and cargo auto-management+crafting, or fusion fueling using ice auto-mined eitehr via "safe" sectors or via a BASE GAME Oribital AMD workarounds have been suggested, but none are ideal SOLUTIONS and no, your MOTHERSHIP should NEVER be unpowered, it is intended to be a MOBILE BASE, and that includes fridges and self-defense without worrying over low-power like anything not thrusters/RCS make the MOTHERSHIP a MOTHERSHIP, instead of a CARGO POD it should NEVER go "unpowered" in late-game(unless you literally park in combat and run low because of taking constant damage) sorry but without NEW ADDITIONS, there is NO VALID SOLUTION FOR LONG TERM LATE GAME
Defense wasn't a concern listed in the OP. Fuel consumption miscalculation while offline causing your garden and fridge contents to be lost, this is what you posted about. This miscalculation is a persistent bug. A fridge spoilage option would help address it. Along with turning off spoilage entirely, it would also be a valid difficulty option in and of itself. Deciding to be a CV nomad instead of building a base means you give up the benefits of a BA, including the option to use solar power. This is not an oversight. It is a gameplay choice. Roving around space with no permanent home would not be meaningful if it didn't have its own disadvantages. You might as well complain about ships becoming heavier as you stuff more cargo into them.
After some tests in a solo game, it somehow... works. And it seems random sometime. On hv and sv, it doesn't seem to have anything really wrong, it just works(since solar energy doesn't seem to have been made for mobile structure, the calculation of solar panel output is probably wrong). On cv, if your solar energy production is 0 (sometime i get 2), you will need to enter a planet, wait for the update on solar energy, then you can go back in space, it will probably update once again in space, but it should produce energy. In space, the game seems to keep in memory the state of solar energy from the last field. So you may have solar energy production around the star, but it may be weak. With sv, it seems to need several warps before we can get the strong solar energy production around the star. And, it is important to note that the update on solar energy may take a while. 1 minute? more? So, wait a little when you get in space or in a new space field before leaving your cv alone thinking it will keep on producing energy. So basically, my guess is solar energy works more or less fine with hv and sv because nothing was coded for it, and it doesn't work on cv because there are stuffs coded for base(especially the fact that solar energy predicts the daily weather on planet) and... maybe the game sees base and cv as the same thing on this case. Additionally, the easiest way to get solar energy production on a cv in space is simply to remove all solar panels, and then put them back to update their energy production.
maybe my words were not ideal in the FIRST post but my concern is ACCURATE fuel usage when IDLE and OFFLINE the problem is NOT that a BUG has occured, it is that THERE IS NO WAY TO AVOID MANUAL FUELING I get that space flight would probably need manual fueling, there is no known way that you could simply fly with a source of self-fueling energy but fridges, turrets, constructors, vents, and lights? yeah fuel should NEVER be the ONLY option in fact in the lore of the game, prior to the events of the game, humans used exclusively non-renewable fuel sources and it destroyed the planetary society when the first ship was discovered in the melting ice cap they sent out a fleet to empyrion to hopefully send a seed of human society to survive, and possibly bring back what they could to rebuild the world after we destroyed it, FROM FOSSIL FUELS LIKE PROMETHIUM the fact that the devs actually said they PLANNED to never add renewable power in early days went contrary to the entire lore of the game, ruining the enjoyment, so they added solar to bases far later than they should have, and only as a useless starter power to not need anything but the suit constructor to start building towards a base and then a ship while I understand that flight would be unbalanced by using pure-electric sources, that