RED vs BLUE: Weekly PvP, Massive Battles, and more! All are welcome!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Slam Jones, Feb 10, 2016.


Red or Blue?

  1. Red!

  2. Blue!

  1. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    An Open Letter from the Administrator of the Blue Nova Syndicate to the System's Inhabitants:

    Subject: Reorganization of Blue Nova Syndicate

    Up until recently, the organization of the Syndicate has been confused. The administration was obeying instructions from executive leader Brokenshakles - specifically, that we were to rely on mercenaries, rather than our own forces, and that we were to hire Grey Market Traders. You will find that the Grey mercenary who assisted Blue today was well compensated, as was the Red mercenary who wished to fight Grey. For this reason, most players who started on Azurus were directed to join GMT or remain factionless. Only two players have been permitted into Blue - one, Dasvide, had to wait three days until he was granted clearance from our then-leader to join. The second was accepted today without hesitation.

    I was only asked by Brokenshakles two days ago to assume the reins of Blue. Policies will indeed change, including how we recruit and treat members of our faction. Change has not been evident yet as I am still fresh at the reins, but over the coming weeks I seek to change the nature of the Blue Nova Syndicate. This open letter will detail the three primary means by which we shall change.

    Firstly, the Grey Market Traders have demonstrated their influence and attempts at aggressive and rapid expansion.
    - GMT is strongly suspected to have attacked a Blue Nova Syndicate vessel, PFF-01 Super Schwalbe. It is also suspected that your faction effectively destroyed an under-construction outpost nearby. These events occurred on a planet in close proximity to our home world. The final repercussions of this act will be determined at the close of our investigation, but we do not take such attacks on our territories lightly.
    - GMT has frequently ingressed into our home territories and exploited our resources and POIs. We have an equal if not greater right to sovereignty than does Grey Market Traders, which was created for a different purpose than what it currently serves, and we will not allow any faction, neither Red nor Grey, to treat our sectors in such a way.
    - GMT today fought entirely as a single enemy, even rejecting the aid of the Red Giant Conglomerate.
    For largely these reasons we shall treat GMT as a unified faction which is fronting their own sovereignty. Given that they are undoubtedly a unified force, we will give them somewhat more leeway in matters than we did previously in recognition of their sovereignty, and bully tactics such as what was attempted today may well give way to different means. For instance, negotiation is now considered feasible by this Administration.

    Secondly, remember too that we are a paramilitary force. We have no qualms standing up for ourselves against an array of traders. We will no longer treat you as a neutral faction to be ignored, but a threat on par with - and perhaps to a greater extent than - the Red Giant Conglomerate. We fear not your threats of crusade, and shall never quaver with bent knee.
    Today we were initially beaten simply because we wore gloves to a fight where Grey had no intentions of ever putting any on, bringing multiple SVs to a ground fight where they did not field a single infantryman until after they had spawn killed us multiple times and destroyed our local assets. The chaos that passed after the initial engagement was not something that could be declared a victory for either side on account of the confusion and game problems. Do not forget, however, that in spite of this we achieved our overall objective of retrieving key clues from Grey's bases for our investigation, and do not expect us to afford them such a chance again.

    Thirdly, to strengthen our sovereignty, we will step up our own strength. The former recruiting practices of funneling new players to Grey has been and will continue to be abandoned under my administration. We will not send recruits to any other faction and gladly accept the applications of anyone who can join.
    Since in the past we directed players to Danube, we now issue a call to all inhabitants of the system. If you wish to become a permanent part of the Blue Nova Syndicate, we will accept you within our ranks, regardless of origin. Whether you were Red, Grey, or if you have no faction, we are offering all new recruits and transfers an extra bonus of building blocks and rare materials.

    These are the spearheading changes I am making to our Syndicate, and there could well be more that I shall not discuss today.

    - MechPilot524

    Administrator of Blue Nova Syndicate
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  2. Sli

    Sli Ensign

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Hey, I tried to join the GMT starter planet (Danube), but everywhere I went I kept falling through the world. When I tried to mine an iron meteorite it also didn't drop any ores. What's going on here?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Methodik

    Methodik Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2016
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    Friends... Countrymen... A TeamSpeak server is now available for your escapades!

    Password: RedvsBlue

    Let me know if you have any trouble accessing it! :D
  4. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Things have really escalated! This is good, Real good. Now theres a chance for spontanious battles and each faction fighting to get and keep their recruits. A Big improvement.

    I Will log into this New comcenter today and test it.
    Circumstances have made it possible for me to do this.
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  5. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    While that may be a large part of it, there is a huge downside. I've spent only a couple hours playing the game since the server restarted, and most of that was tonight. I have been fixing all of GMT's issues, I've add more people to my friends list in the last week to just be on call then I actually made last year.

    Edited to add, I fogot over population. We can't even spawn a SV in on Danube. We're the reason we now have a 5 day inactivity timer.

