What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Your 'Shutter - Door - Shutter' Design is interesting.

    Your way to & from your Cockpit is amusingly crude but effective for someone who tends to always want their Creations be part Looks. XD

    We've gotta see what the new Hover Engines will do for your dude sometime soon. :)
    Slam Jones likes this.
  2. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Yeah the uh, I guess I'll call it a "staircase" is easily the messiest part of the ship. I don't think I'm artistic enough to make it both functional and good-looking, but I will give it another shot at least lol

    Honestly not sure about the effectiveness of the Shutter-Door-Shutter set-up, but I hope it's at least comparable to the Hardened Steel around it.

    Edit: The Mammoth is now available on the Workshop! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=779858260
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Probably be the first part blown off in PvP cause peeps not familiar with your Mammoth Vids will mistake them for Fuel Tank Shutter Doors & target them with extreme prejudice. :p
    Slam Jones likes this.
  4. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Kind of puttered around a bit today but then I started my next project. So many ideas, so little time. This might be my biggest project yet although it's not technically challenging. I needed something easy after that last one. I don't know if any of y'all ever played the Dark Tower board game before. I'm going to bring it to life in Empyrion. The plan is to have some of the buildings from the game around the base of the tower(ruins, tomb, the bazaar) and maybe a Dragon CV to simulate the dragon playing piece from the game.

    The early stages of construction.
  5. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    More Oscutune adventuring tonight. Our original goal was the drone base, but during our scouting attempts, the turrets from the Epsilon Weapons Factory nearby started taking pot-shots at us. So, we shot back.
    Under cover of darkness, I sniped out the turrets (epic sniper ftw), and we proceeded to enter the facility, laying waste to any resistance. It's a good thing bats can't open doors...
    One of these fugly oversized rodent-monsters glitched out on us and had a death-siezure. I took a quick video of it, will post later (maybe tomorrow, it's kind of amusing). My GF discovered the core practically by accident, blowing out one of the walls to get a better vantage point on some critters. We replaced it with our own, tossed a few fuel cells in the place to keep the lights on, and returned home victorious.
    Had to go out after and mine some magnesium though - turns out that was the one thing we didn't bring down from our CV, the Selene.
  6. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Testing new flight system of HVs, with massive flight improvements in the T2 version.

    All HV lovers, Hail EleoN !

    They have given us the faster Viking HV !
    Great for coastline high speed raids !

    And Star Wars fans, just got handed the best racing pods in Empyrion history.

    Though Arturis1969 may need to update some of his designs, Im sure theres few of us waiting to see what he makes next , and these new HVs, I feel a pod race coming on .........!
    Tyrax Lightning and Siege Inc. like this.
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    If you are looking for a Dragon SV, check out zero136977's workshop
    Lovely dragon-themed ships, but a nightmare to repair if pieces get blown off.
  8. Littletreewater

    Littletreewater Lieutenant

    Oct 14, 2016
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    Ooooo what if the repair blocks from the experimental version would rebuild the SV? Like if you had a box somewhere with materials, and it would rebuild the device from its original form or a blueprint!
  9. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Decided to go back to SVs for now, and updated the Sparrow to a new Mk3 version.

    It's considerably bigger than the first versions, and packs much greater firepower. As with the process of upgrading Mk1 to Mk2, I tried to keep as much intact as possible, while merely adding on to the vessel. The cockpit area remains mostly unchanged, as well as the general wing shape, however the rest is subject to change.