could be mitigated by power draw balance solar batteries can't put out anywhere near enough power each to power thrusters of a mothership, so the idea is already there 1: dock a ship to a platform/activate solar efficiency when cockpits become vacant 2: go offline 3: return to find fuel is basically the same(maybe you got shot a bit and gennies needed to recharge the shield a tiny bit, and the constructors had to re-ammo your turrets which drew more power than you designed, but power is still active always on fridges, O2, Lights, turrets, constructors in that order, a tiered load system) is this too much to ask? DEFINITELY NOT are the devs being pointlessly stubborn and making poor excuses to find some way too add a variant of this? DEFINITELY we are playing a game where humanity planned to have a long-haul trip from our real galaxy to andromeda, they would have planned to have power and fuel last for HUNDREDS OF YEARS, and they only got there so fast due to an unplanned wormhole so they DEFINITELY had some form of power to keep the warp field active and keep food and oxygen going(and because game mechanics problems the plant recycling of air won't be eaisily added so that is ok to be missing) but we can EASILY add a power source that is slow or relies on solar bases to CV's that DON'T require modding 1: the auto-craft system is already built-in to furnaces(just take that code and clone it to a charger block, and someday to constructors when we set thresholds before it turns off a recipe as a valid thing to craft) 2: solar capacitor systems work, so a similar set of code to control the discharger/power linker via thresholds or just available space is possible(I would actually prefer it function like battery items that auto-restock when full-auto logistics are finally added as planned) 3: signal logic to turn things on and off exists, control for modes and activity of charger/discharger/linker machine so many methods of providing power to a ship that is JUST SITTING but isn't buggy because solar only re-calculates when an edit is performed or teh entire world shuts down and is rebooted(never really happens on servers as you need it to) hell if they fixed solar to ALSO refresh when the "cockpit occupied" state changes then we would not be having this discussion, because I could add solar to my CV and park it facing the sun, and it would have >0% power when I stood up rather than having to manually reboot the server or save and restart the world(for SP AFK parking to let crops grow and AMD's chug) to be clear, even in lore they didn't have to constantly stop to mine fuel, their plan was a long-haul flight with NO STOPS that means NO BASES, just RENEWABLE power, kinda like SOLAR so an argument of "it is your choice to give up solar to be a nomad" is stupid, because even if that was true, we still CAN'T power our CV and AUTO-DUMP and AUTO-REFILL our fridges, manual logistics makes the "don't be a nomad if you don't want to lose solar" STUPID until a way to be semi-nomadic(ie have a base with power to charge the CV, and a parking spot for offline power) there is effectively NO WAY to BOTH go ANYWHERE AND not run out of power bases cant move, yet they are best placed in orbit, where promethium(the only practical way to make power cells as growing things is still also 100% manual making biofuel in vanilla a 0% useful fuel source) is no renewable as asteroids never respawn, and promethium is quite rare in orbit, making ships the only way to get fuel, which might not be possible when you run out of it becaus etehre is also no way to auto-mine it in orbit(which contributes to the scarcity problem as you can't turn of AMD depletion to make it last forever since it doesn't respawn) I have yet to see a single suggestion or reason given that isn't "I like to play games this way, nobody should ever want to play another way, and I don't know how to make it work so nobody could figure it out" this is a poison to good suggestions, if you can't say anything more constructive than "I don't like it" or "I can't figure it out" then say ONLY that
So what makes you think the game would be any better at calculating the offline energy consumption from a solar capacitor than it is from a fuel tank?