    I just got home, I'll log on and check. Edited to add, It kinda laggy right now due to the amount of bases, I would suggest turning down your grafics or restarting if it persists. Ask when you get on, someone in GMT may be able to take you to space if need be.

    Funny story, BNS just shot down the last faction that was neutral to them. And people say I have trouble making friends, see my first paragraph.

    Its all part of Brokenshakles's master paln.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  6. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Blowing up our ships and failing to comply with an investigative search on a planet a stone's throw away from our home? Yeah, that's neutrality for you.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Yeah, BNS rid themself og working to keep Relations with GMT in the green.

    As to shakles Masterplan: things have really gone his way. I can only raise My rifle and salute him. Well played
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    I wasn't talking about GMT. The other traders group, the ones that wanted to remain neutral in this, the ex-Blues. I can't remember their group name.....
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning and Furian like this.
  9. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    The Tradesmen, I believe, is the name of the other trading faction.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    my two cents about the last GMT v BNS battle
    the event was well planned but end up in utter confusion. The reason I thought is these
    1. admins planned the event but percipient did not knew how the event is planned so most of us did not knew what to do (I still have no idea)
    2. what to do next comes through Global chat and often drowned in other chat msgs
    3. people were confused (at least I was) which msgs are serious and which were roleplay, e.g I was told it was GMT v BNS but at the time of the event @MechPilot524s chat about splitting GMT into Red and Blue was really confusing as I had no idea it was serious or roleplay, and it looked like @WarMachine is changing event as he pleased and no other admins had any clue about that.

    my suggestion:
    1. layout how the event is planned beforehand to everyone
    2. event percipient can only roleplay/give instruction to their own faction only
    3. judges will dictate what to do next and NOT participate in roleplay

    also as the OP of this thread is not updated, I have no idea what is going on and very little idea about the story this guys have to consider there is few new players in the server who have very little idea how things arranged in the server...
    Tyrax Lightning and Furian like this.
  11. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    checked..worked.... Thanks man..but I don't know how many will use it...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    I will :p
    been asking for this from the first fight
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    I think the issue is that no one made leadership clear, and that was my fault. Because of all the issues I had with 82nd, people on GMT started to assume that Mechpilot was in charge of the server. He is only incharge of BNS, GMT answers to me just as Red answers to Slam. Pheo thought he was going to get in trouble if he didn't switch sides to Blue, he was afraid Mechpilot would ban him or something. And like all previous events, we get an objective and the leaders go about that objective in their own way. The rules are ALWAY ignored, I don't know why we even post them, just post an objective and move on. GMT never had a real leader, and trust me if Broken had just wanted to keep GMT as filler for Blue and Red, he would have left 82nd incharge.

    A lot of this is role play, and role play posturing for server politics, but when were trying to organize you really have to lisen to your team leaders over everyone else. I can't be aurguing with 82nd in three differeant chats. Saddly if we didn't have all the issues, we could have ended up with one of the biggest fights on this server yet. We were ready to pull a 6v3+3 until the issues started.

    But, I do consider this a Victory. Unless changed by Brokenshakels, my goal with GMT is complete sovereignty and recognition of GMT as a server power. Edited to add, This is what GMT wanted, not me, I wanted a proxy space pirate group or a merc company, but GMT wanted the Corporate Fleet.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. Zalrik

    Zalrik Ensign

    Jan 7, 2016
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    How long does it take for the server to update the object count for a playfield? Since Danube was maxed out I tried completely destroying my small SV so I could spawn a newer model but the server still says max limit. The ship is completely gone but the icon still appears on the planet map.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    That is the problem, everytime someone brings a SV or CV into the planet it adds another core to the list. But it should be in effect right now. We may have to add a moon to the system.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Yes, many lessons were learned yesterday.

    - I had posted the rules out, multiple times, but nobody read them and many people on the server don't come here to the forums.
    - I screamed in chat multiple times for GMT to go defend GMT-2 after the objective in GMT-1 had been retrieved. I guess you guys were using faction chat.
    - With a little more advance notice of GMT being Blue's opponent and not Red, we could have made sure Slam understood exactly what he needed to observe and he could have done a fine job as judge rather than just an observer; I couldn't both regroup Blue and regulate the overall gameplay.

    The problem is the game is not very conducive to this sort of organization. In the future I will recommend ideas which are more easily carried out de facto and require little or no regulation compared to yesterday's event. As in, "everyone go to the skirmish zone and fight", rather than "go to this base and do this, then move over here and do that, and then finally go here, and afterwards escape to orbit and warp away safely, all while juggling three rubber balls with your feet". Big tactical milsim operations like what you'd have at an airsoft field are fun and all and can have great impact on narrative roleplay but they are complex, something we're not ready for yet.

