NPCs (creatures and drones)

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. o0Bram0o

    o0Bram0o Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Make a assault rifle first. Its very easy to kill when you have one. And easy to make :)
  2. Ambush In The Night

    Ambush In The Night Lieutenant

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Well for NPCs, I 'm not sure that's a good idea to have dinosaurs from the earth. They're so familiar and completely breack the immersion.
    First time I saw Triceraptor and Spinosaurus, I said to myself :"What's?? Am I crashed in Jurassic Park?!".:confused:
    By against little dinosaurs, I like them! So cool when you shoot on them:)

    Drones are also a great surprise! Maybe have more assets like that.

    There are still some bug or optimisation with AI, spawn, pathfinding, collision and animations, but yeah it's an alpha! Good job Eleon Team
  3. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    I agree that dinosaurs seem out of place. But it'd be neat to run across a planet with dinosaurs from Earth on them, once the galaxy opens up in the game.

    On the other hand, having dinos on a planet without an oxygen atmosphere is...naw. Hopefully they're just placeholders.
  4. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I just went to the ice planet in survival mode. The large drones there take a LOT of hits. I get the feeling you're supposed to engage them with a ship. My ship didn't have weapons so I was on foot. It took around 20 rockets from the handheld Rocket Launcher to put one down. Not sure if this is intentional in order to encourage vehicle combat, or their health is overtuned.
  5. Ambush In The Night

    Ambush In The Night Lieutenant

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Hum, Ark is already there to do this kind of thing.
    But yeah it could be fun:)

    Exactly! That's a good point;)
    Creatures that can live without oxygen (inspired by reptils, dinosaurs...) why not but real earth dinosaurs not sure !
  6. RongoTheBold

    RongoTheBold Ensign

    Jun 10, 2015
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    So far I like the green scorpion things, the drones, and the two-legged beasties. Ditch the dinosaurs. Really doesn't fit, then look out of place and the spinosaur in particular is poor. Go for more unique looking creatures, perhaps some fliers. Avoid things that are "recognizable" since people will expect certain appearance/behavior from those.
  7. Silent_Ninja

    Silent_Ninja Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    I'm wrong actually. It seems to be At LEAST 4 headshots in a row with pistol to kill a little Dino. They'd be easier to headshot if their pathfinding was better. They spin like crazy.
  8. Zeuch

    Zeuch Lieutenant

    May 10, 2015
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    I love the dinos, they look so nice;) On the planets with alot of trees etc there should be higher amount of animals. And I do like the drones, they are hard but they are there to protect so they got to be hard;)
  9. Silent_Ninja

    Silent_Ninja Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    I don't think the drones are there to "protect". I think they are the alien faction. I looked in the towers, and inside are "Core: Alien Faction". They seem to spawn the drones in my experience. But I'm not sure.

    Heck, I went to the Lava planet, and it's FILLED with these towers and TONS of drones all over the planet.
    I don't mind though. Free parts and fuel packs. :D
  10. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    I agree with most of your post, but recognizable? Naw. These are aliens, if people make assumptions based solely on any resemblence to terrestrial lifeforms, they deserve any surprises they get!

    They're not from our planet, please feel free to turn my preconceived notions on their head! All I ask is that psychic or 'magictech' powers be kept to a minimum unless you come up with an internally consistent justification for them that the player can eventually tech up to using.
  11. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    1. Remove the dinos, or at least alien them up with scorpion like stingers, pincers and such.
    2. Add some AI to the creatures. Make them eat the local flora (that you need) and let the predators attack and kill the Herbivores and Omnivores.
    3. Add some environmental organisms like fungus or insects that damage your base, clog your engines, or eat your food crops unless you build in fumigators or hit your base with a flamethrower periodically ( Viscera Cleanup detail mechanic maybe)
    4. Allow terraforming of planets to replace the biome's and atmosphere.
    5. let us steal baby animals or eggs and raise them for food.
    6. Add a genetic experimentation mechanic to hybridize plants or animals into new ones for terraforming or food production(cattle farming)

    Edit: Snipped most of this to move to General Feedback forum.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2015
    Nymea likes this.
  12. BlackStar7713

    BlackStar7713 Lieutenant

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I'm okay with them being there, but making them have the same names ingame as dinos from earth implies they are the same. At least name them differently!
    (you can see their names by looking at them through a scope eg. assault rifle)
  13. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    I guess you didn't read my entire comment. I'm fine with things resembling creatures from Earth so long as they've got surprises. I've already stated in other comments that the dinos need to go, or at least be placed on a planet with an oxygen atmosphere.
  14. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Looks like the consensus is that Dinos need to go, mostly.
    A jungle planet with Dino like creatures would probably be cool, but the big ones should attack player structures relentlessly, while the resources on the planet can be used without food prep and have more abundance in general, if you have the ammo to keep production going.

