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  1. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Daaaaammmmmnnnnnn Kieve! DAAAAMMNNNN!!! Stunning! Kind of takes the breath away. I love the aesthetic! I am going to go look at this along with Krenios' fuel depot in creative!
    Kieve likes this.
  2. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Wait a sec, you do not have a Blueprint file to associate with it? Is it on steam?

    *edit - Nevermind, found it
  3. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Glad you like it! As a Minecraft veteran, I love being able to work with angled / curved blocks for a change. I built it mainly just for my girlfriend and myself in our Survival game (which is why it's only one-bedroom, despite the size), but she convinced me I should post some of my work. Positive feedback is always appreciated.
    I know you found it, but I'll edit my post to make it a little more clear, just in case anyone else shares your confusion - the title is the link.
    Krenios and Fractalite like this.
  4. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    She was/is right. It is simply magnificent.

    You nailed all the details - I love the little touches with the lights around the blocks. I love the spacing for the furniture, and the angles of the steel and the glass work really well.

    This is an excellent example of how to use textures in a fuel/engine/construction room:


    I also really like the color differential here:

    Its the little details that can really bring a structure alive:


    Do not get me wrong, anyone else who is reading this; a "best way" of doing things does not exist - so instead of the metal textures they could have been stone or even tile? Still, neat to see.

    Beautifully done!
    Krenios and Kieve like this.
  5. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    -Post full of praise
    -Me: "Fluffin' hell, I forgot to paint the generator!" [​IMG]
  6. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Ha! So you did. I would not worry about it - me thinks you will be tweaking this structure for quite some time, so I say just add that to the list of tweaks.
  7. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Nice one mate,

    As for my tower I managed to bring it back to the stable version, test it now to see if you still get errors.
    Kieve likes this.
  8. KRP_one

    KRP_one Ensign

    May 1, 2015
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    Attached Files:

    Michlo, Siege Inc., Krenios and 2 others like this.
  9. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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  10. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Another thought; check the thread "What did you do in Empyrion today?" and you will see a series of posts back a outpost made by H.P. Strangelove that has similar qualities. Could make a neat pairing.
  11. KRP_one

    KRP_one Ensign

    May 1, 2015
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  12. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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  13. Steph

    Steph Ensign

    Sep 28, 2016
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    I took a friends advice and decided to share one of my designs with the community over here.

    It's just a little camping tent for beginners to place their survival constructor under something safe. It's made of steel blocks and takes level 3 to spawn. You can respawn, store items, and even get some fresh air. Colored for Akua, repaintable for Omicron. Feel free to edit anything you want to make this your own.

    Camping Tent:


    2 Cargo Boxes
    1 Food Processor
    1 T1 Fridges
    1 Small Generator
    1 Clone Station
    1 O2 Station
    1 Small Fuel Tank
    1 Small O2 Tank


    21m 46s

    SIZE (WxDxH):

    Iron Ingot - 240
    Cobalt Ingot - 170
    Copper Ingot - 130
    Silicon Ingot - 80

    Attached Files:

    Michlo, Kaloriaa, Kieve and 5 others like this.
  14. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Your friend was right, I am glad you shared this here. Thank you; these forums are a welcome place for all the designers in the Empyrion community.

    I saw this on the stream workshop, gave it a subscribe and +1. You are a very clever and clearly very talented designer. This design opens up possibilities; stimulates the creative and imaginative aspects of our minds to encourage people to design in more naturalistic themes AND for those who are more.... combat-oriented, it invites or produces an introduction to camouflaging - something that is not seen on the workshop or in games because people are either consumed with designing based on pre-conceptions(star wars, star trek, etc.) or they are kind of spoiled by gaming in general and the ease by which ships are detected by radar. Without which, it would be extremely hard to find this base as long as you took at least a modicum of effort to select the proper placement.

    I also enjoyed the fact that you did not use glass for the sides and door. The use of shutters really gives it the feel of being a tent. In giving protection for the survival constructor, it is also very useful for early game situations with predators.

    Nicely done!
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
    Michlo and Krenios like this.
  15. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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  16. Psylem

    Psylem Ensign

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Purely cement and water. Level ZERO! It doesn't even have a core...

    I built this in creative so I'd have something quick/cheap to place in my survival game as an "Airstrip/Landing Pad" for my CV. I have far too much rock from building my starter base inside a mountain on Omicron so now I'm placing these where ever I need to land.

