What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. G.Metzel

    G.Metzel Commander

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hmh...works only if i remove all hover engines.

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    What works?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. G.Metzel

    G.Metzel Commander

    Jan 22, 2016
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    My "flying" HV . I know there is no new information.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. wrenchinator

    wrenchinator Commander

    Jan 6, 2016
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    The continuing "adventures" of COP on Event Horizon server. Having established ourselves in a rather large and well defended complex on Akua (PVP zone) we tried to move to the moon only to discover it was also PVP. We learned this the hard way when a base opened up on us. Had we been in the standard WVW-Dragonfly that would have been it for us, luckily Motokid402 had seen the light earlier and modified the original ship to a new specification. I encouraged him to publish it and you can find it in his workshop under Black-Stallion. I mention this because sometimes a ship build matters, and while he loves the ship, I designed it to look like the helicopters from M*A*S*H, very unsuited to hostile factions and POI's. His version is more like a Huey Cobra and it turns out it is very well suited to hostile environments. Anyway he gets more MP play time than me due to the internet issues I have, but usually I'll pilot while he rides and jumps out to raid if I am online. So we cruise the moon looking for resources and we find some, we mine, we gather blue crystals (which never loaded on my front end). As I am lifting off from a crystal field I see the tiniest little dot off in the distance moving right to left and heading for a mountain range. I call it out to Moto, but his laptop wont produce the kind of image my rig can and he sees nothing, luckily I am the pilot. I fly an intercept course coming over the ridge just where I think the ship will be but we lose the target. We begin to search the area coming across a couple dead POI's. The first one is looted but the infrastructure is still in place, a sure sign of someone setting up a base in our view. We loot the genny's and tanks, and leave to search the other one we spot. This is one been completely looted. As we board the Stallion Moto calls out a ship lading at the other POI. We zoom over spotlights blazing and hover over the ship. I see a flash of bright color moving and let loose a 3 pack of rockets Moto has wisely installed on the Stallion. The ship (later id'd as a Gnat) exploded impressively, I then let off another salvo or two at the player and lost sight of him in the blasts. The faction online at the time also had two members online and I assumed that they were together. Rather than try and kill them we just moved on and kept mining, leaving them to stew. After a time mining we decided to go offer a ride back to Akua, and returned to the base, but then we saw a message that a single player had left the moon. We were impressed that like us, they had the means to extricate themselves from possible doom.

    As we entered space and headed home we noticed that Thermica Station had a couple of dots orbiting it. We decided to investigate the station and as we closed in, moving in as many planes as we could we noted that nothing fired on us, and the station was owned by the same guys whose ship we had just blasted into pieces. We entered the station and took it over. We couldn't arm it up as we had not intended to be here and we not prepped with ammo. So we exit, and I let off 2 or 3 rocket salvo's at the CV floating 200m away. It exploded impressively, living up to it's name: Wanna be CV. I then noticed that there was some sort of build in progress, the warp core was clearly visable, I let loose another salvo and once again the ship was toast. We didn't bother to loot anything and we headed back to Akua.

    Upon arrival in Akua we saw an escape pod enter and someone named RAINMAN began scouring the planet for stuff, interestingly or unfortunately one of the first things he did was take over a base belonging to the same faction that had just lost Thermica. But RAINMAN moved on and started up his own place in the end. Just prior however, I had noticed him and began to fly toward him, we met atop a large mountain overlooking the base he was soon to grab. I hovered there guns pointing to his right while his .50 cal was surely pointed at my cockpit. I said hello and he replied in kind, then gave his approval of our bird. At this point the faction member who had been on the moon, gave out a salutation, to which I replied also. He then opened up a conversation about the incident on the moon by asking if any of his bullets had hit home. I had to reply in the affirmative as we had heard pings on the egress. He let me know he had lost 2 ships in under 5 minutes. I told him that was the least of his problems because we had come across Thermica and he had lost that and 2 more ships. At this there was silence, for some time. RAINMAN, although experienced, was new to MP and had become slightly nervous I think, he asked about MP and what is was about etc. We had other fish to fry and did not answer RM right away. We had a ship to prepare.

