These are amazing, I do have a question though. I add the playfields from the .zip to my C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Playfields folder so it looks like this: I then add a reference to the new playfield in my Sectors.yaml that I find here : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Sectors like this : # Marshland < I added this entry, coords are chosen to not coincide with any other planets - Coordinates: [ 24, 0, -14 ] Color: "0.04, 0.3, 0.37" Icon: "Circle" Playfields: - [ "0, 0, 0", "Aeris Orbit", SpaceAsteroidFieldRing ] # Defines space playfield. Coordinates (no effect for space playfield), playfield name, playfield template - [ "0, 0, 0", Aeris, Temperate, true ] # Coordinates, planet name, playfield template, starter planet - [ "-6500, 5000, 6500", Aeris Moon, Moon ] # Coordinates, planet name, playfield template When I start a new game, the added planets show up in the map, which is great, but on traveling to a new planet, it looks just like a bog standard "temperate" planet, rather than your awesome one .. I feel like the planet is being determined by the type quoted in the Sectors.Yaml --> [ "0, 0, 0", Aeris, Temperate, true ] so where am I going wrong ?
Change "Temperate" to the folder name where you saved the Aeris template. It should look like this: [ "0, 0, 0", Aeris, Aeris, true ]. This is true of any reference in the Sector file. Just match the planet type to the folder name.
Ok, that cause the game to throw up an error giving me the "Continue or Mail and Quit" dialog, Continuing doesn't seem to do it. Could it be because the planet template folder for the new planets contains only a yaml file unlike the standard ones which have a yaml and some raw files ?
Make sure you only added playfield folders to the Content/Playfields folder, and not the <savegame>/Playfields folder. They have very different uses. One stores .yaml files, the other stores area data for a specific savegame. Other than that... I'm not sure what might be off.
Yip, only to the contents folder. I tried a little trick and copied the .raw files from the standard 'Temperate" folder to the new one (Aeris to be accurate, which is listed as temperate in its yaml) and that worked no problem. So I don't know if i fixed a problem or masked it but it worked
Glad you were able to get it resolved. Ill need to look more into why its giving alot of people trouble for single player. Most of the planets were made on a dedicated server so theres a possibility that i missed something needed in single player.
A new planet is available. Piercia - Fungal Giant This planet specializes in mushrooms, and lots of them. Its a Temperate planet with Marshlands, some barren mushroom plains and small patches of forested areas. Crystals can be found on mountain tops.
Vexray, Thanks for sharing your work. The planets are outstanding. I also dig your Steam Workshop as well. ATM using your A-18-Stryker-ADM and A-20-Widow. Both of which are exceptionally sweet small vessels I hope you don't mind me sharing the URL to the workshop below. Vexray's EGS Steam Workshop Thanks again
No problem micro! Glad everyone is enjoying all the goodies, well see what happens in the future and maybe I can introduce some new elements =)
Yea I also started a new game with your planets, very outstanding effort you have put in here, really sweet set of planets well done.
Thank you, Vexray... I just got a bunch of chum's in the game and have been talking up your designs. I'm lookinf forward to sharing this with them.
I have added all of your worlds to my server. You sir, have done an amazing job and I cannot give enough props to you.