HWS EU |Custom Universe|Story|Active|PvPvE|Mods

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by RexXxuS, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Indeed I did, although I've had trouble finding your server sometimes after that, might just be me though, I'll try and get on today
  2. Xenophon

    Xenophon Commander

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Once again SV got stuck below surface because of lag. And so all of resources as well...
  3. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey Xeno, yes the server is running for a very long time now with events and custom things without wipe. Maybe jascha helped you already. But this weekend we are both not at home. At Monday we can help you better out. (give you ship and resources)
  4. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I notice you have all playfields save Earth at PvP. Is there a plan to change this for alpha release?
  5. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey Fenrar,
    Earth, Mars and the peacekeepers should be pve till the alpha release. Maybe it was a failure. Sorry. Should be fixed now.
  6. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    as you saw of course HWS updated to alpha immedeatley too with a LOT prepared for you. Let me jump directly into the changes:
    • A complete new customized Universe with a story of it as its own (and inspired by Stargate Atlantis ;)). Pentaxit is now your best friend! Let me visualize it with a interactive 3D map HERE

    • A story to fit into the universe and alpha changes. Read more about it HERE
    • All feature from the alpha tool integrated in our Tool and even tweaked a lot more out of it. There is really nearly nothing we can do now and because of that...
    • We added a game mechanic into the game before Empyrion could do it by themself: Ingame Money (EC = Elemental Coins). This Economy System allows you to earn ECs by selling items or sending EC to other people. It is like real transactions. Sell 100 iron ingots to get 50 EC. With 50 EC you can buy 20 O2 bottles and so on. This is just the beginning and in the future there will be a lot more around it (lottery, blackmarket, ...)
    • Custom Events of course! I welcome you to poll your next one HERE! Events like Survival Puzzles or Aliens vs Player Deathmatch for example.
    • Universe events by its own: the Blackhole Orbit will spawn and absorb planets / POIs from time to time. You missed the event 12 hours ago where a planet with thousands of Blue Crystals lived for short duration...
    • 72hour Offline Protection Shield even if you are one weekend away
    • Of course we still have the Anti Cheat automatism active (and already banned 5 people with it ;))
    • A better server coming soon... :)

    e would thank all of you again for your support on HWS and are happy to see so many commendations. This helping us a lot and motivate us to keep the server running.
    If you have any feedback or help needed I welcome you on the Steamgroup, Forum or Twitter :)
  7. hehehemann

    hehehemann Ensign

    Nov 30, 2015
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    That idea quoted above(last page) by Tom Hawk was a really good game experience. Every server should do this instead of wipes. It was lots of fun blowing up as much as you could and battles were epic.

    I do like the sound of the things your doing with this server. Keep up the good work. I will be joining in the fight soon :)
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
  8. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks hehehemann, glad to hear and we are waiting for you :)

    In the meantime I updated to 1.1.0 and also tested a new server. THANK you ALL for the test. Was fun :)
    We will let you know what we will do in the future with it.

    Also added new items for the EC trade. I will edit the list in the forum tomorrow. Try cb:ec:wood or cb:ec:eek:reiron ;) More items coming soon...
  9. Crazyfly

    Crazyfly Commander

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Yea I was a member of that group the Deaths Hands DEA. BadMeetsevil did most of the building. While I handled our logistics. I have a habit when I'm in the mood to drink coffee and stay up. Also over 10ish days had past so I had tons of resources. We had people bring in there tanks. We had a dude try to drop a dreadnaught on our base. Multiple dogfights. We took around 20ish cv's and around 15ish sv's (parked them up in pve orbit). We actually lost a lot of ground in the last few hours of the event. The huge bridge I wanted was destroyed along with that one guys solar array. Overall it was a fun event.
    Taun Hawk likes this.
  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Love the idea of an economy , hope that ends up in the game by the dev's, good on you guys for having a crack at it, looks like I might be heading your way soon then ! Must sell more ore !