    We returned to base and loaded up the factory, dropping the build time of the WVW-Traveler in half, and waited. We hunted for meat. After a while we saw that RM had built his own base. Moto and I discussed our options and decided to try and help out RM and show him what exactly MP is all about, which in our view is Factions and other people. I contacted him on Global and told him we were on the way to pay him a visit. Upon arrival at his base we oddly took some fire, but being COP and completely unpredicable we just ignored it and landed the Black-Stallion outside his well hidden door. The firing had ceased by that time, we hopped out and, weaponed up just in case and headed to his entrance, there a nice hole to jump through he pointed out. We looked at each other and shrugged, Moto carries epic weapons. We jumped in and had some de ja vu, we met one Spry Havoc under similiar circumstances, 3 of us standing there, armed up nicely. Anyway, we offer to take RM with us to space (the ship can accomodate 3 persons) and spawn the CV, we will take him to the rare ores, the extra gun or drill always comes in handy. We offer to give him a share and let him come back home. Sure we would like him to join us rather than some other faction and be killed by us later, but the point was to answer his question on MP vs. SP. He declined, we tried to pursuade him but he was unswayed. Moto, being moto, wanted to kill him, but I reminded him of Spry and how that turned out. No reason to make the unaffiliated an enemy in my view. So we left RM but I told him that he was missing out on the MP experience, that by declining our invitation he was essentially playing SP in a PVP MP enviornment. Which is true in my view.

    Off to space we went, first grabbing estreum, the WVW-Traveler and Black-Stallion perfomred well, although I noted a serious lack of available power in the Traveler in the heavier gravity. I'll have to change out the small genny for a larger one it appears. I cleared the area of drones then moto set down the CV so it could clear out the wildlife while we gathered serious amounts of the green ore. We moved on to Zacosium land and ran into more serious trouble. We usually dont make logistical mistakes, but changing over to a ship I never ran out of ammo in to one that I was constantly fighting in took its toll on the ammo stores. We ran out and all the magnesium was stored elsewhere. We were overran by drones and wildlife before we could regroup. Moto died and could not get an option to return. I managed to get the Stallion docked and the Traveler level and hovering without dying. Soon the drones had succumed to the turrets. I left the playfield, which allowed Moto the option to return, I re entered and picked him up. Time to leave, and we had no ore. As we exited the planet there was a message about the other factions member entering, they apparently had the same idea, or had found out where we had went (oh RAINMAN, we will be by again). Moto suddenly was lost, he said "Hey man check this out, I teleported or something" Turns out had had been snatched from our ship and was now inside the enemy factions ship. "What should I do?" he asked. The obvious answer struck me like lightening. "Take out the core." Moto blasted through doors looking for the core. I can only imagine the god like powers these guys must now have subscribed to us, they lost a base, 3 ships, and now just like a scene from Faster Than Light, they had a boarder. Now Moto is a superior FPS kind of guy, and he was a real threat to everyone inside that ship. However, they did manage to kill him first, which frankly surprised the heck out of me. They had just acquired a serious amount of epic weaponry. They were incredulus about how Moto had managed to stow away on their ship, we clarified the bug situation but who knows what they believe.

    We returned to Akua and regrouped, eventually we were contacted by the other faction seeking to join us in return for the backpack contents. They wanted to operate as separate entity, pursuing their own goals. More vassal than member and with a single payment of one backpack. Not a good deal, a bad deal, really bad, just terrible. In the end they just wanted to be left alone, they just like to build they said. It all sounds so reasonable but I was once again left with the impression that they wanted a SP experience on a PVP MP server, and that somehow, we were ruining the experience for them. I got that impression by the names one member chose to call use a couple times. So we offered them a truce of sorts, we will just leave them alone. They are to leave the contents of the BP on Thermica for Moto. I predict that in the future however, we may have to deal with the powerhouse who once just cried out that all they wanted to do was build in peace...
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Wow, that looks creepy... is it supposed to kinda look like a huge incomplete Syringe...? o_O
    futontorpedo likes this.
  6. Parakiet

    Parakiet Commander

    Jun 5, 2016
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    I just put scaffolding around my small small vehicle.
    After my first trip to the moon it is time for some upgrades and add ons :)
  7. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    So I made a trip to space tonight and came back to find All the trees gone. Its like some old Sci-Fi movie, lol.

