General Feedback

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by EleonGameStudios, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. }-=Loki=-{

    }-=Loki=-{ Ensign

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Just a thought, Use a decent editor like Notepad++ (and turn on "show symbols" incl. whitespace)
    Yaml files are particular about the spaces, you absolutely cannot use the "tab" key
    dont add any/remove any or add blank lines.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  2. DeadSchism

    DeadSchism Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2015
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    I have a slight problem with some of the server names some people are coming up with. I have a screenshot of said names. BEWARE THIS PICTURE HAS SERVER NAMES YOU MAY NOT WANT YOUR KIDS TO SEE! I would like to see some kind of moderation on names weather it be something in place to help prevent these types of names from being set as server names or an active admin browsing the server list and removing any inappropriate names. Thanks and hope I can see some progress here so we can keep this game at least somewhat kid friendly.

    Attached Files:

    Dietrich likes this.
  3. DimentoGraven

    DimentoGraven Ensign

    Jul 12, 2016
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    I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this, not a lot of options, but I'm looking to learn more about admin'ing a dedicated server. I have one up and running, and I've made modifications to the YAML, but occasionally (like when I try and leave orbit) my game crashes on the client side and the save for that player becomes corrupt.

    I'm wondering if I've done something wrong in the SECTORS.YAML (what are the limitations on planet coordinates, what's the maximum value acceptable, is it possible to have planets too close together, etc.)?

    Also, controlling specific escape pod content, possible?

    Also, admin functions, how do I give players ore and other items? The "give stuff" command seems to be limited to 'credits', and I've yet to find any detailed explanations on the commands, what's a good value, what isn't, where and where NOT to use quotes, etc.
    piddlefoot likes this.
  4. Banzak

    Banzak Ensign

    Jul 13, 2016
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    Please add a possibility to set a reset-timer for all the POI in the dedicated.yaml
    for example under:
    ResetPOIAfterDays: 14 # Number of days when all the raided POI will be reseted 0 for disable
    piddlefoot and Cavadus like this.
  5. Little Peter

    Little Peter Ensign

    Aug 20, 2016
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    Allow the server host application to use CUDA cores
    piddlefoot and ChatWithThisName like this.
  6. ChatWithThisName

    ChatWithThisName Ensign

    Aug 30, 2016
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    I switched to this game directly from Space Engineers which I feel this game is a direct competitor of. With that being said I look forward to providing helpful information to the development team in hopes of getting some helpful response. I joined a server with a struggling server owner hosting from home. It was apparent that he lacked the experience needed to manage issues that come with an Alpha build. I did some research on console commands and began to feed him information through steam chat. Shortly after that he decided to give me administrative control on his server, including telnet access. The following is what I've learned through trial and error.

    • -Admin Travel - sector Akua works brilliantly for admin, however in order to teleport to the surface of the planet I have to use debugmenu after I've entered orbit, click the drop down menu, select Akua, click the surface radial button, then click Go. That's quite a bit to do to get to the surface of a planet. Though with experience I've become quite adept at doing it quickly, adding console option for typing directly directly to Akua proper's surface would be amazing.
    • Finding stuff - Often times when players are switching playfield and they lose connection, they also loose their ship. Typically it can be found, but often times requires quite a bit of effort. For starters, if I find the ship in question, I can't fly it as an admin because it is set to private/faction. That in and of itself wouldn't be so bad but setposition id x,y,z doesn't travel from one sector to another and the ship is usually left in the sector they were leaving, while the character moves forward to the next sector when they log back in. Private items should be located by find playername command, finding all things belonging to the player in current or, as an additional non-required argument, on all playfields like gents command from telnet.
    • Teleporting! - Teleporting makes my life easier....unless I have to pick someone up! So recently I encountered an issue where my server was set to 255 items per planet, that limit was reach and any player that entered that planet would be stuck loading (waiting for an item to leave) SV's and CV's count against the limit. So we found ourselves relocating items from the surface of the planet to orbit to free up items for people to load in. Once people loaded in, they grabbed as much as they could and flew out. Except new players whom we manually relocated. I can't teleport while in an SV, it tries, but I assume it only attempts to teleport me without the ship, and because I'm seated it puts me back in the ship which does not relocate. sector relocates both the player and the ship. This caused us to fly to each player manually. Then I could sector out with them once they were onboard. Please make it so that teleporting works while sitting in a cockpit. Also as an afterthought, teleport <playername> to teleport to a player, and teleport <playername> x y z to teleport a player to a location. OR make setposition work for teleporting players by ID as I had hoped it would.
    • Factions and console commands - I'm the 'owner' of my faction. There is no console command to promote people as the admin. faction create 'space ninjas' etc etc. Could you add a faction promote option following syntax currently used for other faction commands?
    • telnet gents - need something like this for in game console please.
    • destroy - please provide option to destroy ID appearing in DI window
    • telnet plys - please provide this option for in-game console
    • godmode - ffs lol, please make it so Shift+leftCTRL works with C (down) I zipp all over the place...until I have to go down. It's faster to fall...but you can't fall in space...unless you walk off a ship with grav generators. Also, when switching playfields godmode is reset in console, but still on in reality. when I type godmode again (because god controls aren't working) it turns it on...again? G is supposed to be flymode, but it's actually all godmode (turns off invulnerability). Controls in godmode are wonkey (I can't use Q or E to rotate)
    • All console commands - please make them persistent from one playfield to the next IE: itemmenu, debugmenu, godmode, DI, and other console commands like it.
    • Please make it so you can turn on and off the ability to control owned crafts, make blueprints of owned crafts (faction, private). access the contents of containers (ships ruined due to bug/glitch/disconnect while changing playfields) so that admin can retrieve items.
    • Admin blueprints - as much as I love manually loading resources into the factory to recreate a ship lost by a player using the finishbp function, either not requiring resources, or allowing resources from the creative menu to go into the inventory and not just the hotbar to make things move much quicker (I like to keep things on my hotbar and not move them all to my inventory every time I use factory)
    • Blueprints - Please make it so I can shift click things into the factory from inventory instead of manually moving each item, much like loading fuel or oxygen bottles to their respective containers. Please make it so resources can be removed from the factory.
    • setposition vs teleport - the syntax is different, please make setposition syntax similar to teleport by removing the required (,) Comma, and make the delimiter a space.
    • Give admins the ability to give items to players remotely. give credits is nice, but give 'item name' <amount> would also be nice.

