Experience Points, Player Level Progression and Tech Trees

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. Ronin

    Ronin Ensign

    Sep 14, 2015
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    To be honest i do like the current tech tree but i suggest making the research station deco object the tech tree research and analysis station (like opening up the tech tree from inventory.... Xp then gets transformed to research points instead of Xp, and research points(RP) are only given for new discoveries... so the first time u pick up a plant... a load of RP... then you research the plant and then the first time u use is as part of a (suggested?) solution u get another mass of RP... this mimics the discovery of uses for any material...

    The research and analysis station from which even discivered blueprints of alien origin can be analysed and suggested recombinants based on ur tech :) allowing you to ADAPT the tech to your use.

    Basically following the premise that u have crash landed on an alien planet AND thet you dont know anything about the local flora or fauna..

    This could result in gameplay where oveflying for instance an ore sight with say zascosium, because say zascosium been one of the rarer ores the player would have to research its properties which we then find out lends itself to the construction of flux coils wWHICH back in our galaxy where actually created using another type of exotic allow which u havnt found the componenets for in this galaxy..
    Flermpick and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Agreed, though to be fair the current System is already most likely a placeholder band aid fix till they get to work on a actual REAL System. :)

    There may come a time when the XP System may be outright discarded in favor of Researching stuff to get Upgrades. :) (Or XP might get transferred to a new job, like boosting the Player Attributes or such along a chosen Player Model, like Warrior/Commando, Botanist, Scientist, Tech Nerd, etc., with different Stat Growths & Starter Attributes & such.)
    Irvash and =TCR= Big_Red like this.
  3. Nick

    Nick Commander

    Dec 20, 2014
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    Oh absolutely. I don't judge the game harshly for this and as most of us would know, there is the hack to let us get around for it now. Though last time I tried it it was stripping all colour from my character.

    But I think there's a fairly clean divide between those who prefer a purely organic form of progression (eg. build base > mine > build sv > build cv > visit other planets to mine 'advanced ores' > build advanced tech) to those who like numeric progression systems (xp, skill levels etc. etc.). Even if the devs radically improve the levelling system I'm fairly certain I'd still be happier without it. I used to really enjoy 7 days to die back in the early days but can't be bothered with it since they added numeric character progression. My now outdated steam review for it specifically mentions the lack of it as a big positive.

    So immediate or long-term I think giving us the choice is the best option.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Agreed. When in doubt, more options are better. :)

    Perhaps more then one System could get Developed then the Options Screen could let a person choose which one's used in SP Games, & the Leveling System chosen on MP Servers could be part of the MP Server Config.
    Nick likes this.
  5. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    The XP, levels, and unlock points can be bypassed with console commands.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Trendane

    Trendane Lieutenant

    May 3, 2016
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    By and large, the Tech Tree feels pretty solid as it is, but there are a few things I wouldn't mind seeing added to broaden gameplay a little bit.

    • Scanners (This would definitely give a use to the Deco Radar Dish)
      • Life Signs/Resources (start with a handheld scanner in your escape pod inventory and early unlock for constructing one) Limited range (100m)

      • Energy Signatures (Unlockable about the time you're building your first Vehicle)

      • Structures (Unlockable about the time you're building your first Vehicle)

      • Meteorites (Unlockable about the time you're building your first Vehicle)

      • Scanner Relays
        • Set on high ground to eliminate 'radar shadow' (if such a thing is intended) and to more easily track incoming meteorites

        • Sends data back to any, linked scanner display within range (This could give a use to the Decorative Console item)
    • Drones
      • Sentry drones install on Bases only

      • Harvesting/Salvage drones on Small/Capital vessels only (these would be required to return to base to empty their inventory/refuel and their range would be impacted by their fuel stores and the amount of mass they're hauling (some PvP elements could be created here with capturing/destroying drones and taking their cargo). Extremely limited efficiency in an environment with gravity)

      • Repurposed Drones : Farther down the Tech Tree could be an unlock for repurposing/reprogramming captured enemy drones (once an enemy's core has been destroyed, any remaining drones would deactivate and could be claimed).
    Zedd, Zalrik and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  7. Kannen2711

    Kannen2711 Lieutenant

    May 16, 2016
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    As of 1.5.4 I actually felt like I leveled up too quickly or at least the last 10 levels. I definitely hope you guys add some kind of progression tree for your character's stats.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    The current system is a band aid fix till they get to Designing, Coding, & Implementing the REAL System for this. Might be awhile though.
    Kannen2711 likes this.
  9. Kannen2711