    By no means as impressive as previous post landing pad, but something like this should be a starter blueprint (hint, hint!). Also, Steph's tent gets my vote. The game needs more cheap starter blueprints for survivalists.
    FiveHorse, Kaeser and Fractalite like this.
  17. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    When I read, "this is just cement and water and is level zero!" And then went to see what the actual requirements were and saw the sheer amount of cement required, I got a good chuckle from it.

    Thaaaaats a lot of cement for a starter base. :)
  18. Psylem

    Psylem Ensign

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Hehe, well I'm cement rich for what that's worth. I had to cut a tunnel through a steep mountain range that separated the water from the fruit and resources just to survive the early stages of my Omicron survival map. Turned out pretty good place to start a base, I still have way too much Cement though.
  19. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    Now I have this thing going on with Glass Pyramid structures.

    I wouldn't call it an obsession but... it probably is. :) I am simply fascinated by the shape and so after some experimenting I made a few blueprints mainly for myself. I thought it was time to release the small and medium bases as they are pretty much done. I like them the way they are, they "work", at least for me so here they are!

    Overview of my tier system:

    T1: Made from materials found on starting planet
    T2: Made from materials found in starting planetary system (T1 plus Sathium and Neodymium)
    T3: Made from any material (T2 plus Zascosium and Erestrum)

    I refrain from posting T3 blueprints, I always equip my bases or ships with low tier equipment or weaponry so that the player is able to build the blueprint as early as possible and outfit it with equipment and weaponry as he or she wishes. When I played my first game I had numerous blueprints that looked oh so cool but since the author put an advanced constructor or advanced weaponry on them I could not build them since I was missing those measly 10 pieces of Zascosium and Erestrum. So I decieded to equip my designs with as low-level equipment as possible so that low-level players can atleast build the basic hull, an advanced player can replace those within a minute with hi-level equipment anyway.

    Furnishing a pyamid home is not something that comes intuitively since all walls are angled in two axes but I did my best to create visually appealing interiors. I strive to make bases and ships as efficient as possible but those angled walls lead to spaces I had to fill with blocks for no other reason than being unable to put something else there.

    At the moment I am working on "something big", a CV in pyramid style with a custom build landing pad to use it as a nomad-style-base-ship. Its coming along nicely but its still not finished.

    Small T1 Glass Pyramid Base


    This is a small base that is meant either as starting base or as a moon base. It is made of materials found on a starting planet, mostly concrete and glass (silicon) I used concrete mainly because its cheap and this base is meant to be a small outpost in a remote area like the moon or a small base before the player can afford to build something larger.

    The main floor has 4 sides, 3 sides are set up to have construction and storage / oxygen / power supply equipment, the fourth side is free for the player to setup as he wishes. The storage containers are color coded in my personal system, these can be of course changed if desired. The constructor is a normal, non-advanced constructor, that can be replaced with a more advanced model if desired. I usually end up building an additional advanced constructor in the empty 4th area to be able to process ores or concrete in parallel to my normal constructing schedule.

    The second floor can be used as greenhouse or private quarters. It has a growing light and a normal light preinstalled. If the player wants to use it as a greenhouse, she needs to replace the specially patterned floor tiles with growing beds.

    There are 2 cannon turrets, these are stand-ins for whatever the player wants to put there. Cannons have the least material and level prerequisite and are so my preferred turret in blueprints.

    Medium T2 Glass Pyramid Base


    The medium glass pyramid base is a step up from the small base at it features an additional level allowing the player to house both the garden and some private quarters. Plus it uses a little less space, at least it feels that way.

    The medium base can serve as a starter base on a new planet. It is quite small, but it has all facilities that are needed for planetary operations. The base is made from hardened steel and armored windows so it won't collapse the instance a stray drone shows up. On the other hand but it will not withstand a concentrated bombardment. The base is built for SP / PvE and will very likely be totally useless in PvP.

    The ground floor has 14 growing plots and a kitchen. The other levels are almost identical to the levles found in the small glass pyramid base.

    Medium T2 Glass Pyramid Base v2


    This is a variation of my Medium T2 Glass Pyramid Base for players that want more growing plots (has 36) in the garden area.

    Medium T2 Glass Pyramid Base v3


    This is a variation of my Medium T2 Glass Pyramid Base for players that want more growing plots in the garden area and more turrets (has 4 turrets)
    Michlo, spanj, Sturm Panzer and 4 others like this.
  20. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    I think what impresses me most, even more than the angular design, is the way you've managed to coordinate a beautiful color scheme. Those angled blocks can be downright obnoxious sometimes when it comes to getting a good paintjob on them. Well done!
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