    All of these things mean one big thing: We need to be able to make the game client more helpful. We can't let instructions and orders be drowned out in the game's chat system, and we need a better way to disseminate rules and restrictions (ie no SVs in a ground-only fight).
    Also, it would be more helpful if the judge had an interface to help inform the combatants and monitor the situation.
    And that means mods, mods which can be made but not at this stage of core game development.
  17. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    I didn't hear you because there was a HV stuck in the ground next to the base giving everyone there internal exception errors and crashes. Like I was repeatedly saying in global, but likely wasn't making it because we were chat bugged as well.

    We're still trying to over complicate things. Most of the server events are 3v3, and yesterday would have started off a 2v2. That is a huge difference from the 5v5's we use to have. The reason why is we try to over complicate. We tell them to be there at 3 and then they wait till 330 in a holding pattern waiting on us. I know yesterday was my monkey wrench, but I don't see why we still waited so long. This is a common occurrence at every event we have had. We need to also stop leaving people out. BTW, has anyone seen Yolo? Everything yesterday could have been accomplished with a simple objective and winning metric without a ref. From my experience, careful with ground combat, its entirely too buggy.

    Here is an example scenario. GMT is paying their tax to RGC. They delivery ship must jump into a PvP orbit and remain there for 30min to 1hour. That is literally it. We roleplay out the story, and set our own goals for that objective. Balance so its not 1 v 10, Red may decide to support GMT's shipment, or may try to pirate it. Will Blue attack it under their own colors or a pirate flag? Objectives are simple capture / destroy / outlast the pursuers. It starts at X:XX when the ship jumps in and ends when the ship jumps at X:XX, have your teams ready, CVs or SVs. We are just setting up pitched battles, when we should be just having fun. There needs to be no pause in the battle unless its over or we have a bug, people can easily come to the event if they come late, make it welcome to anyone on the server not just us three. We don't need to change colors (I can see it only being needed for base use), as one side may even betray the other or move to take the prize for themselves. It may even help to give our factions a little more personality.
  18. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I like this scenario. It's plausible, repeatable, and has a very open-ended outcome.

    Another scenario idea I've had in the past was making a public announcement regarding a "shakedown" cruise for a new Warship, with a list of locations and times it will arrive, so that the other factions know to "not interrupt the cruise" and "avoid" those areas at those times *wink wink*.

    Like the scenario WarMachine proposed, it's a plausible event (could really happen in the universe as it is), repeatable (with different variables to keep it interesting) and open-ended (will you seek to capture the ship to hold as ransom? or reverse engineer it to find their secrets? maybe just seek to deal a bunch of damage and bail out? or hit the warp core or thrusters with one wave, then send a boarding party while they flounder about? the choice is yours). At the same time, the defenders have options... is it really just a shakedown cruise, or is it a set-up for an ambush? Will the ship be traveling alone or with an escort? Etc. etc.

    I'll be working on making a list of possible scenarios we can use for PvP, but I think the GMT delivery ship is a good scenario to start with, since it falls perfectly into the current RP state.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
  19. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Holy wow this musta been a hell of a Weekend... for me to miss out on... :(

    With that said, I feel pride in my GMT pals that we're kicking Red & Blue's ass at Teamwork, & that my efforts, as best as i've been able to manage thus far, is a direct contribution to this! ^_^ I MUST get that Mining HV Built & Mine up a storm to work on keeping this Lead up! :D

    Also need to get myself a bit more useful to eventually get powered up enough to be able to Merc it up at all when I ever get a chance to. Could be fun to get paid to hit & run stuff from time to time or such. > : D

    I like your ideas on this. :)

    Maybe we can call this an "Alpha Run" which gave us good Data with which to improve on in prep for Red vs Blue eventually getting to Game Full Release. :D

    I have Skype, but I can't often use it partially cause I don't often have a chance to use it without it being disturbing to my Mom I care for & partially cause I can't even get to use both Ear Pieces to listen with or it'd be too easy to fail to hear Mom calling me away from my gaming to care for her. :(

    Does this mean I need to start Mining up a Storm for Crushed Rock to build this Moon with? :p

    The Chat System itself sucks & needs a Overhaul. I hope it's on the Dev Radar for the future. :/ (Lost count of how many times I hit a Chat Button, think a moment how I wanna say what I wanna say, start typing it in, & have that fat finger Controls instead of Type Chat cause the Chat Function had timed out & Auto-Closed. :mad:)

    I like the sound of this! Quit thinking like Knights & start thinking like Warriors! :D (Knights are all idiots anyway. Steel is more flexible then their minds. :p)

    Oh hell yeah! This sounds cool too! We're Space People, not Sports Teams! This fits our Server much better! :D
    WarMachine and Slam Jones like this.
  20. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Oh thank god, its finally here, I've been waiting for something like this to be organized. Thank you so much :p
    Easier to talk than to type for me, because i have a button dedicated for TS lol and boy do i use it

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