I'm sure someone here who has more experience with the Nitrado servers will chime in. I've not used them personally, so there may be some sort of caching or different method they reference a yaml on DS Boot.
I do not think caching has anything to do with it. In the log I can see something like "file dedicated.yaml changed" "server restarted" At least after the server restart the new config should be read in and used by the server. There is not sign of any caching and there are no caching settings. Edit: Server version is shown as: Version: Alpha 2.3.0
Can you use telnet to the EGS DS? If so, the first lines it spits out when you login should match what you had in the config for game type and seed. It wont show the difficulty settings though unfortunately. However as my experience has been, no drones (or wildlife) should exist in "Creative" mode... unless what I'm getting is the reverse bug, when those things SHOULD exist but are not! LOL!
When I telnet into the server the game mode is shown as "Creative" If I use the command "difficulties" I get this: Code: difficulties DiffEscapePodContent: 1 DiffPlayerProgression: 1 DiffAmountOfOre: 1 DiffNumberOfDeposits: 1 DiffDroneBaseAttack: 1 DiffDronePresence: 1 DiffEnemySpawnRate: 1 DiffAttackStrength: 1 DiffConstrCraftTime: 1 DiffBpProdTime: 1 If this is a boolean value I would think that the config is ignored
In the wiki it is stated that the mode value is not "creative" and "survival" but "1" and "2". In my config I see the value "creative" instead of "2". Is the documentation in the wiki correct or outdated? See: http://empyrion.gamepedia.com/Dedicated_Server_Setup
Oh yes, ignore the wiki lol. SOOO OLD. Use the original yaml that was shipped with the 2.3.0 update we got, and edit it according to its comments. There are no number values for settings except the seed number, and ports. Edit: Oh, and the values listed in telnet are the numerical value for the settings. For example many of my settings are "2" for hardest for that directive. 1 is normal, 0 should be easy. I would guess off for drones would be 3. Code: # --- Difficulty settings --- DiffEscapePodContent: Hard # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Determines the content of the Escape Pod when you crash land on the planet DiffPlayerProgression: Slower # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall player progression speed by earning more or less XP DiffAmountOfOre: Poor # Rich, Normal, Poor --- Influences the average amount of ore that a deposit contains DiffNumberOfDeposits: Few # Plenty, Normal, Few --- Influences the average number of deposits per planet DiffDroneBaseAttack: Hard # Easy, Medium, Hard, Off --- Influences the difficulty of the drone base attacks (infinite waves, number of waves etc.) DiffDronePresence: High # Low, Normal, High, Off --- Influences the overall number of drones that are present on a planet # DiffEnemySpawnRate: Normal # Low, Normal, High --- Influences the spawn rate of enemy NPCs on a planet # DiffAttackStrength: Medium # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Influences the overall difficulty when attacking enemies # DiffConstrCraftTime: Normal # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall craft speed of constructors DiffBpProdTime: Slower # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall production speed of the blueprint factory
Can anybody tell me why I cannot see the new T3 fuel tanks and generator on my server? I updated server and client to Alpha 2.3.0 0521. When i start a single-player in creative mode I can choose it, but how can I construct them in Multiplayer? My Advanced Constructor don't have this! regards
Have you unlocked the items in your tech tree? Are you sure you unlocked the items in your tech tree? Are you absolutely positive?
Hello everyone. I am writing again, before he wrote in another topic. Yesterday I was playing on my dedicated server, then the update came out.. I've updated the game, tried to start the server and now have just such a problem (screenshot attached). The address in the error box, different each time. What I tried to do: 1) partially removed and loaded on a new server, some files, 2) to reinstall the game (twice), 3) clean the registry roots of the game, 4) Rebooted the computer many times, 5) I Tried dedikated.yaml customize and run with it, 6) Tried to start with a clean (default) yaml, Of course none of this helped. P.S. In the log directory there are no files associated with the server. Only the client logs in them no problem.
So, I have a quick clarification question. I haven't found a concrete answer on any of the forms thus far. What is the hierarchy of server administration? Admin > Moderator > Game Master? What different actions and permissions to each level have? Thanks!
Hello, I have the same issues as levshagor few posts up: http://empyriononline.com/threads/troubleshooting.3358/page-23#post-63862 Completely new server, just downloaded via Steam and validated files.
Got this working, had to set empyrion.exe to compatibilty mode for Windows 7 and no erros and playfields started loading up.