
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Cavadus

    Cavadus Commander

    May 11, 2016
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    Yeah, I'm kinda doubting that. They spend an alarming amount of time tweaking and refining "placeholder" assets and mechanics.
    medicineman and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Those might be Tactical Experiments... & we're the Guinea Pigs. :p
  3. Khyber

    Khyber Lieutenant

    Jul 11, 2016
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    Anyone else feel looting POI gets useless pretty quick? Once you get off the starting planet you can go to the different planets for the rare ores, and get them in much larger quantities than you can from raiding POI's. I do like the epic hand-weapons you can get, but generally you don't use hand weapons that much once you have a full fleet of ships (so again, POI raiding on the starting planet is fun and advantageous but not after you've gotten established). Is it possible to add epic version of ship components? Finding a few epic combat steel blocks, or a epic plasma turret could mean it would always be worth it to raid a POI on the off-chance you get an upgrade to your ship. However, epic ship parts should not ever be craftable, nor should they spawn in with blueprints (I'd say when being blueprinted you could replace the block with the "normal" counterpart, so next time the ship is spawned via factory it still works the same, just at the reduced "normal" effectiveness. Plus, with epic ship components it adds an extra layer of thought when making/modifying a ship, only have 20 epic combat steel...which part of the ship is most important to protect, Epic turrets would be more damage maybe...but adds the added "danger" of if you get in a scrap and the turret is destroy, you can't replace it (you'd have to go back to being "normal"). All of this I think adds more to the gameplay and extends the "life" of the game.

    Side note: Epic versions shouldn't be so strong that it's an auto-win in pvp, an advantage sure, but not to the point that new players couldn't take down a player tricked out with epics with a bit of good planning/strategy
    medicineman likes this.
  4. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Oh dear.

    If they adjust epic weapons (aka NERF) for pvp and ruin their fun in pve... well, there you go. A reason why pvp 'balance' always kills the fun everyone else has.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Khyber

    Khyber Lieutenant

    Jul 11, 2016
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    Not saying Nerf for Pvp, the current "epic" handweapons I don't feel are unbalance compared to the normal weapons but it still is nice having them and they do make a difference, don't see any reason why ship weapons wouldn't be able to fall in the same catergory (though to be honest, I'd rather see epic thrusters which are more fuel and/or space efficient, epic armor to strategically reinforce sections of the ship, epic constructors that produce goods faster, epic grow plots that allows plants to grow faster. Heck even unique deco items could be something fun to get and search for, 1/2 the fun of the game is coming up with unique designs and making your base/ship/home look cool and unique, so rare decorations that can give a base that unique touch would be nice.
  6. angelight85

    angelight85 Lieutenant

    Oct 27, 2015
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    In regards to the Blueprint system (still waiting to see a factory building mentioned as being needed before using rather than insert X material wait Y time then spawn, kind of breaks immersion to be honest. I know I know it is only in Alpha 2 going on 3, just saying would be nice to have it mentioned somewhere as coming) Would be nice to see in the information section what armaments (if any) are installed, passenger seats etc...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    This has been something that has been bothering me from a realism standpoint.

    Thruster damage, I do not find it realistic that you can stand in front of an operational thruster, in the flames, and not take any damage.

    Similarly, I have seen multiple blueprints in the workshop that have thrusters pointing directly into other blocks, still providing thrust (even though they are completely blocked off), and not melting through the obstructing block.

    By my thinking, there is only one block that should be immune to thruster damage.
    Shutter window blocks, but only when they are correctly placed.
    I will add a screenshot to show what I mean.

    Attached Files:

    Tyrax Lightning and Khyber like this.
  8. angelight85

    angelight85 Lieutenant

    Oct 27, 2015
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    The devs have stated that they will be making it that thrusters will need clear line (for like 3 blocks or something so it can still be kind blocked in) in front of them otherwise they will destroy that block/s that are in the way. Also I do like the player damage idea, would make it more interesting to work around active vessels.
    Tyrax Lightning and Frigidman like this.
  9. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Some other suggestions while I'm thinking about it.

    1. Give the player a multitool after they crash and make the escape pod salvageable/scrapable.
    In a survival situation anything is a resource. Being able to convert the escape pod to a HV/ SV would be interesting.

    2. Be able to convert HV to SV's and back again.
    Mostly because I sometimes make something I think would also make a nice SV/HV and do not want to build it again from scratch.
    Then again, I will freely admit to being lazy.