    Keep up the good work guys, fantastic stuff.
    RexXxuS likes this.
  11. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    While the server needs to sort out some issues, and it launch was a bit shaky, I'll concede I'm happiest on this server than any other. An actual team of Admins who are active and do more than just chase fires, also try and make it their own. The admin team could use expansion, however with being the 2nd most popular server in game I doubt they'll want for applicants. Some thoughts:

    -Don't lean too heavily on your anti-cheat being the end-all problem to unfair play
    -Make it possible for individuals to play without requiring someone else to get them somewhere (specifically referring to fuel issues)
    -Continue promotion, but try and engage players in event creation, granted it's slow, but they'll come around when they see events starting.
  12. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thank you guys for all of your feedback! :)

    After a lot of server testings with different specs we move to a new one which should be the best as long as the devs figure out the big CPU / Playfield / Player issue.

    With this change we also adjusted some things to help the server to run smooth:
    • Server restart + backup every 3 hours to gain more smoothness, less bugs / glitches
    • New start planet M7G-677 (PvE)
    • New wipe times! Please type cb:wipe in game
    Also we added more items to our EB (Elemental Bank). See here the list: http://empyrion-homeworld.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=40

    In the coming weeks we will update our Tool regarding the story and the EC system. It will be like a real economy with trading stuff with each other and taking influence into the trading rate. Also the Reputation Points for Bounty Hunter and Traders will come into play.
    Stay tuned for the next big update :)

    Let me know any feedback you have and thanks again for playing on HWS.
  13. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    what a week... we ran 3 servers at the same time and tested more than any other servers or even the admins could test.

    So we have learned a lot what works and what not. And the new server today did not worked out.
    So for now we decided to not kill your game fun on HWS and pause the server till my provider OR the devs will fix this huge dedicated server problem.

    So as soon as my provider accept the deal for a new and finally best server for Empyrion we will come again online.

    You need to know we are sorry about that and want to give you the best Empyrion experience possible what I think you saw the last weeks.
    We tried our best for you, added a complete new game mechanic into the game (Economy) and were nearly always there for you.

    This WON'T stop. It is just a delay to wait for other parties we can't control.

    To be more specific: The game needs to run on a powerful GHz CPU rather than a large amount of cores. The RAM needs also to be fast.
    So we tried four different machines, hardware and software wise any constellation. Another problem is that the problems with 100% CPU and the coming ship losts, laggs, etc. coming after some time. Not at the beginning. If you play on a new server, of course everything is great - but it will change dramatically after some time.
    HWS was over the last week almost always #1 in the list with 30-70 players online. People build big and great stuff. We had a 2GB big playfield folder and we had 40GB RAM usage (4GB one single planet).

    We are especially sorry for the donators and really really hope you don't feel bad. Because of you we could do so many great things and because of you we will come back with a perfect server. We will NOT forget any amount and you will have every package back with the new server.

    We keep you always informed what is going on and will come back as soon as possible!

    If you have any questions please let us know, we keep being there for you [​IMG]

    Thank you all for your support and we hope to see you soon back again on HWS!

    RexXxuS & Jascha
  14. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I've been playing Empyrion for 800+ hours and on hundreds of servers. This server is far the best one.
    You guys nailed it with economy, factions, and custom balanced universe! :)
    What I would suggest though is to keep the server running - you guys will still need testers for your hardware, right?
    And there are still hardcore EGS players who are not backed down by MP issues (I remember when the first P2P Empyrion servers appeared - the saves were crashing every day or two but we were still playing)

    HWS server has something no other server has - trade system :) That's what would keep the majority of players playing on this server in spite of MP bugs :)

    Thumbs up if anyone else agrees with me :)
    Smokey, Fenra369 and Jascha like this.
  15. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hey NafreiuX,

    thanks. Yeah thats a good idea. We turned it on again. And allready reached the 100%, but thats good. The Devs could now directly see it.

