General Feedback

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by EleonGameStudios, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. trocadero

    trocadero Ensign

    Feb 12, 2016
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    i got a question, i run a server on a dedicated machine, problem is, its been running for 2 weeks on this hardware, and it has worked fine with 7-8 people playing, yesterday it started, the procesess got realy bloated (like 4gb eache) and if anyone tried to land on maes, the server went crazy and kepts spamming no connection to host, question is, isnt the server supposed to close down playfields not in use, it dosnt seem like that, since i can be alone online with 6 processes running, and what can i do to make it work, a whipe is a quick solution but wont work in the long run, or do you have to have 90gb+ ram to host a 10 slot server, that kinda kills the game in the long run.
  2. Wicked

    Wicked Ensign

    Jan 29, 2016
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    owww yah .. i had that to.. and ended in wiping server...i think that is a bug but..i got that twice now and i am not happy with the server right now... though i do hope they actualy change the server soon give it some tools and some rugged durability.....basicly .. most of us on our server are halting to play waiting for the alpha see if that brings us some extra tools to work with...
  3. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    It is a bug I have reported, sometimes it will load up all playfields until you run out of ram, and if you don't well it will load them all.
    After you have shut down and saved the server you have to go into Task-manager most of the time and shut down the instances that have not shut down or when you try to re-start the game it fails to load the first menu.
    If it does start with an instance still running from a previous game session, it will bug out very fast. Shutting the server down again is 50/50 that it will close the instance that was still running from previous.
    The game is not shutting some playfields down when its supposed to, might have something to do with latency of players to the server as they leave a play area, not sure.

    Propers server manager controls will come in time, they take time to create along with the dozens of other things the developers have going on at the same time , as more features get added, every updates the bugs get a little more complicated to correct, a natural thing with any game in pre-alpha.
  4. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    it filled out a 32gb ram workstation my friend was hosting with enough time . Thats the severity
  5. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Did you restart the server once and a while?
  6. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    not that day , im aware its needed to be done , but was pointing out the severity of memory leaks
  7. Shpiler

    Shpiler Lieutenant

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I've just bought an 8-core, 3.5GHz AMD CPU for my server, 7 of them i gave to virtual machine with Windows and empyrion server running, and... It uses about 70% of all of them only with 2 people online. What does it do?! Calculating the ultimate answer? Or it is VM issue? Hope, you'll optimize it for the alpha release
  8. Uncle Billy

    Uncle Billy Ensign

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Hi Assirian. I've had the same problem. I now create a vanilla Akua playfield every time there's an update. To do it, I first create a vanilla from-the-ground-up new server, never been played before. I log in and land on Akua. This initializes the playfield files for Akua only. Once I land, I get out of the game. I then save the Akua playfield folder as a backup. Now, in order to reset Akua at any time without affecting anything else, I just shut down the game, go into the save games folder, playfields and delete that Akua. I then copy my backup Akua folder I created above into my playfields directory. Now when I restart the server, Akua is untouched by human hands (except for my initial logon to create the playfield file structure). Any time I need to reset Akua, I just need to delete the old and copy the vanilla Akua over.
  9. Uncle Billy

    Uncle Billy Ensign

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Piddlefoot, I've seen this too. I go into task manager and there'll be several extraneous Empyrion processes running that I have to kill. I just chalk it up to being an Alpha at this time and periodically check for them.
  10. CombatVolcano

    CombatVolcano Ensign

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I would really really prefer it if you made your own GUI that connects via telnet for those using remote-desktop hosts, which is really everyone, instead of relying on third parties to create tools.
    First-party support of these tools will lead to a much more seamless DS experience for everyone in the long run.
    piddlefoot likes this.
  11. Tajin

    Tajin Ensign

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Is there a way to disable blueprints on the server ?
    If not, then I'd really love to see that added.