    3. Voluntary removal of POI makers after you take out a base of completely salvage a ship.

    4. Convert POI markers to base markers after the player has taken over an alien base.

    5. Make the ship wrecks salvageable instead of a "base".
    (Yes, I experimented by finding a section of the Titan that had thrusters attached and tried to make it fly again.)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. angelight85

    angelight85 Lieutenant

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I use to do this with the intial escape pod we had in pre-alpha, would refit it to be a flyable small vessel since it already was a SV it was just a matter of installing a couple more thrusters to make it fly. But the downside was no reason to build a HV. This way in alpha I feel is much better, but would be nice to convert SV/HV to eachother, with the removal of turrets to go from HV to SV needed before.

    Another unrealated suggestion:
    Would still like to see CV's being limited to space only, and a medium vessel used as a drop ship to move HV's from surface to CV and back.
  11. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Alpha 3.0 Rant

    Better visuals is always nice to have but still some things bother me:

    - hv is still some kind of useless in terms of firepower; forrest movement and the carrying capacity of the hoover engine.
    Unless you do roleplay the bike seems pointless too. Especially movement in dense forrest... Hopefully they're just a work in progress for wheeled vehicles in the future.
    - dense vegetation makes it harder to find a corpse to loot. Would be great to have a visual effect here!

    - living world: the title is misleading because these are visual improvements. "Living" refers more to interaction/responsive action between environment, player and npc's.

    - why hud change? 250m in Space is nothing so i might troll with small satellites you cant track unless its too late.
    - We really fly on sight in space - really?!
    - Weapon range ~1k meters and radar @ 1250m?! Thats a bad Joke. It sounds like hey we're not installing a targeting system we're reducing the chance to have fights because we lower the curtain. Poor decision. It renders the combat system even more useless - and it has been the deal breaker already.
    - another problem which might arise is how to find each other eg. on a rescue mission if there are no structures displayed? Even with these things on the map it was a pain in the ass to visit/find a player. Why we dont get a ui for socialising like visiting/aiding? This renders multiplayer more retarded than it should be.
    - If i dont see the structure - how do i know the planned BA spot isnt already full with a bazillion of bases? Like it happens on multiplayer Akua? So i have to walk now to find out?

    Thats exactly the reason ppl ask if developers play their games or do they just code them. Because some decisions are way to mad to understand.

    - Missions: Most interesting missions are player made/roleplay based eg. infiltration of alien fac. Reading game mags about rpgs is always nice to get an idea what is current state of the art in quest design. And i doubt: "Kill a bee at night" is such a thing. It might be a better choice to help admins/factions to set up interesting missions instead of the good old kill 5 goats and collets 3 plants type of missions. We are way beyond that in 2016 and i'm sick of seeing missions which look like steam achivements. Test your self! Would you praise your kids for hey you put one block on another or killing a bee at night?
    - Why not something more useful like: Hey build a perimeter defence to get rid of plant monsters? Or (if game mechanic would allow it...) Kill this hive here to secure your BA area and prevent predators from spawning.

    UI/Gameplay improvements are more urgent:

    - still no way to produce/refine things in larger quatities without click orgy
    - still no propper docking of cv-cv/sv-sv/sv-hv
    - Targeting system
    - turret commands/bahaviour
    - setting waypoints

    Yea it was not scope of this update but again the pressing issues are elsewhere...
  12. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    @ the radar issue:

    its not only bad for rescue missions its also annoying for moving. After 3.0 server wipe i was a bit lazy and just put the cargo boxes on top of my sv. And - you might guess it - the pois pop up when its way too late to evade. I know some pvp's are quite happy with these things but i just wanted to point out it causes probs elsewhere and still needs an overhaul.
  13. angelight85

    angelight85 Lieutenant

    Oct 27, 2015
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    How about the weapons are nerfed against Players so reduced damaged but in PvE the damage stays the same so 2 different code sets for epic weapons x damage minus armour buff/debuffs vs player and x damage minus damage type buffs/debuffs vs NPC
  14. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    If players find themselves having too much trouble damaging each other, it could become a contest of who runs out of Medkits &/or Ammo first. Not healthy.
  15. Khyber