    Edit: Nevermind. A bug planet with the above would be way more compelling....
  15. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    No reason some planets can't have 'themed' fauna. Dinos on one or two rare planets, bugs/exoskeletal horrors on others, slimes, reptiloids, tentacles, etc. And on more than a few, mixtures of all the above.

    I'm kind of hoping we get to see water worlds where we build undersea bases and require a different tech base for movement instead of thrusters.
    BlackStar7713 likes this.
  16. Haraldson

    Haraldson Ensign

    Mar 31, 2015
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    Drones have a too big range (its my optinion) ! Also they follow you till you die you have no chance to run away. Dinsosaur and Arachnoid spawning in Front of you from the "Nowhere" there are here from one second to another.

    Also i have seen that Creatures spawnung in your Back and attack you.

    Then i have try something: A Drone attack me i hide me behind a Dinosaur --> he got some hits but dont make anything just walked slowley forward. So i wish that creatures attack each other

    Also they dont despawn if you dont loot them --> corpses everywhere^^

    Thats what i seen till now
  17. BlackStar7713

    BlackStar7713 Lieutenant

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I'd like to have corpses (of drones for example) to stay longer. I killed two of them and when I came back around a minute later (after taking care of two of the turrets) they were gone already. Like this we need to lure them away before killing and can't take a base head on.
    Nymea likes this.
  18. Jake9123

    Jake9123 Ensign

    Jun 28, 2015
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    -a bit less

    -keep it as is.. you guys are nearly spot on with how "powerful" they are

    -yes/ no.... obvious hostile worlds like the lava planet shouldn't have life but maybe derelict mining outposts with drones or something but maybe moons and other future content may have nothing period

    -not sure what you mean by "General importance of NPCs?" so far they give some loot and give you something to shoot at and interact with lol maybe add future human NPCs? to use as ai under your control or to fight?

    -other feed back i got is i know eventually you guys will stop using placeholders.... but its very odd seeing a triceratops walking calmly next to a giant spider scorpion like thing so maybe add in the ability for ai to attach each other?
  19. McMadCamel

    McMadCamel Ensign

    Jun 28, 2015
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    - More/Less:
    Depends on the planet, if the planet supports high amount of life, then yeah, spam them AI's.
    How ever if it's a desert planet without any real support for life, then i would be very suprised to be met by a welcome party of a million animals for instance.

    -NPCs on each planet?
    Yes, not all planets should have native lige tho, might be a desert(ed) planet where drones/industril clans have set up outposts to mine for rare resources.

    -General importance of NPCs?
    To be honest, with planets coming into Space engineers in the coming month or so, the real reason for me to play this (Which is a really really good reason) is that there are dangers other then Food, health, oxygen.. the fear it can bring to be ambushed by a scorpion or scout drone is so awesome and gives a whole new dimension to the game.

    - Other feedback:
    I have seen alot of people complain the drones are overpowered, i disagree.
    The second i had my first SV ready nothing could touch me, i placed 2 x Gatling guns and 2 x rocket launchers on it and flew above them.
    I could take out any drone camp/base i found on any of the planets with ease, i would like to see (specialy the alien tech camps) being harder to take, the long range rockets are so strong to snipe down turrets and then the gatling guns take out a drone in split seconds.
    fractalman and Hummel-o-War like this.
  20. Chief 117

    Chief 117 Lieutenant

    Nov 17, 2014
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    I think that the drones are too powerful. I have not ever come close to their base... but when I reached the lake just north of the rescue pod , they started to attack me . I destroyed a dozen using the fact that their weapons can not hit me if i'm underwater. They kept coming , unlimited number . I tried to run away with my GV and they started chasing me for the entire planet!!!
    Here my saves files if you want to try...

    Player Name: Chief 117

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