    NafreiuX likes this.
  16. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    Good News! Devs seem to have found the problem and are on it! Hope to be up soon again with much more Power! :)
    Fenra369 and NafreiuX like this.
  17. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Good to hear, hopefully we'll see it for next hotfix.
  18. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    so after good 3 days with a 10 player limit we are back again! The server is now full compatible with Empyrion and we learned a lot how software and hardware works with Empyrion.
    We transfered your save game from the old server to the new one and set the player limit to 70. This of course still not 100% recommended but we need some stress tests at the beginning to optimize final settings.

    I thank you all for your patience, your commendations and feedback till now! This helped us a lot and showed us that we can do great stuff with your support.

    So what's next now?
    • added more items in the EB (Elemental Bank). See the list HERE
    • with the coming patch you will see your ECs ingame without need of cb:info! Thanks for the devs for that feature!
    • first draft of trading items with other players
    • rebalancing planets resources and POIs to fit better into the story
    • rework of the economy system to fit into the story
    • we are working hard on find a way to not wipe planets anymore
    One of the big announcement is also: we will release a light version of our Admin Tool to help other server owners very soon. Jascha worked very hard on this program and we would appreciate any support from people who are using it. Stay tuned for the release date!

    Again we thank the Devs and everyone from Empyrion for the server tests and direct good cooperation with HWS!

    As always leave your feedback here or contact us directly if you have any questions.

    Jascha & RexXxuS
    NafreiuX likes this.
  19. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    the big day! We updated to Patch 1.4 immedeatley with the EAC option enabled. After some hotfixes from the devs we got the server running with EAC and this awesome shield icon :D We don't need EAC, cause our tool auto ban people since months but this icon .. !!! :)

    So to play on our server go to SETTINGS > MISC > ACTIVATE EAC > RESTART THE GAME (install EAC)

    So first please read the patch notes! Escpecially the bug fix section! :) No missing ships now I hope!

    Other than that you have your EC count now ingame! At the very bottom left under "Helmet: On" box. Thanks to the devs! :)
    This makes HWS even more unique and we hope you enjoy playing here.

    Jascha & RexXxuS
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
  20. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    so again a very big announcement but it is needed. Till the alpha HWS ran with very high amount of people and low amount due server hardware tests. We could not patch new cool stuff from the patch since today and have a lot of legacy stuff around.
    Also I finally want to make a good balance to every planet so it fits finally to the story which it deserves.
    Other than that our Tool will be updated soon with the possibility to trade items with each other and have dynamic prices for the EB (Elemental Bank).
    Let's say: there is no reason to not full wipe and start fresh to have a awesome fundament to start with.

    That means:
    • tomorrow / 30.04.2016 at MIDDAY (GMT+2) the whole server will be wiped
    • make BLUEPRINTS of your work now
    • everyone starting by level 1, no transfer of items, backpack, factory or EC
    • the universe will be a bit harder and the need of taking care of factions will be more important now!
    • every donator will get all packages again
    • we will adjust the wipe times again - sorry. We think due the increased core limit of 170 on HWS we can try only 1 wipe per week. It depends if people 1. split up to the other start planets - not only Earth. 2. don't camp on Earth / Mars / M7G-677 3. help people to taxi maybe
    • DecayTime = 1hour # time after which player-built structures without core or less than 10 blocks get removed when not visited
    • WipeTime = 96hours # time after which any player-built structures get removed when not visited (0 = disabled)
    • ProtectTime = 72 hours # time during which structures are offline protected
    • Core limit = 170
    • AntiGriefDistance = 7m PvE: distance (in m) around a faction's base where no other faction's base can be built
    • we help people who just panic and cry and don't know what to do....

    So we know a full wipe is a hard decision but in this case really needed. But we think a fresh start smells like lemon and makes always fun in this cool game, not? :)

    Jascha & RexXxuS

    EDIT: due a 1.4.1 patch tomorrow we want to make everything perfect and wait for it!
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016

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