
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Fienyx

    Fienyx Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2016
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    I really enjoy the game, but the alpha 4 made things too bright. I liked how dark the nights were pre-4. Now, you don't really even need a flashlight. I know a lot of people didn't like how dark it was, but I grew up and lived most of my life away from city lights, and the darkness was very appropriate. Instead of making it city light bright out at night, may I suggest, flashlight upgrades. Level 7, get a helmet flashlight that turns on and off with the light button so it no longer needs to be held. Level 12, dual lights, one on each shoulder.
    0skillz and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Just some general observations:

    Corpses with loot on them despawn too quickly.
    The motorbike is terrible. Handles poorly, doesn't switch gears between forward and reverse quickly, keeps on going if you hit the water(it should stop and sink).
    The amount of silicon needed for even a modest amount of windows seems a bit exorbitant now.
    Drone attacks stop too quickly. Is there no random chance for a drone attack?
    Fuel expenditures seem to be on the high side. Small base with nothing but the lights and turrets running and it still guzzles fuel.
    Turret accuracy seems terrible on my HV minigun.
    Small constructors.....seems like they should be able to make any kind of ammo.
    Why does it take a rocket scientist to make doors and lights for HVs?
  3. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    When did this start happening? I haven't SP Survival in a non-dummy capacity for ages but last I knew Corpses could take a seriously absurd long time to Despawn even after having been Looted. I swear I could kill & loot for example a Desert Golem, go about stuff for ages elsewhere then happen to pass by that same area again & find that Dead Desert Golem STILL there 2 - 3 RL Days later. :confused:

    When did this start happening? I've always been able to build a lot of Fuel Tanks for a Base & run that Base on Hydrogen Fuel just fine. :confused:
  4. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I don't know when the corpse thing started happening? All I know is while playing yesterday my base shot down a couple drones. I looted one and dumped the loot inside the base. I was on my way to get the other and it despawned before I could get to it. Couldn't have been dead for more than 5 minutes tops and they were practically on my front doorstep so it's not like I had far to go.

    I'm of the opinion fuel in general is consumed too quickly but I admit I hate replenishing consumables so I'm slightly biased. Still, a small base with barely anything running should not go through fuel as quickly as it does.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Oh... it was Drones being the problem. My observations are in regards to Monsters. Yeah Drones despawn much faster then Monsters in my experience, so I try to loot Drones asap.

    Also in regards to Base Fuel Consumption I just remembered that i'm different from normal peeps in that with my Desktop the way it is I can get away with seeing in darkness better then the typical Gamer so I can get away with never using any Lights except Plot Grow Lights to save fuel, be less lag on MP Server Play, & be just plain lazier in my Base Design. I keep forgetting that i'm an anomaly in this regard & that plenty of Lights being built & used in a Base Design is the norm, not what I do. (Occasionally I cheat & navigate my Base using the Multitool Light at most.)
  6. Fienyx

    Fienyx Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Fuel consumption isn't an issue if you set lights up in the core menu ( P ) so you can turn off what you don't need at the moment. I have 40ish lights in my current base, but only turn on what I need for the area I'm working in. I also turn off equipment when not in use.

    Would actually like to see some way to bind control groups to certain keys. Like make it so the NUM pad keys could control certain groups, even groups with player given descriptions (ie: Lights-LQ could bind to NUM1, and Lights-Hangar could be bound to NUM2) so 10 groups could be toggled depending on which core you are currently controlling. It already senses this by what you're standing on.

    This would allow for more than simply light control in bases. You could turn guns on and off in ships. Use it to control shield generators (if we get those), thruster controls for varied speed/fuel consumption rates. Opens the way for after burners on HV and SV as well. Jets that burn fuel real fast, but make a huge speed increase.
    Siege Inc. and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  7. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Lights shouldn't use diddly squat for fuel. It shouldn't even be a consideration.
    Gatt and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Fully agreed. They're supposed to be LEDs for crying out loud, but instead the damn things act like Incandescence. :/
    Gatt likes this.
  9. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Agree, the lights shouldn't use any energy.

    I agree that drops despawn too quickly and it is not only drones in my experience. I just attacked a group of 5 raptors. Killed one the rest came for me, I backed up and picked them off one by one. I was only able to loot 3 or 4 of them though, the other two despawned.

    I left a crushed boulder drop laying for a while: disappeared in less than 10 minutes.

    My observation is: this aspect of the game right now is a bit annoying and particularly so for a game which is clearly meant to be a persistent world look and feel. I can understand some despawning to save resources. But as it is, the game does seem pretty stable. RAM usage does go up a lot inside a complex base, but even then my rig doesn't have much trouble. In the scores of hours playing I've never seen a crash, and have seen hangs maybe three times. Never any noticeable lag or stuttering. Even a real lack of clipping; it does happen from time to time when you are underground and press your avatar against a wall, but compared to many contemporary games none of these high demand processes seem to cause this game to pant. Given all of that, easing up on the speed with which stuff despawns in general seems tolerable. Moreover, how about providing an option control to regulate the duration of drops? I wouldn't think it would be that complicated given it seems to be built in Unreal Engine which is C++ so it must have nice clean source code, i.e., not the 25 year old C / C++ wannabe legacy code I work on! :eek:).

    Okay now for a suggestion that I make with some degree of "irritation" . . . please consider changing the dynamic on the "object-group you just placed is now too massive --> crashes to the ground" effect.