    The Sparrow Family: Mk1 (left), Mk2 (middle), Mk3 (right)




    This is just the beginning of a plan to upgrade all my current fighter SVs to bigger, bulkier forms, as should be the standard for RGC ships on the Red vs Blue server :)
  10. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Hopefully someday later down the road. :)

    Looking at your Mk1, then your Mk2, then this new Mk3... reminds me of Pokemon with 3 Tiers of Creature in their Evolutionary Line. It's like if your Mk1 was a Charmander, your Mk2 was a Charmeleon, & your Mk3 was a Charizard. XD

    For the Topic: My Experimental Branch Test Hover War Tank is complete! Made a Test Vid with the W10 Game DVR then reviewed it & it was fugly... went into the Game DVR Settings & turned out it was on idiotically humble settings... i've now cranked them up & will do another Vid & see if this one works out better.
    XeroTerragoth and Slam Jones like this.
  11. Littletreewater

    Littletreewater Lieutenant

    Oct 14, 2016
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    One of the things I've taken too is always having an extra ship in my factory ready to be just spawned. I learned the hard way what happens when you get stranded and have to start from scratch on a planet with no atmosphere... so much dying and running to grab gear. Managed to just barely scrap together enough parts to put a cockpit on an SV body, with one thruster, an rts, a generator, and a fuel tank. Fly like a plane! One direction. Was very challenging, but a blast! Managed to make it out after about two hours of thrashing about and dying. Sadly my CV was destroyed... sooooo there's that. Just means a clean slate to build a new one :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    hehehe yeah I thought the same thing about the Evolutions :p

    Interested in seeing your War Tank, maybe it'll be a good match for the BattleTank :)

    Also, I made an attempt at a Kowari Mk2. Not entirely happy with the results, might scrap it and try again...


    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Started taking some screenshots of the Selene and the Endymion. Trying to decide if they're worth sharing on the Workshop or not - they were built for the survival game with my gf, not so much for the masses.
    The KCV Selene is our basic warp-ship, with the usual survival necessities. Most everything with a function is crammed into the back end or in one of the "carry-on" compartments over the side windows. Miniguns are intended solely as drone-repellent, though she's got a combat-steel hull and armored windows to easily weather whatever a stray drone or two can toss out (and she did so quite well on Oscutune when we landed). Respectable atmospheric fuel efficiency as well. She has enough range to cruise for a little while and scout out a decent landing zone for setting up base.

    I gave her a gravity generator, but I'm considering removing it, since "passengers should remain seated until the vessel has come to a full and complete stop." That being said, the one thing she lacks is decent parking space - SV's just sort of glue themselves to the flat area above the side windows, which makes for all kinds of awkwardness when on a planet. I'm wondering if the front landing pylons might be a better choice, with a little tweaking.

    The KCV Endymion by contrast is our proposed "Luxury Yacht," and a fuel-guzzling behemoth (by comparison, still fairly small next to most of the CVs in the workshop). We haven't funded the blueprint for this one yet, but the Endy is meant more as a mobile base - more storage, some growing plots, actual landing pads and an HV-bay, plus all the amenities. Also combat-steel, though nimble to the point of twitchy thanks to four beefy RCS T2's (used to be ten, but this turned out to be ridiculous overkill) and plenty of thrusters.

    Honestly, I have the worst time with making CV's. The warp core drives me bonkers because trying to encase and protect it inevitably makes ships much bigger than I want them to be (I like small, compact vessels).
  14. Fienyx

    Fienyx Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2016
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    That has got style. Just imagine the land based wars different factions could have with HVs like this.
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  15. XeroTerragoth

    XeroTerragoth Captain

    Mar 3, 2016
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    So I was recording some videos for my YouTube EGS playlist and this happened (fair warning, this was a wtf moment and I didn't edit out the "WTF":

    I'm referring to the 20 second clip after the intro, but before the actual episode starts. I've updated the link with the time-stamp so you can get straight to the hilarious goodness. I believe that the mini-bike hadn't settled and I moved up to try and hop on it as it was still bouncing around - so it "bounced" me. This has happened once before, but not to the magnitude you see in this video lol.

    This seems like something I should probably share in the bug thread, no? :rolleyes:
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    Well not today but like this week...