    On our server I'd rather have people actually build their stuff ingame instead of just loading in their old BPs or (even worse) stuff from the workshop.
  12. Nem316

    Nem316 Ensign

    Apr 8, 2016
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    OK my biggest complaint about this server is Theft. PVP system are Player vs Player Not and i repeat Not Player Vs OFF LINE player!!
    my ship was stolen whilst i was offline in a pvp system, they stole it and everything on it, i had 6 advanced constructors and EVERYTHING i owned, they took the lot and the admin says its ok it was in a PVP area? i wasnt online when it was stolen so it was player vs SHIP !!!

    the thing that pisses me off the most is the time it took to mine all the stuff and build the thing, at the very least the person should be named, and i Know you know who took it.

    so unless this rule is amended or implemented i wont be back, to have all your stuff stolen is a low blow and totally counter productive to server numbers, think about it, all your stuff nice n safe then stolen from under your nose while you sleep its total BS when it goes unpunished, and for the record this is the second time with zero consequences to the offender, the last time it was on a PVE planet FFS!

    rant over, but if you feel anything then at least provide the name of the theif coz he took everything i had and i thought that was against the rules...
  13. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I feel for you.
  14. McyD

    McyD Lieutenant

    Nov 27, 2014
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    Guess you missed the offline player protection system added in the alpha update next week?
  15. Nem316

    Nem316 Ensign

    Apr 8, 2016
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    oh yea i seen that bout offline protection, a day late and a dollar short, but there will always be douche bags who think its fun to steal someones time and effort, just name the f***ker so i can murder him mercilessly....
  16. Slayer2218

    Slayer2218 Ensign

    Oct 30, 2015
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    I started to rent a 10 player server 2 days ago, and I am having a few issues that the server company states are game related.

    1. We experience lag. As we walk around the world (Akua), our characters occasionally pause then continue. The server is in Chicago, and the players range from the East to West coast. Most of us are averaging 40-60ms , when we ping the server.

    2. When riding a HV, SV, or CV with multiple players, we will get kicked off the server. Usually the driver goes first, then the vehicle is up in the air with the occupants.

    3. Constructor building lag. Name says it all.

    4. Falling through the map. On Akua, we have a Silicon deposit that you can walk over and fall through the world. It is great to mess with our new players, but a bug to be fixed.

    5. Disappearing Forest: Occasionally, an area that had a forest on Akua disappears.
  17. soup238

    soup238 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2015
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    most of theses are bugs related to ALPHA which the Devs a working hard to figure out a lot of which have to do with high population(25+ from my experience) and several or just 1 large one Pre-Alpha ships in one playfield , but some of it could be due to a low end server?
  18. LoSboccacc

    LoSboccacc Commander

    Nov 28, 2015
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    so, about linux dedicated server support?
    dustinduse and robberer like this.
  19. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Hmm... not even sure, if this is the right place for this, so, forgive me if it isnt :S

    A server i play on, (not my own, but, will get to that), is reading a ping number of ~140
    This server, seems to run pretty well, untill around 10 minutes in. then, a few things get laggy. not much, but some.
    If i am doing some container cleaning, it gets bad, real fast. (I am opening, moving, closing new containers within around 5-10 seconds)
    Now, if i go mine, it gets REALLY interesting.
    When this lag occurs, i can mine for a good minute, then, back off and wait, and watch the rocks around me explode after another minute LOL.
    I DO get the "connection lost" message, (hangs there for around 1-3 minutes), but, im not thrown off the server O.O
    Server location ? ... NO idea... somewhere in the states i think... (im in denmark)

    Now, my own server, rented GTX located in Paris..
    Ping is ~72
    NO lag longer than 2 seconds, and rarely happens, even if i play there for hours on end.
    No "lost connection" at all, and i can play with my containers as fast as i want, only to discover, that the game "hangs" for a second, if i do stuff too fast ... aka, im "locked", thus it prevents me from doing things, untill it has caught up with time. (This, is a GOOD thing i think).

    Both played, with, and without the EAC turned on, (on my end, as user... no idea about serverside...)
    Now, does my PING have anything to do with this ?

    Ookla results:
    Central U.S.A. (forgive me for picking something randomly central :S )

    New York:


    Internet connection:
    10 down / 1 up
    (IS being changed to 50 down / 5 up shortly)
    Last edited: May 15, 2016
  20. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Generally no. This sounds more like a quality of service issue, throughput. You could have a fantastic ping with those tiny packet tests... but the moment you start trying to push real traffic through, things start to go downhill. Depending on server as well with its cpu and ability to process many actions from players, it could all spiral downhill fast.

    Might want to check with others, using the same servers if you want to see if they get the issue as well (would mean its more the server, and not your personal connection).
    Tina Pedersen likes this.

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