    Kannen2711 Lieutenant

    May 16, 2016
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    It isn't bad for an interim system. I look forward to seeing how they change it.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. Fizicks

    Fizicks Lieutenant

    May 18, 2016
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    I wouldn't mind a two pronged approach. Start with levels like it is now and carry that up to level 10 or just long enough 'till you know what you're doing. Add in some clues on how to further progress your tech tree such that it would be beneficial to choose what technology you want to follow down. In the beginning games, you might shy away from hardcore pvp trees, etc.
    Just some ideas of different tech trees would be:
    1. Strong damage resistance building materials for ship hulls, etc. (pvp)
    2. More towards energy based weapons and shields, (pvp)
    3. More towards a fleet of ships (think captain) where it would become easier to fly multiple ships, CV docking, etc (yes, I suggest CV docking be a locked trait accessible to one tech tree, but also think you can level all tech trees given the right amount of time)
    4. Scanning and exploration technology (must have dedicated ship)
    5. Mining and reclamation technology (must have dedicated ship) for tearing down defeated ships and bases for raw materials and searching out new materials.
    6. fabrication tech tree for blueprints, large scale/automated repairs (I envision this as a small tech tree that most everyone would supplement into their larger dedicated tech tree)
    7. defender tech tree for drones, better turrets, etc. (can send drones on patrol missions on planets or in space) Need to defend a trade route between you and an alien npc base? (diplomacy is another idea)

    multiple variations of these classes would be better or worse for pvp, pve, or building, collecting/mining, and exploration. You wouldn't be limited to just one tech tree. I would prefer a hunt for the technology instead of just checking a button but at the same time, you shouldn't be able to, for instance, get laser turrets without fusion power, etc. There should be a progression.
  11. Brenden

    Brenden Ensign

    May 25, 2016
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    When I first started to play it was real easy to think that the level up system is easily forgot about. I didn't upgrade my rifle till level 10 and it opened at level 6. When I play most games I am excited to level up because I get new and exciting things. I have had more fun building stuff and I leveled so fast I had everything unlocked. The starter constructor was tedious to say the least and it got better when I got the large constructor and advanced. I wish there was more in the leveling to make you want to level. I think having just one main brick to do all the structures was hard for me to figure out. Take Ark for example the ability to get structure items makes it harder and more team based because you cant unlock everything. I really want this game to become more popular because the more I played the better it got and once I started making solar systems that's really when the game opened up for me. I think that the game lacks in a lot of aspects that could be improved. (I do love the game though but trying to be honest here) The most fun I have had is when the server I admin on changed the world and used Warp fuel as a trade currency to add a system. The game is awesome to build but at the same time I take more time fighting the rotation's and changing the piece to what I really need, then I need to color it, and then I need to add a texture .. I am sure that you can see where that is going. I have never played creative because all the fun servers are better with PvP and more so with more players. The only other thing that I can think of is the combat really needs worked on. I don't even feel like fighting anything in the game because even in a **** battle pieces just disappear nothing really to it and there is no collision on players and npc's so they attack and walk through me. I feel the battle system could use some tweaking. Hopefully all this information might help you guys. I really want to see this game SOAR as I feel its a game that I would love to play everyday and the work your team has been doing has been noticed since day 1 that I purchased it.
    Tyrax Lightning and Flermpick like this.
  12. Fizicks

    Fizicks Lieutenant

    May 18, 2016
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. EkkiThump

    EkkiThump Lieutenant

    Jun 18, 2016
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    On my current game, the levelling system only mattered when I found a suitable building site for my base almost immediately, and hadn't explored enough to hit Level 3 when it was time to craft the assault rifle. You can reliably hit the level cap before even clearing Akua. In its current form, the tech tree might as well not be there; materials, especially Erestrium and Zascosium for power coils, are the progression bottleneck I've been encountering.

    Simply slowing things down wouldn't be the right move, though. I don't think it would be to the game's benefit that players who'd cleared the POI's on Akua and its moon, then had to run around picking corn dogs (or whatever) to unlock the capital ship bits they wanted.