    Related to this . . . the "Shift-F to pickup object" Whoops! all the stuff inside is gone! (seems intermittent, i.e., not ALL the time that it happens)

    In both cases, and in at least two types of circumstances, this causes the base objects to just disappear.

    This is one thing when it is just five or six concrete blocks. But I just had my base starter block disappear because of this dynamic. I had gouged a hole in the ground for the block and I guess it was a bit too deep in the middle, not level on the bottom. I placed the starter block: no problem. Attached a wood block to start bulding out the boundaries of my base: crash! gone!

    On the whole the building interface is pretty awesome. There are quite a few little areas that could use some additional features or tweaking, but that dynamic above is just plain wrong.

    Just set the stuff to turn into a piece of luggage like when you attempt to add too many items to a stack in your toolbar.
    Tyrax Lightning and Siege Inc. like this.
  10. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I don't mind if empty corpses despawn quickly but I'd like for them to stick around longer when they have loot on them.

    Agreed if you're trying to pick up a container full of items it should give you message you need to empty the container first.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. jk5325

    jk5325 Ensign

    Nov 11, 2015
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    Just been attacking "Xenu Fortress P1" on masperon, damn that was fun!
    More POI like this please devs.
    dichebach and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. Osskey

    Osskey Lieutenant

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Being relatively new to all this, I do have some questions about where this project is headed. And yes, I do realize it's still in Alpha. Seeing as the player has crash landed from a warp capable space vessel, why are solving flight mechanics (i.e., pitch, yaw, roll, etc) with 20th century thought processes (i.e., center of mass and weight distribution)? Wouldn't they have solved those issues with some sort of gyro/inertial guidance system to free us up to be as creative as we want with design and not obsess over where to be put a hunk of lead for balancing purposes? Also we have the same weapons we've had since Doom first came on the scene so why are we still fighting archaic capacity limits?

    All that being said, I am really liking the game and the scope seems to lay the groundwork for some fascinating game play down the road. I am looking forward to Beta and finally GA!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. jk5325

    jk5325 Ensign

    Nov 11, 2015
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    Ok so 6 ultra rare containers in the xenu fortress 4 easy to find 2 not so easy. But is it possible to increase the chance of getting other epic weapons once i get one of them?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. sapion

    sapion Ensign

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Lot of problems, and l can't still enter the ''character'' customization [it stops responding and forces me to close it] and l never had these issues [pre 4.x.x]. More frequent crashes after update. The list goes on...

    l've recently also found that you can't even play this game if your internet goes down [not even single player]. l don't play on servers as of yet and currently moved, so l don't have internet 24/7 and sometimes for more than couple days! l can't play the game l bought without net.

    l've tried offline steam mode and it doen't work with THIS game. It'll still check if steam is online or not and if not it'll say, ''steam authentication fail to connect'' right before loading into the main menu. lt won't let you get into the menu and forces you to exit and start steam online [even thought steam is running in offline mode]. When l get on net and put steam into ''online mode..." it works again!!

    l feel burned by the devs! l try to stay away from such 'bs' practices and never knew this was in here, not untill we moved! Before you ask me questions, let me ask you one, "Have you actually tried it yourself!? Turn off your internet adapter in pc [after putting steam into offline mode] then try to start a single player game again.
    Last edited byluminixo; 9 minutes ago
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    This definitely sounds like something that needs fixed. Offline Steam should be able to at least SP.
    sapion likes this.
  16. CirrusMajor

    CirrusMajor Commander

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Before I rant, I know this game is still in Alpha; don't get me wrong. Alright, I am having problems with FPS ingame. At one point in time, belive it or not, I ran a world on intel integrated graphics :)p:D) at ~18 FPS.
    Since Alpha was released, my framerate has gone downhill. Its taking me a Geforce 760 to run it at 30 FPS. Is there any scheduling for a massive optimisation overhaul? I love the new content but I want to be able to enjoy it.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Flix

    Flix Lieutenant

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Is time to upgrade Pal. I never run less that 50 FPS with all graphics maxed out. 90% of the time I am running 100+ FPS. I get no stutters in the game play and I get smooth transitions from planet to space. if anything I think this game is having a good performance in comparison to full release games. many of which I get 40 FPS average.

    Also there are 5 different versions of the Geforce 760 which one do you have?
    Geforce 760 4GB SC
    Geforce 760 4GB SC with Double BIOS
    Geforce 760 2GB ACX
    Geforce 760 2GB SC
    Geforce 760 2GB SC ACX

    Those are the 5 different models.
    If it's one of the 3 2GB that is most likely your issue. Many people have reported bad reviews of the 2GB card.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Gatt

    Gatt Captain

    Sep 28, 2016
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    I have very unreliable Internet but when it is down i have the option to play offline. thats when i work on ships in creative. is steam set to save your credentials on the settings menu, it has a little checkbox
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Fisher

    Fisher Lieutenant

    Nov 5, 2016
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    I know you mentioned that the Multi-Tool was powerful and to be careful but...

    Shift-Clicking my loot into the cargo box on my SV in the inventory screen: When the cargo box is full, it automatically fires a shot from the multi-tool and destroys part of my SV. This became really annoying really fast.

    I was shift-clicking into the constructor. When it was full, it fired a shot from the multi-tool and destroyed the constructor. I was then left with a briefcase of inventory that I had no room left to pick up.

    Please fix this. :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Flix

    Flix Lieutenant

    Oct 19, 2016
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    That needs to be recorded in bugs and with a video. I don't get that at all.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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