    Gameplay -
    • Factions - factions options are extremely limited. Promote often does nothing at all. I can't see who is offline, or remove a player from the faction while they are offline (that I've seen).
    • Alien Core - When I put an alien core in a ship/building as an admin, it should belong to the alien faction, not me. I would like to make alien ships that use drone AI (or better AI to be honest, as the drones seem a bit slow to react) this would open a whole new element to custom servers. Alien CV's with docked Alien SV's that react as a base does...that would be epic.
    • Custom bases as POI's - let us create our own POI's!
    • Upgrading ships....all at once! I recently pulled a Hades (by The Napster) off the workshop and spent a very very large amount of time upgrading it from steel blocks to combat steel blocks....and I only upgraded the outer shell as that's all I could access without removing portions with the multitool and upgrading the internals and rebuilding it.
    • Hovercraft - Please make them navigate hills/bumps better (pitch/roll with the terrain)
    • Turrets - I would like to see automated turrets on the SV. Seems it's the only custom made craft that doesn't have one. Also automated turrets don't appear to lead a target at they always miss if either the turret or the target is moving. I managed to take out a 30 turret CV (15 turrets at a time) with a hardened steel SV simply by continuing a strafe in one direction and shooting the guns or running it out of ammo (several tests done). I only lost SV's when I would encounter a seemingly random movement fluidity issue where I would be strafing and the ship would simply come to an unexplained immediate stop.
    • Docking - I want to dock my CV to my other much larger CV - Should it have consequences? Sure, add the required pentaxid for the additional CV.
    • Warp Drive Fuel Tank - let me place more than one please. I like symmetry. I also like filling things up less often.
    • Flowing liquid - We currently have several people crafting batcaves....they go into the water and dig out the bottom of a lake and it creates an air bubble under the water because water doesn't flow. I want player made rivers, this would help with o2/h20 generators being placed inside a base, but without the need to place a base on the edge of a water source.
    • Structural integrity - This should be something that works for ships as well. If I can't build a base with an opening 50 blocks across with no support, neither should I be able to do that on my CV.
    • Automation - Gimmie AI controlled, player owned, custom built drones! Gimmie conveyor system ( I want to spend more time playing than mining and crafting), If I got fuel in my storage and my base runs out of should just take it...unless I set that container to not use conveyor system.
    • Flight - I love the autoleveling button....but I would like to see it automatically done with a ship unable to flip upside down in atmosphere. Max roll/pitch in atmosphere with a returning to 0/0 pitch/roll by default. This is likely more a controller function, but I use it would be a tickable option?
    • jetpacks - don't last near as long as something called a JET pack should. Give us a way to extend the life of the jetpack, or increase the life by default (forever digging myself out of resource deposits.
    • Character worn inventory slots - Please implement these
    • Moving around in flight - as a passenger on a CV or SV, I want to be able to move around in flight while the ship is in motion. This is something that Space Engineers has failed to do for a very very long time. I'm hoping to see it here. It's possible, Star Citizen has it in their 3.0 version.
    As a computer science student I understand that the list is long and will require a lot of coding. I also don't expect all of these things to be implemented. As a development team with a vision for your game, I understand you have a direction you want your game to go and all of my suggestions may not fit the vision. I also filled out your survey from the latest news available on steam, however there was no option for more admin commands/functionality.
    SoCalExile likes this.
  7. ChatWithThisName