ok so katz has informed me on the SLOW periodic update of solar efficiency(I suppose I was being impatient and didn't think about solar calculation fading on planets, doh) however I still find the need to fuel the SV/HV with fossil fuels a tad silly in a game all about humans "running out of fossil fuels" we don't have a small grid analog of solar, and while it is true that an SV is seldom used for more than short hops, and an HV is more of an assault tank you park when done, the issue is that they still have fridges, and we don't have auto-transfer logistics yet, so we need power with an infinite duration in case we forget to empty our SV/HV of rare perishables when visiting a trading hub without our chonky CV doing a planetary landing so again, batteries are demanded to fill a hole in lore that other more complicated game mechanics are not ready to fill yet similar to how pre-alpha spawned broken SV/hv's were how you survived on the planet before you built a base, they were a stopgap system that allowed you to fulfill the "crash survival" before we had the emergency EV suit constructor and micro crafter you can build up to I am not arguing for battery powered motherships(at least not anymore, even I agree that is ludicrous to recharge batteries at stations to refuel a CV) but smaller ships using the future-tech reaction massless thrusters should act like a tiny battery powered orbit hopper, and your HV should be a rechargeable EV that lets you wander the surface collecting rare items and collecting AMD products, with only rare use in combat prior to full AI piloting for SP gamers who still want to not get wrecked on MP servers with huge PVP teams(not everyone can form a team to avoid being unfairly targeted) so yes, batteries are still a required temporary(or permenant) solution for smaller exploration vessels or micro-fighters/shuttles(or at least power draw linking when docked) actually simply linking fuel tanks and gens and power when docked could have your docked fighters provide extra juice surge when in mega-combat once the solar capacitors run dry(without causing gen damage obviously) and can prioritize grandparent dock fuel first so your fighters stay fully fueled for escape pods or just not running dry in small hops my post has ALWAYS been about a lack of fully renewable living without arbitrarily forcing a specific gameplay style, the kind of forcing that ruins game popularity as either style fits within the lore equally my next complaint would be orbital asteroid respawning and orbital AMD's in base-game(or very simple config modding like solar CV's) as there are very few riods per system and each type can be difficult to find(ironically ice is easy, it is the promethium we need to guzzle for no reason in vanilla that bothers me most) so yes, batteries, for vessels that seldom need to be drawing lots of power but need a constant 100% renewable source of fridge power, and can't have solar panels without being stupid
This game doesn't have fossil fuels. It has biofuel, energy cells, and various promethium derivatives. Bases can also have solar. I've never heard of any plans for ships to transfer cargo or energy between each other automatically. It sounds like a feature I would turn off for greater control. Since ships are powered by fuel items that can be quickly and easily transferred over wireless logistics (and frequently, a backpack), vessels can already effectively replenish each other's power supplies. More than a few times have I just grabbed a few promethium packs from a CV fuel tank to top off my short-haul mining HV. It's a nearly instant process that only takes a few clicks in a menu. If you want an infinite fuel source for your nomadic CV, consider taking up commodity trading. Your profits will pay for all the fuel you need, as well as for other supplies and materials. Your ability to profit will increase as you explore the galaxy and discover new POIs to trade with.
shows how much you actually play the game where does "promethium" come from? is it mined/pumped from deep underground alike ALL fossil fuels? does it last ages like atomic power? if you answered yes then no as is the ONLY CORRECT answer, it is a fossil fuel, the name doesn't actually matter -as for bases, yeah who cares we are talking about the MOTHERSHIP, NOT a base -as for manual logistics? yeah still manual, ie MUST BE ONLINE AND ACTIVE, major problem for offline/afk people who can't play games 24/7, and certainly don't play the same game every single day for hours at a time(makes servers a BAD idea without server-only balance offsets, which don't exist yet) -as for trading, yeah still MANUAL, the problem is STILL that I can't park my CV with all non-critical machines off and not come back in >7 days to find the oxygen fans and fridges STILL working, a bas is NOT a solution without FULLY AUTOMATED logistics or docked power sharing(ie base solar powers CV INDEFINITELY) this game LITERALLY has lore that relates to earth running out of energy sources, they adopted renewables too late to matter, society is doomed as-is and yet the devs and players seem to want the post collapse game to collapse AGAIN due to using non-renewable resources(asteriods do not EVER respawn, solar is base-only with NO method of sharing power even when docked, AMD's are odd but can provide infinite ore, IF YOU MANUALLY COLLECT IT) my complaint is and always has been simply: A LACK OF FULLY AUTOMATIC POWER SYSTEMS(at least for the duration of a minimum of 7 days real-time with ZERO player intervention, in the lowest power state practical, fridges, o2, sensors, lights) for large-block structures/vessels(it is ok if your HV/SV needs to be a parasite docked to your CV, as long as the CV has a method of playerless power for >7 days)) now, given what one comment said , that I admitted I had not the patience to test properly, solar DOES work stably on CV's, it just takes a while to update the solar calculations I tweaked solar panel limits and output(ironically you have almost no power even in orbit where power should be 10x on surface, and the power level for large panels that size are unrealistically low if we assume lights using 10PU are similar to 10w, very realistic) but we still have the issues of HV's/SV's having NO method of "dock and forget" fridge powering I am not asking for any specific solution, this post was the simplest implementation I could think of using already existing features with only simple tweaks(a battery charger/discharger would be a furnace code variant that takes a battery item in one state, pulls or pushes power for a duration(maybe as solar units so it can stall when full)) this is super simple if you have deep understanding of the code(as the DEV's MUST HAVE) a texture and an ID is all you need after that(you can treat the items like two variants, one with power units in it, the other fully dead) so yeah, stop suggesting trading, manual logistics, mining, ect suggest something that can ACTUALLY extend the maximum AFK time BEYOND 7 days, if you can't do so, then don't post here
Please don't stick solar panels and solar capacitors on your ships. There's a reason we removed CV solar from RE after we tried adding them. If you do lose chunks of your ship, don't expect anyone to be able to help you.
