Apparently this is how it was intended, on the server if the ship is really large, then it can be repaired for money at a service station
hello Since Monday April 22. 2024 I have no longer been able to connect to the Eleon servers. EU and NA I've only been using these servers for weeks and now nothing works. Procedure: 1. start the game 2. choose multiplayer 3. choose Eleon Game Studios - Official EU Server / Official NA Server 4. connect Then, as always, the screen “connecting to server” appears and that’s it When I look at my connection in the task manager, the communication stops immediately I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the game. I also removed my blueprints and reduced the subscribes to the workshop. nothing helps need help .... Best regards Ladirah
Try clearing the cache from the empyrion install Steam/SteamApps/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Saves/Cache/..
sorry ... didn't help i tried to connect to other servers found out, is there a shield in front of the name i can´t connect, without the shield i can. so it looks like, could be a problem with the easy anti cheat stuff, is it??? how can i fix that .
Go to the options, misc and make sure EAC is turned ON If its turned ON, then you need to uninstall the game, remove anything empyrion and EAC related from the registry, and then reinstall empyrion
so ... i uninstall the game again. clean the registry with 2 programms and by my self, so far i can found some eleon/anticheat things, .... deleted pc newstart. reinstall, activate EAC (otherwise get the message to do so) select server with shieldsign in front of name same .... stops connection immediately. with no shieldsign connects after 2-3 times install Steam/Empyrion on a other pc. this have never seen Steam or Empyrion before same thing, connects only to servers without shieldsign stops communication immediately. so can not a problem by registry or so ..... i think .... ähm ... and i select play on this computer, not streaming from the other ... no idea what else i can do .... sunday everything was good .
i delete the logs start the game try to connect 5-8 times end the game that the logs will closed. should i post this log here ?? there id´s and names in!!?? or how or where can/shoudl send this log .... ??
If you modify the logs then we cant help. You can PM them to me or send them to our support email
e-mail send the log is not modified. i only open it to see what is logged. there a lot of warnings in, like: 24-22:40:01.338 18_40 -WRN- EOS Log: Error response received from backend. Response is not JSON. ServiceName=[SDKConfig], OperationName=[GetPlatformConfigRoute], Url=[<Redacted>], HttpStatus=[403], CorrId=[] 24-22:40:01.444 18_40 -WRN- EOS Log: SDK Config Platform Update Request Failed, Result Code: EOS_UnrecognizedResponse, Retrying after 3.268898 seconds 24-22:40:04.895 18_40 -WRN- EOS Log: Error response received from backend. Response is not JSON. ServiceName=[SDKConfig], OperationName=[GetPlatformConfigRoute], Url=[<Redacted>], HttpStatus=[403], CorrId=[] 24-22:40:04.995 18_40 -WRN- EOS Log: SDK Config Platform Update Request Failed, Result Code: EOS_UnrecognizedResponse, Retrying after 7.304544 seconds 24-22:40:12.466 18_40 -WRN- EOS Log: Error response received from backend. Response is not JSON. ServiceName=[SDKConfig], OperationName=[GetPlatformConfigRoute], Url=[<Redacted>], HttpStatus=[403], CorrId=[] 24-22:40:12.566 18_40 -WRN- EOS Log: SDK Config Platform Update Request Failed, Result Code: EOS_UnrecognizedResponse, Retrying after 10.938566 seconds 24-22:40:12.766 18_40 -WRN- EOS Log: Unable to get the client auth token. Last result: EOS_UnrecognizedResponse. Warnings like this i also see in the console, no matter what game is startet. tutorial, singleplayer, multiplayer, online-server without shield. never seen this warnings there before. could be the problem !!??
It seems like it can't get the auth token and this is why you can't connect to EAC Servers. Are you blocking ports that EAC requiers? I will soon look into the email you have send
why and how i should block ports ...?? i just close the game, shut down the pc on sunday. monday afternoon i start the pc , start the game, ..... and .... hm ...
We checked your logs out and were not sure what is it. We didnt make any changes EAC related since a couple of weeks now 3 points you need to check what can be the reason 1. Firewall (something might be blocked) 2. Antivirus (make sure the game and EAC have an exception) 3. it could be a simple problem with the EAC Server what will resolve it self
Hi, I've been playing on the server for a few days, today there was a disconnect and I can't connect anymore. All sites say that the server is online, but I don't see it. When I try to connect via IP, I see an endless connection.
I got banned for disconnecting and reconnecting while trying to help a friend who was stranded on a different planet. My game keep crashing as i entered orbit. I was on Official NA Server Username Twig225 Have game through Epic Games
Hi Eleon Admin I´d like to reset my pj from the US, so I can select another planet to star please, or at least reset my space suit and helmet so I can survive, im stock without it! please and thank you Username cheko31
A Space Suit is in the locker in the starting building with the rest of your gear. Didnt you pick it up? You can reset your char by typing CB:Reset in chat