    Tyrax Lightning and Parakiet like this.
  8. Parakiet

    Parakiet Commander

    Jun 5, 2016
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    Same problem here. Got a bug report first.
  9. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Started working on main elevator and ventilation shaft of my orbital station:
    Orbital_Base_2016-06-06_17-03-06.png Orbital_Base_2016-06-06_17-20-42.png Orbital_Base_2016-06-06_17-20-31.png Orbital_Base_2016-06-06_17-21-07.png
    Tyrax Lightning, Krenios and Baneus like this.
  10. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Clear your cache. Usually does it for me :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    This is 1.6 ;)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Syrus

    Syrus Captain

    Oct 17, 2015
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    I finished my base on Masperon, It's huge and looks cool but I have reverted back to a backup save before I started construction because it's that big I can't run from one end to the other without running out of stamina 3/4 of the way!

    Oh well, was a fun project but it's back to the drawing board.
  13. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I have so many abandoned hulls in my Shipyard save that I think I'm going to delete it and start again.

    Does anyone build the rooms and corridors for their CVs and then build the hull afterwards? How did that work out?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. icky

    icky Lieutenant

    May 15, 2016
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    started on a new multiplayer server with the plan to just make a ton of AR ammo and take over a POI right off the bat and have that be my first base. so i mine a bunch of mag, make some ammo, and get ready to go. i noticed on the map that the couple nearby waypoints didnt have names. like, no name popped up when i moused over the poi icon. so i walked over to it and there was just a giant hole in the ground where i assume there would be a base. emp missing base.jpg
    and i dont think it was just someone had raided them then tore them down. i walked around and discovered two points on my own and there was nothing there. so that was a waste of time :( the server is StratisDeathSquad fyi.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. 68plex

    68plex Captain

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Thx. Got em all done and published. I'm especially proud of the SV - Noir Cruiser, and my CV - CCV Vellumcore. Find them as recent posts in the workshop.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Progress update on orbital base - started working on hangar bays for small ships:
    Orbital_Base_2016-06-07_20-13-20.png Orbital_Base_2016-06-07_20-12-57.png Orbital_Base_2016-06-07_20-12-46.png Orbital_Base_2016-06-07_20-12-38.png
    Krenios, Bigfeet and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ahh, ok. Many thanks for the Clarification. :)

    Why would Stamina Drain be a problem inside a safe place?

    I do & it's the only way I can go cause I literally CAN'T eyeball how much Internal Space i'll need for my CV as I begin it so I totally have to build it from the inside out or stand no chance of succeeding at getting the CV Built at all. My Thrusters & Engine areas of my CV I just finished were literally the last part of my CV I built to get the Building part of it about done.

    That Server mighta Disabled POIs outright.

    I have finally defeated the last of the Danube Greater Ore Veins on the Red vs Blue Server. The GMTs now have more Sathium then we'll ever need... so naturally when I managed to Recruit a new Member to our Clan, he sets about going to Mine up Sathium Meteors. XD
  18. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Sathium has soooo little use. WHY?
    Flermpick and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  19. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Funny ya mention that, my Tyrax Dragon Transport needs over 4,000 Bars of it. A tad cause of the Warp Engine, but most for all the tons of CV Thrusters. :p
  20. Neonin

    Neonin Captain

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Started working on my next CV, a corvette-level ship designed for some anti-CV combat (front weapons) along with anti-fighter defense for the fleet. This one is a mix of an old SE design plus design refinements to make it more visually similar in style to my last CV:


    It does stop where that first light is visible at the rear, I just haven't continued my checkered pattern on my construction platform yet :p
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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