    Khyber Lieutenant

    Jul 11, 2016
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    I think there is a healthy balance where epic weapons are more effective, but not overpowered in PVP. Really the biggest issue with pvp is the lag, especially if CVs are involved. I don't think anyone has advocated that epic weapons or weapons in general be nerfed to uselessness in pve to balance pvp (if a weapon is useless pve, why would pvp use it either?) Nor do epic weapons have to be so powerful that it's unfair (and more importantly un-fun) to play against. The current epic weapons are certainly not overpowered imo, and yet I still like finding them (well, the ones who's base form i also use, so assault riflt, laser rifle, sniper...even kinda like the epic pistol tbh). I think this whole conversation about nerfing weapons came from my earlier post which was talking about adding epic ship parts to be found in POI's, and i still contend that just like the current epic hand weapons, epic ship parts could be balanced where they are a cool find and give neat bonuses while not making a ship with 5 or 6 epic parts completely unkillable by a stock ship.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    They definitely need to add more stuff/epic loot in the POI's. Ultimately this game needs the loot diversity of a rogue-like. This will appeal to pvp'ers and sp'ers both.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Thane

    Thane Ensign

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Guys, the AI needs some serious fixing. Suggestion:

    Indoors (bases)

    I noticed that they get stuck on bodies, so the difficulty goes down the toilet. Might i suggest to disable the collision models after they died at least in bases? And if you check if you can loot the body based on collision, maybe do it on distance + a few conditions so it doesnt check all the time?

    Also since they bases are corridor like, might add a bounce so they dont stuck near elevators or slopes, when they are many, so they stay together like a pack of zombies, but they dont get stuck in theory.


    Make them spread a little when advancing and check the trigger on firing, i saw many times that they dont fire they just stay idle:p
    Tweak the receive damage animation, its a bit too fast, maybe make them go back a bit or strafe for a few.

    High End Gameplay Single Player:

    You have many POIs, Bases that you can conquer, but once you did that once there is no point to turn back to them. One way to make these bases useful to make high level auto items. Slow robots that mine from bases (think of it like 10 times slower than manual mining). So that way the bases you conquer might have some meaning and you can come back to them for food and ore they generated.

    More Survival, less easy mode. Spawning attacks on bases while the player is not there could also give the player something to do. Also logs with the attacks to know how many and what happend could also work to improve the base. Again high level item lvl 20, robots that autoloot the drones that attack ur base in your absence. More logic to the attacks and factions on planets. Develop certain types of attacks, one that occur when the player is in the base, the other that occur when is not. First one could be more complex and diverse, use transport troops too.

    At the moment farming is a bit useless mid game and its the only activity that makes u go back to a base to get something back and revisit some outpost you made. Unfortunately mid game, you manage to loot so much canned food from aliens, that you dont even need to farm for a while or ever (should remove the food from aliens). Food should be more important since its the only player attribute that requires constant recharging beside oxygen which is easy.

    Too many high resources from bases in Akua. I found most of the high end resources from loot in Akua outpost, i even built my adv Constructor before i left. The only need for more was high end materials maybe and weapons, so thats a no, no. Same with the weapons loot, maybe turn down a little. Also looting large generators in these bases, give you lots of advanced cpus and other mid-high items...that might not be good. I get the feeling that once you finished Akua, and a bit of the sector, beside exploring new planets, and finding new POIs the game kinda ends, and you are only left with the CV construction, thats why we need more meaninfull mid to high end items and progression described above.


    Missions system is great, as a side activity, but it should work better as achievement system. So they all are active all the time, and give the reward when you complete a set. It would require tracking on lots of things but this could work nice in the future.

    Critters are still get stuck on rocks:(

    Hope it helps.

    Hope it helps. Love the game!
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning and medicineman like this.
  18. vinurd

    vinurd Commander

    Mar 9, 2016
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    guys. I found a video with the ore mine and myself went there. That's really cool. more threat of abandoned caves, buildings.
    the game itself is already an adventure. But this mine is a special adventure.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Dull Spoon

    Dull Spoon Lieutenant

    May 18, 2016
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    Please, please do something about the infernal buzzing from alien beehives on Akua! I had to hunt down every hive within 225 meters of my base and destroy it so I didn't have to listen to them any more. That's an insane amount of range for a simple ambient sfx. How about 50 meters?

    Strange that they stay, but all the other resources near my base seem to have disappeared. Part of the reason I build my base at that location was due to all the pretty flowers and large amount of fiber and aloe I could gather right outside my door. But then the flowers and all nearby resources just disappeared even though I was careful not to disrupt the ground near them.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. vinurd

    vinurd Commander

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I do think the territory got bigger.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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