    ChatWithThisName Ensign

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Giving players items to replace lost cargo when ships are lost or destroyed due to server instability issues - Open the console using ~ button. Then type Itemmenu, then close the console. Press H key (creative menu) select items you want (can only get full stacks at a time) manually drop that item on the ground.

    Also a useful command is HELP, you can use this in both the telnet or ~ console in game. Hope this helps.
  8. ChatWithThisName

    ChatWithThisName Ensign

    Aug 30, 2016
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    You don't need a Phd in computer science to read that error. That says that you have an error in your dedicated.yaml. The problem is on line 4, column 1. When you open your dedicated.yaml, look 4 lines down at the first place on the line........It might also be on the very end of the 3rd line (usually is)
    This sounds like you put a space or other invalid character at the end of line 3.
  9. Scuro

    Scuro Ensign

    Sep 15, 2016
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    As a dedicated server host for a group of friends that started playing (about 6 people on server). I've noticed Empyrion has high idle usage on the CPU even when no one is logged in. From what I've read as well as experienced, the playfields pause when no one is in them. There should be no calculations occurring.

    Why is the idle CPU usage so high (performance logs show around 20%)?
  10. Jacob Adjani

    Jacob Adjani Captain

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Not sure if this has been suggested already, but I would love to see a small addition to your patch notes... a "header" that details a few things for each build released, something like:

    Alpha x.x.x build xxx
    Applies to: Server/Client/Both
    yaml files modified: Yes/No (if yes, then detail which ones)
    New Save/Full Wipe:
    Required (if the new build will not work with old saves, OR if to see all the improvements/additions/fixes a new save is required)
    Recommended (if the new build does not strictly require a new save, but Eleon feels it would be the best course)
    Optional/No (if the new build's changes do not in any way require a new save/full wipe)

    Looking at the server list, many if not most of them have customization to some degree or another - this would make it that much easier for server owners to determine the best course of action with regard to wiping, as well as give a clear indication of what custom files need to be revisited to recreate the server post-wipe.
  11. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Any update on the Linux dedi?
    dustinduse likes this.
  12. Ronin

    Ronin Ensign

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Playing a game i got in the steam sale lately called wurm unlimited and noticed a feature in the dedicated server options that allowed one to link the server via north, south, east and west connections to other servers thru portals i think, thought reminiscent of what the dev's described as their intentions for the game. hope it is and hope its soon :)
  13. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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  14. Ruhas

    Ruhas Commander

    Aug 3, 2015
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    When do dedicated servers as separate galaxy ??
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Dont know.
    But it will be great if they manage to get it to work perfectly.
    Adding PCs to the one games network allows for a truely huge universe in MP, where single player just runs the instance the player is in, MP has multiple players so must be capable of loading multiple playfields, the more playfields running the more PC/CPU/RAM power needed, a networked game in this sense is a massive plus for this game. Its the difference between 16 players on a server and a few hundred.
  16. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Sounds nice but it opens up many more problems. Each server has to be updated at the same time. Server wipes would take out galaxies till the wipe is complete. Server down time by the network or owner not making his or her payments would take out galaxies. A large company could make it work but individually owned servers would just turn into a wreck.
  17. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Creative mode has some un-needed components of survival that interfere with the whole creative process:

    MultiTools and the like shouldn't run out of charge or fuel.
    Structural integrity needs a toggle so we can build without it and then turn it on for testing.
    Do away with item counts in the hotbar completely.
    Give us more control over the lighting as moving the sun around doesn't really cut it, especially in space.
    Fix symmetry - it's a critical part of creative mode, and when it doesn't work right it just makes for more non fun work
  18. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    You can turn off SI using console command "si off". Then turn it back on (with great peril) using "si on".

    The rest is noteworthy, and I think got covered in the Missing Creative Features thread?
    Captain Jack II likes this.
  19. T.O.M.

    T.O.M. Ensign

    Dec 6, 2016
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    This has very possibly been mentioned (and I apologize if it has) but the ability to adjust the speed caps would be awesome. Something with a master number X and then planet velocity be affected by the gravity on the planet, with an additional multiplier so that we can tweak it even further
  20. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I'm gonna raise my hand and say I have no idea what the means.
    zaphodikus likes this.

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