That is human nature. Some other people will try to do it ignoring the deletion bug, because the devs don't want give it to us, and because they "need" to see it. Maybe there is actually a "safe way" to add solar energy to CV lol. I find this bug actually quite convenient for the devs. About solar energy on CV, it "works" on planet, but in space as i said, it can get stuck at 0 or very low and well....needs to enter a planet to force an update, or remove and put back solar panels to force an update on their power output.
Unfortunately, energy (calculation) still has a lot of room for improvement. Either you come online after a (long) time and the ship/bases are made “empty” due to the calculation. By the time you fill it up, the plants are already dead. Or others keep the playing field active and the whole thing happens during the game so that the structures without energy are helplessly exposed to attacks. You can use scripting to remedy this by automatically replenishing the energy, but the best solution would probably be to simply suspend the energy consumption when the owner players/faction are offline. But this would require changes to the game code that Eleon probably doesn't have the resources for.
so true, hence why the BEST solution is a simple addition solar/batteries on CV BY DEFAULT CONFIG and batteries on SV/HV it can even be limited by the number of "charge managers" because each one would have a maximum rate akin to the "crafting speed" the difficulty is controlling power usage and having a dual-mode device(though you could simply have two furnace-style recipe blocks, one unit simply charges when active, the other discharges when active) the biggest problem is that I can't reverse engineer the codebase enough in time to add a device that pushes power into solar capacitors or the like and can be shut off by an output signal the capacitor doesn't have yet it would be simple enough for the devs to add 1: solar and normal capacitors now hold energy and have an output binary signal that is latched to an upper and lower charge percentage configurable in 10% increments above and below 50%, as well as a disable signal 2: cockpits now have an occupied output signal, which can be used to automatically turns off solar and normal capacitors 3: battery items added, charged and discharged variants, used to transfer power between structures, a temporary addition intended to be replaced or improved on by fully automated logistics and docking resource controls later 4: new charger and discharger blocks, these devices purely interact with "batteries" and can follow the signals of the capacitor blocks for being enabled/disabled, they auto-craft the opposite variant of battery over time, recommend manually limiting which boxes/signals they can access to avoid infinite loops of charger and discharger, they also have SV/HV variants for a little EV build
This is an issue of personal aesthetics. But I do find the idea of a promethium asteroid going through a carboniferous period at some point millions of years ago be rather funny. Yes, this is called "survival gameplay". It's the resource management you perform to keep your structures powered so you can have food and oxygen in space. It's very immersive or something. That's what clanmates are for. I can assume you're playing on a server so you can play with other people, yes? Sharing structures and the burden of maintaining them is part of that. Probably safe to assume then that solar isn't implemented on CV for reasons other than basic feasibility. Might be a similar reason to why structures don't talk to each other when a player isn't involved. My suggestion then is don't play on a dedicated server if you can't even login more than once a week unless you have a clan willing to help you work around this infrequency. If a lot of people are having the issue, I'd suggest they consider starting a periodic server that runs only a few hours a week. Then the population is condensed together instead of trickling in and out constantly.