    I have been trying to implement a vision I had. Before that, I must explain that I play Empyrion in single player mode only and do not plan to change that. In single player mode, Empyrion feels like visiting a lot of planets, touring the galaxy, taking in the sights and the POIs and the resources. After all, there is no one else. (And I like it that way)

    When I started playing I built a large and elaborate base on Akua. Then one on the moon. Then one on Omicron. And omicrons moon. I stayed some time, took down the POIs, mined some ore and went again. On Omicron I build a huge base complex with a hangar so large it could accomodate a (very small) CV. And I was sad, because I wanted to take it with me, all that time drilling and building was lost. (Plus, everystime I move I have to pack up all my things because most likely I wont be coming back)

    Thats when I designed a "Nomad" CV Base-Ship sort of thing. It would land on a planet and also serve as my base. So I built a Pyramid Ship - of course, if one has an obsession one has an obsession. This ship will travel the stars (one day) and land on planets. After some tests, it became clear that the ship needed a foundation to stand on. First I tried to build an elaborate foundation with towers and all shaped a little like a bath tub where the convex lower part of the ship would fit in. But Empyrions physics engine didn't quite agree with my plans so I needed another plan.

    I finally found that the only way to seamlessly connect a base and a ship was via a flat surface where the CV would land on. So I built a concrete tower that would carry the ship while it was landed and also house some basic facilities and a lot of turrets since the Nomad-CV is unarmed (turrets don't go well with the design) The facilities can be reclaimed when I move on leaving only a concrete husk. I don't think the seam is visible where the CV and the base connect but it is at the level where the 4 upper white columns end that support the weight of the ship. The foundation is a tower so it can be placed on top of a mountain.

    So far the plan. At the moment I am tweaking the ship and the foundation, I found out about the importance of having ONE lift that goes all the way through the bottom to the top. My lift even connects between the ship and the base forming a very long lift that traverses the whole joint structure. Now I need to do something about the hangar since it cuts right through it. I also found out about the absurd amount of magnesium that flak cannons need and switched to plasma cannons - almost 10 times the shots from the same amount of ore. Plus - Promethium is way more common.

    Thats it for the moment, my stay on Ningues is almost over, only the drone base is left standing.
  17. paca0502

    paca0502 Ensign

    Aug 22, 2016
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    Those are great looking ships!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. oojimaflip

    oojimaflip Captain

    Oct 6, 2016
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    Today was relatively productive... ;)

    I give you our current work in progress (yes, another one, yes, we still have others to finish!) - The Spear of Lugh.


    The Spear of Lugh has been designed to fill a gap in our fleet, mostly in terms of size tbh, but hey, works for me!
    It's also destined to be an implement of impalement, weapon systems haven't been added yet, but when we do....
    Expect the unexpected, and maybe some rockets, possibly a comfy chair or two.

    as a size comparison, (and also a teeny weeny itty bitty teasey weasel) here's the fleet...


    coming soon, to a rather large space port near YOU!
  19. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    *Eyes the monstrosities on the right* Sweet fluffy bunnies, oojima, how do you even think on a scale that big?! I can't wrap my brain around it.
  20. oojimaflip

    oojimaflip Captain

    Oct 6, 2016
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    It's natural now, I had to think about it...
    It's a very iterative process, and it starts at the most basic level; a skeletal framework defining the dimensions and usually containing a mid-line is the first thing. Silhouette comes next, sometimes the focus is top down, others it's side on. Next I move on to blocking out the hull and interior spaces, always being mindful that I'm going to lose at least one block, probably two, sometimes even three blocks, from the interior space for architectural detailing.
    After the coarse structure comes the physics; thrusters (mostly planned during the structure phase), rcs, gennies, warp drives and all the things to make it do stuff. Also at this point any temporary thruster collections (and associated devices) placed if it became necessary to move or rotate the ship during construction are removed.
    The rest of the build is more iterative; going back and fleshing out exterior hull and interior spaces, trying to lose flat surfaces by reworking individual blocks, placing and moving devices around, for what feels like an eternity. Usually my Bro tells me to stop, "Yo Bud! I think this bit is finished now.."
    After that, I call them "Structurally complete" and then it's on to detail passes; lighting, painting, texturing. how many? depends, until I'm happy, but it's getting quicker all the time ;)

    that turned out a bit longer than expected :) hope it helps in some way.

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