    I'd suggest removing the tech tree and linking XP to some kind of skill system instead. It ties into my other feeling, that the survival aspect of the game is sadly about the same as Minecraft's "survival" mode. As in, you get the bare basics in place in your first hour or two, and from then on the only danger you encounter is whatever you deliberately go and stick your face into. As features roll out and evolve, and bare survival hopefully becomes more of an issue, I'd like to see XP linked more to character-progression "perk" stuff than to tech unlocks; progressive nice-to-haves like hunger decay, power-efficiency modifiers on crafted items, perhaps extra range on the builder drone or an extra second of jetpack time.
  14. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Other cool stuff to be able to Perk to would be 'Zen Breathing' for avoiding Oxygen-wasting things to do like Panicking & such to consume Oxygen slower or at least avoid increased Oxygen Consumption in dangerous situations like how a Civilian might, Training at Weapon Reloading to get really efficient at it & Reload Weapons faster then normal, Strengthen your Athleticness to Run & Jump a bit faster, higher, & farther, Train in Pain Tolerance to make your actions harder to Interrupt... Much can be done here. :)
    Cavadus and EkkiThump like this.
  15. EkkiThump

    EkkiThump Lieutenant

    Jun 18, 2016
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    My thoughts exactly. Anything that feels like meaningful progression for your avatar, without being an artificial gate that blocks off parts of the game until you hit your corn dog picking quota.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. g0tg0t6

    g0tg0t6 Ensign

    Jun 9, 2016
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    Is true
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Fizicks

    Fizicks Lieutenant

    May 18, 2016
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    I've probably spent way to much time on this suggestion but here goes.
    Just to clarify, The idea I have is a solution to the proposed (and requested) technology trees that Empyrion will implement. My suggestion focuses on a 'research' based technology acquisition VS a leveling type system. This would essentially give you the main items you're already familiar with plus a Research tool that you could use to scan anything (literally anything) to add it to your knowledge base. This includes new textures, symbols, clothing, suits, communications, aliens, animals, plants and every various form of technology. The original idea focuses on assigning each 'technology tree' with a 'civilization'. By progressing through that civilization's technology (i.e: could not research a higher technology until you researched all the prerequisites for it) you could master everything that civilization had to offer and then use this advanced technology to (1) master it further by skilling up in it's proficiency over time/usage (2) conquer other higher, more desirable forms of technology (3) combine technology with an already known technology for interesting results (i.e. teleporting nuclear bombs, creating a massive, nearly indestructable Capital Ship, or operating like a pirate completely in stealth mode)

    So, I spent a lot of time and created a technology tree that could be used with my research idea OR with a leveling based system if that was desired. Either way, here's my advanced technology tree suggestion:

    PS. I could not upload an Excel File which goes a little more in depth :) Technology Tree Pt1.jpg Technology Tree Pt2.jpg
  18. Cavadus

    Cavadus Commander

    May 11, 2016
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    Remove the entire tech tree as it stands. Gating crafting is lame since geography naturally gates it anyways.

    Instead, institute an attribute and perk system like Fallout has or something. Put the advancement in the character. Make it all little stuff like faster rifle reloading, consume less oxygen in space, pull ore faster when drilling, et cetera.

    Make it small and fun.
  19. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I'd love to be able to train in Kung Fu & beat the hell outta Monsters big & small, be able to get healthier, stronger, be able to Reload my Epic Minigun & Epic Plasma Cannon faster, & train to eventually be able to achieve seemingly superhuman Pain Tolerance. :)

    Oh, & maybe just for cool points also train my Character in how to speak Klingon... or one of the Alien Languages that's actually native to this Realm. :p (If any Alien Race that ends up in this game is or is in the rough ballpark of a Dragon Race, i'd wanna learn how to speak their Language. If no Dragon or Dragon-like Race ends up in-game, maybe I could learn the Language of an Electric Themed Alien Race. :D)
    Cavadus and EkkiThump like this.
  20. Dietrich

    Dietrich Commander

    Apr 19, 2016
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    I like the tech tree, but I'd like to see it as more of a research system and not be somewhat arbitrary in the unlocks.

    I would love to see this. XP should equate to more of an RPG feel, and these suggestions lend to that. Faster movement, higher jumping, faster reloading, more damage with (hopefully introduced at some point) melee weapons (not just the chainsaw), more accuracy in aiming (maybe introduce wavering while zoom-in aiming that lessens with skill), increased health, stamina, damage reduction (this could also apply to resisting food poisoning, alien parasites, recovering from an open wound).

    From a programmatic standpoint, these are not large tasks to tackle. I'd be curious to see if there are any barriers Eleon has put in place that would inherently make adding something like this difficult. It would seem to be simply facets of the player-character that could be 'upgraded.'


    This thread is old, and extremely long. I have not read through even a fraction of the posts. My apologies if I'm just echoing ideas.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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