firstly, no, you are wrong, by definition the way fossil fuels are defined is "a chemical fuel with a non-renewable source" promethium in this game 100% fits this definition, after ignoring the wacky AMD depletion disabling as no planets seem to get promethium asteroids, and that would technically not be renewable anyway it can't be nuclear, it uses what is clearly a sci-fi combustion generator, not a reactor with closed-cycle thermal power, so cannot be nuclear leaving only chemical secondly, technically true, if the game had 0% offline power draw on servers, when playing multiplayer then offline power should not be required, or should have a method of filling enough tanks that you could go offline for a few days and be safe, as this does not happen it is no longer a balanced PVP game, nor is it a proper online-only survival game, one of those imbalances has to break to be a balanced game or a survival game, otherwise it is "beta" so I disagree based on not fitting classical definitions of either genre thirdly not everyone has that many friends, forcing a game to be MMO and not just MO is what ruins a lot of otherwise good games a "clan" should be able to have a finite player/AI cap, the more online players in a faction, the less ai pilots, perfectly balanced forcing me to contact strangers to survive in a server that has a bully faction is unacceptable, people should be respectful, or there should be a method of playing SP without being attacked and destroyed constantly, no third option exists for a properly balanced game forth ugh, it isn't added because arbitrary limits and no other solution is ready yet, you apparently can add it yourself, a single line tweak of the blocks placable at: BA, CV you can also rebalance the amounts of power so it makes orbital stations that should have more than enough solar not struggle to just run the lights and fridges apparently you are commenting on something you did not spend much time understanding, like far too many people do these days fith maybe a true good suggestion, but what about server hosters who want batteries? who want a system of AI cargo ships hauling auto-collected ores from distant systems? who want to auto-salvage dereliicts? you neglect that this is a space game based on abundance and free choice, to contradict the origin of an earth that is out of natural resources completely, blocking solar and full 0% fuel EV ships and cargo freighters(maybe growing penxuit as it is just a crystal, making it 100% renewable) is just an arbitrary "I hate other players, I am correct, I can't possibly be wrong in my enjoyment" hell your entire post SCREAMS the speedrunner saying that the only way to play a game is to get to a defined endpoint as fast as possible, yet massive numbers of people focus on simply using game mechanics to built absurd things, like the very same game built within the game they are playing(minecraft within minecraft, a super cool achievement speedrunners would never care about) I already modded my game server with a stopgap measure until full-auto mining and collection is added, I created a way to grow from vegetable DNA all the way to ores(veggies from power alone->normal processing to nutrient->crushed stone-> massive numbers of stone sorted into every ore type) now sure it is slightly less balanced, but a few k of rock to make a chunk of gold vs 15 rocks to make iron isn't too unbalanced the fact that the devs allow for this in such a simple config file means they understand that NON STANDARD play styles exist hell if I understood enough to build the charger/discharger myself(and the devs added full-auto logistics as they claim to have planned) that fills my plan already now it is still only half complete till threshold logistics when docked is added, but that WILL HAPPEN I am asking for the other half of the perfect solution, using code snippits every player can already see in-use(furnace auto-craft, machine disable signals, power charge tracking batteries) it is only a little scripting to mesh all those parts into batteries, and it can be limited to one block by default with a max transfer rate that makes it useless for anything other than fridges(limits that already exist in the game and can be tweaked) TLDR: you have not said a single thing in your post that was BOTH correct AND factual, it has been 100% opinions and personal preference, things that nobody should be allowed to force onto a game that is intended for wide appeal if batteries and ai flights exist, YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE OR ENABLE IT but it is WRONG to say I should not want it, your preference is NOT my preference, and the game has room to appease BOTH of us
Did everyone just ignore that you can't use solar on ships without it randomly deleting parts of your ship?